987 resultados para Updegraff, Jonathan T., 1822-1882.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1882.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1882.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1882.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1882.
Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1882.
The industrial effluents are one of the main sources of water pollution. For an appropriate characterization and control of their discharges, the most efficient strategy is the integrated use of chemical, physical and ecotoxicological analyses. The aims of this study were to asses the efficiency of the treatment plant of a textile industry performing acute toxicity tests and physical-chemical analyses of the effluents before and after the treatment, besides evaluate the toxicity of the effluents of the Treatment System of Liquids Effluents (Sistema de Tratamento de Efluentes Líquidos - SITEL) of Distrito Industrial de Natal (DIN) and some of their physical-chemical variables. The species used in the ecotoxicological tests was the fish Danio rerio. The results showed that the treatment plant reduced significantly (around 50%) the toxicity of the raw textile effluent in only three of the seven tests but, in general, it promoted the reduction of the physical-chemical parameters analyzed. The toxicity and the physical-chemical factors of the effluents of SITEL of DIN varied among the tests and show the importance of monitoring their discharges in the Potengi river, one of the most important rivers of the Rio Grande do Norte state
The objectives of this research were to investigate the agrotoxic most used in the Gramorezinho region in the green belt of Natal, and to evaluate the acute toxicity of these, based on the LC50-48h values estimated in tests for Danio rerio, internationally used as test organism. The acute toxicity tests were performed under laboratory conditions, according to standardized methods (ABNT/NBR/15088/04) for this species. The LC50-48h estimated to Tamaron BR was 352.89 mg.L-1, which characterizes that as practically non-toxic, according to toxicological classes cited by Zucker. For Decis 25EC, the LC50-48h estimated was 0.0004156 mg.L-1 (4.156 X 10-4 mg.L-1), which classifies it as highly toxic to this species
Natural disasters in Argentina and Chile played a significant role in the state-formation and nation-building process (1822-1939). This dissertation explores state and society responses to earthquakes by studying public and private relief efforts reconstruction plans, crime and disorder, religious interpretations of catastrophes, national and transnational cultures of disaster, science and technology, and popular politics. Although Argentina and Chile share a political border and geological boundary, the two countries provide contrasting examples of state formation. Most disaster relief and reconstruction efforts emanated from the centralized Chilean state in Santiago. In Argentina, provincial officials made the majority of decisions in a catastrophe’s aftermath. Patriotic citizens raised money and collected clothing for survivors that helped to weave divergent regions together into a nation. The shared experience of earthquakes in all regions of Chile created a national disaster culture. Similarly, common disaster experiences, reciprocal relief efforts, and aid commissions linked Chileans with Western Argentine societies and generated a transnational disaster culture. Political leaders viewed reconstruction as opportunities to implement their visions for the nation on the urban landscape. These rebuilding projects threatened existing social hierarchies and often failed to come to fruition. Rebuilding brought new technologies from Europe to the Southern Cone. New building materials and systems, however, had to be adapted to the South American economic and natural environment. In a catastrophe’s aftermath, newspapers projected images of disorder and the authorities feared lawlessness and social unrest. Judicial and criminal records, however, show that crime often decreased after a disaster. Finally, nineteenth-century earthquakes heightened antagonism and conflict between the Catholic Church and the state. Conservative clergy asserted that disasters were divine punishments for the state’s anti-clerical measures and later railed against scientific explanations of earthquakes.
La hipótesis central que animó la presente investigación es la siguiente: "Los periodos de abundancia de préstamos extranjeros privados, destinados al sector público de la mayoría de los países de América latina, han condicionado la política de los gobiernos de estos países en los diferentes periodos comprendidos entre 1822 y 2013". Se parte de un capítulo en donde se exponen conceptos básicos que reflejan los procesos que ocurren en el escenario mundial del sistema capitalista y que influyen decisivamente en la propensión a otorgar y recibir préstamos de la banca internacional. En el capítulo se examina el sistema tecno-económico y de hegemonía mundial existente, el papel primordial de la Gran Bretaña en el siglo XIX y el de los Estados Unidos en el XX y hasta el presente, ellos han constituido la parte principal del sistema bancario que ha otorgado préstamos a la región latinoamericana en los periodos antes indicados. Se detectaron cuatro periodos de concentración de préstamos que constituyeron el objeto de estudio: El primer periodo va de 1822 a 1827. El segundo, de 1870 a 1893. El tercero, de 1921 a 1932. El cuarto, de 1971 hasta el presente. Para el primer periodo los países receptores más importantes por orden de importancia fueron Gran Colombia, México y Brasil. Para el segundo periodo (1870-1893) tenemos que los principales receptores fueron Argentina, Brasil y Perú, no comprobándose la hipótesis en los casos de Venezuela y México. Para este último, dicha situación se debió a los fuertes problemas que dejó la intervención francesa y la moratoria del pago de la deuda, la renegociación final pudo darse tan sólo en 1888. Para el tercer periodo (1921-1932), con el recambio de principal prestatario de la Gran Bretaña a los Estados Unidos, los principales receptores fueron Brasil, Argentina y Chile. La hipótesis central no se comprobó nuevamente para México, debido a las consecuencias de la revolución mexicana y de la pugna alrededor del pago de impuestos por las empresas transnacionales extranjeras...
Concert Program
Introducción La idea de esta vocación civil costarricense se vincula estrechamente con la afirmación de que Costa Rica, a diferencia del resto de los países de América, blandió el código como única arma de combate. Para Hernán Peralta, Costa Rica constituyó la única nación hispanoamericana que se acogió al derecho desde el instante mismo de su emancipación política, y solo en ciertas ocasiones se ha producido fracturas, en todo caso momentáneas, a esa regla de conducta
ResumenEstudia el proceso de reestructuración de la oferta de alimentos a la ciudad de Guatemala, con el fin de evaluar el impacto del auge añilero en el hinterland de la ciudad de Guatemala. También analiza la diferenciación social del campesino indígena al interior de los pueblos a finales del periodo colonial.AbstractThe purpose of this study of the restructuring of food supply to Guatemala City is to asses the impact of the indigo boom on the hinterland of that city. The author also discusses social differentiation of Indian peasant within their town toward the end to the colonial period.
Perguntas verdadeiro ou falso que abordam a etiologia, o diagnóstico e o tratamento de xerostomia no idoso.
Exercícios objetivos sobre os conteúdos apresentados no módulo em questão, que são: asma, broncopneumonia, tabagismo, a fim de realizar uma avaliação e uma revisão desses conteúdos abordados.
Cruzadinha sobre estratégias de vacinação e organização da sala de vacinas.