973 resultados para UV-Vis-IR spectroscopy
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the adsorption of the herbicide Diuron onto smectite and Fe oxides minerals. Ninety mg of each mineral, 1 mL of 0.15 mol L-1 CaCl2 and 8 mL of Diuron (0.25-10.00 mg L-1) were used in triplicates. These materials were shaken, ultra centrifuged and the supernatant collected and analysed on a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The Diuron presented low adsorption onto clay mineral fractions. Adsorption was greater onto Fe oxides at pH 7.0, possibly due to proximity to the point of zero charge of these minerals.
Honey produced by three stingless bee species (Melipona flavolineata, M. fasciculata and Apis mellifera) from different regions of the Amazon was analyzed by separating phenolic acids and flavonoids using the HPLC technique. Data were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis (PCA, HCA and DA). Results showed the three species of honey samples could be distinguished by phenolic composition. Antioxidant activity of the honeys was determined by studying the capacity of inhibiting radicals using DPPH assay. Honeys with higher phenolic compound contents had greater antioxidant capacity and darker color.
This work describes the synthesis and characterization of two new compounds with ligand opy (N-(2-pyridyl)oxamate): the copper(II) precursor [Me4N]2[Cu(opy)2].5H2O and CoII CuII coordination polymer {[CoCu(opy)2]}n×4nH2O. This latter compound was obtained by reaction of [Me4N]2[Cu(opy)2].5H2O and CoCl2.6H2O in water. The heterobimetallic CoII CuII chain was characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and magnetic measurements. Magnetic characterization revealed typical behavior of one-dimensional (1D) ferrimagnetic chain as shown in the curves of temperature (T) dependence of magnetic susceptibility (χM), in the form of χMT versus T, and dependence of magnetization (M) with applied field (H).
The dispersion of carbon nanotubes in water for their utilization in nanoscale devices is a challenging task. Comparative studies on interaction and dispersion of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNT) using two different surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS, and polyoxyethylenesorbitanmonooleate, Tween 80) are presented. The interaction between carbon nanotubes and surfactants was studied by tensiometry, conductivimetry, and fluorimetry. The dispersions of MWNT in surfactants were characterized using a UV-vis spectrophotometer. For effective dispersion, the minimum weight ratio of MWNT to surfactant was 1:41 and 1:3 for SDS and Tween 80, respectively.
This work describes a green chemistry experiment for the synthesis of Erlenmeyer-Plöchl azalactones mediated by microwave irradiation, employing both dedicated and domestic equipment. Hippuric acid was reacted with equimolar amounts of benzaldehyde, p-chloro-benzaldehyde or p-N,N-dimethyl-benzaldehyde in acetic anhydride as the solvent. Acid hydrolysis of obtained 4-benzylidene-2-phenyloxazol-5(4H)-one under microwave and convectional heating afforded Z-α-(benzoylamino)cinnamic acid at a 51-61.5% yield. The UV-Vis molecular spectra of 4-benzylidene-2-phenyloxazol-5(4H)-one and 4-(4'-N,N-dimethylbenzylidene)-2-phenyloxazol-5(4H)-one were obtained in ethanol, CH2Cl2 and DMSO and bathochromic shift was observed for the latter azalactone.
(E)-2-{[(2-Aminopyridin-3-yl)imino]-methyl}-4,6-di-tert-butyl-phenol ( 3: ), a ligand containing an intramolecular hydrogen bond, was prepared according to a previous literature report, with modifications, and was characterized by UV-vis, FTIR, ¹H-NMR, 13C-NMR, HHCOSY, TOCSY and cyclic voltammetry. Computational analyses at the level of DFT and TD-DFT were performed to study its electronic and molecular structures. The results of these analyses elucidated the behaviors of the UV-vis and electrochemical data. Analysis of the transitions in the computed spectrum showed that the most important band is primarily composed of a HOMO→LUMO transition, designated as an intraligand (IL) charge transfer.
The synthesis of new type of silicas, with structures akin to that of MCM-41, containing polyacrylate-encapsulated micelles in their mesopores is reported. Initially, the monomers were inserted in the aqueous micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium cations. MCM-41 was then prepared in this microemulsion. Finally, the polymerization of the acrylates was initiated by UVC radiation. The presence of monomers and polymers in the interior of micelles in aqueous media were characterized by IR spectroscopy and small-angle Xray scattering. The presence of this polymer increased the stability of these new materials in catalytic transesterification.
An experiment was proposed applying the Chemometric approach of Multivariate Analysis for inclusion in undergraduate Chemistry courses to promote and expand the use of this analytical-statistical tool. The experiment entails the determination of the acid dissociation constant of dyes via UV-Vis electronic spectrophotometry. The dyes used show from simple equilibrium to very complex systems involving up to four protolytic species with high spectral overlap. The Chemometric methodology was more efficient than univariate methods. For use in classes, it is up to the teacher to decide which systems should be utilized given the time constraints and laboratory conditions.
A simple and reliable voltammetric method is presented for the determination of amitriptyline using a boron-doped diamond electrode in 0.1 mol L-1 sulfuric acid solution as the support electrolyte. Under optimized differential pulse voltammetry conditions (modulation time 5 ms, scan rate 70 mV s-1, and pulse amplitude 120 mV), the electrode provides linear responses to amitriptyline in the concentration range 1.05 to 92.60 µmol L-1 and at a detection limit of 0.52 µmol L-1. The proposed method was successfully applied in pharmaceutical formulations, with results similar to those obtained using UV-vis spectrophotometric method as reference (at 95% confidence level), as recommended by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia.
Cocaine is usually seized mixed with a wide variety of adulterants such as benzocaine, lidocaine, caffeine, and procaine. The forensic identification of cocaine in these street drug mixtures is normally performed using colorimetric testing kits, but these tests may suffer from interferences, producing false-positive results. Here, we describe the use of analytical techniques including attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopies to distinguish between cocaine and other adulterants (lidocaine, promethazine, powdered milk and yeast) that yield positive results on the Scott test using the thiocyanate cobalt reagent. A further 13 substances were also analyzed using the Scott test.
This work aimed to adapt the analysis of methemoglobin recommended by Evelyn - Malloy (visible spectrophotometry), in order to facilitate its application in the field, or to analysis in clinical laboratory, of existing sites of diflubenzuron application. The parameters changed included: centrifuge rotation speed; time between the collection of biological sample and analysis, and storage temperature of the samples; and the volume of reagents. The comparison of the rotation speed (rpm) of the reference methodology with the rpm of a "clinical centrifuge" did not reveal a statistically significant difference in the levels of methemoglobin. The time between the collection of biological sample and analysis was extended for a period of up to 48 hours for both conservation by refrigeration and ambient temperature, producing no statistically significant difference when compared to the standard duration of 2 hours. Regarding the reagents, the reference methodology already uses the volume necessary to ensure complete reaction, whereas a wider range from the recommended volume to a 5-fold reduction in comparison to the reference methodology could be used. It was concluded that the proposed changes to the methodology for adapting the analysis are applicable to studies of field / workplace exposure and ensure the reliability of results. The adapted methodology was inter-laboratory validated and the parameters changed can be selected according to the requirements of the laboratory at which the methemoglobin is to be measured.
We report the single-step derivatization reaction of a biopolymer based onL -lysine with D -biotin analogs:Co -poly(L -lysine)-graft-(ε-N -[X-D-biotinyl]-L -lysine) (PLL-X-Biotin). The valeric acid carboxylate of D -biotin is activated to an NHS ester for direct modification of amine groups in proteins and other macromolecules. NHS esters react by nucleophilic attack of an amine in the carbonyl group, releasing the NHS group, and forming a stable amide linkage. NHS-X-Biotin is the simplest biotinylation reagent commercially available. In contrast withD -biotin, it has a longer spacer arm off the valeric acid side chain allowing better binding potential for avidin or streptavidin probes. Derivatization of poly(L -lysine) (PLL) with NHS-X-Biotin led to a copolymer PLL-X-Biotin. UV-Visible, IR-FT and 1H NMR characteristics derived from synthesis are briefly discussed.
Tässä diplomityössä kehitettiin mittaus- ja analyysimenetelmät suojavaatemateriaalien kemikaaliläpäisevyyden testaamiseksi sekä neste- että kaasumaisella metyylisalisylaatilla. Kehitystyö tehtiin standardin SFS-EN ISO 6529 pohjalta. Tämä standardi kuvaa kuitenkin varsin yleisellä tasolla suojavaatemateriaalien kemikaaliläpäisevyyden testimenetelmät, eikä se ole mikään tarkka työohje. Näytteenotto- ja analyysimenetelmät joudutaan siis valitsemaan sekä validoimaan jokaiselle kemikaalille erikseen, tässä tapauksessa metyylisalisylaatille. Työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää toimivat menetelmät ja laitteistot siten, että olisi mahdollista suorittaa metyylisalisylaatin määritys on-line mittauksena läpäisytestauksessa. Läpäisytestaustoiminnan nopeuttamiseksi työssä myös suunniteltiin ja rakennettiin laitteistot kolmen rinnakkaisen testikennon yhdenaikaista testausta varten sekä kaasumaisen että nestemäisen metyylisalisylaatin ollessa testikemikaalina. Havaittiin, että UV/VIS-spektrofotometri varustettuna läpivirtauskyvetillä ja näyteenottopumpulla on toimiva ja käyttökelpoinen analyysimenetelmä metyylisalisylaatin määrittämiseen nesteistä on-line mittauksena läpäisyn testauksessa. Kaasumaisen metyylisalisylaatin tapauksessa määritysmenetelmänä päädyttiin käyttämään kokonaishiilivetyanalysaattoria, joka on varustettu liekki-ionisaatiodetektorilla. Molemmissa tapauksissa saatiin aikaan toimivat ja on-line mittauksiin kykenevät näytteenotto- ja määritysmenetelmät, joilla loppukäyttäjä voi suorittaa laajempaa läpäisytestausta.
Heterobimetallic carbonyl compounds of the type [Fe(CO)4(HgX)2] (X= Cl, Br, I), which have metal-metal bonds, have been prepared in order to study their thermal stabilities as a function of the halogen coordinated to mercury atoms. The characterization of the above complexes was carried out by elemental analysis, IR and NMR spectroscopies. Their thermal behaviour has been investigated and the final product was identified by IR spectroscopy and by X-ray powder diffractogram.
A calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) foi utilizada na caracterização do acetato de dexametazona (princípio ativo), álcool cetílico, emulgin, polawax, nipagim-M (excipientes). O princípio ativo também foi investigado utilizando-se a termogravimetria (TG) e espectroscopia de absorção na região do ultravioleta e visível (UV-VIS). Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar a estabilidade térmica e o ponto de fusão do princípio ativo, bem como o ponto de fusão dos excipientes utilizados na fabricação do creme de dexametazona.