992 resultados para Trough


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Fifteen sediment samples were studied from five drill sites recovered by the Glomar Challenger on Legs I and IV in the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic. This study concentrated on compounds derived from biogenic precursors, namely: (1) hydrocarbons, (2) fatty acids, (3) pigments and (4) amino acids. Carbon isotope (dC13) data [values <(-26)?, relative to PDB], long-chain n-alkyl hydrocarbons (>>C27) with odd carbon numbered molecules dominating even carbon numbered species, and presence of perylene proved useful as possible indicators for terrigenous contributions to the organic matter in some samples. Apparently land-derived organic matter can be transported for distances over 1000 km into the ocean and their source still recognized. The study was primarily designed to investigate: (i) the sources of the organic matter present in the sediment, (ii) their stability with time of accumulation and (iii) the conditions necessary for in situ formation of new compounds.


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An extensive radiograph study of 24 undisturbed, up to 206-cm long box and gravity cores from the western part of the Strait of Otranto revealed a great variety of primary bedding structures and secondary burrowing features. The regional distribution of the sediments according to their structural, textural, and compositional properties reflects the major morphologic subdivisions of the strait into shelf, slope, and trough bottom (e.g., the bottom of the northern end of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough, which extends from the northeastern Ionian Sea into the Strait of Otranto): (1) The Apulian shelf (0 to -170m) is only partly covered by very poorly sorted, muddy sands without layering. These relict(?) sands are rich in organic carbonate debris and contain glauconite and reworked (?Pleistocene) ooids. (2) The slope sediments (-170 to -1,000 m) are poorly sorted, sandy muds with a high degree of burrowing. One core (OT 5) is laminated and shows slump structures. An origin of these slumped sediment masses from older deposits higher on the slope was inferred from their abnormal compaction, color, texture, organic content, and mineral composition. (3) Cores from the northern end of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough (-980 to -1,060 m) display a few graded sand layers, 2-5 cm (maximum 30 cm) thick with parallel and ripple-cross-laminations, deposited by oceanic bottom or small-scale turbidity currents. They are intercalated with homogeneous lutite. (4) Hemipelagic sediments prevail in the more southerly part of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough and on the "Apulian-Ionian Ridge", the southern submarine extension of the Apulian Peninsula. Below a core depth of 160 cm, these cores have a laminated ("varved") zone, representing an Early Holocene (Boreal-Atlanticum) "stagnation layer" (14C age approximately 9,000 years). The terrigenous components of the surface sediments as well as those of the deeper sand layers can be derived from the Apulian shelf and the Italian mainland (Cretaceous Apulian Plateau and Gargano Mountains, southern Apennines, volcanic province of the Monte Vulture). Indicated by the heavy mineral glaucophane, a minor proportion of the sedimentary material is probably of Alpine origin. If this portion is considered to be first-cycle clastic material it reaches the Strait of Otranto after a longitudinal transport of 700 km via the Adriatic Sea. The lack of phyllosilicates in the coarse- to medium-grained shelf samples might be explained by the activity of the "Apulian Current" (surface velocities up to 4 knots) which in the past possibly has affected the bottom almost down to depths of the shelf edge. The percentage of planktonic organisms, and also the plankton: benthos ratio in the sediments is a useful indicator for bathymetry (depth zonation).


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Geological-geophysical data obtained during Cruises 7, 11, and 12 of R/V Akademic Nikolay Strakhov (1989-1991) within the international project EQUARIDGE in the Strakhov Fracture Zone region (4°N) are presented. The trough of the fracture is interpreted as an open extension joint, a graben produced by stretching along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Bedrock studies showed that typical mid-ocean tholeiitic basalts occur within the narrow (60 nm wide) axial rift zone, whereas igneous rocks not typical for the ocean were found on the eastern and western flank plateaus. This allows to suppose that a reworked relict continental-type basement of pre-Upper Jurassic age possibly exists beneath the flank plateaus, within the segment under discussion. The above data correspond to the hypothesis of E. Bonatti about nonspreading nature of the basement of Mid-Atlantic Ridge within the equatorial segment and the Strakhov Fracture Zone.


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El propósito del presente trabajo es reconocer, cómo a partir de las tensiones globales y locales, de carácter socio - espacial e imbricadas en el proceso de metropolización que acusa el ámbito expandido de la ciudad de Paraná, es factible identificar y analizar los criterios básicos para proyectar una inédita gestión metropolitana dentro del espacio regional que constituyen tanto el ejido de la capital de la Provincia de Entre Ríos como el de sus tres municipios conurbados. En consecuencia y a tal fin, se intenta aquí establecer los nuevos desafíos incorporados a la gestión urbano-ambiental, tanto provincial como municipal, dentro de los que se platea articular la intervención estatal y la participación comunitaria, en el marco de un proceso de ordenamiento territorial del ámbito metropolizado en esas cuatro jurisdicciones en las que hoy habitan más de trescientos mil comprovincianos. Se trata, por tanto, de un proyecto estratégico que institucionalmente persiga la posibilidad de articular en simultáneo cuatro criterios políticos considerados aquí básicos para la gestión democrática del territorio metropolitano: la gobernabilidad, la competitividad, la sustentabilidad y la inclusión social. Criterios que, dentro de esa inteligencia, guiarán el análisis desarrollado sobre propuestas de actuación, jurídico-normativas y de gestión para abordar la compleja problemática del espacio urbano-regional. Es en tal contexto entonces, y dentro de esos principios primordiales para la intervención urbano-territorial, en el que se estima posible plantear, desde el ámbito institucional del Gobierno de la Provincia y de los gobiernos municipales, un acotado y preciso conjunto de políticas sectoriales básicas de ordenamiento que habiliten al despliegue de estrategias comunes y de consenso social posible, destinadas a transformar las críticas condiciones por las que atraviesa la conurbación en su conjunto, sin por eso vulnerar la autonomía de la jurisdicciones municipales incluidas en el espacio geográfico. Concluyendo, en el presente trabajo se analizan e identifican en forma iniciática, los criterios esenciales para el logro de los objetivos territoriales y las metas institucionales que dentro de la gestión metropolitana, puedan asumir el Estado Provincial y las jurisdicciones municipales, en tanto dispositivos gubernamentales destinados a que legal y orgánicamente, sean orientadas las políticas que tengan el propósito de afrontar tanto los procesos territoriales distorsivos como los déficit, las asimetrías y las carencias socio-ambientales que acusa la población del Gran Paraná


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A felsic volcanic series (605-825 mbsf) overlain by upper Eocene shallow-water sediments (500-605 mbsf) and basalticandesitic sills that intruded into sediments of Holocene to Miocene age (0-500 mbsf) was drilled in the forearc region of the Lau Basin at a water depth of 4810 m. The volcanic sequence at Site 841 includes altered and mineralized calc-alkaline rhyolites and dacites, dacitic tuffs, lapilli tuffs, flow breccias, and welded tuffs. These rocks formed subaerially or in a very shallow-water environment suffering a subsidence of >5000 m since Eocene times. Calculations of gains and losses of the major components during alteration show most pronounced changes in the uppermost 70 m of the volcanic sequence. Here, Al, Fe, Mg, and K are enriched, whereas Si and Na are strongly depleted. Illite, vermiculite, chlorite, and hematite predominate in this part of the hole. Throughout the section, quartz, plagioclase, kaolinite, and calcite are present. Sulfide mineralization (up to 10 vol%) consisting mainly of disseminated pyrite (with minor pyrrhotite inclusions) and marcasite together with minor amounts of chalcopyrite is pervasive throughout. Locally, a few sulfide-bearing quartz-carbonate veins as well as Ti-amphibole replacement by rutile and then by pyrite were observed. Strong variations in the As content of sulfides (from 0 to 0.69 wt%) from the same depth interval and local enrichments of Co, Ni, and Cu in pyrite are interpreted to result from fluctuations in fluid composition. Calculations of oxygen and sulfur fugacities indicate that fO2 and fS2 were high at the top and lower at the bottom of the sequence. Sulfur isotope determinations on separated pyrite grains from two samples give d34S values of +6.4ë and +8.4ë, which are close to those reported from Kuroko and Okinawa Trough massive sulfide deposits and calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Japanese Ryukyu Island Arc. Calculated chlorite formation temperatures of 265°-290°C at the top of the sequence are consistent with minimum formation temperatures of fluid inclusions in secondary quartz, revealing a narrow range of 270°-297°C. Chlorite formation temperatures are constant downhole and do not exceed 300°C. The presence of marcasite and 4C-type pyrrhotite indicates a formation temperature of <= 250°C. At a later stage, illite was formed at the top of the volcanic series at temperatures well below 200°C.