978 resultados para Trabalhadores - Treinamento físico


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the last two decades, the metabolic syndrome is in focus of many health agencies worldwide. Understanding among the most important glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, other disorders have been framed in this category. The non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis appears to be one of the components of this syndrome. Several studies point to the increased consumption of fructose linked to the onset of sedentary steatohepatitis. From that premise, this review aimed to the search for studies that suggest the role of exercise as an important weapon in the treatment and prevention of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis.


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The objective of this work was to present recommendations aiming the aerobic training optimization, from the knowledge of the indexes of functional fitness and their physiological mechanisms. Concerning highly trained athletes, the accuracy in training elaboration can be the safest way to improve aerobic performance, since for these individuals, it is normal that the training load is changeable between an insufficient stimulus and the overtraining syndrome symptoms onset. Therefore, there are several factors that should be taken into account for the elaboration of a training program. The knowledge on fatigue mechanisms and physiological responses at different exercise intensities and durations is essential for the correct training session elaboration. Moreover, high-intensity interval training is indispensable to improve performance in highly trained athletes; however, it should be performed only after adequate recovery period. Thus, a good relationship between coach and athlete is also important for planning suitable recovery periods prior to excessive fatigue. The coach should keep accurate records of training loads and recovery times, learning hence the kinds of loads that can be individually tolerated. Among the important factors that can affect aerobic performance during competition and should be considered, we can name appropriate warm-up planning and adverse environmental conditions. After collecting all this information, it is possible to elaborate the training bases (frequency, volume, intensity and recovery) aiming at progressive improvement of aerobic performance.


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The objective of this study was to review the acute responses to maximal and supramaximal intermittent exercise (intensities near or above maximal oxygen uptake - iVO(2)max), and also at submaximal intermittent exercise, with intensities near maximal lactate steady state (MLSS). At the conditions of interval training above 100% iVO(2)max with short repetitions (<60 s), the passive recovery between the repetitions allows higher intensity during sets. For longer repetitions, the active recovery can be more efficient, since promotes greater blood lactate removal and longer time near VO(2)max. At the conditions of submaximal interval training, the relationship between intensity and duration of the repetitions are still maintained, i.e., the longer durations (>300 s) allow lower intensities and the shorter (150-300 s) allow higher intensities, with similar metabolic conditions (i.e., MLSS). However, both recovery types can be utilized, since they proportionate similar intensities at these conditions.


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The aim of this study was to verify associations between occupational severities and leisure time physical inactivity level in workers. Two-hundred workers of Rio Claro County participated in this study. The leisure time physical activity (active or inactive) and some occupational severities were evaluated. The statistic analyses showed that working day, overtime work and occupational intensity had not been associated with leisure time physical inactivity in workers. Only the willingness at the end of the working day had been associated to the leisure time physical inactivity; showing that workers who leave their work with some willingness have more possibilities to be active in leisure time.


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Os objetivos do estudo foram descrever a prevalência de hipertensão arterial (HA) e verificar os efeitos que a idade e indicadores de obesidade provocam na pressão arterial (PA) de trabalhadores de uma indústria de balas e gomas. Para tanto a PA sistólica (PAS), PA diastólica (PAD), as medidas de massa corporal (MC), estatura e circunferência de cintura (CC) foram obtidas de 348 trabalhadores voluntários (243 homens e 105 mulheres). A prevalência de HA na amostra foi 8,9% (31 casos) e mais comum nos homens do que nas mulheres (7,2% vs 1,7%). Entre os hipertensos a idade (PAS r=0,43) e a MC (PAD r=0,39) demonstraram correlação (r) positiva e significativa, apesar de baixa. Por sua vez entre os normotensos (317) e o grupo total (348), a idade e todos os indicadores de obesidade (MC, IMC, CC) apresentaram correlação baixa, porém significativa e positiva com os valores de PAS, PAD e PA média (PAM) (r=0,23 a r=0,47). Adicionalmente a análise estatística revelou que homens e mulheres com HA são mais velhos e obesos do que seus pares normotensos. Exceto para a idade e o sexo, que são fatores de risco não modificáveis, os indicadores de obesidade possuem forte associação com hábitos e comportamentos de risco e, portanto, passíveis de prevenção.


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The effects of vibration on the human body have been documented for many years. Recently, the use of vibration is an auxiliary method of physical training in the young, elderly and athletes. Recent studies indicate an increase in gain of strength, flexibility, endurance and power of individuals trained with vibrating equipments. Despite the fairly widespread use, the physiological effects of vibration are still poorly understood, and there is great variability in the training protocols used in the literature. Future studies should be conducted as a way to better understand the physiological effects of vibration and also the affects of different protocols on physical training as strength, flexibility, endurance and power.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A fruta jambolão (Syzygium cumini Lamarck) é uma fruta de coloração roxa intensa e sabor agradável. Dado que não há na literatura nenhum relato de seu aproveitamento industrial, a produção de geléia de jambolão tornou-se uma interessante atividade de pesquisa. Este trabalho objetivou a elaboração e a avaliação das características físico-químicas e sensoriais da geléia obtida do jambolão. A fruta apresentou a seguinte composição química: cinzas, 0,34%; lipídeos, 0,30%; proteínas, 0,67%; carboidratos, 10,07%; fibras, 0,28%; umidade, 87,75%; frutose, 0,4%; glicose, 0,6%; antocianinas totais, 0,276%; substâncias pécticas, 0,245%; acidez titulável, 5,91%; sólidos solúveis, 9,00%; e pH, 3,9. A geléia obtida apresentou a seguinte composição: açúcares redutores, 20,99%; não-redutores, 18,01%; açúcares totais, 39,00%; pH, 3,42; sólidos solúveis, 67ºBrix; acidez titulável, 5,47%; e umidade, 29,63%. A análise sensorial foi realizada por uma equipe de 50 provadores não treinados que avaliaram os atributos cor, aparência, odor, textura, sabor e avaliação global, pelo método de escala hedônica com nove pontos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o atributo cor foi o que mais agradou aos provadores, o atributo odor foi o menos apreciado. em conclusão, o estudo de análise sensorial revelou uma aceitação satisfatória da geléia de jambolão.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)