981 resultados para Total length
Medidas de radiação solar global foram executadas dentro e fora de mata tropical úmida de terra firme durante o dia 07 de novembro de 1986, em Tucuruí, Pará. As intensidades de radiação solar incidentes em 3 sensores instalados aleatoriamente no chão da floresta e um sensor localizado em área aberta (sensor padrão) são avaliadas e intercomparadas. A radiação média que atinge o chão da floreeta foi 4.7% da radiação incidente em área aberta adjacente à floresta. As diferenças entre as medidas dos sensores da mata e o padrão pode ser atribuída à distribuição espacial heterogênea da radiação solar que alcança o chão da floresta.
No período de janeiro a dezembro de 1986 foram coletados 28 (vìnte e oito) espécimens de H. ampla e 09 (nove) de H. rupestris, nas idades adulta e jovem, para determinação dos teores de S04~ e S-total em folha, caule, tubércolo e no solo onde as mesmas se desenvolveram. Em H. ampla o teor de 504~ variou de 0,22-0,78% e em H. rupestris de 0,22-1,30%. O teor de 5 em H. ampla variou de 0,74-0,96% e em H. rupestris de 0,75-1,02%. O teor de S04~em H. ampla obedece a relação folha>tubérculo>caule independente da época e idade fisiológica, enquanto em H. rupestris a relação é tubérculo>folha>caule. 0 S apresenta um comportamento diferente, mantendo a relação tubérculo>caule>folha para H. ampla e tubérculo>folha>caule para H. rupestris. No solo onde H. ampla se desenvolveu não se observou variação do teor de S04~(0,52%) enquanto para H. rupestris a variação foi de 0,27-0,63% sendo maiores na época chuvosa. Devido a interrelação vegetação-solo analisou-se os teores de C-orgânico no material vegetal e no solo.
RESUMO: Arl13b é uma importante proteína ciliar, presente em cílios primários e cílios móveis. Ratinhos mutantes para Arl13b têm comprimento dos cílios reduzido e defeitos nos B-túbulos dos cílios. Como consequência destes fenótipos, deficiências na Arl13b originam, em modelos animais, várias doenças congénitas, incluindo problemas no estabelecimento do eixo esquerda-direita, malformações cerebrais e deformações corporais. Nos seres humanos, deficiências na Arl13b levam a uma doença crónica congénita chamada Síndrome de Joubert. Por outro lado, a sobreexpressão de Arl13b origina cílios mais longos, no entanto existe uma ausência da caracterização dos fenótipos celulares e durante o desenvolvimento embrionário. Neste trabalho, quisemos explorar o efeito da sobre-expressão de Arl13b em embriões de peixezebra. Descobrimos que, ao nível ciliar, a sobre-expressão de Arl13b nas células aumenta o comprimento ciliar em cílios primários e móveis, no entanto, a esses cílios falta adequada acetilação da alfa-tubulina no citoesqueleto feito por microtúbulos. Os nossos resultados mostraram que esse efeito é específico de Arl13b sobre-expressão e quando se manipularam as enzimas responsáveis pela acetilação (Mec17) e pela de-acetilação (HDAC6) encontrámos uma sinergia potencial com ambas. Testámos ainda, que o aumento no comprimento ciliar não estava causalmente relacionado com a falta de acetilação, ou seja, os cílios com menos acetilação não eram necessariamente os mais longos. Também mostrámos que a sobre-expressão de Arl13b é capaz de restaurar o comprimento dos cílios em mutantes com cílios curtos e como isso pode ser explorado para um futuro potencial papel terapêutico para Arl13b. Em seguida, foi avaliado o impacto do aumento da quantidade de Arl13b no desenvolvimento embrionário do peixe-zebra. Observou-se que a sobre-expressão de Arl13b apresentava fenótipos muito fracos, quando comparados com a perda de função dos mutantes de Arl13b. Focados no inesperado fenótipo leve no estabelecimento do eixo esquerda-direita abordámos a questão através do estabelecimento de uma colaboração com matemáticos, descobrimos que os cílios mais longos que potencialmente têm a capacidade de movimentar mais fluido são atenuados por amplitudes de batimento menores, e, como resultado, estes longos cílios não prejudicam o movimento do fluido e consequentemente não afetam o estabelecimento dos padrões de esquerda-direita. Sugerimos assim que a Arl13b é um regulador chave, do comprimento ciliar. Descobrimos uma nova interação com as enzimas de acetilação/de-acetilação e levantamos novas hipóteses quanto aos mecanismos moleculares da função da Arl13b. Propomos um novo modelo para o mecanismo molecular da Arl13b na regulação do comprimento dos cílios onde podemos integrar os nossos resultados com os relatados na literatura. Este trabalho adiciona mais conhecimento para o mecanismo de ação da Arl13b e, portanto, fornece uma importante contribuição para o campo da investigação em cílios.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Arl13b is an important ciliary protein, present in primary and motile cilia. arl13b-/- mouse mutants have reduced cilia length and cilia B-tubule defects. As a consequence of these phenotypes, Arl13b loss of function animal models suffer from several congenital disorders including left-right problems, brain malformations and body deformations. In humans Arl13b depletion leads to a congenital chronic disease called Joubert Syndrome. On the other hand, overexpressing Arl13b leads to longer cilia but the characterization of the cellular and developmental phenotypes was missing. In this work we explore the effect of Arl13b overexpression in zebrafish embryos. We found that, at the ciliary level, Arl13b overexpression from 1 cell stage produces longer primary and motile cilia, but these cilia lack proper alpha tubulin acetylation of their microtubule cytoskeleton. Our results showed that this effect is specific from Arl13b overexpression and when we manipulated the enzymes responsible for acetylation, Mec17, and de-acetylation, HDAC6, we found a potential synergy of both mec17 knockdown and HDAC6 activity with Arl13b overexpression. We tested that the ciliary increase in length was not causally related to the lack of acetylation, meaning the more de-acetylated cilia were not necessarily the longer ones. We also showed that Arl13b overexpression is able to restore cilia length in short cilia mutants and how that may be explored to a potential future therapeutic role for Arl13b. Next, we evaluated the impact of increasing the amount of Arl13b in zebrafish embryonic development. We observed that Arl13b overexpression presented very mild phenotypes when compared to the loss of function mutants. We focused on the unexpected left-right mild phenotype and by establishing a mathematical modeling collaboration, we found out that the longer cilia generated force was attenuated by smaller beating amplitudes, and as a result, these long cilia were not impairing the cilia generated flow and the establishment of left-right patterning. We suggest that Arl13b is one key cilia length regulator. We disclosed a novel interaction with the acetylation / de-acetylation enzymes and raised new hypothesis as to the mechanisms of Arl13b function. We propose a new model for the Arl13b molecular mechanism of cilia length regulation where we integrate our findings with those reported in the literature. This work adds more knowledge to the Arl13b mechanism of action and therefore provides an important contribution to the cilia research field.
Hospitals are nowadays collecting vast amounts of data related with patient records. All this data hold valuable knowledge that can be used to improve hospital decision making. Data mining techniques aim precisely at the extraction of useful knowledge from raw data. This work describes an implementation of a medical data mining project approach based on the CRISP-DM methodology. Recent real-world data, from 2000 to 2013, were collected from a Portuguese hospital and related with inpatient hospitalization. The goal was to predict generic hospital Length Of Stay based on indicators that are commonly available at the hospitalization process (e.g., gender, age, episode type, medical specialty). At the data preparation stage, the data were cleaned and variables were selected and transformed, leading to 14 inputs. Next, at the modeling stage, a regression approach was adopted, where six learning methods were compared: Average Prediction, Multiple Regression, Decision Tree, Artificial Neural Network ensemble, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest. The best learning model was obtained by the Random Forest method, which presents a high quality coefficient of determination value (0.81). This model was then opened by using a sensitivity analysis procedure that revealed three influential input attributes: the hospital episode type, the physical service where the patient is hospitalized and the associated medical specialty. Such extracted knowledge confirmed that the obtained predictive model is credible and with potential value for supporting decisions of hospital managers.
The occurrence of audible squeaking in some patients with ceramic-on-ceramic (CoC) hip prostheses is a cause for concern. Considering multifactor contributing to this phenomenon, many studies have been conducted over the last decade. Great efforts have been put on understanding the mechanics of the hip squeaking to gain a deep insight into factors resulting in sound emission from hip articulation. Disruption of fluid-film lubrication and friction were reported as main potential causes of hip squeaking, while patient and surgical factors as well as design and material of hip implants were identified as affecting factors. This review article therefore summarised the recent available literature on this subject to provide a platform for future developments. Moreover, high wear rates and ceramic liner fracture as viable consequences of hip squeaking were discussed.
The use of prestressed near surface mounted fibre reinforced polymers (NSM-FRP) has been long acknowledged to be a suitable approach to strengthen and retrofit existing reinforced concrete structures. The application of a certain amount of prestress to the FRP prior to its installation provides a number of benefits, mainly related to crack width and deflection requisites at serviceability limit state conditions. After transferring the prestress to a structural element, some of the existing cracks can be closed, decreasing the vulnerability of the element to corrosion and, a certain amount of deflection can be recovered due to the introduced negative curvature. However, these benefits can only be assured if the prestress is properly preserved over time. In this context, three series of reinforced concrete beams, in a total of 10 beams, were strengthened with a prestressed carbon FRP laminate (CFRP) and monitored for about 40 days. The data obtained from these tests is in this paper presented and analysed. The observed losses of strain in the CFRP laminate were found to be mainly located in the extremities of the bonded length, while in the central zone most of the initial strain was well-preserved over time. Additionally, the highest CFRP strain losses were observed in the first 6 to 12 days after prestress transfer, suggesting that the benefits of prestressed NSM-FRP will not be considerably lost over time.
Matrinxã is a very promising amazonian fish for fish culture in Brazil. This study is aimed at determining the approximate tolerated temperature range in this species. Groups of ten young matrinxã specimens (15.1±0.8 cm average length and 58.3±10.3 g average weight) were subjected to 9 different temperatures for 24 hours without previous acclimation. Fish were transferred from an initial temperature of 27ºC to those ranging from 12 to 39ºC at 3ºC intervals. Both 12ºC and 39ºC temperatures were lethal for this species with 100% mortality rate. Following 2 minutes of exposure to 39ºC fish changed behavior, showing an increase in opercular movements and erratic swimming; mortality reached 100% after 18 minutes. At 12ºC, fish lost equilibrium immediately after exposure and started swimming erratically; after only 4 minutes fish became lethargic and remained immobile on the bottom of the tank. Total mortality was only evident following 24 hours. At 15ºC matrinxã lost equilibrium after 5 to 6 minutes of exposure but mortality was only 20% after 24 hours. Fish tolerated well temperatures ranging from 18 to 36ºC with 100% survival after 24 hours. This preliminary study suggests that temperatures between 18 and 36ºC are the approximate range normally tolerated by this species, although survival at other temperatures may be increased by gradually acclimating fish to the more severe increases or decreases in temperature. In addition, it indicates that matrinxã may be cultivated over a wide geographical area.
Children are an especially vulnerable population, particularly in respect to drug administration. It is estimated that neonatal and pediatric patients are at least three times more vulnerable to damage due to adverse events and medication errors than adults are. With the development of this framework, it is intended the provision of a Clinical Decision Support System based on a prototype already tested in a real environment. The framework will include features such as preparation of Total Parenteral Nutrition prescriptions, table pediatric and neonatal emergency drugs, medical scales of morbidity and mortality, anthropometry percentiles (weight, length/height, head circumference and BMI), utilities for supporting medical decision on the treatment of neonatal jaundice and anemia and support for technical procedures and other calculators and widespread use tools. The solution in development means an extension of INTCare project. The main goal is to provide an approach to get the functionality at all times of clinical practice and outside the hospital environment for dissemination, education and simulation of hypothetical situations. The aim is also to develop an area for the study and analysis of information and extraction of knowledge from the data collected by the use of the system. This paper presents the architecture, their requirements and functionalities and a SWOT analysis of the solution proposed.
The aim of this paper is to compare three different methods for counting white blood cells [WBC] (Natt and Herrick method, estimation with 1,000 and 2,000 erythrocytes) and three methods for counting total thrombocytes [TT] (Wojtaszek method, estimation with 1,000 and 2,000 erythrocytes) in a South American freshwater turtle species, Podocnemis expansa, Schweigger 1812 (Reptilia, Pelomedusidae). Direct WBC counts using the Natt and Herrick method showed limitations, which are discussed here. The WBC and TT counts using 1,000 erythrocytes from blood smears are not recommended for Amazon turtles nor other reptilian species, since wide variation in counts can be observed. Estimation methods for determining WBC and TT based on 2,000 erythrocytes of blood smears were most acceptable because they allow a differentiation between leukocytes and thrombocytes and also had a smaller variation. The methods investigated here for the Amazon turtle, which have been widely used in other reptile species, provided evidence that the most acceptable method is not that of using diluted stains and a hemocytometer.
Measurements of the total and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production are performed using 20.3 fb−1 of pp collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Cross sections are obtained from measured H→γγ and H→ZZ∗→4ℓ event yields, which are combined accounting for detector efficiencies, fiducial acceptances and branching fractions. Differential cross sections are reported as a function of Higgs boson transverse momentum, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets in the event, and transverse momentum of the leading jet. The total production cross section is determined to be σpp→H=33.0±5.3(stat)±1.6(sys)pb. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art predictions.
We evaluated in this study the total mercury concentration in feathers of Ardea albus collected in a colony located in the city of Belem-PA, Brazil in a prospective trial for its use as bioindicators of mercury burden in Amazonia ecosystems. An Atomic absorption spectrophotometry with gold amalgamation was used for the metal determination. The total mercury average concentration in body feathers was 2.2 ± 1.5 µg.g-1 and 1.3 ± 0.9 µg.g-1 in wing feathers. No correlation was observed between total mercury concentration and the length of body or wing feathers. Total mercury concentration was above 5 µg.g-1 dry weight in only one body feather sample.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a concentração de cianeto total durante as etapas de produção da farinha de mandioca dos grupos seca e d'água. Em relação à farinha seca, a concentração de cianeto total na raiz de mandioca diminuiu de 160±11,8 mg HCN/kg para 149±12,3 mg HCN/kg após a trituração, 68±2,5 mg HCN/kg após a prensagem e chegando a 5±0,2 mg HCN/kg no produto final, após o processo de torração. Na produção da farinha d'água, a raiz de mandioca apresentava teor de cianeto total de 321±21,6 mg HCN/kg e durante o processo de fermentação da raiz, o teor de cianeto total nas primeiras 24 horas de fermentação era de 297±2,7 mg HCN/kg chegando a 64±2,3 mg HCN/kg após 96 horas em repouso no tanque. Após trituração e prensagem da massa fermentada, os valores diminuíram para 50±0,6 e 36±0,4 mg HCN/kg, respectivamente, obtendo-se no produto final a concentração de 9±0,1 mg HCN/kg, sendo evidenciado a eficiência do processo de destoxificação em ambos os processamentos.
Este estudo foi desenvolvido na Plataforma Continental do Amazonas (PCA) com o objetivo de determinar os níveis de Hg total no sedimento de fundo, e assim contribuir como matriz ambiental indicadora para o plano geral de gerenciamento costeiro na região norte do Brasil. Foram amostrados 20 pontos entre maio e junho dos anos de 1999 a 2002, 2005 e 2007. Os resultados indicam não haver evidências de atividades antrópicas relacionadas à contaminação de mercúrio na região. Os teores encontrados variaram entre 0,047 e 0,166 mg kg-1 com média 0,085±0,026 mg kg-1, estando dentro do intervalo de "background" referido para os rios amazônicos não contaminados, que é de 0,05 a 0,28 mg kg-1. As concentrações de Hg no sedimento, especialmente no sedimento lamoso, mostraram uma estreita dependência com os teores de argila (material fino) e matéria orgânica, corroborando mecanismos geoquímicos importantes na dinâmica do metal. A maior adsorção do mercúrio pode estar associada ao aumento dos teores de compostos (óxidos e hidróxidos) de ferro, alumínio, manganês e os minerais primários e secundários formadores das rochas da bacia de drenagem amazônica.
Biological studies are necessary for the management of wildlife in captivity, and knowledge of reproduction is one of the important features for increasing production. The objective of the research was to determine the age at which male collared peccaries reach puberty. Testicular samples of 15 animals, aged 7 to 16 months, distributed into five groups (G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5) were used. The testes showed considerably increased weight, length and width (p < 0.05) from G1 to G3, whereas, from this group onward, the development of this organ was slower. There was positive correlation (p < 0.001) between the following testicular parameters: weight and length (r = 0.97), weight and width (r = 0.88), length and width (r = 0.92). Regarding the diameter of seminiferous tubules, an increase was observed (p < 0.05) from G1 to G4. The total number of spermatogenic cells increased significantly (p < 0.05) until G3 and then it stabilized. There was also positive correlation between testis weight and tubular diameter (r = 0.99, p < 0.001), and testis weight and spermatogenic cells (r = 0.98, p < 0.001). The number of Sertoli cells decreased significantly (p < 0.05) from G1, when they were undifferentiated as support cells, to G5, when they occurred together with the complete line of spermatic cells. The results demonstrate that the reproductive development of peccaries can be classified into the following stages: impuberty (G1, 7-8 months); pre-pubertal (G2, 9-10 months); pubertal (G3, 11-12 months); post-pubertal 1 (G4, 13-14 months); and post-pubertal 2 (G5, 15-16 months). Based on the histological analyses, puberty in the male collared peccary was determined to occur between 11 and 12 months of age.
Compelling biological and epidemiological evidences point to a key role of genetic variants of the TERT and TERC genes in cancer development. We analyzed the genetic variability of these two gene regions using samples of 2,267 multiple myeloma (MM) cases and 2,796 healthy controls. We found that a TERT variant, rs2242652, is associated with reduced MM susceptibility (OR?=?0.81; 95% CI: 0.72-0.92; p?=?0.001). In addition we measured the leukocyte telomere length (LTL) in a subgroup of 140 cases who were chemotherapy-free at the time of blood donation and 468 controls, and found that MM patients had longer telomeres compared to controls (OR?=?1.19; 95% CI: 0.63-2.24; ptrend ?=?0.01 comparing the quartile with the longest LTL versus the shortest LTL). Our data suggest the hypothesis of decreased disease risk by genetic variants that reduce the efficiency of the telomerase complex. This reduced efficiency leads to shorter telomere ends, which in turn may also be a marker of decreased MM risk.