959 resultados para Total Quality Control
En la port.: Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación
En la port.: Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación
El Manual de Procesos en Protección de la Salud estableció cuales eran los procesos operativos o claves que debían ser diseñados e implementados dentro del marco del II Plan de Calidad del Sistema Sanitario Publico de Andalucía. El fin último de elaborar un proceso operativo relacionado con las denuncias, es dar respuesta a la demanda habitual de la ciudadanía de poner en conocimiento de la Administración Pública los posibles incumplimientos o posibles riesgos en el ámbito de la protección de la salud.
En la port.: Secretaría General de Salud Pública, Inclusión Social y Calidad de vida. 2ª EDICIÓN (2013), revisada por Luis Manuel Santiago Fernández, María José Viñuela González, Juan Antonio Ortiz Batanero, Carmen Añón García, Carmen Pacheco Rodríguez, María Zambrano Lozano, Juan Francisco Pereira Muñoz, José Luis Márquez Díaz, Ángel Mario Martín, Belén Ramos Fernández e Inmaculada Cuesta Bertomeu.
En la port.: Secretaría General de Salud Pública, Inclusión Social y Calidad de vida. 2ª EDICIÓN (2013), revisada por Luis Manuel Santiago Fernández, María José Viñuela González, Juan Antonio Ortiz Batanero, Carmen Añón García, Carmen Pacheco Rodríguez, María Zambrano Lozano, Juan Francisco Pereira Muñoz, José Luis Márquez Díaz, Ángel Mario Martín, Belén Ramos Fernández e Inmaculada Cuesta Bertomeu.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the extent to which stage at diagnosis and adherence to treatment guidelines may explain the persistent differences in colorectal cancer survival between the USA and Europe. DESIGN: A high-resolution study using detailed clinical data on Dukes' stage, diagnostic procedures, treatment and follow-up, collected directly from medical records by trained abstractors under a single protocol, with standardised quality control and central statistical analysis. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 21 population-based registries in seven US states and nine European countries provided data for random samples comprising 12 523 adults (15-99 years) diagnosed with colorectal cancer during 1996-1998. OUTCOME MEASURES: Logistic regression models were used to compare adherence to 'standard care' in the USA and Europe. Net survival and excess risk of death were estimated with flexible parametric models. RESULTS: The proportion of Dukes' A and B tumours was similar in the USA and Europe, while that of Dukes' C was more frequent in the USA (38% vs 21%) and of Dukes' D more frequent in Europe (22% vs 10%). Resection with curative intent was more frequent in the USA (85% vs 75%). Elderly patients (75-99 years) were 70-90% less likely to receive radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Age-standardised 5-year net survival was similar in the USA (58%) and Northern and Western Europe (54-56%) and lowest in Eastern Europe (42%). The mean excess hazard up to 5 years after diagnosis was highest in Eastern Europe, especially among elderly patients and those with Dukes' D tumours. CONCLUSIONS: The wide differences in colorectal cancer survival between Europe and the USA in the late 1990s are probably attributable to earlier stage and more extensive use of surgery and adjuvant treatment in the USA. Elderly patients with colorectal cancer received surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy less often than younger patients, despite evidence that they could also have benefited.
PURPOSE We aimed to ascertain the degree of association between bladder cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS We performed a meta-analysis of observational studies with cases and controls with publication dates up to January 2011. The PubMed electronic database was searched by using the key words "bladder cancer and virus." Twenty-one articles were selected that met the required methodological criteria. We implemented an internal quality control system to verify the selected search method. We analyzed the pooled effect of all the studies and also analyzed the techniques used as follows: 1) studies with DNA-based techniques, among which we found studies with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques and 2) studies with non-PCR-based techniques, and studies with non-DNA-based techniques. RESULTS Taking into account the 21 studies that were included in the meta-analysis, we obtained a heterogeneity chi-squared value of Q(exp)=26.45 (p=0.383). The pooled odds ratio (OR) was 2.13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.54 to 2.95), which points to a significant effect between HPV and bladder cancer. Twenty studies assessed the presence of DNA. The overall effect showed a significant relationship between virus presence and bladder cancer, with a pooled OR of 2.19 (95% CI, 1.40 to 3.43). Of the other six studies, four examined the virus's capsid antigen and two detected antibodies in serum by Western blot. The estimated pooled OR in this group was 2.11 (95% CI, 1.27 to 3.51), which confirmed the relationship between the presence of virus and cancer. CONCLUSIONS The pooled OR value showed a moderate relationship between viral infection and bladder tumors.
Asthme professionnel dû aux isocyanates: nouvelles orientations des recherches en hygiène du travail
The replacement of the HDI monomer by less volatile prepolymers is not accompanied by a decrease of the incidence of occupational asthma in Switzerland. Field measurements show that the prepolymer concentration levels may be high although the monomer is hardly detectable or complies with the norm. Our researches are focused on the improvement of generation and measurement techniques (international quality control), on the characterization of the prepolymers to study their transformation in biological media. Field surveys will be conducted to establish the prepolymer concentration profiles. We recommend for the introduction in Switzerland of threshold limit values for HDI-biuret and isocyanurate.
El present projecte s’emmarca en una planta embotelladora d’aigua on, seguint una filosofia LeanProduction, s’anima a buscar les minves dels processos productius i eliminar-les. La implantació del Lean Production que es proposa s’ha realitzat sempre des de l’òptica de la millora contínua per aconseguir zero defectes, zero avaries i zero accidents. El mètode que s’utilitza és el TPM, que es basa a assegurar que cada màquina del procés productiu realitzi correctament les tasques requerides i per tant la producció no es vegi mai aturada. El que es pretén en el present projecte és la implementació de tasques prèvies a la implantació del TPM i la descentralització d’algunes que són pròpies del departament de manteniment cap a l’àrea de producció. Es pretén així, aconseguir una millora en el rendiment de la planta i, alhora, aconseguir una reducció de minves en el procés de productiu