977 resultados para Tony Blair
The work described in this paper demonstrates a combined novel approach to the preparation of drug loaded poly(e-caprolactone) layered silicate nanocomposites using hot melt extrusion, a continuous process in contrast to the normal batch type processing used to prepare polymeric drug delivery systems, and most significantly the use of high surface area, large aspect ratio inorganic nanoplatelets to retard drug release. The methodology and results described in this article are significant and could equally be applied to the controlled/retarded release of any bio-active molecule (pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, protein, DNA/iRNA, anti-microbial, anti-coagulant, etc.) from biopolymers and the production of medical devices from such composite materials.
Polymer nanocomposites offer the potential of enhanced properties such as increased modulus and barrier properties to the end user. Much work has been carried out on the effects of extrusion conditions on melt processed nanocomposites but very little research has been conducted on the use of polymer nanocomposites in semi-solid forming processes such as thermoforming and injection blow molding. These processes are used to make much of today’s packaging, and any improvements in performance such as possible lightweighting due to increased modulus would bring signi?cant bene?ts both economically and environmentally. The work described here looks at the biaxial deformation of polypropylene–clay nanocomposites under industrial forming conditions in order to determine if the presence of clay affects processability, structure and mechanical properties of the stretched material. Melt compounded polypropylene/clay composites in sheet form were biaxially stretched at a variety of processing conditions to examine the effect of high temperature, high strain and high strain rate processing on sheet structure
and properties.
A biaxial test rig was used to carry out the testing which imposed conditions on the sheet that are representative of those applied in injection blow molding and thermoforming. Results show that the presence of clay increases the yield stress relative to the un?lled material at typical processing temperatures and that the sensitivity of the yield stress to temperature is greater for the ?lled material. The stretching process is found to have a signi?cant effect on the delamination and alignment of clay particles (as observed by TEM) and on yield stress and elongation at break of the stretched sheet.
We previously showed inhibition of Kir2 inward rectifier K+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes by the mitochondrial agents carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) and sodium azide. Mutagenesis studies suggested that FCCP may act via phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) depletion. This mechanism could be reversible in intact cells but not in excised membrane patches which preclude PIP2 regeneration. This prediction was tested by investigating the reversibility of the inhibition of Kir2.2 by FCCP in intact cells and excised patches. We also investigated the effect of FCCP on Kir2.2 expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. Kir2.2 current, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, increased in inside-out patches from FCCP-treated and untreated oocytes. The fraction of total current that increased was 0.79?±?0.05 in control and 0.89?±?0.03 in 10 µM FCCP-treated (P?>?.05). Following “run-up,” Kir2.2 current was re-inhibited by “cramming” inside-out patches into oocytes. Therefore, run-up reflected not reversal of inhibition by FCCP, but washout of an endogenous inhibitor. Kir2.2 current recovered in intact oocytes within 26.5 h of FCCP removal. Injection of oocytes with 0.1 U apyrase completely depleted ATP (P?<?.001) but did not inhibit Kir2.2 and inhibited Kir2.1 by 35% (P?<?.05). FCCP only partially reduced [ATP] (P?<?.001), despite inhibiting Kir2.2 by 75% (P?<?.01) but not Kir2.1. FCCP inhibited Kir2.2 expressed in HEK cells. The recovery of Kir2.2 from inhibition by FCCP requires intracellular components, but direct depletion of ATP does not reproduce the differential inhibitory effect of FCCP. Inhibition of Kir2.2 by FCCP is not unique to Xenopus oocytes. J. Cell. Physiol. 219: 8–13, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Solid-state NMR and TEM were used to quantitatively examine the evolution of clay morphology upon equibiaxial stretching of polypropylene/montmorillonite (PP-MMT) nanocomposites up to a stretch ratio (?= final length/initial length) of 3.5. 1 H spin-lattice relaxation times were measured by the saturation-recovery sequence. For the nanocomposites, initial portions of the magnetization recovery
curves (e~20 ms) were found to depend on v t, indicative of diffusion-limited relaxation and in agreement with calculations based on estimates of the spin-diffusion barrier radius surrounding the paramagnetic centers in the clay, the electron-nucleus coupling constant, and the spin-diffusion coefficient. Initial slopes of these magnetization recovery curves directly correlated with the fraction of clay/polymer interface. New clay surface was exposed as a near linear function of strain. Long-time portions of the magnetization recovery curves yielded information on the average interparticle separations, which decreased slowly before reaching a plateau at ?=~2.5 as particles aligned. TEM images supported these findings and were used to define and quantify degrees of exfoliation and homogeneity from the NMR data. Exfoliation, defined as (platelets/ stack)-1, increased from 0.38 (unstretched) to 0.80 at ? = 3.5 for PP-MMT nanocomposites stretched at
150 C and 16 s-1. A lower stretch temperature, 145 C, which is slightly below melting onset, led to an exfoliation degree of 0.87 at ?= 2.8, consistent with the ability of higher melt viscosities to allow for higher shear stress transfer. Exposure of new clay surface is attributed to aggregate breakup and orientation at low strains (? e ~2) and to platelets sliding apart at higher strains.