990 resultados para Tomato Chromosome 7


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Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.


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Recent population genetic studies suggest that staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) was acquired much more frequently than previously thought. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the diversity of SCCmec elements in a local methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) population. Each MRSA isolate (one per patient) recovered in the Vaud canton of Switzerland from January 2005 to December 2008 was analyzed by the double-locus sequence typing (DLST) method and SCCmec typing. DLST analysis indicated that 1,884/2,036 isolates (92.5%) belong to four predominant clones. As expected from the local spread of a clone, most isolates within clones harbored an identical SCCmec type. However, three to seven SCCmec types have been recovered in every predominant DLST clone, suggesting that some of these elements might have been acquired locally. This pattern could also be explained by distinct importations of related isolates into the study region. The addition of a third highly variable locus to further increase the discriminatory power of typing as well as epidemiological data suggested that most ambiguous situations were explained by the second hypothesis. In conclusion, our study showed that even if the acquisition of new SCCmec elements at a local level likely occurs, it does not explain all the diversity observed in the study region.


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Monthly newsletter for the Iowa Department of Public Health


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El trabajo que presentamos a continuación analiza la situación de la empresa KH Lloreda en el mercado de productos desengrasantes. Concretamente hemos profundizado en la estrategia de márketing utilizada en la empresa a la hora de lanzar su producto KH-7.Decidimos elegir la empresa KH Lloreda y más concretamente el producto KH-7 porque nos llamó la atención que un producto destinado al uso diario de la limpieza del hogar hubiera tenido tanto éxito. ¿Cuál es la característica innovadora que hace que la gente prefiera este producto? Otro factor que también ha sido decisivo a la hora de elegir la empresa es la evolución de la compañía. Una empresa catalana de origen familiar ha logrado hacerse un hueco en el mercado y, en determinados sectores, ha logrado superar a grandes multinacionales. por esto hemos aprovechado esta ocasión para estudiar las estrategias que ha utilizado la empresa y más importante aún cómo las ha implementado para llegar hasta donde está ahora.El trabajo está estructurado en cuatro grandes partes. La primera trata de analizar los factores que pueden tener un impacto en la actividad de la empresa, tanto a nivel externo como dentro de la compañía.En la segunda hemos estudiado la estrategia que ha seguido la empresa al lanzar su producto KH-7, qué decisiones ha tomado, qué factores ha resaltado, de qué cosas han prescindido...La tercera comprende el análisis del apartado de márketing. Cómo ha dado a conocer la empresa el producto y cómo ha conseguido que los clientes se decanten por su producto antes que el de la competencia.Y por último, la cuarta parte del trabajo consiste en las conclusiones, analiza los resultados que hemos obtenido al estudiar cada una de las partes anteriores.por último creemos que es importante explicar brevemente qué esperamos obtener nosotros de la realización de este proyecto. Creemos que lo más importante que podemos aprender de él es que no sólo triunfan las grandes marcas y las grandes multinacionales con presencia mundial. Si se encuentra una buena idea de negocio, que normalmente viene dada por un hueco en el mercado, y se desarrolla una política empresarial coherente con el nuevo producto, las posibilidades de tener éxito en el mercado son muy elevadas, y con este trabajo intentamos demostrarlo.


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Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.


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Record of the Fatalities for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Iowa per week.


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Weekly Newsletter


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Iowa Department of Elder Affairs provides a brief summation of a Departmental program or other important Departmental information in each Legislative Update. The Legislative Update is produced for informational and educational purposes only.


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In contrast with mammals and birds, most poikilothermic vertebrates feature structurally undifferentiated sex chromosomes, which may result either from frequent turnovers, or from occasional events of XY recombination. The latter mechanism was recently suggested to be responsible for sex-chromosome homomorphy in European tree frogs (Hyla arborea). However, no single case of male recombination has been identified in large-scale laboratory crosses, and populations from NW Europe consistently display sex-specific allelic frequencies with male-diagnostic alleles, suggesting the absence of recombination in their recent history. To address this apparent paradox, we extended the phylogeographic scope of investigations, by analyzing the sequences of three sex-linked markers throughout the whole species distribution. Refugial populations (southern Balkans and Adriatic coast) show a mix of X and Y alleles in haplotypic networks, and no more within-individual pairwise nucleotide differences in males than in females, testifying to recurrent XY recombination. In contrast, populations of NW Europe, which originated from a recent postglacial expansion, show a clear pattern of XY differentiation; the X and Y gametologs of the sex-linked gene Med15 present different alleles, likely fixed by drift on the front wave of expansions, and kept differentiated since. Our results support the view that sex-chromosome homomorphy in H. arborea is maintained by occasional or historical events of recombination; whether the frequency of these events indeed differs between populations remains to be clarified.


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Iowa Department of Elder Affairs provides a brief summation of a Departmental program or other important Departmental information in each Legislative Update. The Legislative Update is produced for informational and educational purposes only.


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Iowa Department of Elder Affairs provides a brief summation of a Departmental program or other important Departmental information in each Legislative Update. The Legislative Update is produced for informational and educational purposes only.


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Iowa Department of Elder Affairs provides a brief summation of a Departmental program or other important Departmental information in each Legislative Update. The Legislative Update is produced for informational and educational purposes only.