980 resultados para Toll Brothers


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MEKK2 is an evolutionarily conserved mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase (MAP3K) that controls the MAPK and IKK-NF-κB pathways. The MAPK and IKK pathways are intracellular signaling networks that are crucial for the Toll-like receptor (TLR) mediated innate immunity, cellular stress and many other physiological responses. Members of the MAP3K family are central to the activation of these processes. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying stimuli-mediated MAP3K activation remain largely unknown. In this study, we identified a key phosphoserine residue, Ser-519 in MEKK2, and its equivalent site Ser-526 in MEKK3 within their activation loop whose phosphorylation are essential for their optimal activation. Mutation of this regulatory serine to an alanine severely impaired MEKK2 activation and MEKK2 signaling to its downstream targets. To demonstrate that physiological stimuli induce this serine phosphorylation, we generated an antibody that specifically recognizes the phosphorylated serine residue. We found that many, but not all, of the MAPK agonists, including the TLR ligands, growth factors, cytokines and cellular stresses, induced this regulatory serine phosphorylation in MEKK2, suggesting an involvement of MEKK2 in the activation of the MAPK cascade leading to different cellular responses. We further investigated the specific role of MEKK2 in LPS/TLR4 signaling by using MEKK2−/− mice. We found that MEKK2 was selectively required for LPS-induced ERK1/2 activation, but not JNK, p38 or NF-κB activation. We also found that MEKK2 was involved in TLR4 dependent induction of proinflammatory cytokines and LPS-induced septic shock. In conclusion, we identified a key regulatory serine residue in the activation loop of MEKK2 whose phosphorylation is a key sensor of receptor- and cellular stress-mediated signals. We also demonstrated that MEKK2 is crucial for TLR4-mediated innate immunity. ^


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Cytochromes P450 4Fs (CYP4F) are a subfamily of enzymes involved in arachidonic acid metabolism with highest catalytic activity towards leukotriene B 4 (LTB4), a potent chemoattractant involved in prompting inflammation. CYP4F-mediated metabolism of LTB4 leads to inactive ω-hydroxy products incapable of initiating chemotaxis and the inflammatory stimuli that result in the influx of inflammatory cells. Our hypothesis is based on the catalytic ability of CYP4Fs to inactivate pro-inflammatory LTB4 which assures these enzymes a pivotal role in the process of inflammation resolution. ^ To test this hypothesis and evaluate the changes in CYP4F expression under complex inflammatory conditions, we designed two mouse models, one challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a sterile model of sepsis and the other challenged with a systemic live bacterial infection of Citrobacter rodentium, an equivalent of the human enterobacterium E. coli pathogen invasion. Based on the evidence that Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPARs) play an active role in inflammation regulation, we also examined PPARs as a regulation mechanism in CYP4F expression during inflammation using PPARα knockout mice under LPS challenge. Using the Citrobacter rodentium model of inflammation, we studied CYP4F levels to compare them to those in LPS challenged animals. LPS-triggered inflammation signal is mediated by Toll-like 4 (TLR4) receptors which specifically respond to LPS in association with several other proteins. Using TLR4 knockout mice challenged with Citrobacter rodentium we addressed possible mediation of CYP4F expression regulation via these receptors. ^ Our results show isoform- and tissue-specific CYP4F expression in all the tissues examined. The Citrobacter rodentium inflammation model revealed significant reduction in liver expression of CYP4F14 and CYP4F15 and an up-regulation of gene expression of CYP4F16 and CYP4F18. TLR4 knockout studies showed that the decrease in hepatic CYP4F15 expression is TLR4-dependent. CYP4F expression in kidney shows down-regulation of CYP4F14 and CYP4F15 and up-regulation of CYP4F18 expression. In the LPS inflammation model, we showed similar patterns of CYP4F changes as in Citrobacter rodentium -infected mice. The renal profile of CYP4Fs in PPARα knockout mice with LPS challenge showed CYP4F15 down-regulation to be PPARα dependent. Our study confirmed tissue- and isoform-specific regulation of CYP4F isoforms in the course of inflammation. ^


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One of the most widely accepted noncontraceptive benefits of oral contraceptive use is the reduction in the development of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and its sequelae in users. While much of the research over the past forty years has found an association between oral contraceptive use and reduced rates of PID [Senanayake, 1980], more recent studies have qualified and even challenged this widely held belief. [Henry-Suchet, 1997; Ness 1997; Ness, 2001] PID, an infection in the upper genital tract causing infertility and ectopic pregnancy, affects over one million women in the United States each year, exacting an enormous toll on women's reproductive and emotional health, as well as our economy. [CDC Factsheet, 2007] This thesis examines the public health implications of pelvic inflammatory disease and the use of oral contraceptives. Sixteen original studies are reviewed and analyzed, thirteen of which found a protective benefit with oral contraceptive use against PID and three more recent studies which found no protective benefit or association between oral contraceptive use and PID. Analysis of the research findings suggests a need for additional research, provider and patient education, and an increased government role in addressing the ongoing and significant public health concerns raised by current rates of Chlamydia- and gonorrheal-PID. ^


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Since its introduction into the United States in the 1980s, crack cocaine has been a harsh epidemic that has taken its toll on a countless number of people. This highly addictive, cheap and readily available drug of abuse has permeated many demographic sectors, mostly in low income, lesser educated, and urban communities. This epidemic of crack cocaine use in inner city areas across the Unites States has been described as an expression of economic marginality and “social suffering” coupled with the local and international forces of drug market economies (Agar 2003). As crack cocaine is a derivative of cocaine, it utilizes the psychoactive component of the drug, but delivers it in a much stronger, quicker, and more addictive fashion. This, coupled with its ready availability and cheap price has allowed for users to not only become very addicted very quickly, but to be subject to the stringent and sometimes unequal or inconsistent punishments for possession and distribution of crack-cocaine. ^ There are many public health and social ramifications from the abuse of crack-cocaine, and these epidemics appear to target low income and minority groups. Public health issues relating to the physical, mental, and economic strain will be addressed, as well as the direct and indirect effects of the punishments that come as a result of the disparity in penalties for cocaine and crack-cocaine possession and distribution. ^ Three new policies have recently been introduced into the United Stated Congress that actively address the disparity in sentencing for drug and criminal activities. They are, (1) Powder-Crack Cocaine Penalty Equalization Act of 2009, (HR 18, 111th Cong. 2009), (2) The Drug Sentencing Reform and Cocaine Kingpin Trafficking Act of 2009, (HR 265, 111th Cong. 2009) and (3) The Justice Integrity Act of 2009, (111th Cong. 2009). ^ Although they have only been initiated, if passed, they have potential to not only eliminate the crack-cocaine disparity, but to enact laws that help those affected by this epidemic. The final and overarching goal of this paper is to analyze and ultimately choose the ideal policy that would not only eliminate the cocaine and crack disparity regardless of current or future state statutes, but will provide the best method of rehabilitation, prevention, and justice. ^


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Prostate cancer is the most common incident cancer and the second leading cause of death in men in the United States. Although numerous attempts have been made to identify risk factors associated with prostate cancer, the results have been inconsistent and conflicting. The only established risk factors are age and ethnicity. A positive family history of prostate cancer has also been shown to increase the risk two- to three-fold among close relatives.^ There are several similarities between breast and prostate cancer that make the relationship between the two of interest. (1) Histologically, both cancers are predominantly adenocarcinomas, (2) both organs have a sexual and/or reproductive role, (3) both cancers occur in hormone-responsive tissue, (4) therapy often consists of hormonal manipulation, (5) worldwide distribution patterns of prostate and breast cancer are positively correlated.^ A family history study was conducted to evaluate the aggregation of prostate cancer and co-aggregation of breast cancer in 149 patients referred to The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center with newly diagnosed prostate cancer. All patients were white, less than 75 years of age at diagnosis and permanent residents of the United States. Through a personal interview with the proband, family histories were collected on 1,128 first-degree relatives. Cancer diagnoses were verified through medical records or death certificate. Standardized incidence ratios were calculated using a computer program by Monson incorporating data from Connecticut Tumor Registry.^ In this study, familial aggregation of prostate cancer was verified only among the brothers, not among fathers. Although a statistically significant excess of breast cancer was not found, the increased point estimates in mothers, sisters and daughters are consistent with a co-aggregation hypothesis. Rather surprising was the finding of a seven-fold increased risk of prostate cancer and a three-fold increased risk of breast cancer among siblings in the presence of a maternal history of any cancer. Larger family history studies including high risk (African-Americans) and lower-risk groups (Hispanics) and incorporating molecular genetic evaluations should be conducted to determine if genetic differences play a role in the differential incidence rates across ethnic groups. ^


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Allergen-induced asthma is the leading form of asthma and a chronic condition worldwide. Common allergens are known to contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease. Murine models of allergic asthma have mostly used an intraperitoneal route of sensitization (not airway) to study this disease. Allergic asthma pathophysiology involves the activation of TH2-specific cells, which triggers production of IgE antibodies, the up-regulation of TH2-specific cytokines (i.e. IL-4, IL-5, IL-9 and IL-13), increased airway eosinophilia, and mucin hypersecretion. Although there are several therapeutics currently treating asthmatic patients, some of these treatments can result in drug tolerance and may be linked to increased mortality. CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) is a synthetic ligand that targets Toll-like Receptor (TLR) 9. It has been evaluated as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of cancer, infectious diseases, and for treating allergy and asthma. PUL-042 is also a synthetic TLR ligand and is composed of two agonists against TLR2/6 heterodimer and TLR9. Previous studies have evaluated PUL-042 for its ability to confer resistance against bacterial and viral lung infection. These findings, combined with studies performed using CpG ODNs, led to speculation that PUL-042 dampens the immune response in allergen-induced asthma. My thesis research investigated airway route sensitization and airway delivery of PUL-042 to evaluate its effects in reducing an allergen-induced asthma phenotype in a murine model. The results of this study contribute to the foundation for future investigations to evaluate the efficacy of PUL-042 as a novel therapy in allergic-asthma disease.


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Venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), is the third most preventable cardiovascular disease and a growing public health problem in the United States. The incidence of VTE remains high with an annual estimate of more than 600,000 symptomatic events. DVT affects an estimated 2 million American each year with a death toll of 300,000 persons per year from DVT-related PE. Leukemia patients are at high risk for both hemorrhage and thrombosis; however, little is known about thrombosis among acute leukemia patients. The ultimate goal of this dissertation was to obtain deep understanding of thrombotic issue among acute leukemia patients. The dissertation was presented in a format of three papers. First paper mainly looked at distribution and risk factors associated with development of VTE among patients with acute leukemia prior to leukemia treatment. Second paper looked at incidence, risk factors, and impact of VTE on survival of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during treatment. Third paper looked at recurrence and risk factors for VTE recurrence among acute leukemia patients with an initial episode of VTE. Descriptive statistics, Chi-squared or Fisher's exact test, median test, Mann-Whitney test, logistic regression analysis, Nonparametric Estimation Kaplan-Meier with a log-rank test or Cox model were used when appropriate. Results from analyses indicated that acute leukemia patients had a high prevalence, incidence, and recurrent rate of VTE. Prior history of VTE, obesity, older age, low platelet account, presence of Philadelphia positive ALL, use of oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy, presence of malignancies, and co-morbidities may place leukemia patients at an increased risk for VTE development or recurrence. Interestingly, development of VTE was not associated with a higher risk of death among hospitalized acute leukemia patients.^


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Receptor Associated Factors (TRAFs) are a family of signal transducer proteins. TRAF6 is a unique member of this family in that it is involved in not only the TNF superfamily, but the toll-like receptor (TLR)/IL-1R (TIR) superfamily. The formation of the complex consisting of Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor κ B (RANK), with its ligand (RANKL) results in the recruitment of TRAF6, which activates NF-κB, JNK and MAP kinase pathways. TRAF6 is critical in signaling with leading to release of various growth factors in bone, and promotes osteoclastogenesis. TRAF6 has also been implicated as an oncogene in lung cancer and as a target in multiple myeloma. In the hopes of developing small molecule inhibitors of the TRAF6-RANK interaction, multiple steps were carried out. Computational prediction of hot spot residues on the protein-protein interaction of TRAF6 and RANK were examined. Three methods were used: Robetta, KFC2, and HotPoint, each of which uses a different methodology to determine if a residue is a hot spot. These hot spot predictions were considered the basis for resolving the binding site for in silico high-throughput screening using GOLD and the MyriaScreen database of drug/lead-like compounds. Computationally intensive molecular dynamics simulations highlighted the binding mechanism and TRAF6 structural changes upon hit binding. Compounds identified as hits were verified using a GST-pull down assay, comparing inhibition to a RANK decoy peptide. Since many drugs fail due to lack of efficacy and toxicity, predictive models for the evaluation of the LD50 and bioavailability of our TRAF6 hits, and these models can be used towards other drugs and small molecule therapeutics as well. Datasets of compounds and their corresponding bioavailability and LD50 values were curated based, and QSAR models were built using molecular descriptors of these compounds using the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) method, and quality of these models were cross-validated.


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Tuberculosis is a major cause of death due to an infection in mankind. BCG vaccine protects against childhood tuberculosis although, it fails to protect against adult tuberculosis. BCG vaccine localizes to immature phagosomes of macrophages, and avoids lysosomal fusion, which decreases peptide antigen production. Peptides are essential for macrophage-mediated priming of CD4 and CD8 T cells respectively through MHC-II and MHC-I pathways. Furthermore, BCG reduces the expression of MHC-II in macrophages of mice after infection, through Toll-like receptor-1/2 (TLR-1/2) mediated signaling. In my first aim, I hypothesized that BCG-induced reduction of MHC-II levels in macrophages can decrease CD4 T cell function, while activation of other surface Toll-like receptors (TLR) can enhance CD4 T cell function. An in vitro antigen presentation model was used where, TLR activated macrophages presented an epitope of Ag85B, a major immunogen of BCG to CD4 T cells, and T cell derived IL-2 was quantitated as a measure of antigen presentation. Macrophages with BCG were poor presenters of Ag85B while, TLR-7/9/5/4 and 1/2 activation led to an enhanced antigen presentation. Furthermore, TLR-7/9 activation was found to down-regulate the degradation of MHC-II through ubiquitin ligase MARCH1, and also stimulate MHC-II expression through activation of AP-1 and CREB transcription elements via p38 and ERK1/2 MAP kinases. I conclude from Aim-I studies that TLR-7/9 ligands can be used as more effective ‘adjuvants’ for BCG vaccine. In Aim-II, I evaluated the poor CD8 T cell function in BCG vaccinated mice thought to be due to a decreased leak of antigens into cytosol from immature phagosomes, which reduces the MHC-I mediated activation of CD8 T cells. I hypothesized that rapamycin co-treatment could boost CD8 T cell function since it was known to sort BCG vaccine into lysosomes increasing peptide generation, and it also enhanced the longevity of CD8 T cells. Since CD8 T cell function is a dynamic event better measurable in vivo, mice were given BCG vaccine with or without rapamycin injections and challenged with virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Organs were analysed for tetramer or surface marker stained CD8 T cells using flow cytometry, and bacterial counts of organisms for evaluation of BCG-induced protection. Co-administration of rapamycin with BCG significantly increased the numbers of CD8 T cells in mice which developed into both short living effector- SLEC type of CD8 T cells, and memory precursor effector-MPEC type of longer-living CD8 T cells. Increased levels of tetramer specific-CD8 T cells correlated with a better protection against tuberculosis in rapamycin-BCG group compared to BCG vaccinated mice. When rapamycin-BCG mice were rested and re-challenged with M.tuberculosis, MPECs underwent stronger recall expansion and protected better against re-infection than mice vaccinated with BCG alone. Since BCG induced immunity wanes with time in humans, we made two novel observations in this study that adjuvant activation of BCG vaccine and rapamycin co-treatment both lead to a stronger and longer vaccine-mediated immunity to tuberculosis.


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Hemophilia A is a clotting disorder caused by functional factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency. About 25% of patients treated with therapeutic recombinant FVIII develop antibodies (inhibitors) that render subsequent FVIII treatments ineffective. The immune mechanisms of inhibitor formation are not entirely understood, but circumstantial evidence indicates a role for increased inflammatory response, possibly via stimulation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), at the time of FVIII immunization. I hypothesized that stimulation through TLR4 in conjunction with FVIII treatments would increase the formation of FVIII inhibitors. To test this hypothesis, FVIII K.O. mice were injected with recombinant human FVIII with or without concomitant doses of TLR4 agonist (lipopoysaccharide; LPS). The addition of LPS combined with FVIII significantly increased the rate and the production of anti-FVIII IgG antibodies and neutralizing FVIII inhibitors. In the spleen, repeated in vivo TLR4 stimulation with LPS increased the relative percentage of macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) over the course of 4 injections. However, repeated in vivo FVIII stimulation significantly increased the density of TLR4 expressed on the surface of all spleen antigen presenting cells (APCs). Culture of splenocytes isolated from mice revealed that the combined stimulation of LPS and FVIII also synergistically increased early secretion of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10, which was not maintained throughout the course of the repeated injections. While cytokine secretion was relatively unchanged in response to FVIII re-stimulation in culture, LPS re-stimulation in culture induced increased and prolonged inflammatory cytokine secretion. Re-stimulation with both LPS and FVIII induced cytokine secretion similar to LPS stimulation alone. Interestingly, long term treatment of mice with LPS alone resulted in splenocytes that showed reduced response to FVIII in culture. Together these results indicated that creating a pro-inflammatory environment through the combined stimulation of chronic, low-dose LPS and FVIII changed not only the populations but also the repertoire of APCs in the spleen, triggering the increased production of FVIII inhibitors. These results suggested an anti-inflammatory regimen should be instituted for all hemophilia A patients to reduce or delay the formation of FVIII inhibitors during replacement therapy.


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IL-24 is an unusual member of the IL-10 family, which is considered a Th1 cytokine that exhibits tumor cell cytotoxicity. I describe the purification of this novel cytokine from the supernatant of IL-24 gene transfected human embryonic kidney cells and define the biochemical and functional properties of the soluble, human IL-24 protein. ^ I showed IL-24 non-covalently associates with bovine albumin. Immunoaffinity purification followed by cation exchange chromatography resulted in the significant enrichment of N-glycosylated IL-24. This protein elicited dose-dependent secretion of TNF-α and IL-6 from purified human monocytes and TNF-α secretion from PMA differentiated U937 cells. I showed this same protein was cytotoxic to melanoma tumor cells via the induction of IFN-α. ^ I reported IL-24 associates as at least two disulfide linked, N-glycosylated dimers. Enzymatic removal of N-linked-glycosylation from purified IL-24 partially diminished its cytokine and cytotoxic functions. Disruption of IL-24 dimers via reduction and alkylation of intermolecular disulfide bonds nearly abolished IL-24s cytokine function. ^ I elucidated IL-24 induced TNF-α secretion was pSTAT1, pSTAT3 as well as the class II heterodimeric receptors IL-20R1/IL-22R2 independent. I identified a requirement for the heterodimer of Toll-like Receptors 1 and 2 for IL-24s cytokine function and show a physical interaction between IL-24 and the extracellular domain of TLR-1. ^ Thus, I demonstrated that purified N-glycosylated, soluble, dimeric, human IL-24 exhibits both immunomodulatory and anti-cancer activities and these functions remain associated during purification. IL-24 induced TNF-α secretion required an interaction with the heterodimeric receptor TLR-1/2 and IL-24s cytotoxic affect to melanoma tumor cells was in part due to its induction of IFN-β. ^


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This research focused on the topic of end-of-life planning and decision-making for adults affected by mental retardation. Adults with mental retardation have unique challenges in this regard, including difficulty communicating their wishes without assistance and diminished decision-making skills. The primary research objective was to identify factors that can affect opportunities for adults with mental retardation in community-based services settings (and their advocates) to be involved in planning and deciding about their own end-of-life experience. ^ A descriptive qualitative inquiry was designed to explore issues related to death and dying, and the notion of end-of-life planning, from the perspective of adults with mental retardation who receive publicly-funded community services ("clients") and family members of individuals who receive such services. Study participants were recruited from a single mental retardation service provider in a large urban setting (the "Agency"). Sixteen clients and 14 families of Agency clients took part. Client data collection was accomplished through face-to-face interviews, focus group meetings, and record reviews; family members were involved in a face-to-face interview only. ^ An initial coding scheme was developed based upon literature and policy reviews, and themes related to the research questions. Analysis involved extracting data from transcripts and records and placing it into appropriate thematic categories, building support for each theme with the accumulated data. Coding themes were modified to accommodate new data when it challenged existing themes. ^ Findings suggest that adults with mental retardation do have the requisite knowledge, interest, and ability to participate in decisions about their end-of-life experience and handling of affairs. Siblings are overwhelmingly the chosen future surrogates and they (or their children) will likely be the end-of-life advocates for their brothers and sisters affected by mental retardation. Findings further point to a need for increased awareness, accurate information, and improved communication about end-of-life issues, both in general and particular to adults affected by mental retardation. Also suggested by the findings is a need to focus on creating accommodations and adaptations that can best uncover a person's authentic views on life and death and related end-of-life preferences. Practical implications and suggestions for further research are also discussed. ^


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Women around the world risk their lives to end unwanted pregnancies. Created in 2003 and recently converted to a digital format, this short film highlights the toll that unsafe abortion takes on women and the comprehensive approach that Ipas takes to saving women's lives by improving access to safe abortion and contraception. Since this film was made, deaths from unsafe abortion have thankfully decreased to approximately 47,000 each year. However, the estimated number of unsafe abortions has risen to more than 21 million annually, largely due to the increase in population. We have a long way to go before the scourge of unsafe abortion is eliminated.


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Ever since its discovery, Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2; ~53.7 Ma) has been considered as one of the "little brothers" of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~56 Ma) as it displays similar characteristics including abrupt warming, ocean acidification, and biotic shifts. One of the remaining key questions is what effect these lesser climate perturbations had on ocean circulation and ventilation and, ultimately, biotic disruptions. Here we characterize ETM2 sections of the NE Atlantic (Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 401 and 550) using multispecies benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes, grain size analysis, XRF core scanning, and carbonate content. The magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion (0.85-1.10 per mil) and bottom water warming (2-2.5°C) during ETM2 seems slightly smaller than in South Atlantic records. The comparison of the lateral d13C gradient between the North and South Atlantic reveals that a transient circulation switch took place during ETM2, a similar pattern as observed for the PETM. New grain size and published faunal data support this hypothesis by indicating a reduction in deepwater current velocity. Following ETM2, we record a distinct intensification of bottom water currents influencing Atlantic carbonate accumulation and biotic communities, while a dramatic and persistent clay reduction hints at a weakening of the regional hydrological cycle. Our findings highlight the similarities and differences between the PETM and ETM2. Moreover, the heterogeneity of hyperthermal expression emphasizes the need to specifically characterize each hyperthermal event and its background conditions to minimalize artifacts in global climate and carbonate burial models for the early Paleogene.


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Entre las definiciones que el concepto de ATH presenta en la tragedia griega clásica, en las obras de Esquilo hay elementos que lo aproximan a la definición dada por E. R. Dodds en The greeks and the irrational, en referencia a la presencia del término en la Ilíada como un "state of mind". Este "estado de ánimo", sin embargo, se perfila como una ceguera profunda del héroe, que sólo entiende las consecuencias de sus acciones después de un intenso sufrimiento. En las siete tragedias conservadas de Esquilo, se puede encontrar el concepto íntimamente vinculado a las muertes heroicas, en el destino de Jerjes en Los persas, o en la maldición de los hermanos Etéocles y Polinices, herederos de las aflicciones de Edipo, en Los siete contra Tebas. Por lo tanto, esta ponencia examina algunos aspectos del concepto en Esquilo y cómo esta "ceguera profunda" es el elemento desencadenante de los acontecimientos trágicos