956 resultados para Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973 - The Lord of the rings


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Two types of deep-sea dredges are currently under development for the mining of the manganese nodules, a deep-sea hydraulic dredge and a mechanical cable-bucket system. Both systems offer some advantages with the hydraulic system appearing to be advantageous in themining of a specific deposit for which it is designed while the cable-bucket system appears to be somewhat more flexible in working in a variety of deposits, topographic environments, and water depths. Environmental studies conducted in conjunction with deep-sea tests of the two types of mining systems currently indicate that substantially no environmental damage will be done in the mining of the deep-sea nodules. Because of the nature of the deposits and the way in which they can be mined, the manganese nodules appear to be a relatively pollution free and energy-saving source of a number of industrially important metals.


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Marked variations in the chemical and mineralogical composition of sediments at Site 319 have occurred during the 15 My history of sedimentation at this site. The change in composition through time parallels the variability observed in surface sediments from various parts of the Nazca Plate and can be related to variations in the proportion of hydrothermal, hydrogenous, detrital and biogenous phases reaching this site at different times. Metal accumulation rates at Site 319 reach a maximum near the basement for most elements, suggesting a strong hydrothermal contribution during the early history of this site. The hydrothermal contribution decreased rapidly as Site 319 moved away from the spreading center, although a subtle increase in this source is detectable about the time spreading began on the East Pacific Rise. The most recent sedimentation exhibits a strong detritalhydrogenous influence. Post-depositional diagenesis of amorphous phases has converted them to ironrich smectite and well-crystallized goethite without significantly altering the bulk composition of the sediment.


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Low molecular weight hydrocarbon (LMWH) distributions were examined in sediments from Sites 1109 and 1115 in the western Woodlark Basin using purge-trap thermal adsorption/desorption gas analysis. A number of different hydrocarbon components >C1, which were not detected during shipboard gas analysis, were detected at both sites using the purge-trap procedure. Concentrations of ethane, propane, and butane remained relatively low (<100 pmol/g) throughout Site 1109 and had no consistent trend with depth. In contrast, the longer-chain components increased in concentration with depth. Hexane concentrations rose to 716 pmol/g at the base of the site with a concomitant increase in both 2-methyl- and 3-methylpentane. At Site 1115, concentrations of ethane, propane, butane, and isobutylene + 1-butene remained low (<60 pmol/g) throughout the site and again had no consistent trend with depth. 2-Methylpentane, 3-methylpentane, and hexane concentrations had a subsurface maximum that coincided with sediments containing abundant plant-rich material. The LMWH downhole profiles plus low in situ temperatures suggest that the LMWH components were formed in situ by low-temperature biological processes. Purge-trap analysis has indicated the presence of some unexpected deep low-temperature bacterial reactions, which demonstrates that further analysis of LMWH may provide valuable information at future Ocean Drilling Program sites.


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Earth's largest reactive carbon pool, marine sedimentary organic matter, becomes increasingly recalcitrant during burial, making it almost inaccessible as a substrate for microorganisms, and thereby limiting metabolic activity in the deep biosphere. Because elevated temperature acting over geological time leads to the massive thermal breakdown of the organic matter into volatiles, including petroleum, the question arises whether microorganisms can directly utilize these maturation products as a substrate. While migrated thermogenic fluids are known to sustain microbial consortia in shallow sediments, an in situ coupling of abiotic generation and microbial utilization has not been demonstrated. Here we show, using a combination of basin modelling, kinetic modelling, geomicrobiology and biogeochemistry, that microorganisms inhabit the active generation zone in the Nankai Trough, offshore Japan. Three sites from ODP Leg 190 have been evaluated, namely 1173, 1174 and 1177, drilled in nearly undeformed Quaternary and Tertiary sedimentary sequences seaward of the Nankai Trough itself. Paleotemperatures were reconstructed based on subsidence profiles, compaction modelling, present-day heat flow, downhole temperature measurements and organic maturity parameters. Today's heat flow distribution can be considered mainly conductive, and is extremely high in places, reaching 180 mW/m**2. The kinetic parameters describing total hydrocarbon generation, determined by laboratory pyrolysis experiments, were utilized by the model in order to predict the timing of generation in time and space. The model predicts that the onset of present day generation lies between 300 and 500 m below sea floor (5100-5300 m below mean sea level), depending on well location. In the case of Site 1174, 5-10% conversion has taken place by a present day temperature of ca. 85 °C. Predictions were largely validated by on-site hydrocarbon gas measurements. Viable organisms in the same depth range have been proven using 14C-radiolabelled substrates for methanogenesis, bacterial cell counts and intact phospholipids. Altogether, these results point to an overlap of abiotic thermal degradation reactions going on in the same part of the sedimentary column as where a deep biosphere exists. The organic matter preserved in Nankai Trough sediments is of the type that generates putative feedstocks for microbial activity, namely oxygenated compounds and hydrocarbons. Furthermore, the rates of thermal degradation calculated from the kinetic model closely resemble rates of respiration and electron donor consumption independently measured in other deep biosphere environments. We deduce that abiotically driven degradation reactions have provided substrates for microbial activity in deep sediments at this convergent continental margin.


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During 2006, the SHALDRIL program recovered cores of Eocene through Pliocene material at four locations in the northwestern Weddell Sea, each representing a key period in the evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula ice cap. The recovered cores are not continuous, yet they provide a record of climate change with samples from the late Eocene, late Oligocene, middle Miocene, and early Pliocene and represent the only series of samples recovered from the northwestern Weddell Sea and spanning the Cenozoic and the initial growth of the peninsula ice cap. Late Eocene sediments sampled in the James Ross Basin are typically characterized by very dark greenish-gray muddy fine sand with some preserved burrowing and are interpreted to represent a shallow water continental shelf setting. Rare dropstones, primarily of well-cemented sandstones and minor ice-rafted material consisting of angular grains with glacially influenced surface features record the onset of mountain glaciation, the earliest such evidence in the region. The remaining cores were collected on the Joinville Plateau to the north of the James Ross Basin. The late Oligocene sediments consist of dark gray sandy mud with some clay lenses and many burrows, likely representing a distal delta or shelf setting. This core contains only very few and small dropstones, and the individual grains show decreased angularity and fewer glacial surface features relative to late Eocene deposits. The middle Miocene strata are composed of pebbly gray diamicton, representing proximal glacimarine sediments. The lower Pliocene section also contains many ice-rafted pebbles but is dominated by sandy units rather than diamicton and is interpreted to represent a current-winnowed deposit, similar to the modern contour current-influenced sediments of the region.


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Gypsum and halite crystals, together with saponite and phillipsite, were found in a vein in a basalt sill 625 m below the sea floor at DSDP Site 395A, located 190 km west of the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The delta34S value of the gypsum (+19.4?) indicates a seawater source for the sulfate. The delta18O values of the saponite (+19.9?) and phillipsite (+18.1?) indicate either formation from normal seawater at about 55°C or formation from delta18O-depleted seawater at a lower temperature. The gypsum (which could be secondary after anhydrite) was formed by reaction between Ca[2+] released from basalt and SO4[2-] in circulating seawater. The halite could have formed when water was consumed by hydration of basalt under conditions of extremely restricted circulation. A more probable mechanism is that the gypsum was originally precipitated as anhydrite at temperatures above 60°C. As the temperature dropped the anhydrite converted to gypsum. The conversion would consume water, which could cause halite precipitation, and would cause an increase in the volume of solids, which would plug the vein and prevent subsequent dissolution of the halite.


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The Subtropical Front (STF) marking the northern boundary of the Southern Ocean has a steep gradient in sea surface temperature (SST) of approximately 4°C over 0.5° of latitude. Presently, in the region south of Tasmania, the STF lies nominally at 47°S in the summer and 45°S in the winter. We present here SST reconstructions in a latitudinal transect of cores across the South Tasman Rise, southeast of Australia, during the late Quaternary. SST reconstructions are based on two paleotemperature proxies, alkenones and faunal assemblages, which are used to assess past changes in SST in spring and summer. The north-south alignment in core locations allows reconstruction of movement of the STF over the last 100 ka. Surface water temperatures during the last glaciation in this region were ~4°C colder than today. Additional temperature changes greater in magnitude than 4°C seen in individual cores can be attributed to changes in the water mass overlying the core site caused by the movement of the front across that location. During the penultimate interglacial, SST was ~2°C warmer and the STF was largely positioned south of 47°S. Movement of the STF to the north occurred during cool climate periods such as the last marine isotope stages 3 and 4. In the last glaciation, the front was at its farthest north position, becoming pinned against the Tasmanian landmass. It moved south by 4° latitude to 47°S in summer during the deglaciation but remained north of 45°S in spring throughout the early deglaciation. After 11 ka B.P. inferred invigoration of the East Australia Current appears to have pushed the STF seasonally south of the East Tasman Plateau, until after 6 ka B.P. when it achieved its present configuration.