980 resultados para Thompson, Helen
A exposição das sementes de soja a ciclos alternados de elevada e baixa umidades antes da colheita, provocado pela ocorrência de chuvas freqüentes, orvalho ou às flutuações diárias da umidade relativa do ar, resulta na deterioração por umidade, a qual pode ser apontada como a principal causa para a baixa qualidade das sementes. Alguns trabalhos têm evidenciado a existência de genótipos de soja contrastantes para qualidade fisiológica de sementes. Tais diferenças podem existir em virtude da total ou parcial impermeabilidade do tegumento à penetração de água, o que torna as sementes menos susceptíveis aos danos mecânicos, as adversidades climáticas e a deterioração por umidade. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a qualidade fisiológica das sementes dos genótipos de soja CD-202 (tegumento amarelo, permeável e susceptível a deterioração) e TP (tegumento preto, semi-permeável e resistente a deterioração) e identificar diferenças estruturais existentes entre os tegumentos desses genótipos. Na determinação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes utilizaram-se os testes de germinação e vigor (condutividade elétrica e envelhecimento acelerado). Para avaliação da estrutura dos tegumentos, foram coletadas sementes de soja em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento (25, 40 e 55 dias após a antese). Essas amostras foram encaminhadas ao Laboratório de Imunologia e Microscopia Eletrônica da Embrapa Clima Temperado, onde os tecidos de tegumento foram visualizados em microscópio ótico Olympus BX 51 com aumento de 40x, através de cortes histológicos na região oposta ao hilo. De acordo com os resultados do trabalho, sementes do genótipo TP apresentaram qualidade fisiológica superior em relação ao genótipo CD-202. Quanto à caracterização morfológica, foram detectadas diferenças entre as estruturas dos tegumentos de soja de coloração preta e amarela, as quais podem estar relacionadas à qualidade de sementes.
Toisen maailmansodan jälkeisenä ajanjaksona Iso-Britannia ja Ranska päätyivät useissa siirtomaissaan vastakumouksellisiin sodankäynnin konflikteihin. Nämä konfliktit kytkeytyivät siirtomaiden itsenäistymispyrkimyksiin ja kylmän sodan maailmanpoliittiseen tilanteeseen. Konflikteissa Ison-Britannian ja Ranskan siviili- ja sotilasviranomaiset kehittivät innovatiivisesti vastakumouksellisen sodankäynnin menetelmiään. Läntisissä valtioissa tehtiin 1960-luvulla myös merkittävä määrä vastakumouksellisen sodankäynnin tutkimusta. Tämän tutkimusjakson keskeisimpiä teoreetikkoja olivat ranskalainen David Galula (1919 - 1967) ja britit Robert Thompson (1916 - 1992) ja Frank Kitson (1926 -). Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät yhdistivät David Galulan, Robert Thompsonin ja Frank Kitsonin kumouksellisen ja vastakumouksellisen sodankäynnin teorioita. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty metodina tulkitsevaa diskurssianalyysiä teoreetikkojen kumouksellisen ja vastakumouksellisen sodankäynnin näkemysten tulkitsemiseksi. Tulkinta on suoritettu sitomalla teoriat historialliseen ja henkilöiden taustat käsittävään kontekstiin. Laadullisella sisällönanalyysillä on tunnistettu teoreetikkojen taustoista niitä tekijöitä, joilla voidaan katsoa olleen merkitystä teorioiden muodostumiselle. Diskurssianalyysin rinnalla on käytetty tapaustutkimusta Galulan, Thompsonin ja Kitsonin teorioiden ja heidän taustatekijöidensä vertaamiseksi. Keskeisen tutkimusaineiston muodostivat Galulan, Thompsonin ja Kitsonin vastakumouk-sellista sodankäyntiä käsittelevät kirjat sekä heidän kirjoittamansa muistelmat. Tätä tutkimusaineistoa täydennettiin teoreetikkoja ja vastakumouksellista sodankäyntiä käsittelevällä tutkimuskirjallisuudella. Tutkimuksen tärkeimpänä havaintona voidaan pitää sitä, että teoreetikkojen näkemykset kumouksellisesta ja vastakumouksellisesta sodankäynnistä ovat pitkälti yhteneväisiä. Tämän johtui siitä, että kumouksellinen sodankäynti havainnollistettiin pitkälti Mao Zedongin vallankumouksellisen sodankäynnin mallin kautta. Kumouksellisen sodankäynnin ytimeksi nähtiin syy tai aate, jota käytettiin kansan tuen voittamiseksi. Kaikki teoreetikot korostivat kumouksellisen sodankäynnin poliittista ulottuvuutta. Tämän takia vastakumouksellisen sodankäynnin tuli olla ensisijaisesti poliittisesti johdettua toimintaa, jota turvallisuusjoukot tukevat. Teoreetikot näkivät asevoimien roolin ja toimintaperiaatteet vastakumouksellisessa sodankäynnissä pitkälti yhteneväisesti. Teoreetikkojen taustoissa havaittiin useita näkemysten yhtenäisyyttä selittäviä tekijöitä.
On March 15 2012, we lost Professor Alice Amsden, a great intellectual power in development economics. Her work was systematically marked by creativity, originality, relevance and her fearless commitment to always speak truth to power both in academic as well as in policy-making arenas. This In Memoriam concentrates on just one part of her great intellectual legacy: her impact to better understanding Latin America's development challenges, obstacles and policy options. Our paper focuses on three broad areas of her main influence in the region: the role of transnational corporations, the importance of manufactured exports for development, and industrial policy. As we here argue, in all of them, her work is and continues to be a substantial contribution to knowledge that policy makers will be well advised to take into account if the region is to finally enter a path of structural transformation and sustained economic and social development.
Pictured here from left to right are: R. Nairn, W. Jolly, M. Miller, C. Shaver, C. Slemon, O. Loberg, W. Thompson.
Pictured here from left to right are: W. Thompson, M. Williams, M. Stevens, C. McMillan.
At the time the language lab at the Glenridge Campus was state of the art. It was equiped with 18 individual student cubicles and a main console. In this photograph Mr. Guy Gauthier, Instructor in French, demonstrates the equipment manufactured by Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge Corp. to one of his French classes. Mr. Gauthier was one of the original Brock faculty members.
Pictured here are Tony Biernacki, Mary Cumberland, Gwen Francis, Helen Kukasch, Marcia Gillespie, Bev Pearl, Jeniffer Stephenson, Sandy Allen, Sue Auld, and Lisa Librant (Coxie).
The 1976-77 Jr Varsity Women getting off the water. Pictured here are coxswain Maria Carboni, Jennifer Gayman, Kim Evans, Kim White, Sue Thorpe, Wendy Whitfield, Trudy Campbell, and bowman Helen Petrenal.
From left to right. Top: Sean Dowd, Dave Muirhead, Mike Thompson, Rick Cicchine, Mark Thomas, John Ahlstedt, Mark Reynolds, Tom Kent, and Tony Biernacki (Coach). Bottom: Bob Nguyen (Coxie).
Back Row: J.B. Owens, Ross Smith (Head Coach), Adam Frost, Derrick Harwood, Dave DeRose, Bill Arniel, Danny Mazor, Alan Ross, Randy McKeller, Pete McDougall, Ray D'Archi, Kelvin Oda, Mark Pelletier, Eric Thompson, Marty Houston, Ken White (Asst. Coach) Front Row: Peter Love, Chris Peskett, Duff Porteous, Bart Ward, Dave Sohmer, Gary Gautier, Ken Murray, Dave Tamowski, Steve Shaughnessy, Jeff Wood Absent: Alfred Esmaily, Luc Gignac, Fred Kovacs, Andrew Norman
Pictured here from left to right: Back Row - Mike Rohatynski (Coach?), Ivi Ernesaks, Maureen Halpenny, Helen, Henderson, Pat Hueston (Coach). Front Row - Enid Salisbury, Jane Hemphell, Beth Gayman. Missing - Pat Johnson, Debbie MacMillan, and Jean Milburn.
Fifty kHz rat vocalizations are theorized to reflect a positive affective state, and index the reward value of stimuli (Knutson, Burgdorf & Panksepp, 2002; Panksepp & Burgdorf, 2003; Brudzynski,2005). Previous studies have identified the neurochemical substrate of this behaviour to be dependent on dopaminergic activity at the nucleus accumbens shell (Burgdorf, Knutson, Panksepp & Ikemoto, 2001; Thompson, Leonard & Brudzynski, 2006). The utilization of d-amphetamine (a non-selective dopamine agonist) in these studies does not address the specific dopamine receptor types involved. The present study aims to identify the role of the D2- like family of receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell in the production of 50 kHz vocalizations in adult rats. Single injections of quinpirole in a saline vehicle were administered to the nucleus accumbens shell of 57 rats, and the number of 50 kHz vocalizations were recorded. An inverted V-shaped relationship was found between quinpirole dose (0.5 ~g, 3 ~g, 6 ~g, 1 0 ~g and 20 ~g, all in 0.2~1 saline) and the mean number of 50 kHz calls produced. Quinpirole successfully elicited significantly more 50 kHz calls than did a saline control at the 6 ~g dose, as did 7 ~g/0.2 ~l of d-amphetamine injections into the same brain site. To test whether a selective D2 antagonist could reverse elicited 50 kHz calling, double injections were given that used either saline or raclopride as a pretreatment before quinpirole injections. Saline followed by 6 ~g/0.2 ~l of quinpirole elicited significantly more 50 kHz vocalizations than did a double injection of saline, while pretreatment with an equimolar dose of raclopride reduced elicited calls to control levels. Raclopride was also used as a pretreatment of 7 ~g/0.2 ~l d-amphetamine, which elicited significantly fewer 50 kHz vocalizations than saline followed by amphetamine, replicating the finding of Thompson, Leonard & Brudzynski (2006).Subcutaneous injections of 0.5 mg/kg and 1.5 mg/kg of quinpirole produced a similar number of 50 kHz vocalizations as subcutaneous injection of saline. Wider dose ranges may be explored in fiiture research. Thus, direct activation of the Da-like receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell was sufficient to elicit 50 kHz vocalizations in adult rats, an effect which was reversed with selective local antagonism of Da-like receptors. The Da-like receptor family also appears necessary for pharmacological activation of 50 kHz calling, as d-amphetamine was no longer able to effectively elicit these vocalizations from the nucleus accumbens shell when the Da-receptor family was antagonized with raclopride. The acoustic parameters of elicited vocalizations remained typical of rat 50 kHz calls. Detailed analyses of the acoustic characteristics of elicited calls indicated significant increases in call duration and peak frequency across drug injection groups, particularly among quinpirole dose groups. The implications of these findings are not yet clear, but may represent an important direction for future research into the coding of semiotic content into affective signals in rats.