998 resultados para Thom, René
A compactação do solo é um dos principais fatores responsáveis pela queda da produtividade das culturas agrícolas. Por isso, o impacto causado pelo pisoteio bovino sobre o solo e os conseqüentes reflexos nos atributos físicos densidade do solo, porosidade do solo, resistência mecânica à penetração e infiltração de água no solo, em área manejada sob sistema integração lavoura-pecuária, foram investigados em experimento de campo, no município de Jari, na região do Planalto Médio do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram avaliados três sistemas de manejo da pastagem de inverno (aveia-preta, Avena strigosa Schreber + azevém, Lolium multiflorum Lam.), caracterizados pela freqüência de pastejo: (1) Sem Pastejo (SP), (2) Pastejo a cada 28 dias (P28) e (3) Pastejo a cada 14 dias (P14). Além disso, foi avaliada a influência da cultura de verão, soja [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] ou milho (Zea mays L.), em rotação com as pastagens de inverno, em amenizar ou agravar a ação compactadora do pisoteio bovino. A compactação do solo, avaliada pela sua densidade, concentrou-se na camada de 0-0,05 m de profundidade, porém houve redução de sua macroporosidade até a camada de 0,10-0,15 m, no sistema com a maior freqüência de pastejo (P14). A resistência mecânica do solo à penetração atingiu valores de 2,61 e 2,49 MPa nos tratamentos P14 e P28, respectivamente, nas profundidades de 0,05 e 0,08 m, enquanto as áreas que não foram pastejadas mantiveram valores inferiores a 1,66 MPa. A taxa de infiltração de água no solo foi alterada significativamente pelo pisoteio bovino e pela cultura de verão antecedente. Com a cultura de milho, o solo mostrou-se menos sensível ao pisoteio bovino, ao passo que com a cultura de soja na maior freqüência de pastejo (P14) a taxa de infiltração de água no solo foi reduzida. A cultura de soja proporcionou os maiores valores de macroporosidade nas camadas avaliadas e, quando conjugada à menor freqüência de pastejo (P28) ou à ausência de pastejo (SP), observaram-se as maiores taxas de infiltração de água no solo.
We have mutated a single residue, Thr373 [corrected], in the C-terminal portion of the third intracellular loop of the alpha 2C10-adrenergic receptor into five different amino acids. In analogy with the effect of similar mutations in the alpha 1B- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors, these substitutions resulted in two major biochemical modifications: 1) increased constitutive activity of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor leading to agonist-independent inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and 2) increased affinity of the receptor for binding agonist but not antagonists. The increased constitutive activity of the mutated alpha 2-adrenergic receptors could be inhibited by pertussis toxin, clearly indicating that it results from spontaneous ligand-independent receptor coupling to Gi. In contrast, the increased affinity of the mutant receptors for binding agonists was unaffected by pertussis toxin treatment, indicating that this is an inherent property of the receptors not dependent on interaction with Gi. Coexpression of the receptor mutants with the receptor-specific kinase, beta ARK1, indicated that the constitutively active alpha 2-adrenergic receptors are substrates for beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta ARK)-mediated phosphorylation even in the absence of agonist. These findings strengthen the idea that constitutively active adrenergic receptors mimic the "active" state of a G protein-coupled receptor adopting conformations similar to those induced by agonist when it binds to wild type receptors. In addition, these results extend the notion that in the adrenergic receptor family the C-terminal portion of the third intracellular loop plays a general role in the processes involved in receptor activation.
Development and environmental issues of small cities in developing countries have largely been overlooked although these settlements are of global demographic importance and often face a "triple challenge"; that is, they have limited financial and human resources to address growing environmental problems that are related to both development (e.g., pollution) and under-development (e.g., inadequate water supply). Neoliberal policy has arguably aggravated this challenge as public investments in infrastructure generally declined while the focus shifted to the metropolitan "economic growth machines". This paper develops a conceptual framework and agenda for the study of small cities in the global south, their environmental dynamics, governance and politics in the current neoliberal context. While small cities are governed in a neoliberal policy context, they are not central to neoliberalism, and their (environmental) governance therefore seems to differ from that of global cities. Furthermore, "actually existing" neoliberal governance of small cities is shaped by the interplay of regional and local politics and environmental situations. The approach of urban political ecology and the concept of rural-urban linkages are used to consider these socio-ecological processes. The conceptual framework and research agenda are illustrated in the case of India, where the agency of small cities in regard to environmental governance seems to remain limited despite formal political decentralization.
Contient : 1 « Deul et ennuy... » ; 2 « Beata es, Maria... » ; 3 « Da pacem, Domine... » ; 4 « Da pacem, Domine... » ; 5 « Dulcis amica Dei... » ; 6 « Si sumpsero... » ; 7 « O quam glorifica... » ; 8 « Si dedero... » ; 9 « Mes pensées... » ; 10 « L'eure est venue... » ; 11 « Despitant fortune... » ; 12 « Allez, regretz... » ; 13 « Les grans regretz... » ; 14 « Va t'em, regret... » ; 15 « Qui belles amours a... » ; 16 « Se je vous eslongne... » ; 17 « Helas! de vous certes... » ; 18 « Si vous voulez estre... » ; 19 « N'ay ge pas droit... » ; 20 « Ha! qu'il m'ennuye... » ; 21 « Seul et eureux... » ; 22 « La saison en est... » ; 23 « Penser en vous... » ; 24 « Venez, regretz... » ; 25 « Des fais mondains... » ; 26 « De plus en plus... » ; 27 « Mon souvenir... » ; 28 « A heur le tiens... » ; 29 « Tant ay d'ennuyt... » ; 30 « Comme femme desconfortée... » ; 31 « Si congié prens... » ; 32 « Se mieulx ne vient... » ; 33 « Plus que aultre... » ; 34 « En l'ombre d'ung buyssonnet... » ; 35 « La regrettée... » ; 36 « Je sçay tout... » ; 37 « Fors seullement... » ; 38 « Il n'est vivant... » ; 39 « Vostre beaulté... » ; 40 « Helas ! pourquoy... » ; 41 « Je ne viz oncques... » ; 42 « Royne dez flours... » ; 43 « Faisons boutons... » ; 44 « Fin ch'yo vivo... » ; 45 « Yo so contento... » ; 46 « Que vous ma dame... » ; 47 « La gaye pastoure... » ; 48 « Se j'ay perdu mon amy... » ; 49 « Mon seul plaisir... » ; 50 « Ce moys de may... » ; 51 « Si fayt il vous... » ; 52 « Pastourelle... » ; 53 « Belle, se j'avoye... » ; 54 « Amoureuse m'y fault estre... » ; 55 « Tant bel m'y sont... » ; 56 « Se j'avoye de la soie... » ; 57 « Lourdault... » ; 58 « L'autre jour m'y chevauchoye... » ; 59 « La nuyt s'en va... » ; 60 « Il estoit ung bon homme... » ; 61 « Fors seulement... » ; 62 « Crux triumphans... » ; 63 « Jesus, dignum nomen... » ; 64 « My levay... » ; 65 « Mary de par sa mere... » ; 66 « La cuiller d'or... » ; 67 « Faictes, s'il vous plait... » ; 68 « Ne par Dieu... » ; 69 « Seullette suis... » ; 70 « Mon mari m'a diffamée... » ; 71 « L'amour de moy est enclose... » ; 72 « Mannette m'a mandé... » ; 73 « A l'ombre du bissonnet... » ; 74 « Triste et pensif... » ; 75 « Cum summo... »
Large phasic variations of respiratory mechanical impedance (Zrs) have been observed during induced expiratory flow limitation (EFL) (M. Vassiliou, R. Peslin, C. Saunier, and C. Duvivier. Eur. Respir. J. 9: 779-786, 1996). To clarify the meaning of Zrs during EFL, we have measured from 5 to 30 Hz the input impedance (Zin) of mechanical analogues of the respiratory system, including flow-limiting elements (FLE) made of easily collapsible rubber tubing. The pressures upstream (Pus) and downstream (Pds) from the FLE were controlled and systematically varied. Maximal flow (Vmax) increased linearly with Pus, was close to the value predicted from wave-speed theory, and was obtained for Pus-Pds of 4-6 hPa. The real part of Zin started increasing abruptly with flow (V) >85%Vmax and either further increased or suddenly decreased in the vicinity of V¿max. The imaginary part of Zin decreased markedly and suddenly above 95%Vmax. Similar variations of Zin during EFL were seen with an analogue that mimicked the changes of airway transmural pressure during breathing. After pressure andV measurements upstream and downstream from the FLE were combined, the latter was analyzed in terms of a serial (Zs) and a shunt (Zp) compartment. Zs was consistent with a large resistance and inertance, and Zp with a mainly elastic element having an elastance close to that of the tube walls. We conclude that Zrs data during EFL mainly reflect the properties of the FLE.
This paper presents a new respiratory impedance estimator to minimize the error due to breathing. Its practical reliability was evaluated in a simulation using realistic signals. These signals were generated by superposing pressure and flow records obtained in two conditions: 1) when applying forced oscillation to a resistance- inertance- elastance (RIE) mechanical model; 2) when healthy subjects breathed through the unexcited forced oscillation generator. Impedances computed (4-32 Hz) from the simulated signals with the new estimator resulted in a mean value which was scarcely biased by the added breathing (errors less than 1 percent in the mean R, I , and E ) and had a small variability (coefficients of variation of R, I, and E of 1.3, 3.5, and 9.6 percent, respectively). Our results suggest that the proposed estimator reduces the error in measurement of respiratory impedance without appreciable extracomputational cost.
A integração lavoura-pecuária tem apresentado um avanço recente em áreas historicamente utilizadas com pecuária de corte extensiva no sul do Brasil. O inadequado manejo das pastagens de inverno associado ao uso da monocultura da soja no verão podem limitar o aporte de resíduos vegetais ao solo e reduzir os estoques de C orgânico do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto do aumento da freqüência de pastejo no inverno e de sistemas de culturas de verão no estoque de C orgânico total do solo (COT). O experimento, realizado por quatro anos sob sistema plantio direto, seguiu um delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo bifatorial 3x3, com quatro repetições. O fator A foi constituído por três intervalos de pastejos durante o inverno: sem pastejo (SP), pastejo a cada 28 dias (P28) e pastejo a cada 14 dias (P14). O fator B constou de três sistemas de culturas de verão: monocultura de soja (Mon-S), monocultura de milho (Mon-M) e rotação anual de soja e milho (Rot-S/M). Foram quantificadas as adições de C ao solo via resíduos vegetais e os estoques de COT do solo segundo os métodos de camada e massa equivalentes de solo. O aumento da freqüência de pastejo diminuiu o aporte de C oriundo das pastagens de inverno de 5,3 Mg ha-1 no tratamento SP, para 1,7 e 1,3 Mg ha-1 nos tratamentos P28 e P14, respectivamente. O milho foi a cultura que proporcionou o maior aporte de C ao solo, com uma média de 6,0 Mg ha-1, enquanto a soja adicionou apenas 2,2 Mg ha-1. Os estoques de C orgânico calculados com base em camadas equivalentes de solo foram superestimados nos tratamentos P14 e P28 e subestimados no tratamento SP em comparação aos resultados obtidos com base nas massas equivalentes de solo, que foram utilizados para comparação dos sistemas de manejo. Os estoques de C orgânico nas camadas de 0-0,025, 0,025-0,05 e 0,05-0,10 m foram linearmente relacionados à adição anual de C pelas culturas (pastagem + culturas anuais), sendo necessária a adição de 4,48 Mg ha-1 ano-1 para a manutenção do estoque original de C orgânico da camada de 0-0,10 m. A baixa adição de C ao solo pelos resíduos vegetais no tratamento P14 resultou numa emissão líquida estimada de C para a atmosfera (0,05 a 0,27 Mg ha-1 ano-1 ), enquanto o solo no tratamento SP atuou como um dreno de C atmosférico (0,19 a 0,30 Mg ha-1 ano-1). No tratamento P28, o comportamento do solo como fonte ou dreno de C dependeu do sistema de cultura de verão, tendo sido estimada uma emissão líquida de C do solo sob Mon-S (0,04 Mg ha-1 ano-1 ) e uma retenção líquida de C sob Mon-M (0,15 Mg ha-1 ano-1 ) e Rot-S/M (0,11 Mg ha-1 ano-1 ). O maior intervalo entre pastejos, durante o inverno, associado à utilização do milho no verão contribuiu para maiores adições de resíduos vegetais e acúmulo de C orgânico no solo.
S'inscrivant dans le domaine de l'analyse des relations temporelles dans les textes, la présente étude est consacrée à la notion du futur définie en tant qu'anticipation sur les événements à venir dans le récit. Ainsi, la recherche en question se propose de mettre en lumière les différents mécanismes d'anticipation propres aux récits d'aventures au Moyen Âge. Recourant aux moyens heuristiques existants (les bases de la théorie de la réception telle qu'elle est représentée dans les travaux de Jauss, Eco et Greimas), cette thèse se concentre sur l'étude du prologue de l'oeuvre littéraire dont elle élabore une grille de lecture particulière qui tient compte de la complexité de la notion du futur envisagée aux plans grammatical (formes verbales du futur), rhétorique (la figure de la prolepse) et littéraire (les scénarios et les isotopies). La démarche de la lecture détaillée du prologue adoptée au cours de ce travail s'applique d'abord au Chevalier au Lion de Chrétien de Troyes, texte fondateur du corpus, qui constitue, pour parler avec Philippe Walter, un vrai « drame du temps ». L'étude des mécanismes d'anticipation mis en place dans le prologue se prolonge ensuite dans les chapitres consacrés à Claris et Laris et au Chevalier au Lion de Pierre Sala, deux réécritures du célèbre roman du maître champenois. Datant, respectivement, du XIIIe et du début du XVIe siècle, ces oeuvres permettent de saisir le chemin parcouru par le futur dans son aspect thématique et diachronique, ce qui est particulièrement propice au repérage des critères qui influencent l'attente du lecteur par rapport aux événements à venir au fil des siècles. Ainsi, à côté des moyens d'expression « standards » du futur (scénarios intertextuels et isotopies), la présente recherche fait apparaître d'autres facteurs qui influencent l'anticipation, notamment le procédé de la disputatio, le recours à la satire, la démarche de l'engagement indirect et l'opposition vers/prose. La seconde partie de la thèse qui traite, d'un côté, des récits consacrés à la fée Mélusine de Jean d'Arras et de Coudrette, du Livre du Cuer d'amours espris de René d'Anjou de l'autre, sert à vérifier dans quelle mesure la démarche choisie s'applique à des oeuvres du Moyen Âge tardif qui combinent des éléments empruntés à la tradition antérieure avec des éléments d'autre provenance. L'analyse de Mélusine et du Livre du Cuer conduit à ajouter deux facteurs supplémentaires qui influencent l'attente du lecteur, à savoir la démarche de l'engagement partiel et le recours au genre judiciaire. Cette étude démontre que le traitement du futur est d'un enjeu capital pour lire les textes du Moyen Âge, car il permet au lecteur, dès le prologue, de reconnaître la fin vers laquelle tend le récit et de faire par là- même une lecture enrichie, supérieure à d'autres. Telling the Future in the Middle Ages : from the Prologue to the Narrative. From Chrétien de Troyes ' Chevalier au Lion to Pierre Sala 's Chevalier au Lion. Part of the analyses of the time based relations within the texts, the present study deals with the notion of future characterized as an anticipation of the events to come in the narrative. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to bring to light the various mechanisms of anticipation peculiar to the narratives of adventures in the Middle Ages. Making the use of the existing heuristic instruments (the bases of the theory of the reception as it presents itself in the works by Jauss, Eco and Greimas), this thesis is dedicated to the study of the prologue of the work of fiction by means of a particular key for reading which takes into account the complexity of the notion of future with regard to its grammatical side (future tenses), to its rhetorical side (prolepse) and to its literary side (scenario and isotopy). First of all, the close reading of the prologue used in this work is applied to Chrétien de Troyes's Chevalier au Lion (Lion Knight), the founding text of our literary corpus, which represents, according to Philippe Walter, the real « drama of Time ». Then, the study of the mechanisms of anticipation in the prologue is carried over to the chapters devoted to Claris et Laris and to Pierre Sala's Chevalier au Lion, two romances that rewrite Chrétien de Troyes' famous work. Written, respectively, in the XIIIth and in the beginning of the XVI century, these romances enable the reader to ascertain the changes in the manner of telling the future from the thematic and diachronic point of view : this is particularly convenient to the identification of the criteria which influence the reader's expectations relative to the future events in the course of the centuries. Therefore, next to the « standard » means of expression of future (intertextual scenario and isotopy), the present study reveals other factors which influence the anticipation, in particular the method of the disputatio, the use of the satire, the approach of the indirect commitment and the verse/prose opposition. The second part of the thesis which deals with the narratives concerning the fairy Melusine written by Jean d'Arras and by Coudrette on one hand, with René d'Anjou's Livre du Cuer d'amours espris on the other hand, is used to verify to what extent the chosen approach applies to the works of fiction of the Late Middle Ages that combine the elements from the previous tradition with the elements of other origin. The analysis of Melusine's romances and of the Livre du Cuer brings us to add two new factors which influence the reader's expectations : the approach of the partial commitment, and the use of the legal discourse. This study demonstrates that the manner of telling the future is of the utmost importance to read the texts of the Middle Ages, because it enables the reader to know the end of the story from the very beginning, from the prologue, thus leading to a richer and superior reading.
[Illustrations de Scènes et tableaux tirés d'Atala] / [Non identifié] ; Chateaubriand, aut. du texte
Comprend : [Pl. 1 en reg. p.12 :] Atala délivre Chactas. [Cote : Res m Y2 867/Microfilm R 122331] ; [Pl. 2 en reg. p.12 :] Chactas cueille un chaste baiser sur les lèvres d'Atala. [Cote : Res m Y2 867/Microfilm R 122331] ; [Pl. 3 en reg. p.12 :] Atala panse la blessure de Chactas. [Cote : Res m Y2 867/Microfilm R 122331] ; [Pl. 4 en reg. p.12 :] Le Père Aubry rencontre Atala et Chactas. [Cote : Res m Y2 867/Microfilm R 122331] ; [Pl. 5 en reg. p.12 :] Chactas dépose une Rose sur le front d'Atala endormie. [Cote : Res m Y2 867/Microfilm R 122331] ; [Pl. 6 en reg. p.12 :] La communion d'Atala. [Cote : Res m Y2 867/Microfilm R 122331]