980 resultados para Thermal storage wall


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Solid-state MBz compounds, where M stands for bivalent Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn and Bz is benzoate, have been synthesized. Simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy and complexometry were used to characterize and to study the thermal behaviour of these compounds. The procedure used in the preparation of the compounds via reaction of basic carbonates with benzoic acid is not efficient in eliminating excess acid. However the TG-DTA curves permitted to verify that the binary compounds can be obtained by thermosynthesis, because the benzoic acid can be eliminated before the thermal decomposition of these compounds. The results led to information about the composition, dehydration, thermal stability, thermal decomposition and structure of the isolated compounds. On heating, these compounds decompose in two (Mn, Co, Ni, Zn) or three (Fe, Cu) steps with formation of the respective oxide (Mn3O4, Fe2O3, Co3O4, NiO, CuO and ZnO) as final residue. The theoretical and experimental spectroscopic studies suggest a covalent bidentate bond between ligand and metallic center.


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The effect of pork fat reduction (from 44% to 20% final fat content) and its partial substitution by sunflower oil (3% addition) on the physicochemical, instrumental and sensory properties throughout storage time of small caliber non-acid fermented sausages (fuet type) with reduced sodium content (with partial substitution of NaCl by KCl and K-lactate) and without direct addition of nitrate and nitrite (natural nitrate source used instead), was studied. Results showed that sausages with reduced fat (10% initial fat content) and with acceptable sensory characteristics can be obtained by adding to the shoulder lean (8% fat content) during the grinding, either 3.3% backfat (3% fat content) or 3% sunflower oil, both previously finely comminuted with lean. Furthermore, sunflower oil showed to be suitable for partial pork backfat substitution in very lean fermented sausages, conferring desirable sensory properties similar to those of sausages with standard fat content. The sensory quality of the sausages was maintained after three-month cold storage in modified atmosphere.


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The structural relaxation of pure amorphous silicon (a-Si) and hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) materials, that occurs during thermal annealing experiments, has been analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Unlike a-Si, the heat evolved from a-Si:H cannot be explained by relaxation of the Si-Si network strain but it reveals a derelaxation of the bond angle strain. Since the state of relaxation after annealing is very similar for pure and hydrogenated materials, our results give strong experimental support to the predicted configurational gap between a-Si and crystalline silicon


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Els negocis relacionats amb les activitats de lleure i els esports d’aventura actualment es troben en expansió, buscant majoritàriament el contacte amb la natura. Les rutes a cavall formen part del gran ventall d’opcions, per aquesta qüestió s’ha pensat en construir un refugi utilitzat com a final d’etapa per a rutes a cavall. En la major part del territori, la presència de població humana es manifesta en pobles, viles i ciutats, les quals disposes d’aigua sanitària, corrent elèctric i sistema de clavegueram. Per altra banda en les urbanitzacions o cases aïllades poder gaudir d’aquests serveis suposa una inversió econòmica elevada, que implica la utilització de sistemes alternatius. En el present projecte s’ha triat un emplaçament on portar a terme el final d’etapa amb una sèrie de requisits a complir : bosc a les proximitats, disposar d’un o varis accessos per a vehicles (transport del material d’intendència), tranquil•litat, bones vistes, i cobertura de telèfon mòbil. S’han acceptat les següents limitacions : no disposar de xarxa pública d’electricitat ni d’aigua. I s’han dimensionat les instal•lacions per a un màxim de dotze persones i els seus respectius cavalls. El principal objectiu del projecte és el dimensionament de les necessitats elèctriques, d’aigua i d’aiguacalenta sanitària en condicions autònomes, i utilitzant energies renovables. La valoració de les possibles solucions per condicionar les instal•lacions, i oferir una resposta eficient per la demanda. No és un objectiu específic del treball la potabilització de l’aigua ni el tractament dels residus produïts. S’han aprofitat els diferents desnivells que presenta l’emplaçament triat a l’hora de distribuir les instal•lacions, i s’ha utilitzat un antic cobert de dos pisos ja existent. Com a residència s’ha triat un model de casa prefabricada de muntanya. Com a sistema de subministrament elèctric, s’instal•laran plaques solars fotovoltaiques i un generador de corrent com a sistema auxiliar. La captació d’aigua s’efectuarà a partir d’un pou que es troba en el terreny i de la recollida d el’aigua pluvial, instal•lant dipòsits d’emmagatzemament d’aigua segons les necessitats. S’utilitzarà un equip de cloració per potabilitzar l’aigua de consum utilitzada a la residència. En la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària s’utilitzaran plaques solars tèrmiques i una caldera instantània de gas propà com a suport. Per cuinar s’ha triat una cuina de gas propà i una barbacoa que s’instal•larà a l’exterior. S’instal•larà una llar de foc amb recuperador d’aire a la residència i una fosa sèptica amb un sistema d’infiltració per poder abocar les aigües provinents de la residència. Els fems dels cavalls podran ser utilitzats com adob pel terreny.


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A technique for both extraction and activity measurement of peroxidase extracted from arazá (Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh) is described. Peroxidase from arazá pulp fruit was extracted using a combination of protein precipitation with acetone and extraction with 50 mM sodium buffer phosphate (pH 6.0). Optimum activity using guaiacol as H-donor was obtained at pH from 5.0 to 6.5, temperature from 60 to 75 °C, H2O2 between 10 to 15 mM and guaiacol from 80 to 160 mM. Thermal inactivation showed a first-order inactivation kinetic. Reactivation was observed when extracts were heated at 80 °C and afterwards incubated at 25 °C.


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The pentaerythritol-tetranitrate (PETN) is a nitroether used in explosives and propellant formulations. Due to its suitable properties, PETN is used in booster manufacture. Knowing the thermal decomposition behavior of an energetic material is very important for storage and manipulation, and the purpose of this work is to study the kinetic parameters of the decomposition of PETN, compare the results with literature data and to study the decomposition activation energy differences between two crystalline forms of PETN (tetragonal and needle) by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) is used to study the two crystalline forms.


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An evaluation was made of the properties of sugarcane bagasse during the storage process for subsequent burning in a boiler. Samples of bagasse were collected over a period of 150 days from the Caeté sugar mill (MG) at various points of the stockpile soon after the sugarcane was pressed to extract its juice, as well as from natural bagasse, dry and damp. Thermal analyses of the samples were carried out and the results indicated that, during the storage of bagasse, dry or damp, the biomass loses up to 32% of its calorific power, due to decomposition of the hemicellulose.


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Two food products (powders) were obtained by hot-air drying or lyophilisation methods on the whole guava fruits. The powders were characterised by sensory and thermal analyses (TGA-DSC), infrared spectroscopy (IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thermal, morphological and structural characterisations showed a similar behaviour for the two solids. TGA-DSC and IR showed the presence of pectin as the main constituent of solids. A semi-crystalline profile was evidenced by XRD, and lamellar/spherical morphologies were observed by SEM. Sensory analyses revealed an aroma highly related to guava. These value-added food products are an alternative to process guava and avoid loss during postharvest handling.


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Doripenem was characterized through physicochemical and spectroscopic techniques, as well as thermal analysis. TLC (Rf = 0.62) and HPLC (rt = 7.4 min) were found to be adequate to identify the drug. UV and infrared spectra showed similar profile between doripenem bulk and standard. The ¹H and 13C NMR analysis revealed chemical shifts that allowed identifying the drug. Thermal analysis demonstrated three steps with mass loss, at 128, 178 and 276 ºC. The work was successfully applied to qualitative analysis of doripenem, showing the reported methods can be used for physicochemical characterization of doripenem


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Automotive catalyst, using in Brazil since 1992, is a essential technology for vehicular emissions control. Noble metals are the active phase of these catalysts, and cerium zirconium mixed oxides (CZ), responsibles for the oxygen storage capacity (OSC), one of the most important aspect for the operational performance of the catalyst. In this context, the oxireduction properties analysis of CZ and Pd/CZ (palladium supported in CZ) system are the objective of this study, as well as, the impact of the thermal aging in the OSC. Aging consisted of treatments at 900 or 1200 °C, for 12 or 36 h, in oxidizing condition.


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Synthetic antioxidants are an alternative to prevent or retard the degradation of biofuels made from vegetable oils. In this study, it was evaluated the oxidative stability of B100 soybean oil biodiesel, in the presence of tercbutylhydroquinone (TBHQ). The results showed that the induction period, that precedes the seeding process, was delayed in the presence of the antioxidant. Moreover, the obtained results suggest that the B100 biodiesel containing TBHQ can present a storage time at 25 ºC, three times longer than the estimated time for the pure B100.


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This study aimed to evaluate β-galactosidase immobilization. For this purpose, the ionic strength of the buffer, reaction time, amount of the immobilization support, and pH were evaluated by a central composite design. Assay 8, which consisted of 1.5 mol L-1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) and a reaction time of 2 h, produced the maximum yield. Eupergit® C (400 mg) was subsequently used as an immobilization support. Immobilization kinetics wereinvestigated, and a significant increase in the yield was obtained after immobilization compared with that obtained from assay 8 (22.0 U mL-1 vs. 15.6 U mL-1). The enzyme efficiency of actuation was evaluated using o-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside and lactose, with lactose providing better results. The reuse of β-galactosidase was evaluated, and more than 50% of the initial enzyme activity was maintained after five cycles of use. Enzyme characterization revealed that immobilization improved some aspects of the thermostability of β-galactosidase.


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The objective of this work was the immobilization of the enzyme Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL B) using the sol-gel method of immobilization and three different initiators of the polymerization reaction: one acid (HCl), one basic (NH4OH) and the other nucleophilic (HBr). Tetraethylorthosilicate was used as the silica precursor. The influence of the additive PEG 1500 on immobilization was assessed. The efficiency of the process was evaluated considering the esterification activity of the xerogels. The immobilization process provided enhanced thermal stability, storage and operational aspects relative to the free enzyme. Storage temperature proved one of the main variables to be considered in the process, with the xerogels stored under refrigeration showing better results in terms of residual activity (nearly 200 days with ≥ 90% residual activity of basic and nucleophilic xerogels) when compared with storage at ambient temperature (nearly 40 days). The results demonstrated the possibility of reuse of derivatives and a greater number of cycles (nine), considering a residual activity of 50%.


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The global energy scenario is currently a widely discussed topic, with growing concern about the future supplies. Thus, much attention has been dedicated to the utilization of biomass as an energy resource. In this respect, orange peel has become a material of great interest, especially to Brazil, which generates around 9.5 million tons of this waste per year. To this end, the authors studied the kinetics of the thermal processing of dried orange peel in inert and oxidizing atmosphere. The thermodynamic parameters were determined by the Ozawa-Flynn-Wall method for the global process observed during heating from the 25°C up to 800°C. The thermal analysis in air and nitrogen showed 3-2 stages of mass loss, respectively, with approximately 20% residual mass under a nitrogen atmosphere. The increase in the values of activation energy for the conversion points between 20% and 60% for thermal effects in air and nitrogen atmosphere was observed. The activation energy obtained in an oxidizing atmosphere was higher than that obtained under a nitrogen atmosphere. The fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the material has a high level of complexity with the presence of alkali and alkaline earth groups as well as phosphate, plus substances such as pectin, cellulose and lignin.