1000 resultados para Telegraph, Wireless.


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Autonomous Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) have sensors that are usually deployed randomly to monitor one or more phenomena. They are attractive for information discovery in large-scale data rich environments and can add value to mission–critical applications such as battlefield surveillance and emergency response systems. However, in order to fully exploit these networks for such applications, energy efficient, load balanced and scalable solutions for information discovery are essential. Multi-dimensional autonomous WSNs are deployed in complex environments to sense and collect data relating to multiple attributes (multi-dimensional data). Such networks present unique challenges to data dissemination, data storage of in-network information discovery. In this paper, we propose a novel method for information discovery for multi-dimensional autonomous WSNs which sensors are deployed randomly that can significantly increase network lifetime and minimize query processing latency, resulting in quality of service (QoS) improvements that are of immense benefit to mission–critical applications. We present simulation results to show that the proposed approach to information discovery offers significant improvements on query resolution latency compared with current approaches.


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Wireless mesh networks are widely applied in many fields such as industrial controlling, environmental monitoring, and military operations. Network coding is promising technology that can improve the performance of wireless mesh networks. In particular, network coding is suitable for wireless mesh networks as the fixed backbone of wireless mesh is usually unlimited energy. However, coding collision is a severe problem affecting network performance. To avoid this, routing should be effectively designed with an optimum combination of coding opportunity and coding validity. In this paper, we propose a Connected Dominating Set (CDS)-based and Flow-oriented Coding-aware Routing (CFCR) mechanism to actively increase potential coding opportunities. Our work provides two major contributions. First, it effectively deals with the coding collision problem of flows by introducing the information conformation process, which effectively decreases the failure rate of decoding. Secondly, our routing process considers the benefit of CDS and flow coding simultaneously. Through formalized analysis of the routing parameters, CFCR can choose optimized routing with reliable transmission and small cost. Our evaluation shows CFCR has a lower packet loss ratio and higher throughput than existing methods, such as Adaptive Control of Packet Overhead in XOR Network Coding (ACPO), or Distributed Coding-Aware Routing (DCAR).


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The popularity of smartphones has led to an increasing demand for health apps. As a result, the healthcare industry is embracing mobile technology and the security of mHealth is essential in protecting patient’s user data and WBAN in a clinical setting. Breaches of security can potentially be life-threatening as someone with malicious intentions could misuse mHealth devices and user information. In this article, threats to security for mHealth networks are discussed in a layered approach addressing gaps in this emerging field of research. Suite B and Suite E, which are utilized in many security systems, including in mHealth applications, are also discussed. In this paper, the support for mHealth security will follow two approaches; protecting patient-centric systems and associated link technologies. Therefore this article is focused on the security provisioning of the communication path between the patient terminal (PT; e.g., sensors) and the monitoring devices (e.g., smartphone, data-collector).


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Service oriented architecture has been proposed to support collaborations among distributed wireless sensor network (WSN) applications in an open dynamic environment. However, WSNs are resource constraint, and have limited computation abilities, limited communication bandwidth and especially limited energy. Fortunately, sensor nodes in WSNs are usually deployed redundantly, which brings the opportunity to adopt a sleep schedule for balanced energy consumption to extend the network lifetime. Due to miniaturization and energy efficiency, one sensor node can integrate several sense units and support a variety of services. Traditional sleep schedule considers only the constraints from the sensor nodes, can be categorized to a one-layer (i.e., node layer) issue. The service oriented WSNs should resolve the energy optimization issue considering the two-layer constraints, i.e., the sensor nodes layer and service layer. Then, the one-layer energy optimization scheme in previous work is not applicable for service oriented WSNs. Hence, in this paper we propose a sleep schedule with a service coverage guarantee in WSNs. Firstly, by considering the redundancy degree on both the service level and the node level, we can get an accurate redundancy degree of one sensor node. Then, we can adopt fuzzy logic to integrate the redundancy degree, reliability and energy to get a sleep factor. Based on the sleep factor, we furthermore propose the sleep mechanism. The case study and simulation evaluations illustrate the capability of our proposed approach.


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Este trabalho apresenta, inicialmente, uma análise comparativa detalhada dos dois padrões, IEEE 802.11a e IEEE802.11b, que foram apresentados recentemente pelo IEEE na área de redes sem fio (wireless). São apresentadas as principais diferenças tecnológicas dos dois padrões, no que se refere, principalmente, à arquitetura, funções de controle, segurança, desempenho e custo de implementação destas duas tecnologias de redes wireless. São avaliados também os aspectos de interoperabilidade, quando estas redes são integradas em redes corporativas fixas, que são baseadas, principalmente, em redes Ethernet, tradicionalmente usadas em redes corporativas. São considerados também, aspectos de custo e flexibilidade de aplicação das duas tecnologias e mostram-se como estas diferenças devem ser levadas em conta em aplicações típicas de um ambiente corporativo. Finalmente, apresenta-se também, como estudo de caso, uma análise focalizada principalmente na integração da tecnologia wireless em aplicações típicas de uma grande empresa local. Consideram-se as vantagens e desvantagens de ambas as tecnologias, como solução para algumas aplicações típicas encontradas nesta empresa, e justifica-se a escolha da solução que foi adotada. Conclui-se com algumas projeções quanto ao futuro da tecnologia wireless no ambiente público e corporativo.


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In the last decade mobile wireless communications have witnessed an explosive growth in the user’s penetration rate and their widespread deployment around the globe. It is expected that this tendency will continue to increase with the convergence of fixed Internet wired networks with mobile ones and with the evolution to the full IP architecture paradigm. Therefore mobile wireless communications will be of paramount importance on the development of the information society of the near future. In particular a research topic of particular relevance in telecommunications nowadays is related to the design and implementation of mobile communication systems of 4th generation. 4G networks will be characterized by the support of multiple radio access technologies in a core network fully compliant with the Internet Protocol (all IP paradigm). Such networks will sustain the stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements and the expected high data rates from the type of multimedia applications to be available in the near future. The approach followed in the design and implementation of the mobile wireless networks of current generation (2G and 3G) has been the stratification of the architecture into a communication protocol model composed by a set of layers, in which each one encompasses some set of functionalities. In such protocol layered model, communications is only allowed between adjacent layers and through specific interface service points. This modular concept eases the implementation of new functionalities as the behaviour of each layer in the protocol stack is not affected by the others. However, the fact that lower layers in the protocol stack model do not utilize information available from upper layers, and vice versa, downgrades the performance achieved. This is particularly relevant if multiple antenna systems, in a MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) configuration, are implemented. MIMO schemes introduce another degree of freedom for radio resource allocation: the space domain. Contrary to the time and frequency domains, radio resources mapped into the spatial domain cannot be assumed as completely orthogonal, due to the amount of interference resulting from users transmitting in the same frequency sub-channel and/or time slots but in different spatial beams. Therefore, the availability of information regarding the state of radio resources, from lower to upper layers, is of fundamental importance in the prosecution of the levels of QoS expected from those multimedia applications. In order to match applications requirements and the constraints of the mobile radio channel, in the last few years researches have proposed a new paradigm for the layered architecture for communications: the cross-layer design framework. In a general way, the cross-layer design paradigm refers to a protocol design in which the dependence between protocol layers is actively exploited, by breaking out the stringent rules which restrict the communication only between adjacent layers in the original reference model, and allowing direct interaction among different layers of the stack. An efficient management of the set of available radio resources demand for the implementation of efficient and low complexity packet schedulers which prioritize user’s transmissions according to inputs provided from lower as well as upper layers in the protocol stack, fully compliant with the cross-layer design paradigm. Specifically, efficiently designed packet schedulers for 4G networks should result in the maximization of the capacity available, through the consideration of the limitations imposed by the mobile radio channel and comply with the set of QoS requirements from the application layer. IEEE 802.16e standard, also named as Mobile WiMAX, seems to comply with the specifications of 4G mobile networks. The scalable architecture, low cost implementation and high data throughput, enable efficient data multiplexing and low data latency, which are attributes essential to enable broadband data services. Also, the connection oriented approach of Its medium access layer is fully compliant with the quality of service demands from such applications. Therefore, Mobile WiMAX seems to be a promising 4G mobile wireless networks candidate. In this thesis it is proposed the investigation, design and implementation of packet scheduling algorithms for the efficient management of the set of available radio resources, in time, frequency and spatial domains of the Mobile WiMAX networks. The proposed algorithms combine input metrics from physical layer and QoS requirements from upper layers, according to the crosslayer design paradigm. Proposed schedulers are evaluated by means of system level simulations, conducted in a system level simulation platform implementing the physical and medium access control layers of the IEEE802.16e standard.


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This work deals with experimental studies about VoIP conections into WiFi 802.11b networks with handoff. Indoor and outdoor network experiments are realised to take measurements for the QoS parameters delay, throughput, jitter and packt loss. The performance parameters are obtained through the use of software tools Ekiga, Iperf and Wimanager that assure, respectvely, VoIP conection simulation, trafic network generator and metric parameters acquisition for, throughput, jitter and packt loss. The avarage delay is obtained from the measured throughput and the concept of packt virtual transmition time. The experimental data are validated based on de QoS level for each metric parameter accepted as adequated by the specialized literature


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To simplify computer management, various administration systems based on wired connections adopt advanced techniques to manage software configuration. Nevertheless, the strong relation between hardware and software makes for an individualism of that management, besides penalizing computational mobility and ubiquity. All these issues lead to degradation of scalability, flexibility and the facility to install and maintain distributed applications. This article presents an environment for centralized wireless communication network management, named WSE-OS (Wireless Sharing Environment - Operating Systems): a model based on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) which associates virtualization techniques and safe remote access systems to create a distributed architecture as a base for a managing system. WSE-OS is capable of accomplishing the replication of operating system images using wireless communication network, besides offering abstraction of hardware to its clients, making the management more flexible and independent of wired connections. Results obtained from this work indicate that WSE-OS allows disseminating, through a single software configuration, the execution of data related to operating system images in client computers. WSE-OS can also be used as a management tool for operating systems in a wireless network.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents a NCAP embedded on DE2 kit with Nios II processor and uClinux to development of a network gateway with two interfaces, wireless (ZigBee) and wired (RS232) based on IEEE 1451. Both the communications, wireless and wired, were developed to be point-to-point and working with the same protocols, based on IEEE 1451.0-2007. The tests were made using a microcomputer, which through of browser was possible access the web page stored in the DE2 kit and send commands of control and monitoring to both TIMs (WTIM and STIM). The system describes a different form of development of the NCAP node to be applied in different environments with wired or wireless in the same node. © 2011 IEEE.


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The use of QoS parameters to evaluate the quality of service in a mesh network is essential mainly when providing multimedia services. This paper proposes an algorithm for planning wireless mesh networks in order to satisfy some QoS parameters, given a set of test points (TPs) and potential access points (APs). Examples of QoS parameters include: probability of packet loss and mean delay in responding to a request. The proposed algorithm uses a Mathematical Programming model to determine an adequate topology for the network and Monte Carlo simulation to verify whether the QoS parameters are being satisfied. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm is able to find satisfactory solutions.


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The good efficiency in a sewage treatment plant (WWTP) is a great importance to the environment. The management of electromechanical equipment installed in these stations is a major challenge due to the fact that they are installed on areas of difficult access and maintenance unhealthy and making the time for the correction of any faults is extended. This paper proposes the development of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), in order to monitor electromechanical equipment, allowing the Concessionaire a predictive control in real time. The design of a wireless sensors network for monitoring equipment requires not only the development and assembly of the sensor modules, but must also include the development of software for managing the data collected. Thus, this work includes a Zigbee WSN, small, adapted for monitoring of electromechanical equipment and environmental conditions of a WWTP, type stabilization pond, installed in an area of approximately 0.15 km 2 and the average flow of 320 liters of treatment per second. The experimental results show that this monitoring system can perform with the collection of parameters of performance and quality assessment at the station.


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Wireless sensor network (WSN) Is a technology that can be used to monitor and actuate on environments in a non-intrusive way. The main difference from WSN and traditional sensor networks is the low dependability of WSN nodes. In this way, WSN solutions are based on a huge number of cheap tiny nodes that can present faults in hardware, software and wireless communication. The deployment of hundreds of nodes can overcome the low dependability of individual nodes, however this strategy introduces a lot of challenges regarding network management, real-time requirements and self-optimization. In this paper we present a simulated annealing approach that self-optimize large scale WSN. Simulation results indicate that our approach can achieve self-optimization characteristics in a dynamic WSN. © 2012 IEEE.


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Networked control systems (NCS) are distributed control system where the sensors, actuators and controllers are physically separated and connected through communication networks. NCS represent the evolution of networked control architectures providing greater modularity and control decentralization, ease maintenance and diagnosis and lower cost of implementation. A recent trend in this research topic is the development of NCS using wireless networks (WNCS) enabling interoperability between existing wired and wireless systems. This paper evaluates a serial RS-232 ZigBee device as a wireless sensor link in NCS. In order to support this investigation, relevant performance metrics for wireless control applications such as jitter, time delay and messages lost are highlighted and calculated to evaluate the device capabilities. In addition the control performance of an implemented motor control system using the device is analyzed. Experimental results led to the conclusion that serial RS-232 ZigBee devices can be used to implement WNCS and the use of this device delay information in the PID controller discretization can improve the control performance of the system. © 2012 IEEE.


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The main concern in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) algorithms and protocols are the energy consumption. Thus, the WSN lifetime is one of the most important metric used to measure the performance of the WSN approaches. Another important metric is the WSN spatial coverage, where the main goal is to obtain sensed data in a uniform way. This paper has proposed an approach called (m,k)-Gur Game that aims a trade-off between quality of service and the increasement of spatial coverage diversity. Simulation results have shown the effectiveness of this approach. © 2012 IEEE.