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Fry supply is still the most serious problem yet to be solved in the culture of Clarias lazera in ponds. The object of the experiment is to compare the effect of fresh pituitary extract with that of the synthetic hormone with a view to determining the dosage. Ten trial runs were made using either the fresh pituitary extract of the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at various concentrations. It was however, noted that the response of a particular set varies with the concentration. The actual result achieved from each set is highlighted under each experiment


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The geometric mean regression equation for the weight; length relationship of Cynoglossus canariensis was W = 0.0025 L super(3.1770). The Von Bertalanffy constants Woo, Loo, K, and to were 507.5852 g, 47.3683 cm, 0.3333 and 0.1397 for males and 839.0753 g, 54.4720 cm, 0.3062 and 0.1737 for females. Total mortality coefficient Z ranged from 0.6482 and 0.8021


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The effects of complex boundary conditions on flows are represented by a volume force in the immersed boundary methods. The problem with this representation is that the volume force exhibits non-physical oscillations in moving boundary simulations. A smoothing technique for discrete delta functions has been developed in this paper to suppress the non-physical oscillations in the volume forces. We have found that the non-physical oscillations are mainly due to the fact that the derivatives of the regular discrete delta functions do not satisfy certain moment conditions. It has been shown that the smoothed discrete delta functions constructed in this paper have one-order higher derivative than the regular ones. Moreover, not only the smoothed discrete delta functions satisfy the first two discrete moment conditions, but also their derivatives satisfy one-order higher moment condition than the regular ones. The smoothed discrete delta functions are tested by three test cases: a one-dimensional heat equation with a moving singular force, a two-dimensional flow past an oscillating cylinder, and the vortex-induced vibration of a cylinder. The numerical examples in these cases demonstrate that the smoothed discrete delta functions can effectively suppress the non-physical oscillations in the volume forces and improve the accuracy of the immersed boundary method with direct forcing in moving boundary simulations.


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The meristic and morphometric characteristics of Gymnarchus niloticus are described and linear equations relating various parts of the body to the head length or total length are given. The age of G. niloticus in Lake Chad (Nigeria) was determined from growth marks on the opercular bones. The mean lengths for age, and mean weights for age obtained for the first five years of life are given. The assymptotic length and the von Betarlanffy growth parameters for the males and females combined are given


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ENGLISH: Monthly estimates of the abundance of yellowfin tuna by age groups and regions within the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1970-1988 are made, using purse-seine catch rates, length-frequency samples, and results from cohort analysis. The numbers of individuals caught of each age group in each logged purse-seine set are estimated, using the tonnage from that set and length-frequency distribution from the "nearest" length-frequency sample(s). Nearest refers to the closest length frequency sample(s) to the purse-seine set in time, distance, and set type (dolphin associated, floating object associated, skipjack associated, none of these, and some combinations). Catch rates are initially calculated as the estimated number of individuals of the age group caught per hour of searching. Then, to remove the effects of set type and vessel speed, they are standardized, using separate weiznted generalized linear models for each age group. The standardized catch rates at the center of each 2.5 0 quadrangle-month are estimated, using locally-weighted least-squares regressions on latitude, longitude and date, and then combined into larger regions. Catch rates within these regions are converted to numbers of yellowfin, using the mean age composition from cohort analysis. The variances of the abundance estimates within regions are large for 0-, 1-, and 5-year-olds, but small for 1.5- to 4-year-olds, except during periods of low fishing activity. Mean annual catch rate estimates for the entire eastern Pacific Ocean are significantly positively correlated with mean abundance estimates from cohort analysis for age groups ranging from 1.5 to 4 years old. Catch-rate indices of abundance by age are expected to be useful in conjunction with data on reproductive biology to estimate total egg production within regions. The estimates may also be useful in understanding geographic and temporal variations in age-specific availability to purse seiners, as well as age-specific movements. SPANISH: Se calculan estimaciones mensuales de la abundancia del atún aleta amarilla por grupos de edad y regiones en el Océano Pacífico oriental durante 1970-1988, usando tasas de captura cerquera, muestras de frecuencia de talla, y los resultados del análisis de cohortes. Se estima el número de individuos capturados de cada grupo de edad en cada lance cerquero registrado, usando el tonelaje del lance en cuestión y la distribución de frecuencia de talla de la(s) muestra(s) de frecuencia de talla "más cercana/s)," "Más cercana" significa la(s) muestra(s) de frecuencia de talla más parecida(s) al lance cerquero en cuanto a fecha, distancia, y tipo de lance (asociado con delfines, con objeto flotante, con barrilete, con ninguno de éstos, y algunas combinaciones). Se calculan inicialmente las tasas de captura como el número estimado de individuos del grupo de edad capturado por hora de búsqueda. A continuación, para eliminar los efectos del tipo de lance y la velocidad del barco, se estandardizan dichas tasas, usando un modelo lineal generalizado ponderado, para cada grupo por separado. Se estima la tasa de captura estandardizada al centro de cada cuadrángulo de 2.5°-mes, usando regresiones de mínimos cuadrados ponderados localmente por latitud, longitud, y fecha, y entonces combinándolas en regiones mayores. Se convierten las tasas de captura dentro de estas regiones en números de aletas amarillas individuales, usando el número promedio por edad proveniente del análisis de cohortes. Las varianzas de las estimaciones de la abundancia dentro de las regiones son grandes para los peces de O, 1, Y5 años de edad, pero pequeñas para aquellos de entre 1.5 Y4 años de edad, excepto durante períodos de poca actividad pesquera. Las estimaciones de la tasa de captura media anual para todo el Océano Pacífico oriental están correlacionadas positivamente de forma significativa con las estimaciones de la abundancia media del análisis de las cohortes para los grupos de edad de entre 1.5 y 4 años. Se espera que los índices de abundancia por edad basados en las tasas de captura sean útiles, en conjunto con datos de la biología reproductiva, para estimar la producción total de huevos por regiones. Las estimaciones podrían asimismo ser útiles para la comprensión de las variaciones geográficas y temporales de la disponibilidad específica por edad a los barcos cerqueros, y también las migraciones específicas por edad. (PDF contains 35 pages.)


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Biological studies of Heterotis niloticus were conducted for three years in the middle River Niger. Scales were found to be the most suitable structure in ageing Heterotis which was validated by length/histogram curve. Annual rings were found to be formed between March to June. Growth was rapid in the first two years and they reached sexual maturity at 2 years. The male grow longer while the female are bulkier. The length-weight relationship of male and female Heterotis did not differ significantly and the resulting equation for male was W = 1.25L super(2.5) and W = 1.6L super(2.7) for females respectively where W = weight (g) and L = total length. The total length to body scale relationship was found to be L = 14.3R super(2.6) where (R = oral radius of scale Heterotis growth was found to be allometric


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ENGLISH: The spawning of Pacific northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, takes place only in the western Pacific Ocean (WPO), but substantial numbers of the juveniles migrate to the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), where they remain for several months, or longer, and the.n return to the WPO. Lengthfrequency and tagging data show that many bluefin arrive in the EPO as 1-and 2-year olds, and remain there for one or two fishing seasons before returning to the WPO. The proportion of the fish which make the west-to-east migration varies among years. The numbers of 1-, 2-, 3-, 4, and >4 –year olds in the catches of the EPO are estimated for most years of the 1952-1991 period. SPANISH: EI desove del atun aleta azul del norte del Pacifico, Thunnus thynnus, ocurre solamente en el Océano Pacifico occidental (WPO), pero números substanciales de los juveniles migran al Océano Pacifico oriental (OPO), donde permanecen unos meses, 0 mas, antes de regresar al WPO. Datos de marcado y frecuencia de talla indican que muchos aletas azules llegan al OPO a 1 o 2 anos de edad, y permanecen alIi una 0 dos temporadas de pesca antes de regresar al WPO. La proporcion de los peces que migra del oeste al este varia entre anos. Se estima el numero de peces de 1, 2, 3, 4, Y>4 anos de edad en las capturas del OPO para la mayoria de los anos del periodo de 1952-1991. (PDF contains 40 pages.)


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This paper explores the benefits of including age-structure in the control rule (HCR) when decision makers regard their (age-structured) models as approximations. We find that introducing age structure into the HCR reduces both the volatility of the spawning biomass and the yield. Although at a fairly imprecise level the benefits are lower, there are still major advantages for actual assessment precision of the case study. Moreover, we find that when age-structure is included in the HCR the relative ranking of different policies in terms of variance in biomass and yield does not differ. These results are shown both theoretically and numerically by applying the model to the Southern Hake fishery.