989 resultados para Takku, Anna


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Although aneuploidy has many possible causes, it often results from underlying chromosomal instability (CIN) leading to an unstable karyotype with cell-to-cell variation and multiple subclones. To test for the presence of CIN in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia (HeH ALL) at diagnosis, we investigated 20 patients (10 HeH ALL and 10 non-HeH ALL), using automated four-color interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (I-FISH) with centromeric probes for chromosomes 4, 6, 10, and 17. In HeH ALL, the proportion of abnormal cells ranged from 36.3% to 92.4%, and a variety of aneuploid populations were identified. Compared with conventional cytogenetics, I-FISH revealed numerous additional clones, some of them very small. To investigate the nature and origin of this clonal heterogeneity, we determined average numerical CIN values for all four chromosomes together and for each chromosome and patient group. The CIN values in HeH ALL were relatively high (range, 22.2-44.7%), compared with those in non-HeH ALL (3.2-6.4%), thus accounting for the presence of numerical CIN in HeH ALL at diagnosis. We conclude that numerical CIN may be at the origin of the high level of clonal heterogeneity revealed by I-FISH in HeH ALL at presentation, which would corroborate the potential role of CIN in tumor pathogenesis.


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This research paper seeks to bring into view the present-day situation of Native-American narrative in English. It is divided into four chapters. The first deals with the emergence of what we might call a Native-American narrative style and its evolution from 1900 up until its particularly forceful expression in 1968 with the appearance of N. Scott Momaday’s novel House Made of Dawn. To trace this evolution, we follow the chronology set forth by Paula Gunn Allen in her anthology Voice of the Turtle: American Indian Literature 1900-1970. In the second chapter we hear various voices from contemporary Native-American literary production as we follow Simon J. Ortiz’s anthology Speaking for the Generations: Native Writers on Writing. Noteworthy among these are Leslie Marmon Silko and Gloria Bird, alongside new voices such as those of Esther G. Belin and Daniel David Moses, and closing with Guatemalan-Mayan Victor D. Montejo, exiled in the United States. These writers’ contributions gravitate around two fundamental notions: the interdependence between human beings and the surrounding landscape, and the struggle for survival, which of necessity involves the deconstruction of the (post-)colonial subject. The third chapter deals with an anthology of short stories and poems by present-day Native-American women writers, edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird and entitled Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writings of North America. It too exemplifies personal and cultural reaffirmation on a landscape rich in ancestral elements, but also where one’s own voice takes shape in the language which, historically, is that of the enemy. In the final chapter we see how translation studies provide a critical perspective and fruitful reflection on the literary production of Native-American translative cultures, where a wide range of writers struggle to bring about the affirmative deconstruction of the colonialised subject. Thus there comes a turnaround in the function of the “enemy’s language,” giving rise also to the question of cultural incommensurability.


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The application of click chemistry to develop libraries of organometallic ruthenium-arene complexes with potential anticancer properties has been investigated. A series of ruthenium-imidazole-triazole complexes, with hydrophobic tails, were prepared from a common precursor via click chemistry. The tail could be attached to the ligand prior to coordination to the ruthenium complex were screened for cytotoxicity in tumourigenic and non-tumourigenic cell lines, and while the compounds were only moderately cytotoxic, good selectivity for tumourigenic cells were abserved.


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A les darreres dècades, l'anglès mèdic col·loquial s'ha barrejat amb el llenguatge no especialitzat a dramatitzacions audiovisuals. Aquest argot pertany actualment a un sistema conceptual lligat a una cultura i constitueix l'oralitat prefabricada destinada a caracteritzar els personatges de ficció. Aquesta investigació verifica tant les tècniques de traducció emprades per traslladar la terminologia mèdica de la sèrie ER (Urgències) en el doblatge de l'anglès a l'espanyol, com el nivell d'adequació de la versió en la llengua meta. Acadèmicament, aquest treball està motivat per la manca d'estudis empírics de la traducció per el doblatge de la terminologia mèdica de les series televisives


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Mitjançant el mètode de treball terminològic proposat per la Teoria Comunicativa de la Terminologia (TCT) es realitza una anàlisi d'un corpus bilingüe ad hoc sobre Cultura de Pau per establir el mapa de la xarxa conceptual del terme "pau" i les seves col·locacions en castellà i anglès. Aquestes s'obtenen mitjançant un sistema d'extracció de terminologia. Aquest treball pretén ser una primera aproximació a la terminologia de la Cultura de Pau. L'estudi es realitza des d'un punt de vista interdisciplinari tenint en compte les aportacions teòriques procedents de la TCT, la lingüística de corpus i les xarxes conceptuals


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This study addresses the issue of Spanish plural marking considering data from three sources: existent words, loan words and nonce words. Specifically, we are interested in the role of stress placement and word-final sound in the use of /-es/ for plural formation. We present data concerning the interaction of these two features for children and adults. Our findings suggest that this phenomenon is a classic example of over generalization in acquisition. Stress does not seem a determining feature by itself. Its main effect is produced when it interacts with the structure of the syllable


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Background: Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) may dramatically curtail cumulative immunological damage allowing maximal levels of immune preservation/reconstitution and induce an immunovirological status similar to that of HIV-1 LTNPs with low viral reservoirs and polyfunctional HIV-1 specific T cell responses.Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study of an HIV-1 seroconverter cohort on long-term ART (LTTS) and compared it to one of LTNPs. Inclusion criteria for 20 LTTS were: (a) ?4 years ART; (b) long-term aviremia and (c) absence of treatment failure and for 15 LTNPs: (a) ?7 years of documented HIV-1 infection; (b) <1000 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL and ?500 CD4+ T-cells/mm3 in >90% of measurements; (d) absence of AIDS-defining conditions; (e) ART-naı¨ve except for temporary ART for prevention of MTCT. In both cohorts, we analysed residual viral replication and reservoirs in peripheral blood, as measured by cellassociated HIV-1 RNA and DNA in PBMCs, respectively and used polychromatic flow cytometry to analyse HIV-1-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell functional profile in terms of cytokine production using IFN-c, IL-2, TNF-a production.Results: Cell-associated DNA [47.7 (4.8-583.2) in LTTS and 19.7 (0.5-295.5) in LTNPS, p=0.10], and RNA [3.9 (0-36) and 5.8 (0-10.3), respectively] were shown to be similarly low in both cohorts. We identified 103 CD8 T cell epitope-specific responses, all subjects responding to ?1 epitope. Mean responding number of responding epitopes per patient was 2 and 4 in LTTS and LTNPS, respectively. Mean% of cytokine-secreting CD8 T cells was 0.37% and 0.50% (p=0.06), of these 43% and 39% (p=0.12) were secreting simultaneously IFN-c, IL-2 and TNF-a. Respective values for CD4 T cells were 0.28% and 0.33% (p=0.28) of which 33% and 30% (0.32) were secreting these 3 cytokines simultaneously.Conclusions: Long-term aviremia after very early ART initiation is associated with low levels of reservoirs saturation ad residual replication. Although less broad CD8 T cell responses were found in LTTS, HIV-1 specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses showed similar magnitude and functional profile in the 2 cohorts. Our results indicate that prolonged ART initiated at the time of HIV-1 seroconversion is associated with immuno-virological features which resemble those of LTNPs. (BHIVA Research Award Winner 2008: Anna Garcia-Diaz.)


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Del 10 al 20% de les pancreatitis agudes(PA) són greus. L’objetiu del treball és la valoració dels marcadors precoços de gravetat. Es presenta un estudi prospectiu de 130 pacients amb PA analitzant les classificacions de Ranson, Apache II, Índex de Severitat del TAC(IST), hematòcrit i PCR en les primeres 24h comparant-los amb els criteris d’Atlanta. La proporció de necrosi, d’ingrés a UCI i de mortalitat obtingudes en la sèrie estudiada en el nostre entorn són similars als de la literatura. Segons els nostres resultats l’hematòcrit en les primeres 24hores és predictor de mortalitat i l’Apache II d’ingrés a UCI.


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Treballar amb el pacient laringuectomitzat per ajudar-lo a recuperar la facultat de la parla després de la laringuectomia total i així, normalitzar i intentar salvar el gran canvi bio-psico-social que suposa aquesta intervenció quirúrgica. Analitzar i comparar els resultats de la qualitat de la veu obtinguda mitjançant els diferents mètodes de rehabilitació de la veu: fistuloplàstia (principalment) i erigmofonia; així com obtenir dades objectives de factors de rellevància important en el pacient oncològic.


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This paper contributes to the empirical literature on the effects of agglomeration and road accessibility on productivity of firms by looking at the case of Spain. We approach productivity indirectly by using individual wages allocated at the NUTS III level. We use a repeated cross-section of individual micro-data for the years 1995, 2002 and 2006. The availability of interprovincial travel time data for each of the three years allows controlling for transport improvements over the period by using a market potential variable. Additionally, agglomeration is approached by employment density and we control for localization economies, human capital externalities and a large set of individual and workplace characteristics. Estimating by instrumental variables, our results show a positive and significant effect of market accessibility on wages and non linear effect for employment density.


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Estudio clínico prospectivo de 70 pacientes sometidos a tiroidectomía total (TT) El objetivo del estudio es analizar el valor de la determinación de paratirina (PTHi) a las 24 horas de la TT como indicador de riesgo de hipoparatiroidismo definitivo. Cuarenta y cuatro pacientes (62,9%) presentaron hipocalcemia y 27 (38,6%) una deficiencia de PTHi a las 24 h de la TT. Una concentración de PTHi a las 24 h postTT 5,8 pg/mL predice con una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 81,5% la evolución a hipoparatiroidismo definitivo, con un valor predictivo negativo del 100%. Estudi clínic prospectiu de 70 pacients sotmesos a tiroïdectomia total (TT). L’objectiu de l’estudi és analitzar el valor de la determinació de paratirina (PTHi) a les 24 hores de la TT com a indicador de risc d’hipoparatiroïdisme definitiu. Quaranta-quatre pacients (62,9%) presentaren hipocalcèmia i 27 (38,6%) una deficiència de PTHi a les 24 hores de la TT. Una concentración de PTHi a les 24 h postTT 5,8 pg/mL prediu amb una sensibilitat del 100% i una especificitat del 81,5% l’evolució a hipoparatiroïdisme definitiu, amb un valor predictiu negatiu del 100%.


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Els ports esportius a nivell català han augmentat considerablement a causa de la creixent afició a la navegació i els esports nàutics. L’increment de la demanda d’amarratges al port i la conseqüent concentració d’iots, ha implicat la necessitat d’un estudi dels seus impactes potencials. El Port Garraf té un impacte més reduït degut a que prioritzen les embarcacions de vela, en canvi pel que fa al Port d’Aiguadolç i Port Ginesta la proporció d’embarcacions a motor és superior, per tant tindran un consum més elevat de combustible. Pel que fa a residus especials, concretament olis, els tres ports tenen un impacte sever per la difícil recuperació del medi en cas d’accident, encara que hi ha una bona gestió en els ports. Per acabar el Port d’Aiguadolç és el que té un consum d’aigua superior. Segons la comparació que s’ha realitzat dels diferents fluxos, es pot concloure que el port Ginesta és el més sostenible. Gràcies a la bona gestió portuària i a la sensibilització dels usuaris del port, tot i tenir major superfície i més quantitat d’embarcacions, aquest port és el que té menors impactes potencials.


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L’objectiu de l’estudi ha estat descriure els esdeveniments adversos en pacients portadors d’stents coronaris sotmesos a cirurgia no cardíaca, el maneig del tractament antiagregant plaquetari (AAP) i avaluar la relació entre l’aparició d’aquests esdeveniments amb la gestió perioperatòria dels AAP. Estudi observacional i prospectiu. Es van incloure 81 procediments quirúrgics. Un 96.3 % estava amb tractament AAP, la retirada es va realitzar en un 28.2%. La incidència d’esdeveniments cardíacs majors va ser 12.3 %, un 37% varen presentar altres complicacions. CONCLUSIONS El nostre estudi no mostra que el maneig del tractament AAP tingui relació amb els esdeveniments adversos.


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L’objectiu es valorar si els pacients afectats de fractura d’húmer proximal tractats quirúrgicament tenen menys morbi-mortalitat a mig termini que els que presenten una fractura de fèmur proximal tractada quirúrgicament. Observem una menor mortalitat en les fractures d’húmer proximal amb un 14.43% respecte al 36% de les fractures de maluc als 8 anys de seguiment. El 79.5% dels pacients amb fractures d’húmer continuen essent independents per a les activitats de la vida diària. Un 26% han tingut fractures posteriors a la fractura d’húmer i un 11.3% ja estaven diagnosticats d’osteoporosis amb anterioritat.


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From March 1996 to August 1997, a study was carried out in a malaria endemic area of the Brazilian Amazon region. In vivo sensitivity evaluation to antimalarial drugs was performed in 129 patients. Blood samples (0.5 ml) were drawn from each patient and cryopreserved to proceed to in vitro studies. In vitro sensitivity evaluation performed using a radioisotope method was carried out with the cryopreserved samples from September to December 1997. Thirty-one samples were tested for chloroquine, mefloquine, halofantrine, quinine, arteether and atovaquone. Resistance was evidenced in 96.6% (29/30) of the samples tested for chloroquine, 3.3% (1/30) for quinine, none (0/30) for mefloquine and none for halofantrine (0/30). Overall low sensitivity was evidenced in 10% of the samples tested for quinine, 22.5% tested for halofantrine and in 20% tested for mefloquine. Means of IC 50 values were 132.2 (SD: 46.5) ng/ml for chloroquine, 130.6 (SD: 49.6) ng/ml for quinine, 3.4 (SD: 1.3) ng/ml for mefloquine, 0.7 (SD: 0.3) ng/ml for halofantrine, 1 (SD: 0.6) ng/ml for arteether and 0.4 (SD: 0.2) ng/ml for atovaquone. Means of chloroquine IC 50 of the tested samples were comparable to that of the chloroquine-resistant strain W2 (137.57 ng/ml) and nearly nine times higher than that of the chloroquine-sensitive strain D6 (15.09 ng/ml). Means of quinine IC 50 of the tested samples were 1.7 times higher than that of the low sensitivity strain W2 (74.84 ng/ml) and nearly five times higher than that of the quinine-sensitive strain D6 (27.53 ng/ml). These results disclose in vitro high resistance levels to chloroquine, low sensitivity to quinine and evidence of decreasing sensitivity to mefloquine and halofantrine in the area under evaluation.