964 resultados para TISSUE REGENERATION


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Background & Aims: Pro-inflammatory cytokines are important for liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH). Expression of Fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14), the receptor for TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK), is induced rapidly after PH and remains elevated throughout the period of peak hepatocyte replication. The role of Fn14 in post-PH liver regeneration is uncertain because Fn14 is expressed by liver progenitors and TWEAK-Fn14 interactions stimulate progenitor growth, but replication of mature hepatocytes is thought to drive liver regeneration after PH. Methods: To clarify the role of TWEAK-Fn14 after PH, we compared post-PH regenerative responses in wild type (WT) mice, Fn14 knockout (KO) mice, TWEAK KO mice, and WT mice treated with anti-TWEAK antibodies. Results: In WT mice, rare Fn14(+) cells localized with other progenitor markers in peri-portal areas before PH. PH rapidly increased proliferation of Fn14(+) cells; hepatocytic cells that expressed Fn14 and other progenitor markers, such as Lgr5, progressively accumulated from 12-8 h post-PH and then declined to baseline by 96 h. When TWEAK/Fn14 signaling was disrupted, progenitor accumulation, induction of pro-regenerative cytokines, hepatocyte and cholangiocyte proliferation, and over-all survival were inhibited, while post-PH liver damage and bilirubin levels were increased. TWEAK stimulated proliferation and increased Lgr5 expression in cultured liver progenitors, but had no effect on either parameter in cultured primary hepatocytes. Conclusions: TWEAK-FN14 signaling is necessary for the healthy adult liver to regenerate normally after acute partial hepatectomy.


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Advances in optical techniques have enabled many breakthroughs in biology and medicine. However, light scattering by biological tissues remains a great obstacle, restricting the use of optical methods to thin ex vivo sections or superficial layers in vivo. In this thesis, we present two related methods that overcome the optical depth limit—digital time reversal of ultrasound encoded light (digital TRUE) and time reversal of variance-encoded light (TROVE). These two techniques share the same principle of using acousto-optic beacons for time reversal optical focusing within highly scattering media, like biological tissues. Ultrasound, unlike light, is not significantly scattered in soft biological tissues, allowing for ultrasound focusing. In addition, a fraction of the scattered optical wavefront that passes through the ultrasound focus gets frequency-shifted via the acousto-optic effect, essentially creating a virtual source of frequency-shifted light within the tissue. The scattered ultrasound-tagged wavefront can be selectively measured outside the tissue and time-reversed to converge at the location of the ultrasound focus, enabling optical focusing within deep tissues. In digital TRUE, we time reverse ultrasound-tagged light with an optoelectronic time reversal device (the digital optical phase conjugate mirror, DOPC). The use of the DOPC enables high optical gain, allowing for high intensity optical focusing and focal fluorescence imaging in thick tissues at a lateral resolution of 36 µm by 52 µm. The resolution of the TRUE approach is fundamentally limited to that of the wavelength of ultrasound. The ultrasound focus (~ tens of microns wide) usually contains hundreds to thousands of optical modes, such that the scattered wavefront measured is a linear combination of the contributions of all these optical modes. In TROVE, we make use of our ability to digitally record, analyze and manipulate the scattered wavefront to demix the contributions of these spatial modes using variance encoding. In essence, we encode each spatial mode inside the scattering sample with a unique variance, allowing us to computationally derive the time reversal wavefront that corresponds to a single optical mode. In doing so, we uncouple the system resolution from the size of the ultrasound focus, demonstrating optical focusing and imaging between highly diffusing samples at an unprecedented, speckle-scale lateral resolution of ~ 5 µm. Our methods open up the possibility of fully exploiting the prowess and versatility of biomedical optics in deep tissues.


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Biological machines are active devices that are comprised of cells and other biological components. These functional devices are best suited for physiological environments that support cellular function and survival. Biological machines have the potential to revolutionize the engineering of biomedical devices intended for implantation, where the human body can provide the required physiological environment. For engineering such cell-based machines, bio-inspired design can serve as a guiding platform as it provides functionally proven designs that are attainable by living cells. In the present work, a systematic approach was used to tissue engineer one such machine by exclusively using biological building blocks and by employing a bio-inspired design. Valveless impedance pumps were constructed based on the working principles of the embryonic vertebrate heart and by using cells and tissue derived from rats. The function of these tissue-engineered muscular pumps was characterized by exploring their spatiotemporal and flow behavior in order to better understand the capabilities and limitations of cells when used as the engines of biological machines.


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We theoretically demonstrate that enhanced penetration depth in three-dimensional multiphoton microscopy can be achieved using concentric two-color two-photon (C2C2P) fluorescence excitation in which the two excitation beams are separated in space before reaching their common focal spot. Monte Carlo simulation shows that, in comparison with the one-color two-photon excitation scheme, the C2C2P fluorescence microscopy provides a significantly greater penetration depth for imaging into a highly scattering medium. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Understanding the mechanisms of enzymes is crucial for our understanding of their role in biology and for designing methods to perturb or harness their activities for medical treatments, industrial processes, or biological engineering. One aspect of enzymes that makes them difficult to fully understand is that they are in constant motion, and these motions and the conformations adopted throughout these transitions often play a role in their function.

Traditionally, it has been difficult to isolate a protein in a particular conformation to determine what role each form plays in the reaction or biology of that enzyme. A new technology, computational protein design, makes the isolation of various conformations possible, and therefore is an extremely powerful tool in enabling a fuller understanding of the role a protein conformation plays in various biological processes.

One such protein that undergoes large structural shifts during different activities is human type II transglutaminase (TG2). TG2 is an enzyme that exists in two dramatically different conformational states: (1) an open, extended form, which is adopted upon the binding of calcium, and (2) a closed, compact form, which is adopted upon the binding of GTP or GDP. TG2 possess two separate active sites, each with a radically different activity. This open, calcium-bound form of TG2 is believed to act as a transglutaminse, where it catalyzes the formation of an isopeptide bond between the sidechain of a peptide-bound glutamine and a primary amine. The closed, GTP-bound conformation is believed to act as a GTPase. TG2 is also implicated in a variety of biological and pathological processes.

To better understand the effects of TG2’s conformations on its activities and pathological processes, we set out to design variants of TG2 isolated in either the closed or open conformations. We were able to design open-locked and closed-biased TG2 variants, and use these designs to unseat the current understanding of the activities and their concurrent conformations of TG2 and explore each conformation’s role in celiac disease models. This work also enabled us to help explain older confusing results in regards to this enzyme and its activities. The new model for TG2 activity has immense implications for our understanding of its functional capabilities in various environments, and for our ability to understand which conformations need to be inhibited in the design of new drugs for diseases in which TG2’s activities are believed to elicit pathological effects.


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A L-arginina é reconhecida como um nutriente de fundamental importância na resposta imune, apesar de seus efeitos serem, por vezes, considerados inconstantes. O autoimplante esplênico tem sido proposto como alternativa à esplenectomia total isolada, mas existem preocupações quanto à eficácia do restabelecimento da resposta imune, haja vista que o paciente pode permanecer com risco aumentado de desenvolvimento de infecção fulminante pós esplenectomia, mesmo após a regeneração morfológica do órgão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a participação da suplementação dietética com L-arginina em subpopulações linfocitárias no sangue, no baço e nos autoimplantes esplênicos de ratos submetidos a esplenectomia isolada ou combinada com autoimplante esplênico. Foram utilizados 42 ratos Sprague-Dawley machos, randomicamente distribuídos em seis grupos: 1 Controle operação simulada; 2 esplenectomia total; 3 esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplênico; 4 Controle operação simulada, com suplementação de L-arginina; 5 esplenectomia total, com suplementação de L-arginina; e 6 esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplênico, com suplementação de L-arginina. Os animais dos grupos 4, 5 e 6 receberam suplementação de L-arginina, uma vez ao dia, durante 15 dias anteriores a coleta sangüínea realizada imediatamente antes dos procedimentos operatórios (semanas 0 e 12). A dose utilizada foi de 1,0 g/kg/dia, administrada por via intragástrica em bolus. As avaliações foram realizadas por meio de hemograma e citometria de fluxo. A análise estatística utilizou testes paramétricos e nãoparamétricos, sendo p<0,05 considerado para a rejeição da hipótese nula. A suplementação com L-arginina acarretou elevação da contagem relativa e absoluta de neutrófilos periféricos, 12 semanas após a realização de esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplênico. A esplenectomia total ocasionou diminuição da contagem relativa de linfócitos T totais, T CD4+ e T CD8β no sangue, mas a suplementação dietética com L-arginina evitou a diminuição do percentual de células T totais e T CD8β no sangue dos animais submetidos a autoimplante esplênico. Tanto a realização de autoimplante esplênico como a suplementação de L-arginina previnem a diminuição da subpopulação de linfócitos T CD4+ no sangue periférico, fato que usualmente ocorre após realização de esplenectomia total. Houve maior proliferação de células brancas / g de tecido nos autoimplante esplênico dos animais suplementados, porém a suplementação não influenciou a contagem de linfócitos T, T CD4+ e B de zona marginal de baço. A suplementação do aminoácido L-arginina após a realização de esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplênico em ratos foi capaz de reverter alterações observadas em algumas das subpopulações linfocitárias, ocasionadas pela esplenectomia.


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Increasing evidence links metabolic signals to cell proliferation, but the molecular wiring that connects the two core machineries remains largely unknown. E2Fs are master regulators of cellular proliferation. We have recently shown that E2F2 activity facilitates the completion of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) by regulating the expression of genes required for S-phase entry. Our study also revealed that E2F2 determines the duration of hepatectomy-induced hepatic steatosis. A transcriptomic analysis of normal adult liver identified "lipid metabolism regulation" as a major E2F2 functional target, suggesting that E2F2 has a role in lipid homeostasis. Here we use wild-type (E2F2(+/+)) and E2F2 deficient (E2F2(-/-)) mice to investigate the in vivo role of E2F2 in the composition of liver lipids and fatty acids in two metabolically different contexts: quiescence and 48-h post-PH, when cellular proliferation and anabolic demands are maximal. We show that liver regeneration is accompanied by large triglyceride and protein increases without changes in total phospholipids both in E2F2(+/+) and E2F2(-/-) mice. Remarkably, we found that the phenotype of quiescent liver tissue from E2F2(-/-) mice resembles the phenotype of proliferating E2F2(+/+) liver tissue, characterized by a decreased phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine ratio and a reprogramming of genes involved in generation of choline and ethanolamine derivatives. The diversity of fatty acids in total lipid, triglycerides and phospholipids was essentially preserved on E2F2 loss both in proliferating and non-proliferating liver tissue, although notable exceptions in inflammation-related fatty acids of defined phospholipid classes were detected. Overall, our results indicate that E2F2 activity sustains the hepatic homeostasis of major membrane glycerolipid components while it is dispensable for storage glycerolipid balance.


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O propósito do presente trabalho foi investigar a participação da proliferação celular e da expressão dos componentes da matriz extracelular na cascata de eventos do processo de reparo da fratura óssea, empregando as técnicas histológica, imunohistoquímica e morfométrica, em um modelo experimental padronizado para a indução da lesão na tíbia de ratos a partir do método empregado por Yuehuei e Friedman7. É importante padronizar um modelo de indução da fratura, para posterior investigação da participação das células e dos componentes da matriz extracelular no processo de reparo da fratura, considerando que o tempo de consolidação depende significantemente da natureza e do tipo da lesão produzida. Quarenta (n = 40) ratos Wistar foram submetidos a fratura . Os animais foram avaliados em oito (n = 8) grupos de cinco (n = 5) animais, cada grupo emperimental com 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 144, 192 e 240 horas após a fratura (12h até 10 dias). As fraturas foram classificadas de acordo com o sistema de classificação internacional de fratura de Muller100, AO (Associação para Osteosíntese). Foram encontradas fraturas simples em 86% do total, sendo 68% de fraturas transversas e 18% de fraturas obliquas, 14% do total de fraturas foram complexas, sendo 8% de fraturas irregulares e 6% de fraturas segmentares. Esses resultados demonstram que o aparelho permite padronizar radiológicamente o tipo de fratura, caracterizado pela linha que separa os fragmentos ósseos. Os resultados qualitativos dos componentes da matriz extracelular para TGF-β, VEGF, colágeno I e II, osteopontina, proteoglicanos, fibras do sistema elástico com a coloração de resorcina funcsina de Weigert, e para proliferação celular pelo PCNA, assim como os resultados morfométricos, sugerem que a modulação da expressão dos componentes da matriz extracelular e a proliferação celular durante o processo de reparo da fratura não é homogênea para todos os componentes teciduais, dependendo significantemente das tensões locais geradas pelo tipo da linha de fratura que pode ser determinante no tempo de regeneração do osso e na qualidade da restauração das propriedades biomecânica. Nossos achados podem contribuir para melhor compreensão da reparo de fratura óssea e para novas abordagens terapêuticas que considerem as propriedades biomecânicas do tecido ósseo em reparo nas suas diferentes etapas


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