987 resultados para Synthetic fibers industry
Os materiais poliméricos tem sido uma das causas dos problemas ambientais discutidos em todo mundo nos últimos tempos. Como uma das soluções para esse problema, estão os polímeros biodegradáveis que são materiais que se degradam pela ação de microorganismos. Uma Indústria sediada no Brasil lançou recentemente um poliéster biodegradável que surge boa alternativa para o crescimento no mercado dos polímeros biodegradáveis, principalmente por possuir em sua composição matéria prima de fonte renovável. Neste trabalho foram preparados compósitos com matriz de poliéster biodegradável e fibra de coco verde com e sem modificação química por acetilação em misturador interno Haake. Foi estudada a biodegradabilidade em solo simulado do polímero puro e de seus compósitos e foram avaliadas as propriedades térmicas, morfológicas e mecânicas do polímero puro e de alguns de seus compósitos. O teste de biodegradabilidade foi feito pelo enterro das amostras em solo simulado por períodos distintos, variando de duas a dezessete semanas, seguindo a Norma ASTM G 160 03. Após cada período de teste, as amostras foram retiradas do solo e analisadas por microscopia ótica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e análise mecânica de tração. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que tanto o polímero puro quanto os seus compósitos sofreram biodegradação, a presença da fibra apenas atrasa o processo de biodegradação, as fibras de coco tiveram uma boa afinidade com a matriz polimérica, a incorporação de 5% fibra de coco na matriz torna o compósito mais rígido e a incorporação da fibra e o processo de biodegradação alteram as características da fase cristalina no material polimérico.
A white light interferometer is developed to measure the distributed polarization coupling in high-birefringence polarization-maintaining fibers (PMFs). Usually the birefringence dispersion between two orthogonal eigenmodes of PMFs is neglected in such systems. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the birefringence dispersion becomes a nonnegligible factor in a long-fiber test. Significant broadening of interferograms and loss of longitudinal coherence are observed. The spatial resolution and measurement sensitivity of the system decrease correspondingly. Optimum spectrum width selection is presented for better spatial resolution and measurement range. c 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Techniques are described for mounting and visualizing biological macromolecules for high resolution electron microscopy. Standard techniques are included in a discussion of new methods designed to provide the highest structural resolution. Methods are also discussed for handling samples on the grid, for making accurate size measurements at the 20 Å level, and for photographically enhancing image contrast.
The application of these techniques to the study of the binding of DNA polymerase to DNA is described. It is shown that the electron micrographs of this material are in agreement with the model proposed by Dr. Arthur Kornberg. A model is described which locates several active sites on the enzyme.
The chromosomal material of the protozoan tetrahymena has been isolated and characterized by biochemical techniques and by electron microscopy. This material is shown to be typical of chromatin of higher creatures.
Comparison with other chromatins discloses that the genome of tetrahymena is highly template active and has a relatively simple genetic construction.
High resolution electron microscope procedures developed in this work have been combined with standard biochemical techniques to give a comprehensive picture of the structure of interphase chromosome fibers. The distribution of the chromosomal proteins along its DNA is discussed.
O biodiesel é definido como um mono alquil éster de ácidos graxos de cadeia longa derivado de fontes renováveis tais como óleos vegetais e gorduras animais. Sua importância esta associada ao uso como um combustível alternativo para motores do ciclo Diesel podendo ser utilizado puro ou em misturas com o diesel representando economia de petróleo e menor poluição ambiental. Em geral é obtido por meio da reação de transesterificação na qual os triacilgliceróis, principais constituintes dos óleos e gorduras reagem com álcool, em presença de um catalisador ácido ou básico, produzindo ésteres de ácidos graxos e glicerol. A transesterificação pode ser conduzida por catálise homogênea ou heterogênea. O grande desafio da indústria é otimizar o processo a fim de alcançar um produto e uma rota de produção tecnologicamente eficiente e ambientalmente correta. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a síntese do biodiesel utilizando o processo de transesterificação do óleo de girassol por catálises homogênea e heterogênea. Foram realizadas reações de transesterificação via rotas metílica e etílica, empregando como catalisador homogêneo alcóxido de potássio e como catalisador heterogêneo a resina comercial de troca iônica Amberlyst 26
Para aumentar os volumes de extração de petróleo, resolver e prevenir problemas nas operações de produção são utilizados diversos produtos químicos, dentre os quais se destacam os inibidores de corrosão, que são utilizados em toda cadeia produtiva do petróleo visando proteger o sistema da deterioração por corrosão. Os sais de amônio quaternário são uma das classes de inibidores mais utilizadas pela indústria do petróleo devido a sua grande eficiência. Entretanto, sua solubilidade em água faz com que estejam presentes na água produzida representando um risco para contaminação ambiental, visto que possuem baixa biodegrabilidade e potencial de bioacumulação. Como se encontram misturados a outros produtos químicos e sob efeitos das variações do ambiente em que são aplicados, definir um método de análise confiável e viável para monitoramento em linha representa um desafio para os laboratórios de campos de produção. Neste trabalho, foi estudado o emprego da fluorescência de ultravioleta na quantificação de um inibidor de corrosão do tipo sal de amônio quaternário em água. Foram obtidos espectros de emissão do produto comercial em água, além do estudo de variáveis instrumentais e interferentes presentes na água produzida. A comparação com padrões de sal de amônio quaternário permitiu identificar como principal fluorófilo, um sal alquil-aril de amônio quaternário. Estudos de estabilidade revelaram que a adsorção do inibidor de corrosão nas superfícies dos frascos plásticos provoca a queda do sinal fluorescente e que a adição de isopropanol reduz este efeito de 40 para 24%. Foram obtidas curvas de calibração com a formulação comercial e com o cloreto de 2-metil-4-dodecil-benzil-trimetil amônio com uma boa correlação. Amostras sintéticas do inibidor foram determinadas com um erro relativo de 2,70 a 13,32%. O método de adição padrão foi avaliado usando uma amostra de água produzida, e os resultados não foram satisfatórios, devido à interferência, principalmente, de compostos orgânicos aromáticos presentes
Biomolecular circuit engineering is critical for implementing complex functions in vivo, and is a baseline method in the synthetic biology space. However, current methods for conducting biomolecular circuit engineering are time-consuming and tedious. A complete design-build-test cycle typically takes weeks' to months' time due to the lack of an intermediary between design ex vivo and testing in vivo. In this work, we explore the development and application of a "biomolecular breadboard" composed of an in-vitro transcription-translation (TX-TL) lysate to rapidly speed up the engineering design-build-test cycle. We first developed protocols for creating and using lysates for conducting biological circuit design. By doing so we simplified the existing technology to an affordable ($0.03/uL) and easy to use three-tube reagent system. We then developed tools to accelerate circuit design by allowing for linear DNA use in lieu of plasmid DNA, and by utilizing principles of modular assembly. This allowed the design-build-test cycle to be reduced to under a business day. We then characterized protein degradation dynamics in the breadboard to aid to implementing complex circuits. Finally, we demonstrated that the breadboard could be applied to engineer complex synthetic circuits in vitro and in vivo. Specifically, we utilized our understanding of linear DNA prototyping, modular assembly, and protein degradation dynamics to characterize the repressilator oscillator and to prototype novel three- and five-node negative feedback oscillators both in vitro and in vivo. We therefore believe the biomolecular breadboard has wide application for acting as an intermediary for biological circuit engineering.
A new method to measure the birefringence dispersion in high-birefringence polarization-maintaining fibers is presented using white-light interferometry. By analyzing broadening of low-coherence interferograms obtained in a scanning Michelson interferometer, the birefringence dispersion and its variation along different fiber sections are acquired with high sensitivity and accuracy. Birefringence dispersions of two PANDA fibers at their operation wavelength are measured to be 0.011 ps/(km nm) and 0.018 ps/(km nm), respectively. Distributed measurement capability of the method is also verified experimentally. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
A series of meso-phenyloctamethylporphyrins covalently bonded at the 4'phenyl position to quinones via rigid bicyclo[2.2.2]octane spacers were synthesized for the study of the dependence of electron transfer reaction rate on solvent, distance, temperature, and energy gap. A general and convergent synthesis was developed based on the condensation of ac-biladienes with masked quinonespacer-benzaldehydes. From picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy emission lifetimes were measured in seven solvents of varying polarity. Rate constants were determined to vary from 5.0x109sec-1 in N,N-dimethylformamide to 1.15x1010 Sec-1 in benzene, and were observed to rise at most by about a factor of three with decreasing solvent polarity. Experiments at low temperature in 2-MTHF glass (77K) revealed fast, nearly temperature-independent electron transfer characterized by non-exponential fluorescence decays, in contrast to monophasic behavior in fluid solution at 298K. This example evidently represents the first photosynthetic model system not based on proteins to display nearly temperature-independent electron transfer at high temperatures (nuclear tunneling). Low temperatures appear to freeze out the rotational motion of the chromophores, and the observed nonexponential fluorescence decays may be explained as a result of electron transfer from an ensemble of rotational conformations. The nonexponentiality demonstrates the sensitivity of the electron transfer rate to the precise magnitude of the electronic matrix element, which supports the expectation that electron transfer is nonadiabatic in this system. The addition of a second bicyclooctane moiety (15 Å vs. 18 Å edge-to-edge between porphyrin and quinone) reduces the transfer rate by at least a factor of 500-1500. Porphyrinquinones with variously substituted quinones allowed an examination of the dependence of the electron transfer rate constant κET on reaction driving force. The classical trend of increasing rate versus increasing exothermicity occurs from 0.7 eV≤ |ΔG0'(R)| ≤ 1.0 eV until a maximum is reached (κET = 3 x 108 sec-1 rising to 1.15 x 1010 sec-1 in acetonitrile). The rate remains insensitive to ΔG0 for ~ 300 mV from 1.0 eV≤ |ΔG0’(R)| ≤ 1.3 eV, and then slightly decreases in the most exothermic case studied (cyanoquinone, κET = 5 x 109 sec-1).
A new method for measuring the birefringence dispersion in polarization-maintaining fibers (PMFs) with high sensitivity and accuracy is presented. The method employs white-light interferences between two orthogonally polarized modes of PMFs. The group birefringence of the fiber is calibrated first. Then the birefringence dispersion and its variation along different fiber sections are acquired by analyzing the broadening of interferograms at different fiber lengths. The main sources of error are investigated. Bireffingence dispersions of two PANDA fibers at their operation wavelength are measured to be 0.011 ps/(km nm) and 0.018 ps/(km nm). A measurement repeatability of 0.001 ps/(km nm) is achieved. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
A white light interferometer is developed to measure the distributed polarization coupling in high-birefringence polarization-maintaining fibers (PMFs). Usually the birefringence dispersion between two orthogonal eigenmodes of PMFs is neglected in such systems. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the birefringence dispersion becomes a nonnegligible factor in a long-fiber test. Significant broadening of interferograms and loss of longitudinal coherence are observed. The spatial resolution and measurement sensitivity of the system decrease correspondingly. Optimum spectrum width selection is presented for better spatial resolution and measurement range. c 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar o desempenho de membranas comerciais e funcionalizadas na remoção de metais pesados de efluentes sintéticos, simulando os efluentes gerados pelas indústrias metal-mecânicas. As membranas funcionalizadas foram preparadas em laboratório a partir de diferentes poli (éter imidas) sulfonadas, SPEI, que apresentavam alta hidrofilicidade e capacidade de troca iônica. As permeabilidades hidráulicas das membranas de SPEI aumentaram com o grau de sulfonação. Porém, as rejeições foram ainda muito baixas comparadas as membranas comerciais. Por esta razão, algumas membranas comerciais (NF-90, SW30, HRP98PP e BW30LE) foram investigadas e avaliadas quanto ao comportamento da permeabilidade de água e o grau de rejeição a metais pesados. Os resultados mostraram que a membrana de osmose inversa de baixa energia (BW30LE) tinha o melhor fluxo de água (48,44 L/h.m2) e grau de rejeição a cádmio (98%). Logo, ela foi selecionada para o tratamento dos efluentes sintéticos de indústrias metal-mecânicas contendo níquel e zinco. As indústrias da região de Valencia, na Espanha, forneceram amostras de seus efluentes para análise quantitativa, possibilitando o prepararo de soluções sintéticas modelos. Os resultados foram obtidos variando algumas condições de permeação, tais como a força motriz, o pH e a concentração dos metais na solução de alimentação. Os resultados indicaram que o processo de osmose inversa com a membrana BW30LE é altamente adequado para o tratamento de efluentes contendo metais pesados
The distal half of the bacteriophage T4 tail fiber interacts with the surface of the bacterium during adsorption. The largest polypeptide in this half fiber is the product of gene 37 (P37). During assembly of the tail fiber, P37 interacts with the product of gene 38 (P38). These two gene products are incompatible with the corresponding gene products from the related phage T2. T2 P37 does not interact with T4 P38 and T2 P38 does not interact with T4 P37. Crosses between T2 and T4 phages mutant in genes 37 and 38 have shown that the carboxyl end of P37 interacts with P38 and with the bacterial surface. In the corresponding region of gene 37 and in gene 38 there is no recombination between T2 and T4. In the rest of gene 37 there are two small regions with relatively high recombination and a region of low recombination.
When T2/T4 heteroduplex DNA molecules are examined in the electron microscope four nonhomologous loops appear in the region of genes 37 and 38. Heteroduplexes between hybrid phages which have part of gene 37 from T4 and part from T2 have roughly located gene 37 mutations in the heteroduplex pattern. For a more precise location of the , mutations a physical map of gene 37 was constructed by determining the molecular weights of amber polypeptide fragments on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. When the physical and heteroduplex maps are aligned, the regions of low recombination correspond to regions of nonhomology between T2 and T4. Regions with relatively high recombination are homologous.
The molecular weight of T2 P37 is about 13,000 greater than that of T4 P37. Analysis of hybrid phage has shown that this molecular weight difference is all at the carboxyl end of P37.
An antiserum has been prepared which is specific for the distal half fiber of T4. Tests of the ability of gene 37 hybrids to block this antiserum show that there are at least 4 subclasses of antigen specified by different parts of P37.
Observations in the electron microscope of the tailfiber - anti- body complexes formed by the gene 37 hybrids and the specific anti- serum have shown that P37 is oriented linearly in the distal half fiber with its N-terminus near the joint between the two half fibers and its C-terminus near the tip of the fiber. These observations lead to a simple model for the structure of the distal half fiber.
The high recombination in T4 gene 34 was also investigated. A comparison of genetic and physical maps of gene 34 showed that there is a gradient of increasing recombination near one end of the gene.
An approximate analytical description for fundamental-mode fields of graded-index fibers is explicitly presented by use of the power-series expansion method, the maximum-value condition at the fiber axis, the decay properties of fundamental-mode fields at large distance from the fiber axis, and the approximate modal parameters U obtained from the Gaussian approximation. This analytical description is much more accurate than the Gaussian approximation and at the same time keep the simplicity of the latter. As two special examples, we present the approximate analytical formulas for the fundamental-mode fields of a step profile fiber and a Gaussian profile fiber, and we find that they are both highly accurate in the single-mode range by comparing them with the corresponding exact solutions.
A theoretical method to analyze four-layer large flattened mode (LFM) fibers is presented. The influence of the second cladding on the properties of four-layer LFM fiber, including the fundamental and higher-order modal fields, effective area, bending loss, and dispersion, are studied by comparison. At the same time, the reasons for the different characteristics are considered. The obtained results indicate that the effective area of the four-layer LFM fiber is about 1.6 times larger than that of the conventional standard step-index fiber and the fibers have better bend-induced filtering ability than three-layer LFM fibers. (C) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Theoretical method to analyze three-layer large flattened mode (LFM) fibers is presented. The modal fields, including the fundamental and higher order modes, and bending loss of the fiber are analyzed. The reason forming the different modal fields is explained and the feasibility to filter out the higher order modes via bending to realize high power, high beam quality fiber laser is given. Comparisons are made with the standard step-index fiber. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.