941 resultados para Synthetic and natural cannabinoids
En las investigaciones en Ciencias Geológicas, en nuestro país y en especial en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, ha sido escaso el desarrollo relacionado con los sitios que requieran una preservación y protección especial. Sin embargo, son abundantes los sitios conocidos y nombrados en la bibliografía geológica que es necesario valorar y preservar como Patrimonio Geológico. El Patrimonio Geológico es un elemento más del patrimonio natural y constituye una parte importante de nuestra herencia natural. En la Conferencia de París auspiciada por la UNESCO en 1972 sobre la protección del patrimonio mundial, cultural y natural, algunos países pusieron en marcha investigaciones dirigidas hacia el conocimiento, su protección y la puesta en valor, lo cual resulta un recurso de indudable significación y una pieza clave para el desarrollo turístico de un territorio. Para conocer en forma exhaustiva el patrimonio geológico de un área es indispensable realizar inventarios, archivar la información necesaria para su descripción y poder recoger datos de interés para mantener actualizados los inventarios. Los diseños de las fichas presentan inconvenientes que se relacionan, en algunos casos, con que son muy sintéticas y demasiado subjetivas, y en otros, muy detalladas y rigurosas.
The spatial variability of biomass and stable isotopes in plankton size fractions in the upper 200 m was studied in a high spatial resolution transect along 24°N from Canary Islands to Florida (January - March 2011) during Leg 8 of the Malaspina-2010 expedition (http://www.expedicionmalaspina.es) to determine nitrogen and carbon sources. Plankton samples were collected by vertical tows of a microplankton net (40 mm mesh size) and a mesoplankton net (200 mm mesh size) through the upper 200 m of the water column. Sampling was between 10:00 and 16:00 h GMT. Plankton was separated into five size fractions (40 - 200, 200 - 500, 500 - 1000, 1000 - 2000 and > 2000 mm) by gentle filtration of the samples by a graded series of nylon sieves (2000, 1000, 500, 200 and 40 mm). Large gelatinous organisms were removed before filtration. Aliquots for each size fraction were collected on pre-weighed glass-fibre filters, dried (60°C, 48 h) and stored in a desiccator before determination of biomass (dry weight), carbon and nitrogen content and natural abundance of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes ashore. Vertical advection of waters predominated in lateral zones while the central Atlantic (30-70°W) was characterized by a strong stratification and oligotrophic surface waters. Plankton biomass was low in the central zone and high in both eastern and western sides, with most of the variability due to either large (>2000 µm) and small plankton (<500 µm). Carbon isotopes reflected mainly the advection the deep water in lateral zones. Stable nitrogen isotopes showed a nearly symmetrical spatial distribution in all fractions, with the lowest values (delta15N <1per mill) in the central zone, and were inversely correlated to carbon stable isotopes (delta13C) and to the abundance of the nitrogen-fixer Trichodesmium. Diazotrophy was estimated to account for >50% of organic nitrogen in the central zone, and even >30% in eastern and western zones. The impact of diazotrophy increased with the size of the organisms, supporting the wide participation of all trophic levels in the processing of recently fixed nitrogen. These results indicate that atmospheric sources of carbon and nitrogen prevail over deep water sources in the subtropical North Atlantic and that the zone influenced by diazotrophy is much larger than reported in previous studies.
Data are presented on content and composition of hydrocarbons (HC) (aliphatic AHC and polyaromatic PAH) in filtered particulate matter and in the surface layer of bottom sediments from the northern shelf of the Caspian Sea and related to data on their contents in the Volga River estuary. Because of transformation and precipitation of anthropogenic and natural compounds, HC composition in particulate matter and bottom sediments undergoes transformations caused by mixing of fresh and saline waters (in bottom sediments, within concentration ranges 70.4-4557.9 µg/g for AHC and 3.8-4800 ng/g for PAH). It was found that the greatest concentrating of HC proceeds in the region of the avalanche sedimentation, and their contents are independent of grain-size types of bottom sediments. Anthropogenic HC (oil and pyrogenous) do not get over the marginal filter of the Volga River and do not pass to the open part of the sea.
Multisensor track data, including magnetic susceptibility, gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluator (GRAPE) wet bulk density, and natural gamma emission, were collected on all cores recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 162. Data from the upper Pliocene and lower Pleistocene of Sites 981 and 984 are here compared to results from analyses of a limited set of discrete samples, including benthic foraminiferal isotopic composition, grain size, carbonate content, abundance of foraminifers and lithic particles, and clay mineralogy. Natural gamma emission most closely monitors the input of felsic terrigenous material to these two sites. Magnetic susceptibility also tracks felsic terrigenous input at Site 981 but appears to reflect a separate, more mafic, terrigenous component at Site 984. The GRAPE record does not correlate well with any discretely measured variable at Sites 981 or 984.
The surroundings of the Cortiou sewage are among the most polluted environments of the French Mediterranean Sea (Marseilles, France). So far, no studies have precisely quantified the impact of pollution on the development of organisms in this area.Methods: We used a fluctuating asymmetry (FA) measure of developmental instability (DI) to assess environmental stress in two species of radially symmetric sea urchins (Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus). For six sampling sites (Cortiou, Riou, Maire, East Maire, Mejean, and Niolon), levels of FA were calculated from continuous and discrete skeletal measures of ambulacral length, number of pore pairs and primary tubercles.Results: For both species, the most polluted sampling site, Cortiou, displayed the highest level of FA, while the Maire and East Maire sampling sites displayed the lowest levels. A. lixula revealed systematic differences in FA among sampling sites for all characters and P. lividus showed differences in FA for the number of primary tubercles.Conclusions: Statistical analyses of FA show a concordance between the spatial patterns of FA among sampling sites and the spatial distribution of sewage discharge pollutants in the Cortiou area. High developmental stress in these sampling sites is associated with exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals and many harmful organic substances contained in wastewater. FA estimated from structures with complex symmetry appears to be a fast and reliable tool to detect subtle differences in FA. Its use in biomonitoring programs for inferring anthropogenic and natural environmental stress is suggested.
The moist evergreen Afromontane forest of SW Ethiopia has become extremely fragmented and most remnants are intensively managed for cultivation of coffee (Coffea arabica). We investigated the distributions of epiphytic orchids in shade trees and their understory in forests with contrasting management intensity to determine biodiversity losses associated with coffee cultivation and to determine the capacity of coffee shrubs to act as refugia for orchid species. We studied epiphytic orchids in managed forests and natural forests and recorded orchid diversity and abundance in different tree zones of 339 trees and in the understory. Coffee management was associated with a downward shift of orchid species as orchid species were occurring in significantly lower tree zones in managed forest. The number of shrubs in the understory of managed forest was not higher than in natural forests, yet orchid abundance was higher in the understory of managed forests. Local extinctions of epiphytic orchids and species losses in the outer tree zones (a contraction of habitat) in managed forests are most likely driven by losses of large, complex-structured climax trees, and changes in microclimate, respectively. Coffee shrubs and their shade trees in managed forests are shown here to be a suitable habitat for only a limited set of orchid species. As farmers continue to convert natural forest into managed forest for coffee cultivation, further losses of habitat quality and collateral declines in regional epiphytic orchid diversity can be expected. Therefore, the conservation of epiphytic orchid diversity, as well as other components of diversity of the coffee forests, must primarily rely on avoiding coffee management intensification in the remaining natural forest. Convincing farmers to keep forest-climax trees in their coffee forest and to tolerate orchids on their coffee shrubs may also contribute to a more favorable conservation status of orchids in Ethiopian coffee agroecosystems.
The distribution, type and quantity of marine litter accumulated on the bathyal and abyssal Mediterranean seafloor has been studied in the framework of the Spanish national projects PROMETEO and DOS MARES and the ESF-EuroDEEP project BIOFUN. Litter was collected with an otter trawl and Agassiz trawl while sampling for megafauna on the Blanes canyon and adjacent slope (Catalan margin, north-western Mediterranean) between 900 and 2700 m depth, and on the western, central and eastern Mediterranean basins at 1200, 2000 and 3000 m depth. All litter was sorted into 8 categories (hard plastic, soft plastic, glass, metal, clinker, fabric, longlines and fishing nets) and weighed. The distribution of litter was analysed in relation to depth, geographic area and natural (bathymetry, currents and rivers) and anthropogenic (population density and shipping routes) processes. The most abundant litter types were plastic, glass, metal and clinker. Lost or discarded fishing gear was also commonly found. On the Catalan margin, although the data indicated an accumulation of litter with increasing depth, mean weight was not significantly different between depths or between the open slope and the canyon. We propose that litter accumulated in the canyon, with high proportions of plastics, has predominantly a coastal origin, while litter collected on the open slope, dominated by heavy litter, is mostly ship-originated, especially at sites under major shipping routes. Along the trans-Mediterranean transect, although a higher amount of litter seemed to be found on the Western Mediterranean, differences of mean weight were not significant between the 3 geographic areas and the 3 depths. Here, the shallower sites, also closer to the coast, had a higher proportion of plastics than the deeper sites, which had a higher proportion of heavy litter and were often affected by shipping routes. The weight of litter was also compared to biomass of megafauna from the same samples. On the Blanes slope, the biomass of megafauna was significantly higher than the weight of litter between 900 and 2000 m depth and no significant differences were found at 2250 and 2700 m depth. Along the trans-Mediterranean transect, no significant differences were found between biomass and litter weight at all sites except in two sites: the Central Mediterranean at 1200 m depth, where biomass was higher than litter weight, and the Eastern Mediterranean at 1200 m depth, where litter weight was higher than biomass. The results are discussed in the framework of knowledge on marine litter accumulation, its potential impact on the habitat and fauna and the legislation addressing these issues.
Elemental C and N percent composition and natural abundance of stable C and N isotopes of plankton species and/or size-fractions collected in several cruises on the N Atlantic Ocean from Greenland to Norway and around Iceland. Determinations included key copepod and krill species. Lipid extraction was performed in some samples to determine carbón isotope depletion factors.