951 resultados para Sustainable rural development


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A great discussion of this work refers to development that is related to the common census of economic growth, in addition, another component of this discussion is related to socio-cultural and environmental impacts of this conception of progress. Giving economic progress is not necessary, since the development in its fullness, that progress depends, but what is sought is a harmony between capital accumulation and environmental limits and social interactions between men and between them and nature. The presence or absence of this harmonious relationship can be observed in various industrial activities, more punctual can cite the example of the developed ceramic activity in the meso-Valley-Acu in Rio Grande do Norte where such activity has great economic representativeness for the region, but that does not have good relations with social and environmental issues and is more focused on the accumulation of capital by increasing its level of industrial activity. Given this debate, the present paper aims to present the profile of a ceramic tile Valley-of-Acu and impacts, ecosocioambientais generated as a result of this activity as well. Methodologically the research will be conducted through literature research papers in books and other work carried out on the same theme, the second time will be held the empirical part of the research through interviews with managers of industries (selected through sample with the criteria set later ) as well as with employees working on the factory floor and city managers in the region under analysis and other agencies responsible for regulation and control of activity potter in the state


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As can be inferred by the title of its study The constitutional principle of sustainable development and the utilization of hidrical resources in the oil industry the transcribed pages are dedicated to the approach of the mentioned subjects which, despite being apparently different, will be shown intrinsically connected as goes by the study. The superation of this first step by the reader will lead to an important perception of the title: that the situation requires, urgently, a defined posture, a complete conduct change and, therefore, a modification of the paradigms currently establisheds. To brake barriers, modifying what is lived by, is the ultimate goal. For that, there is no unique path, linear, but there were broached the development themes, the hidrical resources theme and oil and natural gas industry at the necessary points to achieve, by the end, a comprehension for the Brazilian Federal Republic goals in the search for the application of these juridical norms. The ones whom lay down over this study shall notice that, more than a simple approach over these themes (which are still less worked and searched in Brazil), the heavy critic of an instituted and pacifically accepted reality, directly offensive of the constitutional principles. The debate evolves from punctual and specific aspects, it gains life, flies, searching how the juridical order equalizes the economic model to the environment defense. Standing by the possibility of conciliation among constitutional principles, the remodeling of an economic segment is defended, aligning it to the sustainable limits. Development, sustainable, becomes means and goals to the implementation of liberty, capacitating everyone to achieve their goals of life, their libertments, fruit of the inherent antagonism of the Constitution the sustainable development offers, while an axiological vector, a new reality to the economic order, turning it into a motriz element to the fortification of constitutional normative force and for the national development


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This work is part of the research group studying agribusiness chains, by characterizing agroindustrial chain of cashew nuts in Rio Grande do Norte, with special emphasis on Sertão de Apodi Citizenship Territory, showing their different flows and linkages and analyzes generating jobs and income in the production of this good, from the experience of COOPAPI, using as a methodology for analyzing the input-output matrix. And this is justified by the fact that Brazil is in the context as the world's fifth largest producer of cashew nuts and the production of this product focus in the Northeast, especially the Rio Grande do Norte, which is the second largest producer of region, behind only the state of Ceará, which is the largest producer in the country. Moreover, in recent years the state has increased its insertion in international markets this product, particularly the Mossoró-Assu Territory, which constitutes the largest producer in the state, particularly the municipality of Serra do Mel, which has an arrangement different yield, based on the model of integrated rural development, embodied in family farming. Nevertheless, the Sertão de Apodi Citizenship appear as the fourth among the Citizenship territories of Rio Grande do Norte in the ranking of the production of cashew nuts, but the prevailing model of Cooperatives in the Territory, based on the Solidarity Economy, i,e, different from the old cooperative, which is based on the precepts as patronage, with cooperative owners, favor, etc.., encourages scientific research. In this, after a careful analysis of data from field research, it was noticed that among the links in the chain, the production link is what generates the most jobs, while the processing link commands to generate income, but a portion meaningful occupations and income are generated outside the territory, especially out of state RN, denouncing the gap in supply of some specific demands within the chain


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Family farming has been considered as the new axis of rural development in the country, the focus of several public policies, especially the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture - PRONAF and Food Purchase Program - PAA. PRONAF was created with the aim of providing credit to farmers, while the PAA to support family farmers through the purchase of its production. In this context, the objective of this study is to analyze the correspondence of these two public policies for family farming, in the Territories of Citizenship of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 2008 to 2010. In the methodology, the analysis was performed by comparing the distributions of the two programs in the territories of citizenship status. There were also statistical tests of differences in proportions, and Spearman correlations, and estimated a logit regression model, in order to measure the probability of a farmer participating in the PAA is associated with one of the modes of PRONAF. The data used were obtained from the National and Supply - CONAB at the Institute of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension - EMATER, and the Ministry of Agrarian Development - MDA. Among the key findings was noted that policies were associated with a direct, but low in the districts of the Territories of Citizenship. And that, in the years 2008 and 2009, only in the territories of Mato Grande, Alto Oeste and Seridó, the actions of PAA and PRONAF had direct and significant correlations. It was found that in most of the territories, policies are performed randomly, ie that both have no correlation to each other. The estimates of the logit model showed that the chance of a family farmer, the PAA participant, receive credits PRONAF A, is higher in the territory of Mato Grande, and would have a chance to fall in PRONAF B in all areas surveyed. Moreover, farmers in the territories of the Assu-Mossoró, Sertão of Apodi, Seridó and Alto Oeste, participating in the PAA would be more likely to receive credits PRONAF C, reflecting thus the family farm more consolidated these territories


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The market-assisted land reform (RAAM) has been constituted as an alternative of agrarian reform funded by the Programa Nacional do Crédito Fundiário (PNCF). It is a policy of acquisition, distribution and use of Earth ideologically disseminated and funded by the World Bank in the context of productive insertion of landless workers. Accordingly, this study seeks to analyze the trajectory of rural settlements financed by this policy, seeking to understand what factors promote or limit the process of rural development of those settlements. To do so, take as a reference case study of the Assentamento da Fazenda Paz, in the municipality of Maxaranguape in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. From the methodological point of view, bibliographical and documentary research were used, in addition to visits to the settlement and semi-structured interviews with the settlers, trade union leaders, consultants and technicians linked to the project. Assuming the reports of respondents, initially constructs the hypothesis that informal and formal institutions present in the Assentamento da Fazenda Paz were unable to effectively coordinate the actions of the agents. The results obtained showed the existence of a very complex undertaking, with a total area of 607 hectares and 80 families settled, endowed with good quality water and irrigation infrastructure, with assets of approximately R$ 5 million reais. Experience experienced by the settlers understood the development of complex systems of production and marketing of fruits and vegetables, with an emphasis on the cultivation of papaya in an area of 45 hectares based on modern irrigation system and extensive use of technology. Collective management of production, marketing, revenue and costs stood out as a major challenge for the settlers and their representative organisations, i.e. the Community Association and the cooperative. From this observation it was possible to identify two moments on the trajectory of the project: the first, between 2007-2011, considered by respondents as successful, in which the integration of public policies and abundant input of revenue from the commercialization of the fruits da Paz, mainly through the sale of papaya and pineapple in national and international markets, allowed an average remuneration of R$ 800.00 reais to R$ 1,000 reais seated/monthIn addition to the production of vegetables and other types of products for sale and consumption; the second, from 2012, characterized as a failure, due to the discontinuity of the cultivation, production and marketing of fruits based on the collective bargaining model deployed. Important factors explain the discontinuity of the project, including the model of agriculture implemented, difficulties related to the management of production, marketing and finance the venture, in addition to the breach of trust between the Board of the cooperative and the associates and the distancing of the governmental organizations more directly responsible for the project. It is therefore concluded that we must to rethink rural development as a multidimensional phenomenon, requiring a broad engagement between State and society under the foundations of a territorial development contract


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The present work aimed the elaboration of an environmental study focused on the hotel sector in order to present an analysis of the environmental aspects of Ponta Negra Beach, in Natal, RN, Brazil and also the aspects of the small and medium hotels existing in this area. By means of this work, it is possible to elaborate a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management which can attend to the exigencies required by NBR ISO 14001: 2004, as well as to present economical viability and possibility to be implemented in a way that hotels may converge to the sustainable environmental development of the tourism in Ponta Negra Beach. The research methodology presents itself divided into three items: execution of the environmental characterization of Ponta Negra Beach, by way of technical visits and interpretation of satellite images and cartograms of the main environmental characteristics of the region; execution of the work already made concerning the development, application and interpretation of the evaluation of the environmental aspects of each hotel, considering the hotels and the period of data collection, these used in evaluation, research instrument and a description of the procedure utilized for the analysis of the collected data and the utilized methodology for the elaboration of a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management. In a general way, it has been concluded that the practices executed by hotels in Ponta Negra Beach are impact-like and harmful to the environment. The simple implementation of analysis procedures and control of the environmental aspects could suggestively contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts promoted by the hotel section at this beach and in the nearby areas. It had been noticed that the study contributed to the sensitization of managers concerning the environmental problems since, in many other times, the detected problem was, in fact, the non-acquaintance about the environmental aspects and impacts from those hotels administrators, because of the lack of surveys and studies about the theme. It had also been noticed the arousing of a possible environmental attitude from some managers


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This work aims for the evaluation of Cruzeta Irrigated Perimeter, RN, which consists in the efficient use of water for agricultural production. The goal is looking for the available quantity of water for supplying required demands for adequate and economically viable cultures for the region. It is supposed that regional community water is supplied by pipelines from sources located outside of the region. From this study it is recommended the implantation of adequate installments for culture management in accordance with the availability of water resources and others conditionings. It must be considered the intensity of rainy and drought seasons in order to adjust the cultivated area and equipments to be operated, and also, the use of operating models and simulations in order to establish alert levels and eventually, reduction of irrigated area. Based on obtained data it is proposed the cultivation of different types of non-permanent cultures so that temporary cultures would be extensively produced in periods of abundant reservoir storage water permitting the transformation of storage water in storage culture products and few or no production in severe drought periods. This is the basic premise for sustainable agricultural development for Brazilian semiarid region


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Urban stormwater can be considered as potential water resources as well as problems for the proper functioning of the manifold activities of the city, resulting from inappropriate use and occupation of the soil, usually due to poor planning of the occupation of the development areas, with little care for the environmental aspects of the drainage of surface runoff. As a basic premise, we must seek mechanisms to preserve the natural flow in all stages of development of an urban area, preserving the soil infiltration capacity in the scale of the urban area, comprising the mechanisms of natural drainage, and noting preserving natural areas of dynamic water courses, both in the main channel and in the secondary. They are challenges for a sustainable urban development in a harmonious coexistence of modern developmental, which are consistent with the authoritative economic environmental and social quality. Integrated studies involving the quantity and quality of rainwater are absolutely necessary to achieve understanding and obtaining appropriate technologies, involving both aspects of the drainage problems and aspects of use of water when subjected to an adequate management of surface runoff , for example, the accumulation of these reservoirs in detention with the possibility of use for other purposes. The purpose of this study aims to develop a computer model, adjusted to prevailing conditions of an experimental urban watershed in order to enable the implementation of management practices for water resources, hydrological simulations of quantity and, in a preliminary way, the quality of stormwater that flow to a pond located at the downstream end of the basin. To this end, we used in parallel with the distributed model SWMM data raised the basin with the highest possible resolution to allow the simulation of diffuse loads, heterogeneous characteristics of the basin both in terms of hydrological and hydraulic parameters on the use and occupation soil. The parallel work should improve the degree of understanding of the phenomena simulated in the basin as well as the activity of the calibration models, and this is supported by monitoring data acquired during the duration of the project MAPLU (Urban Stormwater Management) belonging to the network PROSAB (Research Program in Basic Sanitation) in the years 2006 to 2008


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective was to contribute to a reading of the characteristics and diversity of production systems from bovine milk in the microregion Seridó of Rio Grande do Norte, discuss the social, economic, environmental and husbandry-related primary activity of milk production. We randomly selected 28 agricultural establishments that performed the activity of dairy bovine culture with subsequent applicat ion of a structured questionnaire during September and October 2011. Data were analyzed with application of measures of descriptive analysis and determination of the index rural development (IRD). The results showed that 53.57% of the interviewees were owners of the land, the median area of the properties amounted to 135 hectares, the median number of animals in the herd was 51 head, with minimum 11 and maximum of 350 heads establishments in the sample, 85.72% of establishments had maximum 23 cows in lactation, 100% performed manual milking with suckling calves, average productivity of 3.91 liters / cow / day, 92.86% of the interviewees did not produce silage and / or hay, 64.29% had no access to technical assistance, the average age of interviewees was 51 ± 10.85 years, 78.57% had only elementary education. The average of the IRD computed in the test sample amounted to 0.43 ± 0.11 on a scale 0-1. The sites were grouped into 04 classes, based on your IRD. The average IRD in each dimension was 0.43, 0.55 and 0.34, respectively for economic / husbandry, social and environmental. The determination of the rate of rural development - IDR found for the sample could add establishments hierarchically. It is necessary that the inclusion of best practices in herd management, bookkeeping zootechnical, technical assistance and reorganization practices in land and environmental preservation


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Este trabalho foi realizado no Escritório de Desenvolvimento Rural - Jales, região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de efetuar um levantamento do potencial da cultura da banana 'Maçã' na região, determinando-se indicadores técnicos e econômicos de dois sistemas de produção, os quais utilizam, no plantio, mudas micropropagadas e convencional. O levantamento de dados necessários à realização da pesquisa nos aspectos ligados à elaboração das matrizes de coeficientes técnicos, base para estimativas de custos de produção, foi obtido diretamente junto a produtores da região, e a metodologia de custos foi baseada no custo total de produção. Os resultados econômicos mostraram-se satisfatórios na região para os dois sistemas de produção, mas a receita líquida obtida com a utilização de mudas micropropagadas foi 34% maior que a obtida no sistema convencional.


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This study aimed to analyse the factors that can contribute to the support of residents in the process of management of environmental tourism projects. The importance of reflecting on the municipal planning, including the management of stakeholders, is justified by changes in economic and social values of local communities, the concern with their space and quality of life. Thus, the support of the dwellers to the management process of an attractive allows motivate and prioritize the opinion of this community, strengthening social groups and integrating them into projects and local actions. The study was described as descriptive, exploratory and quantitative. As the analysis model. They were used the research variables done by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), as a way to assess the support of local dwellers on the development of Revitalization project of Monumento Natural Vale dos Dinossauros, in the management of environmental tourist destination, in Sousa/PB. Results show the relationship among the dimensions, confidence in government agencies, benefits and costs occasioned by tourism development in the attractive as influencers support elements of the deweller. Thus, it is intended to corroborate to the inclusion of stakeholdersin the planning process in the development of tourism in this location in order to involve them in decision making about planning and management of tourism in the city, with a view to sustainable local development


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In contemporary times, the urban mobility is presented as one of the main challenges of large and medium-sized Brazilian cities , it presents signs of unsustainability , above all due to the increase in motorized transport system , especially the individual . Thus , it is clear that mobility is considered of special interest for sustainable urban development , is facing a crisis that is reflected in negative externalities , particularly with regard to congestion , accidents , air pollution , social exclusion , among others. The complexity of these problems requires an integrated analysis based on the principles of sustainability . In this sense , trying to understand this problem and in the attempt to minimize its impacts, Costa (2008 ) proposed the Index of Sustainable Urban Mobility (I_SUM) with the goal of providing a methodology capable to assess relevant aspects of mobility , including social dimensions , political, economic and environmental . Given the above, was elected as the main objective of this study is to analyze urban mobility in Natal / RN from the perspective of sustainability . Like specific objectives will seek to analyze Natal´s urban mobility, using the I_SUM like a tool for both the city as a whole and for each of its four administrative regions; evaluate Natal s urban accessibility conditions and verify to what extent the access to urban services and equipment is facilitated or hindered because of the location and incomes of the population . For this, it was necessary to use bibliographic , documentary and field research . The index , which varies from 0.00 to 1.00, revealed for Natal an Global value of 0,510, and that refers to its administrative regions, it was found that there are very small percentage differences from the overall index calculated for the city . The performance of I_SUM by administrative region showed that although there are differences , the results were very similar , varying between 0,494 and 0,537. Particularly in relation to urban accessibility, it appears that Natal presents as an unequal city and this inequity , which is not only income is reflected in the issues related to accessibility and hence urban mobility


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Studies the effects of investment in research and extension on total agricultural production and on production of individual crops. Some distributional effects are briefly discussed. Due to the lack of data, the first part of the analysis is restricted to the State of Sao Paulo, and the second part covers the entire country.-from Author


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Heterogeneity of variances for milk yield (MY) was determined for Brazilian and Colombian herds. The herds were grouped as high or low variability within each country, using as criterion the phenotypic standard deviation (PSD) of MY in the contemporary groups of cows, from the first to the sixth calving. Brazilian and Colombian herds with PSD greater than 1,168 kg or 1,012 kg, respectively, were classified as high variability while the herd groups with values lower than those were classified as low variability. The genetic parameters for MY within each herd group were estimated using bivariate analysis in an animal model and the restricted maximum likelihood method with a derivative free algorithm, using 72,280 first lactations of cows, daughters of 1,880 sires. Heterogeneous variances were found, and Brazilian herds with high PSD had the greatest additive and residual genetic variances and heritability coefficients for MY. MY genetic correlation coefficients between herds of high and low variability within each country were 0.96 and 0.93 while between countries they varied from 0.72 to 0.81, suggesting that there was a reclassification of animals in the two countries and also heterogeneity of variances. This phenomenon leads to the questioning of the strategy of imported semen usage and the need to do genetic evaluations to identify sires with greater genetic potential for (sub) tropical environmental conditions.