942 resultados para Superfície de Tendência


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Solid oxide fuel (SOFCs) and electrolyzer (SOECs) cells have been promoted as promising technologies for the stabilization of fuel supply and usage in future green energy systems. SOFCs are devices that produce electricity by the oxidation of hydrogen or hydrocarbon fuels with high efficiency. Conversely, SOECs can offer the reverse reaction, where synthetic fuels can be generated by the input of renewable electricity. Due to this similar but inverse nature of SOFCs and SOECs, these devices have traditionally been constructed from comparable materials. Nonetheless, several limitations have hindered the entry of SOFCs and SOECs into the marketplace. One of the most debilitating is associated with chemical interreactions between cell components that can lead to poor longevities at high working temperatures and/or depleted electrochemcial performance. Normally such interreactions are countered by the introduction of thin, purely ionic conducting, buffer layers between the electrode and electrolyte interface. The objective of this thesis is to assess if possible improvements in electrode kinetics can also be obtained by modifying the transport properties of these buffer layers by the introduction of multivalent cations. The introduction of minor electronic conductivity in the surface of the electrolyte material has previously been shown to radically enhance the electrochemically active area for oxygen exchange, reducing polarization resistance losses. Hence, the current thesis aims to extend this knowledge to tailor a bi-functional buffer layer that can prevent chemical interreaction while also enhancing electrode kinetics.The thesis selects a typical scenario of an yttria stabilized zirconia electrolyte combined with a lanthanide containing oxygen electrode. Gadolinium, terbium and praseodymium doped cerium oxide materials have been investigated as potential buffer layers. The mixed ionic electronic conducting (MIEC) properties of the doped-cerium materials have been analyzed and collated. A detailed analysis is further presented of the impact of the buffer layers on the kinetics of the oxygen electrode in SOFC and SOEC devices. Special focus is made to assess for potential links between the transport properties of the buffer layer and subsequent electrode performance. The work also evaluates the electrochemical performance of different K2NiF4 structure cathodes deposited onto a peak performing Pr doped-cerium buffer layer, the influence of buffer layer thickness and the Pr content of the ceria buffer layer. It is shown that dramatic increases in electrode performance can be obtained by the introduction of MIEC buffer layers, where the best performances are shown to be offered by buffer layers of highest ambipolar conductivity. These buffer layers are also shown to continue to offer the bifunctional role to protect from unwanted chemical interactions at the electrode/electrolyte interface.


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Bioactive glasses and glass–ceramics are a class of biomaterials which elicit special response on their surface when in contact with biological fluids, leading to strong bonding to living tissue. This particular trait along with good sintering ability and high mechanical strength make them ideal materials for scaffold fabrication. The work presented in this thesis is directed towards understanding the composition-structure-property relationships in potentially bioactive glasses designed in CaOMgOP2O5SiO2F system, in some cases with added Na2O. The main emphasis has been on unearthing the influence of glass composition on molecular structure, sintering ability and bioactivity of phosphosilicate glasses. The parent glass compositions have been designed in the primary crystallization field of the pseudo-ternary system of diopside (CaO•MgO•2SiO2) – fluorapatite (9CaO•3P2O5•CaF2) – wollastonite (CaO•SiO2), followed by studying the impact of compositional variations on the structure-property relationships and sintering ability of these glasses. All the glasses investigated in this work have been synthesized via melt-quenching route and have been characterized for their molecular structure, sintering ability, chemical degradation and bioactivity using wide array of experimental tools and techniques. It has been shown that in all investigated glass compositions the silicate network was mainly dominated by Q2 units while phosphate in all the glasses was found to be coordinated in orthophosphate environment. The glass compositions designed in alkali-free region of diopside – fluorapatite system demonstrated excellent sintering ability and good bioactivity in order to qualify them as potential materials for scaffold fabrication while alkali-rich bioactive glasses not only hinder the densification during sintering but also induce cytotoxicity in vitro, thus, are not ideal candidates for in vitro tissue engineering. One of our bioglass compositions with low sodium content has been tested successfully both in vivo and in preliminary clinical trials. But this work needs to be continued and deepened. The dispersing of fine glass particles in aqueous media or in other suitable solvents, and the study of the most important factors that affect the rheology of the suspensions are essential steps to enable the manufacture of porous structures with tailor-made hierarchical pores by advanced processing techniques such as Robocasting.


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Estuaries are poles of attraction for human settlement which is a source of pressures to surface water bodies. The implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WDF, 2000/60/EC) has increased the investigation in order to develop methodologies to assess the Ecological Quality Status (EQS) of aquatic ecosystems. Transitional systems are naturally stressed and characterized by highly dynamic physical, chemical and hydro-morphologic conditions and by species with a higher level of tolerance to change, being more difficult to develop suitable quality indicators for these systems. The general purpose of this study is to test the ability of synthesis descriptors, including primary (S, taxa richness) and derived biological variable (H’, Shannon-Wiener diversity), biotic indices (AMBI and M-AMBI), body size properties (abundance distribution by body size classes, length, weight and length-weight relationships) and non-taxonomic indices (ISS), as well as functional indicators related to the decomposition rates of various experimental substrates, a macrophyte (Phragmites australis) and an alga (Fucus vesiculosus), to evaluate the environmental quality in transitional systems. This study was carried out in one of the most pristine channels of the Ria the Aveiro, Mira Channel, along a full salinity gradient and in a metals and metalloid sediment contamination area, the Estarreja Channel, and two reference channels (Canelas and Salreu). In this study were used different sampling techniques, the leaf-bag technique and a hand-held corer. In Mira Channel, the alga and the macrophyte presented an opposite trend in the decomposition rate along the salinity gradient, with the decomposition rates of the alga always higher than those of the macrophyte. The decomposition rates of the macrophyte and the alga were higher in the mid estuary and in higher salinity areas, respectively, corresponding to the preferencial distribution areas of each species. The macrobenthic fauna associated with the decaying and an artificial substrate (control) showed equally well the benthic succession from the marine to the freshwater areas and, despite the strong differences in the decay rates, no significant differences were found between the benthic communities associated with the alga and the macrophyte. The body size properties of the macrobenthic fauna associated with the P. australis leaf-bag (1mm and 5mm) and corer samples were studied along the full salinity gradient. The dominant species of the sub-set of measured specimens were not the same of the original macrobenthic fauna sampled but, despite that, the sub-set of measured specimens was also able to show the benthic succession from the marine to the freshwater areas. The body size abundance distribution of the benthic macroinvertebrates according to the ISS size classes did not show a particular trend in any sampler along the salinity gradient. Significant differences were found in the length, weight and length-weight relationships of Annelids, , Molluscs and even some species along the salinity gradient. No significant differences were found in the AMBI, M-AMBI and ISS values along the salinity gradient for all the samplers. The EQS of the corer samples obtained using the M-AMBI was lower than that of the leaf-bags. The EQS obtained with the ISS was higher than that obtained with the M-AMBI in the leaf-bags but not in the corer samples. The ecological effects of contaminated sediments associated with the industrial chemical effluents discharged in the Estarreja Channel were studied a decade after ceasing the emissions, using the Sediment Quality Triad approach and two reference channels. The results showed that despite the emissions ceased in 2004, the sediment remains polluted with high levels of metals and metalloid, available to bioaccumulation and with severe consequences at the community level. The sediment contamination problem was also studied using the leaf-bag technique with a macrophyte, an alga and a control substrate. The results showed that the decay rates, the associated macrofauna and the application of the AMBI, M-AMBI and ISS indices to the mesh-bag samples were not able to identify the sediment contamination. Contrarily to the AMBI, the M-AMBI and the ISS showed significant differences between the contaminated and the reference channels for the corer samples. Although such statistical significance, the interest of using these complex biotic indices could be questioned, when much simple ones, like the S and H’ allow to reach the same conclusions.


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Helicobacter pylori is a bacterial pathogen that affects more than half of the world’s population with gastro-intestinal diseases and is associated with gastric cancer. The cell surface of H. pylori is decorated with lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) composed of three distinct regions: a variable polysaccharide moiety (O-chain), a structurally conserved core oligosaccharide, and a lipid A region that anchors the LPS to the cell membrane. The O-chain of H. pylori LPS, exhibits unique oligosaccharide structures, such as Lewis (Le) antigens, similar to those present in the gastric mucosa and are involved in interactions with the host. Glucan, heptoglycan, and riban domains are present in the outer core region of some H. pylori LPSs. Amylose-like glycans and mannans are also constituents of some H. pylori strains, possibly co-expressed with LPSs. The complexity of H. pylori LPSs has hampered the establishment of accurate structure-function relationships in interactions with the host, and the design of carbohydrate-based therapeutics, such as vaccines. Carbohydrate microarrays are recent powerful and sensitive tools for studying carbohydrate antigens and, since their emergence, are providing insights into the function of carbohydrates and their involvement in pathogen-host interactions. The major goals of this thesis were the structural analysis of LPSs from H. pylori strains isolated from gastric biopsies of symptomatic Portuguese patients and the construction of a novel pathogen carbohydrate microarray of these LPSs (H. pylori LPS microarray) for interaction studies with proteins. LPSs were extracted from the cell surface of five H. pylori clinical isolates and one NCTC strain (26695) by phenol/water method, fractionated by size exclusion chromatography and analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The oligosaccharides released after mild acid treatment of the LPS were analysed by electrospray mass spectrometry. In addition to the conserved core oligosaccharide moieties, structural analyses revealed the presence of type-2 Lex and Ley antigens and N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) sequences, typically found in H. pylori strains. Also, the presence of O-6 linked glucose residues, particularly in LPSs from strains 2191 and NCTC 26695, pointed out to the expression of a 6-glucan. Other structural domains, namely ribans, composed of O-2 linked ribofuranose residues were observed in the LPS of most of H. pylori clinical isolates. For the LPS from strain 14382, large amounts of O-3 linked galactose units, pointing to the occurrence of a galactan, a domain recently identified in the LPS of another H. pylori strain. A particular feature to the LPSs from strains 2191 and CI-117 was the detection of large amounts of O-4 linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues, suggesting the presence of chitin-like glycans, which to our knowledge have not been described for H. pylori strains. For the construction of the H. pylori LPS microarray, the structurally analysed LPSs, as well as LPS-derived oligosaccharide fractions, prepared as neoglycolipid (NGL) probes were noncovalently immobilized onto nitrocellulosecoated glass slides. These were printed together with NGLs of selected sequence defined oligosaccharides, bacterial LPSs and polysaccharides. The H. pylori LPS microarray was probed for recognition with carbohydratebinding proteins (CBPs) of known specificity. These included Le and blood group-related monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), plant lectins, a carbohydratebinding module (CBM) and the mammalian immune receptors DC-SIGN and Dectin-1. The analysis of these CBPs provided new information that complemented the structural analyses and was valuable in the quality control of the constructed microarray. Microarray analysis revealed the occurrence of type-2 Lex and Ley, but not type-1 Lea or Leb antigens, supporting the results obtained in the structural analysis. Furthermore, the H. pylori LPSs were recognised by DC-SIGN, a mammalian lectin known to interact with this bacterium through fucosylated Le epitopes expressed in its LPSs. The -fucose-specific lectin UEA-I, showed restricted binding to probes containing type-2 blood group H sequence and to the LPSs from strains CI-117 and 14382. The presence of H-type-2, as well Htype- 1 in the LPSs from these strains, was confirmed using specific mAbs. Although H-type-1 determinant has been reported for H. pylori LPSs, this is the first report of the presence of H-type-2 determinant. Microarray analysis also revealed that plant lectins known to bind 4-linked GlcNAc chitin oligosaccharide sequences bound H. pylori LPSs. STL, which exhibited restricted and strong binding to 4GlcNAc tri- and pentasaccharides, differentially recognised the LPS from the strain CI-117. The chitin sequences recognised in the LPS could be internal, as no binding was detected to this LPS with WGA, known to be specific for nonreducing terminal of 4GlcNAc sequence. Analyses of the H. pylori LPSs by SDS-PAGE and Western blot with STL provided further evidence for the presence of these novel domains in the O-chain region of this LPS. H. pylori LPS microarray was also applied to analysis of two human sera. The first was from a case infected with H. pylori (H. pylori+ CI-5) and the second was from a non-infected control.The analysis revealed a higher IgG-reactivity towards H. pylori LPSs in the H. pylori+ serum, than the control serum. A specific IgG response was observed to the LPS isolated from the CI-5 strain, which caused the infection. The present thesis has contributed to extension of current knowledge on chemical structures of LPS from H. pylori clinical isolates. Furthermore, the H. pylori LPS microarray constructed enabled the study of interactions with host proteins and showed promise as a tool in serological studies of H. pyloriinfected individuals. Thus, it is anticipated that the use of these complementary approaches may contribute to a better understanding of the molecular complexity of the LPSs and their role in pathogenesis.


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Pretende-se, neste estudo, proceder a uma análise comparada dos romances Ilha Teresa (2011), de Richard Zimler, e Lullabies for Little Criminals (2006), de Heather O’Neill, situados no domínio da crossover fiction, dadas as semelhanças existentes ao nível da perspectiva narrativa, centrada no universo adolescente, e dos processos de crescimento e de construção da identidade, marcados por conflitos e problemas, propondo um universo individual e/ou social de cariz disfórico. A análise pretenderá dar conta de uma tendência da ficção não exclusiva do romance juvenil (SILVA, 2012) ou mesmo do universo crossover (BECKETT, 2009; FALCONER, 2009), mas extensível à literatura dita institucionalizada, ao mesmo tempo em que permitirá identificar estratégias narrativas específicas dessa produção. O apagamento de fronteiras entre destinatários previstos, muitas vezes de intenção autoral, cada vez mais frequente, abre consideravelmente as possibilidades de leitura dos textos, ora interpretados numa certa linha de reprodução da realidade contemporânea, buscando o reconhecimento e a identificação dos leitores jovens com os universos recriados e a linguagem, ora permitindo a interseção de uma leitura crítica, questionadora, interrogando o mundo e as experiências que ele proporciona, como a habitualmente realizada pelos adultos.


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As alterações climáticas emergentes têm um grande impacto no crescimento e desenvolvimento de espécies florestais, nomeadamente em espécies de valor industrial e medicinal, como é o caso do eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulus) e da moringa (Moringa oleifera). Assim, é urgente conhecer as respostas fisiológicas e entender as variações que ocorrem nos perfis metabólicos de espécies vegetais. Neste trabalho, plantas jovens de Eucalyptus globulus foram expostas a radiação UVB (12kJ/m2) e foram avaliadas as respostas fisiológicas e o perfil metabólico, um e onze dias após a aplicação da radiação. A dose de UVB usada não afetou as reações fotoquímicas nem as trocas gasosas, contudo ao nível do metabolismo do carbono (AST e amido) e do conteúdo de pigmentos verificaram-se pequenas alterações (AST e pigmentos). Através da análise do perfil metabólico de E. globulus foram encontrados compostos voláteis e semi-voláteis pertencentes às famílias dos terpenos, sesquiterpenos e aldeídos. Em geral, os sesquiterpenos e os álcoois monoterpénicos apresentaram uma tendência para manter e, em alguns casos, diminuir com o stress, enquanto que o grupos dos aldeídos aumentou e os monoterpenos apresentaram um comportamento mais heterogéneo. O E. globulus mostrou ser uma espécie tolerante à aplicação da dose de UVB usada neste trabalho. Por outro lado, plantas jovens de M. oleifera foram expostas a défice hídrico (DH). Um grupo de plantas foi recolhido um dia após o final da exposição e o outro grupo após onze dias do final da exposição. Foi avaliado o perfil metabólico desta espécie através de GC/MS. Os dados cromatográficos indicaram que em condições de stress (DH(1) e DH(11)), as quantidades de compostos associados a vias primárias e secundárias de defesa (como os alcanos, álcoois, ácidos carboxílicos, esteróis, aminoácidos e açucares) sofreram algumas alterações. As plantas analisadas 11 dias após a remoção do stress mostraram maiores variações do perfil de metabolitos. No entanto, tanto um como onze dias após a remoção do stress, as plantas apresentaram a formação de novos rebentos. Apesar do perfil de metabolitos ter sofrido algumas alterações, por não se registarem casos de morte, conclui-se que as plantas de moringa mostraram ser tolerantes aos tratamentos aplicados.


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Nos últimos anos o estudo de estruturas inteligentes tem atraído vários investigadores devido às suas potenciais vantagens numa larga gama de aplicações, tais como controle de forma, supressão de vibrações, atenuação de ruído e detecção de dano. O uso de materiais “inteligentes” tal como os materiais piezoeléctricos na forma de lâminas ou “patches”, embebidas ou coladas na superfície de estruturas construídas de materiais compósitos, permite assim obter estruturas que por um lado são adaptativas e por outro revelam excelentes propriedades mecânicas, aumentando assim bastante o desempenho e a fiabilidade de sistemas estruturais. Os materiais piezoeléctricos têm a propriedade de gerar uma carga eléctrica sob a acção duma carga mecânica e o reverso, isto é, aplicando um campo eléctrico nos elementos piezoeléctricos da estrutura, esta deforma-se. Neste trabalho, é apresentado um modelo de elementos finitos, baseado na teoria clássica de placas, desenvolvido para a análise do controle activo em estática e dinâmica lineares de estruturas integrando sensores e actuadores piezoeléctrico na forma de lâminas, os quais introduzem um grau de liberdade referente ao potencial eléctrico, por cada camada piezoeléctrica do elemento finito. É utilizado método de Newmark para a solução iterativa das equações de equilíbrio. Apresentam-se os resultados obtidos em três exemplos ilustrativos.


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Os modelos matemáticos são ferramentas poderosas para avaliar o impacto humano em sistemas costeiros e estuarinos de estrutura complexa. Neste artigo utiliza-se um sistema de modelos matemáticos para simular o comportamento hidrodinâmico e biológico do estuário do Sado. Estudos experimentais de análise da evolução da biomassa de fitoplâncton durante os últimos 10 anos indicam que o ecossistema se encontra numa situação relarivamente estável, exibindo pouca tendência para a eutrofização (Cabeçadas, 1993). Neste Artigo procura-se caracterizar o estado trófico do sistema, confirmar as conclusões obtidas experimentalmente e interpretar os processos que ocorrem na região do estuário.


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Neste trabalho apresenta-se um modelo de elementos finitos baseado na teoria de deformação de corte de 3ª ordem, o qual é aplicado ao controlo activo de vibrações, incluindo o fenómeno de ressonância, em estruturas laminadas. Sensores e actuadores piezoeléctricos na forma de lâminas estão colocadas na superfície superior e inferior do laminado, permitindo assim um sistema de controlo, ligando os efeitos piézoeléctricos directo e converso, atrvés de um algoritmo baseado na realimentação com velocidade negativa. As estruturas são forçadas a vibrar num determinado modo, e a sua amplitude no tempo é calculada usando o método de Newmark. Apresenta-se uma aplicação ilustrativa.


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Dissesrtação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Pescas e Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007