964 resultados para Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
Programa de doctorado: Acuicultura: producción controlada de animales acuáticos.
Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación
[ES] Este artículo estudia la evolución de la historiografía obrera italiana, que surge del marxismo y vinculada al PCI. Esta historiografía militante se caracterizó por la recopilación de fuentes documentales y el estudio del movimiento organizado, al tiempo que se debatía sobre cuestiones socio-económicas. En una segunda fase, a partir de 1956, la historiografía obrera italiana avanzó en pos de un mayor rigor científico, propósito que se concretó en una mayor apertura de los archivos y en la ampliación de la investigación a temáticas políticamente sensibles. Posteriormente, al calor de los cambios experimentados por el país en los años sesenta y setenta, y favorecida por los contactos con historiografías foráneas, la historiografía obrera italiana perdió progresivamente su carácter militante y se renovó con nuevas interrogantes y metodologías. [EN] This article looks at the evolution of labour historiography in Italy, a movement that emerged from Marxism and was linked to the PCI. This militant historiography was characterized by the compilation of documentary sources and the study of the organised movement, while general socio-economic issues were under discussion. The second phase, from 1956 onward, saw Italian labour historiography making advances in achieving greater thoroughness, involving the opening of more archives and expanding the research to politically sensitive issues. Subsequently, in the light of changes experienced by the country in the 1960s and 1970s, and thanks to foreign historiographies, the Italian labour historiography lost its militant nature in a progressive way and developed new queries and methodologies.
Die Arbeit verfolgt Genese und Wirkungsgeschichte von Stanley Kubricks letztem Film EYES WIDE SHUT (GB 1999) mit dem Anliegen, durch die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit den narrativen und ästhetischen Gestaltungsfaktoren eines einzelnen Films den kalkulierten Einsatz filmsprachlicher Mittel nachzuvollziehen und den solcherart kreierten (Be-) Deutungsspielraum zu diskutieren. Dabei kommen die hinter Kubricks Inszenierungsentscheidungen erkennbaren Intentionen ebenso zur Sprache wie rezeptive Muster auf seiten des Publikums.Den ersten Untersuchungskomplex bildet die adaptierte Literaturvorlage, Arthur Schnitzlers TRAUMNOVELLE (1926), die sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer inhaltlich-thematischen als auch ihrer sprachlich-erzähltechnischen Gestaltung gewürdigt wird. Kernstück der Arbeit bildet eine detaillierte, wirkungsbezogene Analyse der Inszenierungskomponenten einzelner Szenen, die hinsichtlich ihres von Regieentscheidungen geprägten Zusammenspiels betrachtet und häufig mit den jeweiligen literarischen Gestaltungsmerkma-len der Vorlage verglichen werden. Auf diese Weise wird Kubricks kreative Leistung eines Transfers von einer bedeutenden Novelle hin zu einem künstlerisch eigenständigen Film erfaßt. Dabei fällt unter anderem auf, daß die Gedankengänge Fridolins im Film durch ein subtiles Netzwerk von Andeutungen, Auslassungen und inneren Querverweisen ersetzt wurden, welches der individuellen Zuschauerwahrnehmung einen hohen Stellenwert zuweist der Betrachter rückt gewissermaßen ins Zentrum des Films, soll den Platz des recht blaß bleibenden Protagonisten einnehmen, der nur als Stellvertreter fungiert.
This thesis tends to study the origins and developments of the restoration in Iran from its very first moments till the Islamic revolution of 1978. The thesis is its first study of its kind. While almost all recent occidental ideologies regarding the thematic of restoration and conservation of historic monuments are translated and published in Iran, very little efforts have been done regarding the study of the origins of the formation of restoration in the country. The diversity of Iranian contexts, multiplicity of the intervening factors and other factors characterized a different background for the raise and developments of restoration in the country; in the thesis the influencing and characterizing factors in the formation and development of restoration in Iran will be defined and studied in detail with relative examples; due to the complexity of the Iranian context and in order to consider all influencing and characterizing factors the thesis, parallel to have formation and development of restoration, as the main scope of the research, the developments influencing factors will be confronted with necessary flashbacks to the main theme, when and where necessary. A great care will be given to the period of the activity of the restoration experts of IsMEO which is thesis will be called as the period of the introduction of the modern principles of restoration into Iranian context; the fundamental ideologies, practical and theoretical principles of IsMEO will be identified and studied in details; important case of studies of the restoration of IsMEO will be analyzed in details and the innovative aspect of the presence of Italian experts of IsMEO will be revealed.
Hepatoblastoma (HB) is a rare malignant liver tumour found in infants. Many heterogenous histological tumour subtypes exist. Although survival rates have improved dramatically in recent years with the use of platinum-based chemotherapy, there still exists a subset of HB that does not respond to treatment. There are currently no tumour biomarkers in use and in this study we aim to evaluate potential biomarkers to aid identification of relapse cases that would otherwise be overlooked by current prognostication. This may identify patients that would benefit from more aggressive therapy and could improve overall survival rates. We used immunohistochemistry to analyse the expression of β-catenin, E-cadherin, Cyclin D1, Ki-67 and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) protein in tumours from 91 patients prospectively enroled into the SIOPEL 3 clinical trial. The relationship between these biomarkers and clinicopathologic features and patient survival were statistically analysed. We identified one biomarker, Cyclin D1, which has a correlation with mixed epithelial/mesenchymal HB approaching significance (P=0.07). Survival analysis using these markers has revealed two potential prognostic indicators; Cyclin D1 and Ki-67 (P=0.01, 0.01).
Activation of beta-catenin is a hallmark of hepatoblastoma (HB) and appears to play a crucial role in its pathogenesis. While aberrant accumulation of the beta-catenin is a common event in HB, mutations or deletions in CTNNB1 (beta-catenin gene) do not always account for the high frequency of protein expression. In this study we have investigated alternative activation of beta-catenin by HGF/c-Met signaling in a large cohort of 98 HB patients enrolled in the SIOPEL-3 clinical trial.