990 resultados para Stressor Criterion


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We present a growth analysis model that combines large amounts of environmental data with limited amounts of biological data and apply it to Corbicula japonica. The model uses the maximum-likelihood method with the Akaike information criterion, which provides an objective criterion for model selection. An adequate distribution for describing a single cohort is selected from available probability density functions, which are expressed by location and scale parameters. Daily relative increase rates of the location parameter are expressed by a multivariate logistic function with environmental factors for each day and categorical variables indicating animal ages as independent variables. Daily relative increase rates of the scale parameter are expressed by an equation describing the relationship with the daily relative increase rate of the location parameter. Corbicula japonica grows to a modal shell length of 0.7 mm during the first year in Lake Abashiri. Compared with the attain-able maximum size of about 30 mm, the growth of juveniles is extremely slow because their growth is less susceptible to environmental factors until the second winter. The extremely slow growth in Lake Abashiri could be a geographical genetic variation within C. japonica.


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Adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) has been the subject of many publications about sampling aggregated populations. Choosing the criterion value that invokes ACS remains problematic. We address this problem using data from a June 1999 ACS survey for rockfish, specifically for Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus), and for shortraker (S. borealis) and rougheye (S. aleutianus) rockfish combined. Our hypotheses were that ACS would outperform simple random sampling (SRS) for S. alutus and would be more applicable for S. alutus than for S. borealis and S. aleutianus combined because populations of S. alutus are thought to be more aggregated. Three alternatives for choosing a criterion value were investigated. We chose the strategy that yielded the lowest criterion value and simulated the higher criterion values with the data after the survey. Systematic random sampling was conducted across the whole area to determine the lowest criterion value, and then a new systematic random sample was taken with adaptive sampling around each tow that exceeded the fixed criterion value. ACS yielded gains in precision (SE) over SRS. Bootstrapping showed that the distribution of an ACS estimator is approximately normal, whereas the SRS sampling distribution is skewed and bimodal. Simulation showed that a higher criterion value results in substantially less adaptive sampling with little tradeoff in precision. When time-efficiency was examined, ACS quickly added more samples, but sampling edge units caused this efficiency to be lessened, and the gain in efficiency did not measurably affect our conclusions. ACS for S. alutus should be incorporated with a fixed criterion value equal to the top quartile of previously collected survey data. The second hypothesis was confirmed because ACS did not prove to be more effective for S. borealis-S. aleutianus. Overall, our ACS results were not as optimistic as those previously published in the literature, and indicate the need for further study of this sampling method.


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Stock structure of eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna was investigated by analyzing allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) from 10 samples of 20–30 individuals each, collected between 1994 and 1996 from fishing vessels operating in the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) yellowfin regulatory area (CYRA). Allozyme analysis resolved 28 loci, eight of which were polymorphic under the 0.95 criterion: Aat-S*, Glud, Gpi-F*, Gpi-S*, La, Lgg, Pap-F*, and 6-Pgd, resulting in a mean heterozygosity over all allozyme loci of H = 0.052. Four polymorphic RAPD loci were selected for analysis, resulting in a mean heterozygosity of H = 0.43. Eight of 45 pairwise comparisons of allozyme allele frequencies among the ten samples showed significant differences after correction for multiple testing (P<0.0001), all of which involved comparisons with the Gulf of California sample. Confirmation of this signal of population structure would have management implications. No significant divergence in RAPD allele frequencies was observed among samples. Weir and Cockerham θ estimated for allozyme loci (θ=0.048; P<0.05) and RAPD loci (θ=0.030; P>0.05) revealed little population structure among samples. Mantel tests demonstrated that the genetic relationships among samples did not correspond to an isolation-by-distance model for either class of marker. Four of eight comparisons of coastal and offshore samples revealed differences of allele frequencies at the Gpi-F* locus (P<0.05), although none of these differences was significant after correction for multiple testing (P>0.001). Results are consistent with the hypothesis that the CYRA yellowfin tuna samples comprise a single genetic stock, although gene flow appears to be greater among coastal samples than between coastal and offshore samples.


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Status of the southeastern U.S. stock of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) was estimated from fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data, 1972–97. Annual population numbers and fishing mortality rates at age were estimated from virtual population analysis (VPA) calibrated with fishery-independent data. For the VPA, a primary matrix of catch at age was based on age-length keys from fishery-independent samples; an alternate matrix was based on fishery-dependent keys. Additional estimates of stock status were obtained from a surplus-production model, also calibrated with fishery-independent indices of abundance. Results describe a dramatic increase in exploitation of this stock and concomitant decline in abundance. Estimated fully recruited fishing mortality rate (F) from the primary catch matrix increased from 0.10/yr in 1975 to 0.88/yr in 1997, and estimated static spawning potential ratio (SPR) declined from about 67% to about 18%. Estimated recruitment to age 1 declined from a peak of 3.0 million fish in 1973–74 to 94,000 fish in 1997, a decline of 96.9%. Estimated spawning-stock biomass declined from a peak of 3530 t in 1979 to 397 t in 1997, a decline of 88.8%. Results from the alternate catch matrix were similar. Retrospective patterns in the VPA suggest that the future estimates of this population decline will be severe, but may be less than present estimates. Long-term and marked declines in recruitment, spawning stock, and catch per unit of effort (both fishery-derived and fishery-independent)are consistent with severe overexploitation during a period of reduced recruitment. Although F prior to 1995 has generally been estimated at or below the current management criterion for overfishing (F equivalent to SPR=35%), the recent spawning-stock biomass is well below the biomass that could support maximum sustainable yield. Significant reductions in fishing mortality will be needed for rebuilding the southeastern U.S. stock.


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In the present study, non-conservative abiotic parameters and biological conditions were utilized to portray the causes, consequences and magnitude of anthropogenic eutrophication in 4 fresh water perennial community ponds at Gangetic West Bengal, India. In order to classify the ponds, a single criterion basis was adopted and more emphasis given to the species of plankton which are biological indicators of eutrophication. Besides this, various abiotic parameters were also studied. On the basis of results obtained, 4 ponds have been classified as "Eutrophic, Tropical Bacillariae".


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This paper presents a new architecture which integrates recurrent input transformations (RIT) and continuous density HMMs. The basic HMM structure is extended to accommodate recurrent neural networks which transform the input observations before they enter the Gaussian output distributions associated with the states of the HMM. During training the parameters of both HMM and RIT are simultaneously optimized according to the Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) criterion. Results are presented for the E-set recognition task which demonstrate the ability of recurrent input transformations to exploit longer term correlations in the speech signal and to give improved discrimination.


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This paper describes a series of tests conducted on a UK trunk road, in which the dynamic tyre forces generated by over 1500 heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) were measured using a load measuring mat containing 144 capacitive strip sensors. The data was used to investigate the relative road damaging potential of the various classes of vehicles, and the degree of spatial repeatability of tyre forces present in a typical highway fleet. Approximately half the vehicles tested were found to contribute to a spatially repeatable pattern of pavement loading. On average, air suspended vehicles were found to generate lower dynamic load coefficients than steel suspended vehicles. However, air suspended vehicles also generated higher mean levels of theoretical road damage (aggregate force) than steel suspended vehicles, indicating that the ranking of suspensions depends on the pavement damage criterion used.


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Bayesian formulated neural networks are implemented using hybrid Monte Carlo method for probabilistic fault identification in cylindrical shells. Each of the 20 nominally identical cylindrical shells is divided into three substructures. Holes of (12±2) mm in diameter are introduced in each of the substructures and vibration data are measured. Modal properties and the Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion (COMAC) are utilized to train the two modal-property-neural-networks. These COMAC are calculated by taking the natural-frequency-vector to be an additional mode. Modal energies are calculated by determining the integrals of the real and imaginary components of the frequency response functions over bandwidths of 12% of the natural frequencies. The modal energies and the Coordinate Modal Energy Assurance Criterion (COMEAC) are used to train the two frequency-response-function-neural-networks. The averages of the two sets of trained-networks (COMAC and COMEAC as well as modal properties and modal energies) form two committees of networks. The COMEAC and the COMAC are found to be better identification data than using modal properties and modal energies directly. The committee approach is observed to give lower standard deviations than the individual methods. The main advantage of the Bayesian formulation is that it gives identities of damage and their respective confidence intervals.


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The feasibility of vibration data to identify damage in a population of cylindrical shells is assessed. Vibration data from a population of cylinders were measured and modal analysis was employed to obtain natural frequencies and mode shapes. The mode shapes were transformed into the Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion (COMAC). The natural frequencies and the COMAC before and after damage for a population of structures show that modal analysis is a viable route to damage identification in a population of nominally identical cylinders. Modal energies, which are defined as the integrals of the real and imaginary components of the frequency response functions over various frequency ranges, were extracted and transformed into the Coordinate Modal Energy Assurance Criterion (COMEAC). The COMEAC before and after damage show that using modal energies is a viable approach to damage identification in a population of cylinders.


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Calculations are presented predicting the onset of flow instability for a multistage low speed axial compressor operating in circumferentially distorted inlet flow. The most important feature of the model used is that it attempts to properly account for the fluid dynamic interaction between the spoiled and unspoiled sectors of the compressor. The calculations show that there is an approximate stability criterion, the annulus averaged slope of the compressor pressure rise characteristic equal to zero, that is valid whenever the dynamics of the compressor distorted flowfield can be considered independent of the compressor environment. This approximate criterion is used to investigate the relationship between the present model and the 'parallel compressor' model. Further calculations are performed to investigate cases of interest when the dynamics of the compressor flowfield are coupled to the environment. Resonant cases and cases when the distortion is unsteady are studied.


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This paper describes a trainable method for generating letter to sound rules for the Greek language, for producing the pronunciation of out-of-vocabulary words. Several approaches have been adopted over the years for grapheme-to-phoneme conversion, such as hand-seeded rules, finite state transducers, neural networks, HMMs etc, nevertheless it has been proved that the most reliable method is a rule-based one. Our approach is based on a semi-automatically pre-transcribed lexicon, from which we derived rules for automatic transcription. The efficiency and robustness of our method are proved by experiments on out-of-vocabulary words which resulted in over than 98% accuracy on a word-base criterion.


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Over recent years academia and industry have engaged with the challenge of model testing deepwater structures at conventional scales. One approach to the limited depth problem has been to truncate the lines. This concept will be introduced, highlighting the need to better understand line dynamic processes. The type of line truncation developed here models the upper sections of each line in detail, capturing wave action and all coupling effects with the vessel, terminating to an approximate analytical model that aims to simulate the remainder of the line. A rationale for this is that in deep water transverse elastic waves of a line are likely to decay before they are reflected at the seabed because of nonlinear hydrodynamic drag forces. The first part of this paper is centered on verification of this rationale. A simplified model of a mooring line that describes the transverse dynamics in wave frequency is used, adopting the equation of motion of an inextensible taut string. The line is submerged in still water, one end fixed at the bottom the other assumed to follow the vessel response, which can be harmonic or random. A dimensional analysis, supported by exact benchmark numerical solutions, has shown that it is possible to produce a universal curve for the decay of transverse vibrations along the line, which is suitable for any kind of line with any top motion. This has a significant engineering benefit, allowing for a rapid assessment of line dynamics - it can be useful in deciding whether a truncated line model is appropriate, and if so, at which point truncation might be applied. This is followed by developing a truncation mechanism, formulating an end approximation that can reproduce the correct impedance, had the line been continuous to full depth. It has been found that below a certain length criterion, which is also universal, the transverse vibrational characteristics for each line are inertia driven. As such the truncated model can assume a linear damper whose coefficient depends on the line properties and frequency of vibration. Copyright © 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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There is a number of famous theoretical and experimental works that oriented themselves to solve actual problem of coastal change, including the change of coastline, under versatile influence of oceanic wind waves. In this paper the author would like to give supplementally a few new behaviours of that phenomena observed along the coasts of Vietnam, such as coastal collapse & primitive on-the-spot accumulation, material hurl, etc. Most simple theoretical explanation of them grounding on the Newton's second law has been presented and as results of that there appeared such notion as indicator and criterion which could be used for demarcation of different behaviours in initial stage of general coastal changing processes.


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An experimental procedure along with a method of analysis to judge the suitability of an individual to be included in a taste panel is described. The procedure is based on comparison of the organoleptic scores assigned by the individual to pairs of fish samples whose qualities are known and a set of physical measurements of the same samples. Fisher's Exact Probability Test provides a criterion for the judgement.


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This research is focused on the contribution of area 7 to the short-term visual spatial memory. Three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were trained in the direct delayed response task in which 5 delay intervals were used in each session. When each monkey reached the criterion of 90% correct responses in 5 successive sessions, two monkeys underwent a surgery while the other one received a sham operation as a control. In the first stage of the surgery, bilateral areas 7a, 7b and 7ip of the parietal cortex of two monkeys were precisely lesioned. After 7 days of recuperation, the monkeys were required to do the same task. The average percentage of correct responses in the lesioned animals decreased from 94.7% to 89.3% and 93.3% to 82.0% respectively (no significance, P > 0.05, n = 2). In addition, the monkeys' complex movements were mildly impaired. The lesioned monkeys were found to have difficulty picking up food from the wells. In the second stage, bilateral area 7m was lesioned. In the 5 postoperative sessions, the average percentage of correct responses in one monkey, with a relatively precise 7m lesion, decreased from 94.7% to 92.2% (no significance, P > 0.05), while the other monkey, with widely spread necrosis of lateral parietal cortex, showed an. obvious decline in performance, but still over the chance level. After 240 trials this monkey reattained the normal criterion. The results of this research suggest that the lesions of area 7 of the parietal cortex did not significantly affect the short-term visual spatial memory, which has been shown to be sensitive to lesions of the prefrontal cortex; they also support the notion of dissociation of spatial functions in the prefrontal and parietal cortices.