993 resultados para Stimulus Duration


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This study characterizes the visually evoked magnetic response (VEMR) to pattern onset/offset stimuli, using a single channel BTi magnetometer. The influence of stimulus parameters and recording protocols on the VEMR is studied with inferences drawn about the nature of cortical processing, its origins and optimal recording strategies. Fundamental characteristics are examined, such as the behaviour of successive averaged and unaveraged responses; the effects of environmental shielding; averaging; inter- and intrasubject variability and equipment specificity. The effects of varying check size, field size, contrast and refractive error on latency, amplitude and topographic distribution are also presented. Latency and amplitude trends are consistent with previous VEP findings and known anatomical properties of the visual system. Topographic results are consistent with the activity of sources organised according to the cruciform model of striate cortex. A striate origin for the VEMR is also suggested by the results to quarter, octant and annulus field stimuli. Similarities in the behaviour and origins of the sources contributing to the CIIm and CIIIm onset peaks are presented for a number of stimulus conditions. This would be consistent with differing processing event in the same, or similar neuronal populations. Focal field stimuli produce less predictable responses than full or half fields, attributable to a reduced signal to noise ratio and an increased sensitivity to variations in cortical morphology. Problems with waveform peak identification are encountered for full field stimuli that can only be resolved by the careful choice of stimulus parameters, comparisons with half field responses or with reference to the topographic distribution of each waveform peak. An anatomical study of occipital lobe morphology revealed large inter- and intrasubject variation in calcarine fissure shape and striate cortex distribution. An appreciation of such variability is important for VEMR interpretation, due to the technique's sensitivity to source depth and orientation, and it is used to explain the experimental results obtained.


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The study utilized the advanced technology provided by automated perimeters to investigate the hypothesis that patients with retinitis pigmentosa behave atypically over the dynamic range and to concurrently determine the influence of extraneous factors on the format of the normal perimetric sensitivity profile. The perimetric processing of some patients with retinitis pigmentosa was considered to be abnormal in either the temporal and/or the spatial domain. The standard size III stimulus saturated the central regions and was thus ineffective in detecting early depressions in sensitivity in these areas. When stimulus size was scaled in inverse proportion to the square root of ganglion cell receptive field density (M-scaled), isosensitive profiles did not result, although cortical representation was theoretically equivalent across the visual field. It was conjectured that this was due to variations in the ganglion cell characteristics with increasing peripheral angle, most notably spatial summation. It was concluded that the development of perimetric routines incorporating stimulus sizes adjusted in proportion to the coverage factor of retinal ganglion cells would enhance the diagnostic capacity of perimetry. Good general and local correspondence was found between perimetric sensitivity and the available retinal cell counts. Intraocular light scatter arising both from simulations and media opacities depressed perimetric sensitivity. Attenuation was greater centrally for the smaller LED stimuli, whereas the reverse was true for the larger projected stimuli. Prior perimetric experience and pupil size also demonstrated eccentricity-dependent effect on sensitivity. Practice improved perimetric sensitivity for projected stimuli at eccentricities greater than or equal to 30o; particularly in the superior region. Increase in pupil size for LED stimuli enhanced sensitivity at eccentricities greater than 10o. Conversely, microfluctuation in the accommodative response during perimetric examination and the correction of peripheral refractive error had no significant influence on perimetric sensitivity.


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Automated perimetry has made viable a rapid threshold examination of the visual field and has reinforced the role of perimetry in the diagnostic procedure. The aim of this study was twofold: to isolate the influence of certain extraneous factors on the sensitivity gradient, since these might limit the early detection and accurate monitoring of visual field loss and to investigate the efficacy of certain novel combinations of stimulus parameters in the detection of early visual field loss. The work was carried out with particular reference to glaucoma and to ocular hypertension. The effects of media opacities on the visual field were assessed by forward intraocular light scatter (n= 15) and were found to mask diffuse glaucomatous visual field loss and underestimate focal loss. Correction of the visual field indices for the effects of forward intraocular light scatter (n= 26) showed the focal losses to be, in reality, unaffected. Measurements of back scatter underestimated forward intraocular light scatter (n= 60) and the resultant depression of the visual field. Perimetric sensitivity improved with patient learning (n= 25) and exhibited eccentricity- and depth-dependency effects whereby improvements in sensitivity were greatest for peripheral areas of the field and for those areas which initially demonstrated the lowest sensitivity. The effects of practice were retained over several months (n= 16). Perimetric sensitivity decreased during prolonged examination due to fatigue effects (n&61 19); these demonstrated a similar eccentricity-dependency, being greatest for eccentricities beyond 30o. Mean sensitivities over the range of adaptation levels employed obeyed the Weber-Fechner law (n= 10) and, as would be expected, were independent of pupil size. No relationship was found between short-term fluctuation and adaptation level. Detection of diffuse glaucomatous visual field loss was facilitated using a size III stimulus of duration 200msec at an adaptation level of 31.5asb, compared with a size III stimulus of duration 100msec at an adaptation level of 4asb (n= 20). In a pilot study (n= 10), temporal summation was found to be higher in glaucomatous patients compared with age-matched controls, although the difference was not statistically significant.


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The topographical distribution of the pattern reversal Visual Evoked Response (VER) was recorded from a localised montage of 20 electrodes over the visual cortex. The response was recorded after stimulation with a black and white checkerboard stimulus. The effect of field location on the major components was investigated in 11 subjects (age range (23-55). The major components of the half field response were; a negative around 75ms (N75) followed by a positivity around 80ms (P80), then a positivity around 100ms (P100) followed by another positivity at around 120ms (P120) and a negativity at approximately 145ms (N145). No effect of field size could be demonstrated on either the amplitude or latency of the late negativity, N145. No significant effect of field size or location was shown on the latency of the P100 response. A delay previously shown in the upper half field response was therefore not substantiated. In contrast the amplitude of the major positivity, P100 was significantly affected by the field size and location. The amplitude of both P100 and N145 were significantly reduced following upper field stimulation when compared with the lower field response. No significant amplitude difference between the upper and lower field responses was demonstrated using electroretinography, the amplitude may therefore be reduced as a result of the ventral position of the upper field representation on the visual cortex. The lateral half field VEP was compared with the distribution of the visual evoked magnetic response (VEMR). The distribution of the VEMR supported the proposal that the paradoxical lateralisation of the VEP half field response is the result of the source being directed ipsilaterally. The morphology of the VEP following octant and double octant stimulation suggests that the response is generated in the striate cortex, with a reversal in response distribution following stimulation of the upper vertical and horizontal meridia.


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Difficulties in visual attention are increasingly being linked to dyslexia. To date, the majority of studies have inferred functionality of attention from response times to stimuli presented for an indefinite duration. However, in paradigms that use reaction times to investigate the ability to orient attention, a delayed reaction time could also indicate difficulties in signal enhancement or noise exclusion once oriented. Thus, in order to investigate attention modulation and visual crowding effects in dyslexia, this study measured stimulus discrimination accuracy to rapidly presented displays. Adults with dyslexia (AwD) and controls discriminated the orientation of a target in an array of different numbers of - and differently spaced - vertically orientated distractors. Results showed that AwD: were disproportionately impacted by (i) close spacing and (ii) increased numbers of stimuli, (iii) did use pre-cues to modulate attention, but (iv) used cues less successfully to counter effects of increasing numbers of distractors. A greater dependence on pre-cues, larger effects of crowding and the impact of increased numbers of distractors all correlated significantly with measures of literacy. These findings extend previous studies of visual crowding of letters in dyslexia to non-complex stimuli. Overall, AwD do not use cues less, but they do use cues less successfully. We conclude that visual attention is an important factor to consider in the aetiology of dyslexia. The results challenge existing theoretical accounts of visual attention deficits, which alone are unable to comprehensively explain the pattern of findings demonstrated here.


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This study investigated the variability of response associated with various perimetric techniques, with the aim of improving the clinical interpretation of automated static threshold perirnetry. Evaluation of a third generation of perimetric threshold algorithms (SITA) demonstrated a reduction in test duration by approximately 50% both in normal subjects and in glaucoma patients. SITA produced a slightly higher, but clinically insignificant, Mean Sensitivity than with the previous generations of algorithms. This was associated with a decreased between-subject variability in sensitivity and hence, lower confidence intervals for normality. In glaucoma, the SITA algorithms gave rise to more statistically significant visual field defects and a similar between-visit repeatability to the Full Threshold and FASTPAC algorithms. The higher estimated sensitivity observed with SITA compared to Full Threshold and FASTPAC were not attributed to a reduction in the fatigue effect. The investigation of a novel method of maintaining patient fixation, a roving fixation target which paused immediately prior lo the stimulus presentation, revealed a greater degree of fixational instability with the roving fixation target compared to the conventional static fixation target. Previous experience with traditional white-white perimetry did not eradicate the learning effect in short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP) in a group of ocular hypertensive patients. The learning effect was smaller in an experienced group of patients compared to a naive group of patients, but was still at a significant level to require that patients should undertake a series of at least three familiarisation tests with SWAP.


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Influential models of edge detection have generally supposed that an edge is detected at peaks in the 1st derivative of the luminance profile, or at zero-crossings in the 2nd derivative. However, when presented with blurred triangle-wave images, observers consistently marked edges not at these locations, but at peaks in the 3rd derivative. This new phenomenon, termed ‘Mach edges’ persisted when a luminance ramp was added to the blurred triangle-wave. Modelling of these Mach edge detection data required the addition of a physiologically plausible filter, prior to the 3rd derivative computation. A viable alternative model was examined, on the basis of data obtained with short-duration, high spatial-frequency stimuli. Detection and feature-making methods were used to examine the perception of Mach bands in an image set that spanned a range of Mach band detectabilities. A scale-space model that computed edge and bar features in parallel provided a better fit to the data than 4 competing models that combined information across scale in a different manner, or computed edge or bar features at a single scale. The perception of luminance bars was examined in 2 experiments. Data for one image-set suggested a simple rule for perception of a small Gaussian bar on a larger inverted Gaussian bar background. In previous research, discriminability (d’) has typically been reported to be a power function of contrast, where the exponent (p) is 2 to 3. However, using bar, grating, and Gaussian edge stimuli, with several methodologies, values of p were obtained that ranged from 1 to 1.7 across 6 experiments. This novel finding was explained by appealing to low stimulus uncertainty, or a near-linear transducer.


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Our goal was to investigate auditory and speech perception abilities of children with and without reading disability (RD) and associations between auditory, speech perception, reading, and spelling skills. Participants were 9-year-old, Finnish-speaking children with RD (N = 30) and typically reading children (N = 30). Results showed significant group differences between the groups in phoneme duration discrimination but not in perception of amplitude modulation and rise time. Correlations among rise time discrimination, phoneme duration, and spelling accuracy were found for children with RD. Those children with poor rise time discrimination were also poor in phoneme duration discrimination and in spelling. Results suggest that auditory processing abilities could, at least in some children, affect speech perception skills, which in turn would lead to phonological processing deficits and dyslexia.


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Sensory sensitivity is typically measured using behavioural techniques (psychophysics), which rely on observers responding to very large numbers of stimulus presentations. Psychophysics can be problematic when working with special populations, such as children or clinical patients, because they may lack the compliance or cognitive skills to perform the behavioural tasks. We used an auditory gap-detection paradigm to develop an accurate measure of sensory threshold derived from passively-recorded MEG data. Auditory evoked responses were elicited by silent gaps of varying durations in an on-going noise stimulus. Source modelling was used to spatially filter the MEG data and sigmoidal ‘cortical psychometric functions’ relating response amplitude to gap duration were obtained for each individual participant. Fitting the functions with a curve and estimating the gap duration at which the evoked response exceeded one standard deviation of the prestimulus brain activity provided an excellent prediction of psychophysical threshold. Thus we have demonstrated that accurate sensory thresholds can be reliably extracted from MEG data recorded while participants listen passively to a stimulus. Because we required no behavioural task, the method is suitable for studies of populations where variations in cognitive skills or vigilance make traditional psychophysics unsuitable.


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The visual system dissects the retinal image into millions of local analyses along numerous visual dimensions. However, our perceptions of the world are not fragmentary, so further processes must be involved in stitching it all back together. Simply summing up the responses would not work because this would convey an increase in image contrast with an increase in the number of mechanisms stimulated. Here, we consider a generic model of signal combination and counter-suppression designed to address this problem. The model is derived and tested for simple stimulus pairings (e.g. A + B), but is readily extended over multiple analysers. The model can account for nonlinear contrast transduction, dilution masking, and signal combination at threshold and above. It also predicts nonmonotonic psychometric functions where sensitivity to signal A in the presence of pedestal B first declines with increasing signal strength (paradoxically dropping below 50% correct in two-interval forced choice), but then rises back up again, producing a contour that follows the wings and neck of a swan. We looked for and found these "swan" functions in four different stimulus dimensions (ocularity, space, orientation, and time), providing some support for our proposal.


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Objective: In Early Onset Schizophrenia (EOS; onset before the 18th birthday) late brain maturational changes may interact with disease mechanisms leading to a wave of back to front structural changes during adolescence. To further explore this effect we examined the relationship between age of onset and duration of illness on brain morphology in adolescents with EOS. Subjects and methods: Structural brain magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained from 40 adolescents with EOS. We used Voxel Based Morphometry and multiple regressions analyses, implemented in SPM, to examine the relationship between gray matter volume with age of onset and illness duration. Results: Age of onset showed a positive correlation with regional gray matter volume in the right superior parietal lobule (Brodmann Area 7). Duration of illness was inversely related to regional gray matter volume in the left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 11/47). Conclusions: Parietal gray matter loss may contribute to the onset of schizophrenia while orbitofrontal gray matter loss is associated with illness duration. © 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Gamma oscillations have previously been linked to pain perception and it has been hypothesised that they may have a potential role in encoding pain intensity. Stimulus response experiments have reported an increase in activity in the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) with increasing stimulus intensity, but the specific role of oscillatory dynamics in this change in activation remains unclear. In this study, Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used to investigate the changes in cortical oscillations during 4 different intensities of a train of electrical stimuli to the right index finger, ranging from low sensation to strong pain. In those participants showing changes in evoked oscillatory gamma in SI during stimulation, the strength of the gamma power was found to increase with increasing stimulus intensity at both pain and sub-pain thresholds. These results suggest that evoked gamma oscillations in SI are not specific to pain but may have a role in encoding somatosensory stimulus intensity. © 2013 Rossiter, Worthen, Witton, Hall and Furlong.


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Background - Inhibition of return (IOR) is thought to reflect inhibition of previously attended but irrelevant stimuli. Deficient IOR would increase the likelihood of revisiting previously searched locations or objects, thus leading to unproductive perseverations. Method - Therefore, using a novel IOR task, we investigated whether high scoring checkers attentional biases to threat would result in dysfunctional inhibitory functioning compared to low checkers. In two tasks, we compared 53 subclinical high and 49 low checkers regarding IOR effects for stimuli that were concordant with the concerns of high but not of low checkers (electrical kitchen appliances: e.g., toaster, kettle). The difference between the two tasks was the cueing procedure. In one task, an appliance was switched “ON” and “OFF” as an unpredictive cue, drawing attention to the functionality of the stimulus. Results - In this task, IOR was specifically attenuated in high checkers. In the other task, however, the cue was more abstract in form of a yellow outline that appeared around one of two appliances. Although the appliance was either “ON” or “OFF,” this did not seem to matter and high checkers revealed a typical IOR pattern similar to low checkers. Conclusions - We conclude that IOR mechanisms might not be generally deficient in high checkers; rather only when attention is drawn to the threatening aspects of ecologically valid stimuli, then disengagement of attention is deficient in high checkers. We make suggestions on how our task-specific findings may inform cognitive interventions that target attentional control in the treatment of checking/obsessive–compulsive disorder.


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Factors associated with duration of dementia in a consecutive series of 103 Alzheimer's disease (AD) cases were studied using the Kaplan-Meier estimator and Cox regression analysis (proportional hazard model). Mean disease duration was 7.1 years (range: 6 weeks-30 years, standard deviation = 5.18); 25% of cases died within four years, 50% within 6.9 years, and 75% within 10 years. Familial AD cases (FAD) had a longer duration than sporadic cases (SAD), especially cases linked to presenilin (PSEN) genes. No significant differences in duration were associated with age, sex, or apolipoprotein E (Apo E) genotype. Duration was reduced in cases with arterial hypertension. Cox regression analysis suggested longer duration was associated with an earlier disease onset and increased senile plaque (SP) and neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) pathology in the orbital gyrus (OrG), CA1 sector of the hippocampus, and nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM). The data suggest shorter disease duration in SAD and in cases with hypertensive comorbidity. In addition, degree of neuropathology did not influence survival, but spread of SP/NFT pathology into the frontal lobe, hippocampus, and basal forebrain was associated with longer disease duration. © 2014 R. A. Armstrong.