994 resultados para Stable Vector-Bundles


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Vector sensors measure both the acoustic pressure and the three components of particle velocity. Because of this, a vector sensor array (VSA) has the advantage of being able to provide substantially higher directivity with a much smaller aperture than an array of traditional scalar (pressure only) hydrophones. Although several, most of them theoretic, works were published from early nineties, only in the last years due to improvements and availability of vector sensor technology, the interest on field experiments with VSA increased in the scientific community. During the Makai Experiment, that took place off the coast of Kauai I., Hawaii, in September 2005, real data were collected with a 4 element vertical VSA. These data will be discussed in the present paper. The acoustic signals were emitted from a near source (low frequency ship noise) and two high frequency controlled acoustic sources located within a range of 2km from the VSA. The advantages of the VSA over traditional scalar hydrophone arrays in source localization will be addressed using conventional beamforming.


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This speech was given when the United States Senate was considering a bill to authorize the free coinage of the standard silver dollar and to restore its legal tender character. Mr. Bayard argues against the bill in this speech. He is interrupted during his speech multiple times and questioned about his points.


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In much educational literature it is recognised that the broader social conditions in which teachers live and work, and the personal and professional elements of teachers' lives, experiences, beliefs and practices are integral to one another, and that there are often tensions between these which impact to a greater or lesser extent upon teachers' sense of self or identity. If identity is a key influencing factor on teachers' sense of purpose, self‐efficacy, motivation, commitment, job satisfaction and effectiveness, then investigation of those factors which influence positively and negatively, the contexts in which these occur and the consequences for practice, is essential. Surprisingly, although notions of ‘self’ and personal identity are much used in educational research and theory, critical engagement with individual teachers' cognitive and emotional ‘selves’ has been relatively rare. Yet such engagement is important to all with an interest in raising and sustaining standards of teaching, particularly in centralist reform contexts which threaten to destabilise long‐held beliefs and practices. This article addresses the issue of teacher identities by drawing together research which examines the nature of the relationships between social structures and individual agency; between notions of a socially constructed, and therefore contingent and ever‐remade, ‘self’, and a ‘self’ with dispositions, attitudes and behavioural responses which are durable and relatively stable; and between cognitive and emotional identities. Drawing upon existing research literature and findings from a four‐year Department for Education and Skills funded project with 300 teachers in 100 schools which investigated variations in teachers' work and lives and their effects on pupils (VITAE), it finds that identities are neither intrinsically stable nor intrinsically fragmented, as earlier literature suggests. Rather, teacher identities may be more, or less, stable and more or less fragmented at different times and in different ways according to a number of life, career and situational factors.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014


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This paper is a contribution for the assessment and comparison of magnet properties based on magnetic field characteristics particularly concerning the magnetic induction uniformity in the air gaps. For this aim, a solver was developed and implemented to determine the magnetic field of a magnetic core to be used in Fast Field Cycling (FFC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry. The electromagnetic field computation is based on a 2D finite-element method (FEM) using both the scalar and the vector potential formulation. Results for the magnetic field lines and the magnetic induction vector in the air gap are presented. The target magnetic induction is 0.2 T, which is a typical requirement of the FFC NMR technique, which can be achieved with a magnetic core based on permanent magnets or coils. In addition, this application requires high magnetic induction uniformity. To achieve this goal, a solution including superconducting pieces is analyzed. Results are compared with a different FEM program.


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The simultaneous presence of fungi and particles in horse stable environment can create a singular exposure condition because particles have been reported has a good carrier for microorganisms and their metabolites. This study intends to characterize this setting and to recognize fungi and particles occupational exposure.


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Backgound - In developed countries people are living longer and the incidence of chronic disease is increasing. Chronic disease and its treatments can have a negative impact on sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction. Aim of study - To explore and to compare sexual function and sexual satisfaction in people with stable chronic diseases.


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Wind speed forecasting has been becoming an important field of research to support the electricity industry mainly due to the increasing use of distributed energy sources, largely based on renewable sources. This type of electricity generation is highly dependent on the weather conditions variability, particularly the variability of the wind speed. Therefore, accurate wind power forecasting models are required to the operation and planning of wind plants and power systems. A Support Vector Machines (SVM) model for short-term wind speed is proposed and its performance is evaluated and compared with several artificial neural network (ANN) based approaches. A case study based on a real database regarding 3 years for predicting wind speed at 5 minutes intervals is presented.


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A malária, doença parasitária complexa que resulta da interacção entre parasita, hospedeiros humano e vector, constitui um dos principais problemas de saúde a nível mundial. À semelhança de outras doenças parasitárias e infecciosas a malária tem um papel importante na evolução, tendo já sido demonstrado o papel da variação genética humana na resistência à infecção. Após quase meio século de controlo, a malária persiste na ilha de Santiago onde, apesar da baixa endemicidade, os indivíduos apresentam geralmente manifestações moderadas, são diagnosticadas infecções abaixo do nível detectável pela microscopia e o vector se encontra muito próximo da população supostamente susceptível, desconhecendo-se a frequência dos principais polimorfismos genéticos humanos mais relacionados com a doença e a estrutura populacional do mosquito vector. Os objectivos gerais de trabalho desta tese assentam 1) no estudo dos dois clássicos factores genéticos do hospedeiro humano relacionados com a malária, nomeadamente os afectos à anemia das células falciformes, à deficiência em G6PD e a análise dum provável envolvimento da PK e 2) na análise genética das populações do mosquito vector, tentando contribuir para a compreensão da epidemiologia da doença na Ilha, e para a escolha de medidas de controlo apropriadas. Os trabalhos incidiram na detecção do alelo responsável pela hemoglobina S, de polimorfismos no gene da G6PD e da PK em indivíduos não aparentados (Infectados e não Infectados) com análise da sua provável associação com a infecção e, ainda, na genotipagem de loci microssatélites de Anopheles arabiensis com recurso a técnicas baseadas na PCR. Relativamente à anemia falciforme, a frequência dos portadores do traço (indivíduos HbAS) e do alelo HbS foi 6% e 5%, respectivamente, e para as variantes da G6PD, 0,8% para G6PDA- e 0,0% para a G6PDMed, não tendo sido encontrado associação entre os genótipos desses dois factores e a presença de infecção. No que concerne ao gene PKLR não foi encontrada uma associação clara entre os polimorfismos analisados e o estado de infecção, mas foi detectado um acentuado desequilíbrio de linkage entre os loci, apenas nos Não Infectados, o que pode significar que essa região do gene, aparentemente conservada, tenha sido seleccionada por fornecer protecção contra a infecção e/ou doença. A diversidade genética das populações de A. arabiensis em onze loci microssatélites foi moderada com valores médio de He, variando de 0,481 a 0,522 e a Rs de 4 a 5. O valor da diferenciação genética baseado em 7 loci polimórficos foi baixo (FST=0,012; p<0,001) mas significativo, variando entre 0,001 e 0,023 entre os pares de populações. Não foram detectados os alelos de resistência associados ao gene Kdr. A baixa frequência dos alelos associados à G6PD (A- e Med) tem implicações importantes nas estratégias de controlo definidas pelo Programa Nacional de Luta contra o Paludismo (PNLP), uma vez que a primaquina pode continuar a ser administrada como complemento aos regimes terapêuticos, em caso de necessidade. A população de A. arabiensis em Santiago revelou-se relativamente homogénea e com uma estrutura reduzida o que pode, por um lado, representar uma desvantagem por permitir uma provável dispersão dos genes de resistência. Por outro lado, essa relativa homogeneidade poderá representar uma vantagem para a introdução de um programa de controlo baseado na libertação de mosquitos transgénicos.


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White micas in carbonate-rich tectonites and a few other rock types of large thrusts in the Swiss Helvetic fold-and-thrust belt have been analyzed by Ar-40/Ar-39 and Rb/Sr techniques to better constrain the timing of Alpine deformation for this region. Incremental Ar-40/Ar-39 heating experiments of 25 weakly metamorphosed (anchizone to low greenschist) samples yield plateau and staircase spectra. We interpret most of the staircase release spectra result from variable mixtures of syntectonic (neoformed) and detrital micas. The range in dates obtained within individual spectra depends primarily on the duration of mica nucleation and growth, and relative proportions of neoformed and detrital mica. Rb/Sr analyses of 12 samples yield dates of ca. 10-39 Ma (excluding one anomalously young sample). These dates are slightly younger than the Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates obtained for the same samples. The Rb/ Sr dates were calculated using initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios obtained from the carbonate-dominated host rocks, which are higher than normal Mesozoic carbonate values due to exchange with fluids of higher Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (and lower O-18/O-16 ratios). Model dates calculated using Sr-87/Sr-86 values typical of Mesozoic marine carbonates more closely approximate the Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates for most of the samples. The similarities of Rb/Sr and Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates are consistent with limited amounts of detrital mica in the samples. The delta(18)O values range from 24-15%. (VSMOW) for 2-6 mum micas and 27-16parts per thousand for the carbonate host rocks. The carbonate values are significantly lower than their protolith values due to localized fluid-rock interaction and fluid flow along most thrust surfaces. Although most calcite-mica pairs are not in oxygen isotope equilibrium at temperatures of ca. 200-400 degreesC, their isotopic fractionations are indicative of either 1) partial exchange between the minerals and a common external fluid, or 2) growth or isotopic exchange of the mica with the carbonate after the carbonate had isotopically exchanged with an external fluid. The geological significance of these results is not easily or uniquely determined, and exemplifies the difficulties inherent in dating very fine-grained micas of highly deformed tectonites in low-grade metamorphic terranes. Two generalizations can be made regarding the dates obtained from the Helvetic thrusts: 1) samples from the two highest thrusts (Mt. Gond and Sublage) have all of their Ar-40/Ar-39 steps above 20 Ma, and 2) most samples from the deepest Helvetic thrusts have steps (often accounting for more than 80% of Ar-39 release) between 15 and 25 Ma. These dates are consistent with the order of thrusting in the foreland-imbricating system and increase proportions of neoformed to detrital mica in the more metamorphosed hinterland and deeply buried portions of the nappe pile. Individual thrusts accommodated the majority of their displacement during their initial incorporation into the foreland-imbricating system, and some thrusts remained active or were reactivated down to 15 Ma.


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Staphylococcus aureus harbors redundant adhesins mediating tissue colonization and infection. To evaluate their intrinsic role outside of the staphylococcal background, a system was designed to express them in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 1363. This bacterium is devoid of virulence factors and has a known genetic background. A new Escherichia coli-L. lactis shuttle and expression vector was constructed for this purpose. First, the high-copy-number lactococcal plasmid pIL253 was equipped with the oriColE1 origin, generating pOri253 that could replicate in E. coli. Second, the lactococcal promoters P23 or P59 were inserted at one end of the pOri253 multicloning site. Gene expression was assessed by a luciferase reporter system. The plasmid carrying P23 (named pOri23) expressed luciferase constitutively at a level 10,000 times greater than did the P59-containing plasmid. Transcription was absent in E. coli. The staphylococcal clumping factor A (clfA) gene was cloned into pOri23 and used as a model system. Lactococci carrying pOri23-clfA produced an unaltered and functional 130-kDa ClfA protein attached to their cell walls. This was indicated both by the presence of the protein in Western blots of solubilized cell walls and by the ability of ClfA-positive lactococci to clump in the presence of plasma. ClfA-positive lactococci had clumping titers (titer of 4,112) similar to those of S. aureus Newman in soluble fibrinogen and bound equally well to solid-phase fibrinogen. These experiments provide a new way to study individual staphylococcal pathogenic factors and might complement both classical knockout mutagenesis and modern in vivo expression technology and signature tag mutagenesis.


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The algorithmic approach to data modelling has developed rapidly these last years, in particular methods based on data mining and machine learning have been used in a growing number of applications. These methods follow a data-driven methodology, aiming at providing the best possible generalization and predictive abilities instead of concentrating on the properties of the data model. One of the most successful groups of such methods is known as Support Vector algorithms. Following the fruitful developments in applying Support Vector algorithms to spatial data, this paper introduces a new extension of the traditional support vector regression (SVR) algorithm. This extension allows for the simultaneous modelling of environmental data at several spatial scales. The joint influence of environmental processes presenting different patterns at different scales is here learned automatically from data, providing the optimum mixture of short and large-scale models. The method is adaptive to the spatial scale of the data. With this advantage, it can provide efficient means to model local anomalies that may typically arise in situations at an early phase of an environmental emergency. However, the proposed approach still requires some prior knowledge on the possible existence of such short-scale patterns. This is a possible limitation of the method for its implementation in early warning systems. The purpose of this paper is to present the multi-scale SVR model and to illustrate its use with an application to the mapping of Cs137 activity given the measurements taken in the region of Briansk following the Chernobyl accident.


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The stable isotope composition of waters (delta H-2, delta O-18) can be used as a natural tracer of hydrologic processes in systems affected by acid mine drainage. We investigated the delta H-2 and delta O-18 values of pore waters from four oxidizing sulfidic mine tailings impoundments in different climatic regions of Chile (Piuquenes at La Andina with Alpine climate, Cauquenes and Caren at El Teniente with Mediterranean climate, and Talabre at the Chuquicamata deposit with hyperarid climate). No clear relationship was found between altitude and isotopic composition. The observed displacement of the tailings pore waters from the local meteoric water line toward higher delta O-18 values (by similar to +2% delta O-18 relative to delta H-2) is partly due to water-rock interaction processes, including hydration and O-isotope exchange with sulfates and Fe(III) oxyhydroxides produced by pyrite oxidation. In most tailings, from the saturated zone toward the surface, isotopically different zones can be distinguished. Zone I is characterized by an upward depletion of H-2 and O-18 in the pore waters from the saturated zone and the lowermost vadose zone, due to ascending diffused isotopically light water triggered by the constant loss of water vapor by evaporation at the surface. In zone II, the capillary flow of a mix of vapor and liquid water causes an evaporative isotopic enrichment in H-2 and O-18. At the top of the tailings in dry climate a zone III between the capillary zone and the surface contains isotopically light diffused and atmospheric water vapor. In temperate climates, the upper part of the profile is affected by recent rainfall and zone III may not differ isotopically from zone II.


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Purpose: Sirolimus (SRL) has been used to replace calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) for various indications including CNI-induced toxicity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of switching from CNI to SRL in stable renal transplant recipients (RTR) with low grade proteinuria (<1 g/24 h). Methods and materials: Between 2001 and 2007, 41 patients (20 females, 21 males; mean age 47 ± 13) were switched after a median time post-transplantation of 73.5 months (range 0.2-273.2 months). Indications for switch were CNI nephrotoxicity (39%), thrombotic micro-angiopathy (14.6%), post-transplantation cancer (24.4%), CNI neurotoxicity (7.4%), or others (14.6%). Mean follow-up after SRL switch was 23.8±16.3 months. Mean SRL dosage and through levels were 2.4 ± 1.1 mg/day and 8 ± 2.2 ug/l respectively. Immunosuppressive regiments were SRL + mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) (31.7%), SRL + MMF + prednisone (36.58%), SRL + prednisone (19.51%), SRL + Azathioprine (9.75%), or SRL alone (2.43%). Results: Mean creatinine decreased from 164 to 143 μmol/l (p <0.03), mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) increased significantly from 50.13 to 55.01 ml/minute (p <0.00001), mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased from 138 to 132 mm Hg (p <0.03) and from 83 to78 mm Hg (p <0.01), but mean proteinuria increased from 0.21 to 0.63 g/24 h (p <0.001). While mean total cholesterolemia didn't increased significantly from 5.09 to 5.56 mmol/l (p = 0.06). The main complications after SRL switch were dermatitis (19.5%), urinary tract infections (24.4%), ankle edema (13.3%), and transient oral ulcers (20%). Acute rejection after the switch occurred in 7.3% of patients (n = 3), and 2 acute rejections were successfully treated with corticosteroids and 1 did not respond to treatment (not related to switch). SRL had to be discontinued in 17% of patients (2 nephrotic syndromes, 2 severe edema, 1 acute rejection, 1 thrombotic micro-angiopathy, and 1 fever). Conclusion: In conclusion, we found that switching from CNI to SRL in stable RTR was safe and associated with a significant improvement of renal function and blood pressure. Known side-effects of SRL led to drug discontinuation in less than 20% of patients and the acute rejection rate was 7.3%. This experience underlines the importance of patient selection before switching to SRL, in particular regarding preswitch proteinuria.