987 resultados para Spreading center


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The global mid-ocean ridge system creates oceanic crust and lithosphere that covers more than two-thirds of the Earth. Basalts are volumetrically the most important rock type sampled at mid-ocean ridges. For this reason, our present understanding of upper mantle dynamics and the chemical evolution of the earth is strongly influenced by the study of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). However, MORB are aggregates of polybarically generated small melt increments that can undergo a variety of physical and chemical processes during their ascent and consequently affect their derivative geochemical composition. Therefore, MORB do not represent “direct” windows to the underlying upper mantle. Abyssal peridotites, upper mantle rocks recovered from the ocean floor, are the residual complement to MORB melting and provide essential information on melt extraction from the upper mantle. In this study, abyssal peridotites are examined to address these overarching questions posed by previous studies of MORB: How are basaltic melts formed in the mantle, how are they extracted from the mantle and what physical and chemical processes control mantle melting? The number of studies on abyssal peridotites is small compared to those on basalts, in part because seafloor exposures of abyssal peridotites are relatively rare. For this reason, abyssal peridotite characteristics need to be considered in the context of subaerially exposed peridotites associated with ophiolites, orogenic peridotite bodies and basalt-hosted xenoliths. However, orogenic peridotite bodies are mainly associated with passive continental margins, most ophiolites are formed in supra-subduction zone settings, and peridotite xenoliths are often contaminated by their host magma. Therefore, studies of abyssal peridotites are essential to understanding the primary characteristics of the oceanic upper mantle free from the influence of continental rifting, subduction and tectonic emplacement processes. Nevertheless, numerous processes such as melt stagnation and cooling-induced, inter-mineral exchange can affect residual abyssal peridotite compositions after the cessation of melting. The aim of this study is to address these post-melting modifications of abyssal peridotites from a petrological-geochemical perspective. The samples in this study were dredged along the axis of the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean within the “Sparsely Magmatic Zone”, a 100 km ridge section where only mantle rocks are exposed. During two expeditions (ARK XVII-2 in 2001 and ARK XX-2 in 2004), exceptionally fresh peridotites were recovered. The boulders and cobbles collected cover a range of mantle rock compositions, with most characterized as plagioclase-free spinel peridotites or plagioclase- spinel peridotites. This thesis investigates melt stagnation and cooling processes in the upper mantle and is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on processes in the stability field of spinel peridotites (>10 kb) such as melt refertilization and cooling related trace element exchange, while the second part investigates processes in the stability field of plagioclase peridotites (< 10 kb) such as reactive melt migration and melt stagnation. The dissertation chapters are organized to follow the theoretical ascent of a mantle parcel upwelling beneath the location where the samples were collected.


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Die optische Eigenschaften sowie der Oberflächenverstärkungseffekt von rauen Metalloberflächen sowie Nanopartikeln wurden intensiv für den infraroten Bereich des Spektrums in der Literatur diskutiert. Für die Präparation solcher Oberflächen gibt es prinzipiell zwei verschiedene Strategien, zum einen können die Nanopartikel zuerst ex-situ synthetisiert werden, der zweite Ansatz beruht darauf, dass die Nanopartikel in-situ hergestellt und aufgewachsen werden. Hierbei wurden beide Ansätze ausgetestet, dabei stellte sich heraus, dass man nur mittels der in-situ Synthese der Goldnanopartikel in der Lage ist nanostrukturierte Oberflächen zu erhalten, welche elektronisch leitfähig sind, nicht zu rau sind, um eine Membranbildung zu ermöglichen und gleichzeitig einen optimalen Oberflächenverstärkungseffekt zeigen. Obwohl keine ideale Form der Nanopartikel mittels der in-situ Synthese erhalten werden können, verhalten sich diese dennoch entsprechend der Theorie des Oberflächenverstärkungseffekts. Optimierungen der Form und Grösse der Nanopartikel führten in dieser Arbeit zu einer Optimierung des Verstärkungseffekts. Solche optimierten Oberflächen konnten einfach reproduziert werden und zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Stabilität aus. Der so erhaltene Oberflächenverstärkungseffekt beträgt absolut 128 verglichen mit dem belegten ATR-Kristall ohne Nanopartikel oder etwa 6 mal, verglichen mit der Oberfläche, die bis jetzt auch in unserer Gruppe verwendet wurde. Daher können nun Spektren erhalten werden, welche ein deutlich besseres Signal zu Rauschverhältnis (SNR) aufweisen, was die Auswertung und Bearbeitung der erhaltenen Spektren deutlich vereinfacht und verkürzt.rnNach der Optimierung der verwendeten Metalloberfläche und der verwendeten Messparameter am Beispiel von Cytochrom C wurde nun an der Oberflächenbelegung der deutlich größeren Cytochrom c Oxidase gearbeitet. Hierfür wurde der DTNTA-Linker ex-situ synthetisiert. Anschließend wurden gemischte Monolagen (self assembeld monolayers) aus DTNTA und DTP hergestellt. Die NTA-Funktionalität ist für die Anbindung der CcO mit der his-tag Technologie verantwortlich. Die Kriterien für eine optimale Linkerkonzentration waren die elektrischen Parameter der Schicht vor und nach Rekonstitution in eine Lipidmembran, sowie Elektronentransferraten bestimmt durch elektrochemische Messungen. Erst mit diesem optimierten System, welches zuverlässig und reproduzierbar funktioniert, konnten weitere Messungen an der CcO begonnen werden. Aus elektrochemischen Messungen war bekannt, dass die CcO durch direkten Elektronentransfer unter Sauerstoffsättigung in einen aktivierten Zustand überführt werden kann. Dieser aktivierte Zustand zeichnet sich durch eine Verschiebung der Redoxpotentiale um etwa 400mV gegenüber dem aus Gleichgewichts-Titrationen bekannten Redoxpotential aus. Durch SEIRAS konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Reduktion bzw. Oxidation aller Redoxzentren tatsächlich bei den in der Cyclovoltammetrie gemessenen Potentialen erfolgt. Außerdem ergaben die SEIRA-Spektren, dass durch direkten Elektronentransfer gravierende Konformationsänderungen innerhalb des Proteins stattfinden. rnBisher war man davon ausgegangen, aufgrund des Elektronentransfers mittels Mediatoren, dass nur minimale Konformationsänderungen beteiligt sind. Vor allem konnte erstmaligrnder aktivierte und nicht aktivierte Zustand der Cytochrom c Oxidase spektroskopisch nachweisen werden.rn


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La Lean Production è un tema di estrema attualità per tutte le aziende che abbiano compreso l’importanza di produrre di più, con le risorse che si hanno a disposizione, eliminando sistematicamente tutte le attività che non creano valore aggiunto. La Produzione Snella è diventato un metodo per incrementare la competitività, riducendo l’incertezza e aumentando il servizio fornito al cliente. Nella realtà attuale vi è ancora una scarsa diffusione dei concetti Lean. Le cause di questo problema sono imputabili soprattutto alla cultura del management aziendale, alla mancanza di efficaci strumenti tecnologici a supporto, e in alcuni casi, la scarsa disponibilità delle imprese ad abbracciare la filosofica “snella”. La presente tesi, dopo una panoramica introduttiva su l’origine e l’evoluzione del Pensiero Snello e l’analisi di tutti i tools disponibili per combattere lo spreco; si propone di analizzare l’applicazione degli stessi in Gambro Dasco, multinazionale biomedicale leader nella vendita delle sue apparecchiature per dialisi.


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Landslides of the lateral spreading type, involving brittle geological units overlying ductile terrains, are a common occurrence in the sandstone and limestone plateaux of the northern Apennines of Italy. These instability phenomena can become particularly risky, when historical towns and cultural heritage sites built on the top of them are endangered. Neverthless, the mechanisms controlling the developing of related instabilities, i.e. toppling and rock falls, at the edges of rock plateaux are not fully understood yet. In addition, the groundwater flow path developing at the contact between the more permeable units, i.e. the jointed rock slab, and the relatively impermeable clay-rich units have not been already studied in details, even if they may play a role in this kind of instability processes, acting as eventual predisposing and/or triggering factors. Field survey, Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Close Range Photogrammetry techniques, laboratory tests on the involved materials, hydrogeological monitoring and modelling, displacements evaluation and stability analysis through continuum and discontinuum numerical codes have been performed on the San Leo case study, with the aim to bring further insights for the understanding and the assessment of the slope processes taking place in this geological context. The current research permitted to relate the aquifer behaviour of the rocky slab to slope instability processes. The aquifer hosted in the fractured slab leads to the development of perennial and ephemeral springs at the contact between the two units. The related piping erosion phenomena, together with slope processes in the clay-shales led to the progressive undermining of the slab. The cliff becomes progressively unstable due to undermining and undergoes large-scale landslides due to fall or topple.


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This exploratory study aims at investigating the professional opportunities available to a specialised translator within the process of international business development. Firstly, the analysis focuses on a review of the theoretical principles affirming the need of a fine-tuned language strategy, especially in the process of internationalization, managed by professionals with translation, language and cultural skills. Against this background, the focus is on the role played by a specialised translator within this process. With the aim of exploring the translator’s role within this process, the analysis focuses on business centers in Italy, which bring together demand and supply of language services and services for company internationalisation. According to the results that shows the opportunities available to a specialised translator with extra skills, the analysis focuses on the placement of this professional within the process. A specialised translator can be a language and cultural consultant for the internationalised company, as well as a Project Manager working for its international development. The conclusions describe the role which a specialised translator with economic or international marketing skills might play within this framework, and pave the way for future developments of this analysis.


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La tesi riguarda le gestione via software di dispositivi che interconnettono componenti hardware di forwarding in una rete.


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The Southwest Indian Ridge segment that extends between 10° and 16° E has the slowest spreading rate of any other oceanic ridge (about 8.4 mm/year). In 2013 during the expedition ANTXXIX/8 seismology, geology, microbiology, heat flow analyses were carried out. Here, no hydrothermal plumes or black smoker systems were found but the results of the survey allowed to identify areas with peculiar characteristics: Area 1 with higher heat flux bsf; Area 2 where in 2002 the presence of hydrothermal emissions was hypothesized (Bach et al., 2002); Area 3 with anomalies of methane, ammonium, sulphide and dissolved inorganic carbon in pore water sediment profiles, and recovery of fauna vents. All these aspects suggest the presence of a hydrothermal circulation. Using Illumina 16S gene tag, statistical tools and phylogenetic trees, I provided a biological proof of the presence of hydrothermal circulation in this ridge segment. At Area 3, alpha and beta diversity indexes showed similarities with those described for venting microbial communities and about 40-70% of the dominant microbial community was found phylogenetically related to clones isolated hydrothermal-driven environments. Although the majority of chemosynthetic environment related taxa were not classified like autotrophic prokaryotes, some of them are key taxa in support of the presence of hydrothermal circulation, since they are partners of consortia or mediate specific reaction typically described for hydrothermal and seep environments, or are specialized organisms in exploiting labile organic substrates. Concluding, these results are remarkable because support the importance of ultra slow spreading ridge systems in contributing to global geochemical cycles and larval dispersion of vent fauna.


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The metalloprotease meprin has been implicated in tissue remodelling due to its capability to degrade extracellular matrix components. Here, we investigated the susceptibility of tenascin-C to cleavage by meprinbeta and the functional properties of its proteolytic fragments. A set of monoclonal antibodies against chicken and human tenascin-C allowed the mapping of proteolytic fragments generated by meprinbeta. In chicken tenascin-C, meprinbeta processed all three major splicing variants by removal of 10kDa N-terminal and 38kDa C-terminal peptides, leaving a large central part of subunits intact. A similar cleavage pattern was found for large human tenascin-C variant where two N-terminal peptides (10 or 15kDa) and two C-terminal fragments (40 and 55kDa) were removed from the intact subunit. N-terminal sequencing revealed the exact amino acid positions of cleavage sites. In both chicken and human tenascin-C N-terminal cleavages occurred just before and/or after the heptad repeats involved in subunit oligomerization. In the human protein, an additional cleavage site was identified in the alternative fibronectin type III repeat D. Whereas all these sites are known to be attacked by several other proteases, a unique cleavage by meprinbeta was located to the 7th constant fibronectin type III repeat in both chicken and human tenascin-C, thereby removing the C-terminal domain involved in its anti-adhesive activity. In cell adhesion assays meprinbeta-digested human tenascin-C was not able to interfere with fibronectin-mediated cell spreading, confirming cleavage in the anti-adhesive domain. Whereas the expression of meprinbeta and tenascin-C does not overlap in normal colon tissue, inflamed lesions of the mucosa from patients with Crohn's disease exhibited many meprinbeta-positive leukocytes in regions where tenascin-C was strongly induced. Our data indicate that, at least under pathological conditions, meprinbeta might attack specific functional sites in tenascin-C that are important for its oligomerization and anti-adhesive activity.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the use of covered stent-grafts in the endovascular treatment (ET) of popliteal artery aneurysms (PAAs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted over a period of 52 months in 18 consecutive patients (17 men; mean age +/- SD, 70 years +/- 11) undergoing ET of PAAs with the Viabahn endograft in a single center. Patient symptoms, aneurysm characteristics, technical outcomes, complications, and follow-up were assessed. RESULTS: Aneurysm diameters ranged from 12 to 51 mm with a mean of 30 mm (+/-11). Thirteen aneurysms (72.2%) were partially thrombosed and 12 patients (66.6%) had symptoms of lower limb ischemia at presentation (11 chronic and one acute). The technical success rate was 94%. Intraprocedural emboli and endoleak occurred in one and two patients, respectively. Fourteen patients were available for follow-up after successful treatment, with a mean follow-up time of 15 months (range, 7-37 months). All stent-grafts were patent after 1 month, with no mortality or limb loss. The primary patency rate with complete exclusion of the aneurysm at 6 months was 86%. Pre- and postprocedural noninvasive arterial studies were available in 10 patients, demonstrating improvement of the ankle-brachial index from 0.96 +/- 0.41 to 1.17 +/- 0.18, respectively (P = .06). CONCLUSIONS: Endovascular stent-graft repair of PAAs is a feasible treatment option. However, further follow-up studies regarding the durability of results are required.


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To assess safety and efficacy of tailored total lymphoid irradiation (tTLI) in cardiac transplant patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare and evaluate longitudinally the dental arch relationships from 4.5 to 13.5 years of age with the Bauru-BCLP Yardstick in a large sample of patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP). DESIGN: Retrospective longitudinal intercenter outcome study. PATIENTS: Dental casts of 204 consecutive patients with complete BCLP were evaluated at 6, 9, and 12 years of age. All models were identified only by random identification numbers. SETTING: Three cleft palate centers with different treatment protocols. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Dental arch relationships were categorized with the Bauru-BCLP yardstick. Increments for each interval (from 6 to 9 years, 6 to 12 years, and 9 to 12 years) were analyzed by logistic and linear regression models. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in outcome measures between the centers at age 12 or at age 9. At age 6, center B showed significantly better results (p=.027), but this difference diminished as the yardstick score for this group increased over time (linear regression analysis), the difference with the reference category (center C, boys) for the intervals 6 to 12 and 9 to 12 years being 10.4% (p=.041) and 12.9% (p=.009), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Despite different treatment protocols, dental arch relationships in the three centers were comparable in final scores at age 9 and 12 years. Delaying hard palate closure and employing infant orthopedics did not appear to be advantageous in the long run. Premaxillary osteotomy employed in center B appeared to be associated with less favorable development of the dental arch relationship between 9 and 12 years.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this two-center study was to evaluate screw-type titanium implants with a chemically modified, sandblasted and acid-etched surface when placed in the posterior maxilla or mandible, and loaded 21 days after placement. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All 56 patients met strict inclusion criteria and provided informed consent. Each patient displayed either a single-tooth gap, an extended edentulous space, or a distal extension situation in the posterior mandible or maxilla. Eighty-nine dental implants (SLActive, Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland) were inserted according to an established nonsubmerged protocol and underwent undisturbed healing for a period of 21 days. Where appropriate, the implants were loaded after 21 days of healing with provisional restorations in full occlusion. Definitive metal ceramic restorations were fabricated and positioned on each implant after 6 months of healing. Clinical measurements regarding soft tissue parameters and radiographs were obtained at different time points up to 24 months after implant placement. RESULTS: Of the 89 inserted implants, two (2.2%) implants failed to integrate and were removed during healing, and two (2.2%) additional implants required a prolonged healing time. A total of 85 (95.6%) implants were therefore loaded without incident after 21 days of healing. No additional implant was lost throughout the study period, whereas one implant was lost to follow-up and therefore left unaccounted for further analysis. The remaining 86 implants all exhibited favorable radiographic and clinical findings. Based on strict success criteria, these implants were considered successfully integrated 2 years after insertion, resulting in a 2-year success rate of 97.7%. CONCLUSION: The results of this prospective two-center study demonstrate that titanium implants with a modified SLA surface can predictably achieve successful tissue integration when loaded in full occlusion 21 days after placement. Integration could be maintained without incident for at least 2 years of follow-up.


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This study assessed the safety and efficacy of a novel implantable device therapy in resistant hypertension patients.