962 resultados para Spherical trigonometry.
The microscale abrasion or ball-cratering test is being increasingly applied to a wide range of bulk materials and coatings. The response of materials to this test depends critically on the nature of the motion of the abrasive particles in the contact zone: whether they roll and produce multiple indentations in the coating, or slide causing grooving abrasion. Similar phenomena also occur when hard contaminant particles enter a lubricated contact. This paper presents simple quantitative two-dimensional models which describe two aspects of the interaction between a hard abrasive particle and two sliding surfaces. The first model treats the conditions under which a spherical abrasive particle of size d can be entrained into the gap between a rotating sphere of radius R and a plane surface. These conditions are determined by the coefficients of friction between the particle and the sphere, and the particle and the plane, denoted by μs and μp respectively. This model predicts that the values of (μs + μp) and 2μs should both exceed √2d/R for the particles to be entrained into the contact. If either is less than this value, the particle will slide against the sphere and never enter the contact. The second model describes the mechanisms of abrasive wear in a contact when an idealized rhombus-sectioned prismatic particle is located between two parallel plane surfaces separated by a certain distance, which can represent either the thickness of a fluid film or the spacing due to the presence of other particles. It is shown that both the ratio of particle size to the separation of the surfaces and the ratio of the hardnesses of the two surfaces have important influences on the particle motion and hence on the mechanism of the resulting abrasive wear. Results from this model are compared with experimental observations, and the model is shown to lead to realistic predictions. © IMechE 2003.
Este trabalho estuda a transferência de calor por condução considerando a condutividade térmica como uma função constante por partes da temperatura. Esta relação, embora fisicamente mais realista que supor a condutividade térmica constante, permite obter uma forma explícita bem simples para a inversa da Transformada de Kirchhoff (empregada para tratar a não linearidade do problema). Como exemplo, apresenta-se uma solução exata para um problema com simetria esférica. Em seguida, propôe-se uma formulação variacional (com unicidade demonstrada) que introduz um funcional cuja minimização é equivalente à solução do problema na forma forte. Finalmente compara-se uma solução exata obtida pela inversa da Transformada de Kirchhoff com a solução obtida via formulação variacional.
Esta Dissertação teve como objetivo,a síntese de hidrogéis à base de alginato e nanopartículas magnéticas (maghemita) preparadas in situ. Os hidrogéis foram preparados em diferentes concentrações de alginato de sódio (2 e 3% m/v), FeSO4 (0,3 e 0,5 mol L-1) e CaCl2 (0,1 e 0,3 mol L-1). As propriedades físico-químicas dos hidrogéis foram analisadas e, posteriormente, foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de remoção de íons Ni2+ e Mn2+ de soluções aquosas. Para caracterização das amostras foram utilizadas diversas técnicas de análises, tais como, análise granulométrica, microscopia óptica (OM), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (TEM), magnetometria de amostra vibrante (VSM), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), difratometria de raios-X (XRD), espectroscopia Mössbauer, e análise termogravimétrica (TGA). Foram preparados hidrogéis com morfologia predominantemente esférica e dimensões micrométricas (500 a 850 m), com átomos de Fe e Ca dispersos uniformemente em sua estrutura. Os hidrogéis apresentaram boa resistência térmica e comportamento superparamagnético. As amostras foram intumescidas em água deionizada durante um intervalo de tempo a fim de avaliar o grau de intumescimento (Q) para determinar a amostra com a melhor resposta para posterior aplicação em solução aquosa contendo íons metálicos (Ni2+ e Mn2+). Os resultados revelaram que a amostra cuja concentração de 3% m/v de alginato de sódio, 0,3 mol L-1 de FeSO4 e 0,3 mol L-1 de CaCl2 obteve maior Q (50%). Em consequência deste resultado, optou-se por utilizar estaamostra, na remoção de metais pesados presentes em soluções aquosas e em efluentes industriais. Vários parâmetros,tais como: tempo de contato,pH, concentração inicial do íon e massa de hidrogel foram estudados.Os resultados, para efluente sintético, revelaram que o tempo de equilíbrio foi de 60 minutos; a capacidade de remoção dos metais melhora com o aumento de pH (3 a 9), sendo máxima em pH 7;quanto menor a concentração inicial da solução iônica (50 a 500 mg L-1), maior a capacidade de remoção, 52% de Ni2+ e 49% de Mn2+ (concentração inicial de 50 mg L-1). No efluente industrial, a remoção foi de 61% de Ni2+ e 57% de Mn2+(300 mg de hidrogel). Os resultados encontrados revelaram que os hidrogéis magnéticos produzidos à base de alginato têm potencial uso no tratamento de efluentes industriais contaminados com metais pesados
Neste trabalho, a partição iônica e o potencial de membrana em um eritrócito são analisados via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann modificada, considerando as interações não eletrostáticas presentes entre os íons e macromoléculas, assim como, o potencial β. Este potencial é atribuído à diferença de potencial químico de referência entre os meios intracelular e extracelular e ao transporte ativo de íons. O potencial de Gibbs-Donnan via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann na presença de carga fixa em um sistema contendo uma membrana semipermeável também é estudado. O método de aproximação paraboloide em elementos finitos em um sistema estacionário e unidimensionalé aplicado para resolver a equação de Poisson-Boltzmann em coordenadas cartesianas e esféricas. O parâmetro de dispersão relativo às interações não eletrostáticas écalculado via teoria de Lifshitz. Os resultados em relação ao potencial de Gibbs-Donnan mostram-se adequados, podendo ser calculado pela equação de Poisson-Boltzmann. No sistema contendo um eritrócito, quando o potencial β é considerado igual a zero, não se verifica a diferença iônica observada experimentalmente entre os meios intracelular e extracelular. Dessa forma, os potenciais não eletrostáticos calculados via teoria de Lifshitz têm apenas uma pequena influência no que se refere à alta concentração de íon K+ no meio intracelular em relação ao íon Na+
To further enhance the sound absorption of metal foams via combining the high sound absorption and good heat conductivity of the cellular foam metals, the use and acoustic modeling of these materials are reviewed. The predictions made by three viscous models developed by the authors for the propagation of sound through open-cell metal foams are compared with an experiment both for the metal foams and for the polymer substrates used to manufacture the foam. All models are valid in the limit of low Reynold's number which is valid for the typical cell dimensions found in metal foams provided the amplitude of the waves is below 160 dB. The first model considers the drag experienced by acoustic waves as they propagate passing rigid cylinders parallel to their axes, the second considers the propagation normal to their axes, and the third considers the propagation passing the spherical joints. All three are combined together to give a general model of the acoustic behavior of the foams. In particular, the sound absorption is found to be significant and well predicted by the combined model. In addition, a post-processing technique is described for the experiment used to extract the fundamental wave propagation characteristics of the material.
The study of pair-wise interactions between swimming microorganisms is fundamental to the understanding of the rheological and transport properties of semi-dilute suspensions. In this paper, the hydrodynamic interaction of two ciliated microorganisms is investigated numerically using a boundary-element method, and the microorganisms are modeled as spherical squirmers that swim by time-dependent surface deformations. The results show that the inclusion of the unsteady terms in the ciliary propulsion model has a large impact on the trajectories of the interacting cells, and causes a significant change in scattering angles with potential important consequences on the diffusion properties of semi-dilute suspensions. Furthermore, the analysis of the shear stress acting on the surface of the microorganisms revealed that the duration and the intensity of the near-field interaction are significantly modified by the presence of unsteadiness. This observation may account for the hydrodynamic nature of randomness in some biological reactions, and supersedes the distinction between intrinsic randomness and hydrodynamic interactions, adding a further element to the understanding and modeling of interacting microorganisms.
Hydrogels are promising materials for bioengineering applications, and are good model materials for the study of hydrated biological tissues. As these materials often have a structural function, the measurement of their mechanical properties is of fundamental importance. In the present study gelatin gels reinforced with ceramic microspheres are produced and their poroviscoelastic response in spherical indentation is studied. The constitutive responses of unreinforced gels are determined using inverse finite element modeling in combination with analytical estimates of material parameters. The behavior of composite gels is assessed by both analytical and numerical homogenization. The results of the identification of the constitutive parameters of unreinforced gels show that it is possible to obtain representative poroviscoelastic parameters by spherical indentation without the need for additional mechanical tests. The agreement between experimental results on composite gelatin and the predictions from homogenization modeling show that the adopted modeling tools are capable of providing estimates of the poroviscoelastic response of particle-reinforced hydrogels.
The mechanisms of material removal were investigated during the erosive wear of a glass-ceramic. The effects of erodent particle shape, velocity and angle were studied. Single impacts and incremental erosion tests were performed, to study the development of surface features and to elucidate the mechanisms of material removal. It was found that transitions in mechanism occurred which depended on the particle shape, impact velocity and impact angle. The mechanisms of material removal, for erosion by silica sand, changed from fine scale fracture and plastic processes below a transition point to large-scale cracking of the surface above. Spherical glass beads caused wear dominated by fatigue, with a very strong dependence of wear rate on the impact conditions. This work indicates that laboratory erosion testing of glass-ceramic and other brittle materials should reflect the conditions present in practice, and that account must be taken of possible changes in wear mechanisms.
Melt grown Nd-Ba-Cu-O (NdBCO) has been reported to exhibit higher values of critical current density, Jc and irreversibility field, Hirr, than other (RE)BCO superconductors, such as YBCO. The microstructure of NdBCO typically contains 5-10 μm sized inclusions of the Nd4Ba2Cu2O10 phase (Nd-422) in a superconducting NdBa2Cu3O7-δ phase (Nd-123) matrix. The average size of these inclusions is characteristically larger than that of the Y2BaCuO5 (Y-211) inclusions in YBCO. As a result, there is scope to further refine the Nd-422 size to enhance Jc in NdBCO. Large grain samples of NdBCO superconductor doped with various amounts of depleted UO2 and containing excess Nd-422 have been fabricated by top seeded melt growth under reduced oxygen partial pressure. The effect of the addition of depleted UO2 on the NdBCO microstructure has been studied systematically in samples with and without added CeO2. It is observed that the addition of UO2 refines the NdBCO microstructure via the formation of uranium-containing phase particles in the superconducting matrix. These particles are of approximately spherical geometry with dimensions of around 1 μm. The average size of the nonsuperconducting phase particles in the uranium-doped microstructure is an order of magnitude less than their size in un-doped Nd-123 prepared with excess Nd-422. The critical current density of uranium-doped NdBCO is observed to increase significantly compared to the undoped material.
Indentation of linearly viscoelastic materials is explored using elastic-viscoelastic correspondence analysis for both conical-pyramidal and spherical indentation. Boltzmann hereditary integrals are used to generate displacement-time solutions for loading at constant rate and creep following ramp loading. Experimental data for triangle- and trapezoidal-loading are examined for commercially-available polymers and compared with analytical solutions. Emphasis is given to the use of multiple experiments to test the fidelity and predictive capability of the obtained material creep function. Plastic deformation occurs in sharp indentation of glassy polymers and is found to complicate the viscoelastic analysis. A new method is proposed for estimating a material time-constant from peak displacement or hardness data obtained in pyramidal indentation tests performed at different loading rates.
Spherical indentation creep testing was used to examine the effect of hydration state on bone mechanical properties. Analysis of creep data was based on the elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle and utilized a direct solution for the finite loading-rate experimental conditions. The zero-time shear modulus was computed from the creep compliance function and compared to the indentation modulus obtained via conventional indentation analysis, based on an elastic unloading response. The method was validated using a well-known polymer material under three different loading conditions. The method was applied to bone samples prepared with different water content by partial exchange with ethanol, where 70% ethanol was considered as the baseline condition. A hydration increase was associated with a 43% decrease in stiffness, while a hydration decrease resulted in a 20% increase in bone tissue stiffness.
Bone is an anisotropic material, and its mechanical properties are determined by its microstructure as well as its composition. Mechanical properties of bone are a consequence of the proportions of, and the interactions between, mineral, collagen and water. Water plays an important role in maintaining the mechanical integrity of the composite, but the manner in which water interacts within the ultrastructure is unclear. Dentine being an isotropic two-dimensional structure presents a homogenous composite to examine the dehydration effects. Nanoindentation methods for determining the viscoelastic properties have recently been developed and are a subject of great interest. Here, one method based on elastic-viscoelastic correspondence for 'ramp and hold' creep testing (Oyen, J. Mater. Res., 2005) has been used to analyze viscoelastic behavior of polymeric and biological materials. The method of 'ramp and hold' allows the shear modulus at time zero to be determined from fitting of the displacement during the maximum load hold. Changes in the viscoelastic properties of bone and dentine were examined as the material was systematically dehydrated in a series of water:solvent mixes. Samples of equine dentine were sectioned and cryo-polished. Shear modulus was obtained by nanoindentation using spherical indenters with a maximum load hold of 120s. Samples were tested in different solvent concentrations sequentially, 70% ethanol to 50% ethanol, 70 % ethanol to 100% ethanol, 70% ethanol to 70% methanol to 100% methanol, and 70% ethanol to 100% acetone, after storage in each condition for 24h. By selectively removing and then replacing water from the composite, insights in to the ultrastructure of the tissue can be gained from the corresponding changes in the experimentally determined moduli, as well as an understanding of the complete reversibility of the dehydration process. © 2006 Materials Research Society.
Indentation techniques are employed for the measurement of mechanical properties of a wide range of materials. In particular, techniques focused at small length-scales, such as nanoindentation and AFM indentation, allow for local characterization of material properties in heterogeneous materials including natural tissues and biomimetic materials. Typical elastic analysis for spherical indentation is applicable in the absence of time-dependent deformation, but is inappropriate for materials with time-dependent responses. Recent analyses for the viscoelastic indentation problem, based on elastic-viscoelastic correspondence, have begun to address the issue of time-dependent deformation during an indentation test. The viscoelastic analysis has been shown to fit experimental indentation data well, and has been demonstrated as useful for characterization of viscoelasticity in polymeric materials and in hydrated mineralized tissues. However, a viscoelastic analysis is not necessarily sufficient for multi-phase materials with fluid flow. In the current work, a poroelastic analysis-based on fluid motion through a porous elastic network-is used to examine spherical indentation creep responses of hydrated biological materials. Both analytical and finite element approaches are considered for the poroelastic Hertzian indentation problem. Modeling results are compared with experimental data from nanoindentation of hydrated bone immersed in water and polar solvents (ethanol, methanol, acetone). Baseline (water-immersed) bone responses are characterized using the poroelastic model and numerical results are compared with altered hydration states due to polar solvents. © 2007 Materials Research Society.
Thermal barrier coatings with a columnar microstructure are prone to erosion damage by a mechanism of surface cracking upon impact by small foreign particles. In order to explore this erosion mechanism, the elastic indentation and the elastic-plastic indentation responses of a columnar thermal barrier coating to a spherical indenter were determined by the finite element method and by analytical models. It was shown that the indentation response is intermediate between that of a homogeneous half-space and that given by an elastic-plastic mattress model (with the columns behaving as independent non-linear springs). The sensitivity of the indentation behaviour to geometry and to the material parameters was explored: the diameter of the columns, the gap width between columns, the coefficient of Coulomb friction between columns and the layer height of the thermal barrier coating. The calculations revealed that the level of induced tensile stress is sufficient to lead to cracking of the columns at a depth of about the column radius. It was also demonstrated that the underlying soft bond coat can undergo plastic indentation when the coating comprises parallel columns, but this is less likely for the more realistic case of a random arrangement of tapered columns. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.
Surface vortex behavior in front of the tunnel intake was investigated in this paper. The critical submergence of vortex was discussed based on the concept of 'critical spherical sink surface' (CSSS). The vortex formation and evolution at the tunnel intake were analyzed based on the theory of CSSS considering the effect of circulation. A theory was proposed to explain the surface vortex. The theoretical development was verified by the physical model experiments of Xiluodu hydropower station. The radial velocity and vortex circulation were considered as the main factors that influence the formation and evolution of surface vortex. Finally, an anti-vortex intake configuration was proposed to weaken the air-core vortex in front of the tunnel intakes of the hydraulic structures. © 2011 Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.