977 resultados para Spherical cavities
Measurement or prediction of the mechanical and fracture properties of foods is very important in the design, operation and optimization of processes, as well as for the control of quality of food products. This paper describes the measurement of yield stress of frozen sucrose solutions under indentation tests using a spherical indenter. Effects of composition, temperature and strain rate on yield stress of frozen sucrose solutions have also been investigated.
Background: Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder that affects an increasing number of older people every year. Dysphagia is not only a common feature, but one that results in poor nutrition and an increased risk of bronchopneumonia. Previous work has suggested that the oral flora is altered in patients with oral pathology. Methods: Fifty patients were assessed to quantify the incidence of oral Gram-negative bacteria. Results: Sixteen of the patients with Parkinson's disease were found to have six different Gram-negative bacilli in their oral cavities. The 20 different Gram-negative bacteria present were Escherichia coli (n=7), Klebsiella spp. (n=3), Kluyvera spp. (n=3), Serratia spp. (n=3), Proteus spp. (n=2) and Enterobacter spp. (n=2). We found that the oral cavity of 16 (32%) of the patients with Parkinson's disease was abnormally colonised with Gram-negative bacteria and that Gram-negative bacteria were more likely to occur in those patients in whom oromuscular dysfunction was present (88% vs. 21%; p<0.05). Conclusion: Further work is required to determine the association between oral flora and the pathogenic organisms found in aspiration pneumonia as well as work on innovative treatments to reduce oral Gram-negative bacteria in those patients at particular risk of aspiration pneumonia.
This paper is addressed to the numerical solving of the rendering equation in realistic image creation. The rendering equation is integral equation describing the light propagation in a scene accordingly to a given illumination model. The used illumination model determines the kernel of the equation under consideration. Nowadays, widely used are the Monte Carlo methods for solving the rendering equation in order to create photorealistic images. In this work we consider the Monte Carlo solving of the rendering equation in the context of the parallel sampling scheme for hemisphere. Our aim is to apply this sampling scheme to stratified Monte Carlo integration method for parallel solving of the rendering equation. The domain for integration of the rendering equation is a hemisphere. We divide the hemispherical domain into a number of equal sub-domains of orthogonal spherical triangles. This domain partitioning allows to solve the rendering equation in parallel. It is known that the Neumann series represent the solution of the integral equation as a infinity sum of integrals. We approximate this sum with a desired truncation error (systematic error) receiving the fixed number of iteration. Then the rendering equation is solved iteratively using Monte Carlo approach. At each iteration we solve multi-dimensional integrals using uniform hemisphere partitioning scheme. An estimate of the rate of convergence is obtained using the stratified Monte Carlo method. This domain partitioning allows easy parallel realization and leads to convergence improvement of the Monte Carlo method. The high performance and Grid computing of the corresponding Monte Carlo scheme are discussed.
The sampling of certain solid angle is a fundamental operation in realistic image synthesis, where the rendering equation describing the light propagation in closed domains is solved. Monte Carlo methods for solving the rendering equation use sampling of the solid angle subtended by unit hemisphere or unit sphere in order to perform the numerical integration of the rendering equation. In this work we consider the problem for generation of uniformly distributed random samples over hemisphere and sphere. Our aim is to construct and study the parallel sampling scheme for hemisphere and sphere. First we apply the symmetry property for partitioning of hemisphere and sphere. The domain of solid angle subtended by a hemisphere is divided into a number of equal sub-domains. Each sub-domain represents solid angle subtended by orthogonal spherical triangle with fixed vertices and computable parameters. Then we introduce two new algorithms for sampling of orthogonal spherical triangles. Both algorithms are based on a transformation of the unit square. Similarly to the Arvo's algorithm for sampling of arbitrary spherical triangle the suggested algorithms accommodate the stratified sampling. We derive the necessary transformations for the algorithms. The first sampling algorithm generates a sample by mapping of the unit square onto orthogonal spherical triangle. The second algorithm directly compute the unit radius vector of a sampling point inside to the orthogonal spherical triangle. The sampling of total hemisphere and sphere is performed in parallel for all sub-domains simultaneously by using the symmetry property of partitioning. The applicability of the corresponding parallel sampling scheme for Monte Carlo and Quasi-D/lonte Carlo solving of rendering equation is discussed.
This paper is turned to the advanced Monte Carlo methods for realistic image creation. It offers a new stratified approach for solving the rendering equation. We consider the numerical solution of the rendering equation by separation of integration domain. The hemispherical integration domain is symmetrically separated into 16 parts. First 9 sub-domains are equal size of orthogonal spherical triangles. They are symmetric each to other and grouped with a common vertex around the normal vector to the surface. The hemispherical integration domain is completed with more 8 sub-domains of equal size spherical quadrangles, also symmetric each to other. All sub-domains have fixed vertices and computable parameters. The bijections of unit square into an orthogonal spherical triangle and into a spherical quadrangle are derived and used to generate sampling points. Then, the symmetric sampling scheme is applied to generate the sampling points distributed over the hemispherical integration domain. The necessary transformations are made and the stratified Monte Carlo estimator is presented. The rate of convergence is obtained and one can see that the algorithm is of super-convergent type.
This paper is directed to the advanced parallel Quasi Monte Carlo (QMC) methods for realistic image synthesis. We propose and consider a new QMC approach for solving the rendering equation with uniform separation. First, we apply the symmetry property for uniform separation of the hemispherical integration domain into 24 equal sub-domains of solid angles, subtended by orthogonal spherical triangles with fixed vertices and computable parameters. Uniform separation allows to apply parallel sampling scheme for numerical integration. Finally, we apply the stratified QMC integration method for solving the rendering equation. The superiority our QMC approach is proved.
A one-dimensional shock-reflection test problem in the case of slab, cylindrical, or spherical symmetry is discussed. The differential equations for a similarity solution are derived and solved numerically in conjunction with the Rankie-Hugoniot shock relations.
A numerical scheme is presented for the solution of the Euler equations of compressible flow of a real gas in a single spatial coordinate. This includes flow in a duct of variable cross-section, as well as flow with slab, cylindrical or spherical symmetry, as well as the case of an ideal gas, and can be useful when testing codes for the two-dimensional equations governing compressible flow of a real gas. The resulting scheme requires an average of the flow variables across the interface between cells, and this average is chosen to be the arithmetic mean for computational efficiency, which is in contrast to the usual “square root” averages found in this type of scheme. The scheme is applied with success to five problems with either slab or cylindrical symmetry and for a number of equations of state. The results compare favourably with the results from other schemes.
A numerical scheme is presented for the solution of the Euler equations of compressible flow of a gas in a single spatial co-ordinate. This includes flow in a duct of variable cross-section as well as flow with slab, cylindrical or spherical symmetry and can prove useful when testing codes for the two-dimensional equations governing compressible flow of a gas. The resulting scheme requires an average of the flow variables across the interface between cells and for computational efficiency this average is chosen to be the arithmetic mean, which is in contrast to the usual ‘square root’ averages found in this type of scheme. The scheme is applied with success to five problems with either slab or cylindrical symmetry and a comparison is made in the cylindrical case with results from a two-dimensional problem with no sources.
A one-dimensional shock-reflection test problem in the case of slab, cylindrical or spherical symmetry is discussed for multi-component flows. The differential equations for a similarity solution are derived and then solved numerically in conjunction with the Rankine-Hugoniot shock relations.
A numerical scheme is presented for the solution of the Euler equations of compressible flow of a real gas in a single spatial coordinate. This include flow in a duct of variable cross-section as well as flow with cylindrical or spherical symmetry, and can prove useful when testing codes for the two-dimensional equations governing compressible flow of a real gas. The scheme is applied with success to a problem involving the interaction of converging and diverging cylindrical shocks for four equations of state and to a problem involving the reflection of a converging shock.
An approximate Riemann solver, in a Lagrangian frame of reference, is presented for the compressible flow equations with cylindrical and spherical symmetry, including flow in a duct of variable cross section. The scheme is applied to a cylindrically symmetric problem involving the interaction of shocks.
We study the numerical efficiency of solving the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for periodic block-copolymer morphologies by combining the spectral method with Anderson mixing. Using AB diblock-copolymer melts as an example, we demonstrate that this approach can be orders of magnitude faster than competing methods, permitting precise calculations with relatively little computational cost. Moreover, our results raise significant doubts that the gyroid (G) phase extends to infinite $\chi N$. With the increased precision, we are also able to resolve subtle free-energy differences, allowing us to investigate the layer stacking in the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase and the lattice arrangement of the close-packed spherical (S$_{cp}$) phase. Furthermore, our study sheds light on the existence of the newly discovered Fddd (O$^{70}$) morphology, showing that conformational asymmetry has a significant effect on its stability.
We study the equilibrium morphology of droplets of symmetric AB diblock copolymer on a flat substrate. Using self-consistent field theory (SCFT), we provide the first predictions for the equilibrium droplet shape and its internal structure. When the sustrate affinity for the A component, $\eta_A$, is small, the droplet adopts a nearly spherical shape much like that of simple fluids. Inside the spherical droplet, however, concentric circular lamellar layers stack on top of each other; hence the thickness of the droplet is effectively quantized by a half-integer or integer number of layers. At larger $\eta_A$ and smaller contact angle, the area of the upper-most layer becomes relatively large, resulting in a nearly flat, faceted top surface, followed by a semi-spherical slope. This geometry is remarkably reminiscent of the droplet shapes observed with smetic liquid crystals.
We describe a FORTRAN-90 program that computes scattering t-matrices for a molecule. These can be used in a Low-Energy Electron Diffraction program to solve the molecular structural problem very efficiently. The intramolecular multiple scattering is computed within a Dyson-like approach, using free space Green propagators in a basis of spherical waves. The advantage of this approach is related to exploiting the chemical identity of the molecule, and to the simplicity to translate and rotate these t-matrices without performing a new multiple-scattering calculation for each configuration. FORTRAN-90 routines for rotating the resulting t-matrices using Wigner matrices are also provided.