1000 resultados para Sistemas de Gestão de Rega
Automated Production Systems Development involves aspects concerning the integration of technological components that exist on the market, such as: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), robot manipulators, various sensors and actuators, image processing systems, communication networks and collaborative supervisory systems; all integrated into a single application. This paper proposes an automated platform for experimentation, implemented through typical architecture for Automated Production Systems, which integrates the technological components described above, in order to allow researchers and students to carry out practical laboratory activities. These activities will complement the theoretical knowledge acquired by the students in the classroom, thus improving their training and professional skills. A platform designed using this generic structure will allow users to work within an educational environment that reflects most aspects found in Industrial Automated Manufacturing Systems, such as technology integration, communication networks, process control and production management. In addition, this platform offers the possibility complete automated process of control and supervision via remote connection through the internet (WebLab), enabling knowledge sharing between different teaching and research groups.
In the context of the product development process (PDP), portfolio management plays an important role by determing the set of products that a company uses to compete. Due to its characteristics, performing continuous technological forecasting activities for developing and transferring technologies to their products through the PDP, this tends to make portfolio management a complex activity for products at these companies. This paper’s objective was to identify practices for product portfolio management in a medium-sized technology-based firm located in São Carlos, SP. Qualitative research was used and it was operationalized through a case study. Among the main results, it was noted that decisions on product portfolio depend mainly on the perception of senior management and the financial analyzes constitute the main method used for supporting the decision.
A utilização da Web como plataforma para a educação a distância (e-learning), tem sido uma das grandes alternativas para a educação em sala de aula tradicional. Embora esses sistemas sejam amplamente utilizados, existem limitações quanto à dificuldade de busca, integração e reuso dos materiais existentes. Neste contexto, neste trabalho é apresentada uma arquitetura multiagente para o desenvolvimento de sistemas Web semânticos para a gestão de conteúdos educacionais – SWSGC, onde de acordo com os requisitos do usuário são propostos os conteúdos educacionais (OAs) do curso. Tais conteúdos são recuperados de repositórios heterogêneos de OAs, anotados mediante padrões de metadados educacionais e ontologias de domínio. Esta arquitetura proposta visa automatizar atividades relacionadas à gestão de OAs tais como: a autoria de OAs, a autoria de curso, e a busca e a anotação semântica de OAs.
In recent decades, two research themes have been prominent in the academic and organizational setting: lean manufacturing and green management. Since 1996, when Florida (1996) wrote an article focusing on the synergy between these two areas, the debate if “Lean is Green?” enters in the academic field. It is in this context that this research presents the results of a systematic literature on the topic, focusing on the characteristics, positive and negative impacts, lean paradigms, green paradigms and design of supply chains. To perform this procedure it were followed the methodological footsteps of Lage Junior and Godinho Filho (2010). The research occurred in the database Scopus and it was conducted from June, 2012 to July, 2012.The key word used was “green lean” and as search filter it were included only articles and conference Papers. Their main result is a deep analysis of the accumulated knowledge on the subject, where it is revealed that the majority of studies point to the synergy between some components of the lean manufacturing system in relation to environmental management. The research gap found is related to articles that address the entropy of the union of lean and green systems.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aims to develop innovative proposals for production agriculture management and plans to build a participatory model, through the digital inclusion of members of the family farm gathered in a cooperative venture seeking to establish new environmental management efficiency for household production. The first part of the hypothesis assumes that a major obstacle to the insertion of small family farms into the markets is skilled labor, human capital. A training model has been developed for traceability and tracking activities on family farms, based on the atemoya culture. The second hypothesis predicts that it is possible to create a model that is scientifically supported by widely accepted rules derived from GlobalGAP standard certification, a global benchmark for good agricultural practices. Using these rules the model seeks to achieve the traceability of agricultural products and operations from the preservation of identity information within the production chain. The results obtained by the computerized system confirmed the presented hypotheses by demonstrating that technological innovation through intensive communication and information technologies education as well as other associated forms are important drivers of regional development, especially if implemented through a digital inclusion project using the state program Infocentros Access São Paulo.
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Recently in Brazil cities have been suffering strong influence concerning concepts of sustainable development and urban-environmental management in order to implement public policies. These approaches combined, subsidize fair democratic construction, along with citizen participation and transparency regarding the use of resources. This study was meant to address the evaluation of performance and environmental quality through the use of sustainability indicators as a tool for planning and management of municipal urban-environmental, its advantages, disadvantages and contributions to the effectiveness in the implementation of policies aimed at local sustainable development. The main objective of the study was to do a comparative analysis of the indicators used in Piracicaba, to the national indicator system and other municipal programs, and also, its application in urban and environmental planning. To achieve this goal, initially a topic selection was made based on a bibliographic analysis in order to discuss the use of management tools and municipal evaluation systems from the perspective of sustainability, showing the management tools such as laws, agreements, documents and mainly, sustainability indicators. It was then, prepared the case study carried out in Piracicaba, São Paulo municipality. With the obtained results, it was possible to provide a model which shows strengths and weaknesses of public actions and policies for the environment, such as project suggestions that could be applied aiming greater sustainability and continuous improvement of municipal environmental performance
Recently in Brazil cities have been suffering strong influence concerning concepts of sustainable development and urban-environmental management in order to implement public policies. These approaches combined, subsidize fair democratic construction, along with citizen participation and transparency regarding the use of resources. This study was meant to address the evaluation of performance and environmental quality through the use of sustainability indicators as a tool for planning and management of municipal urban-environmental, its advantages, disadvantages and contributions to the effectiveness in the implementation of policies aimed at local sustainable development. The main objective of the study was to do a comparative analysis of the indicators used in Piracicaba, to the national indicator system and other municipal programs, and also, its application in urban and environmental planning. To achieve this goal, initially a topic selection was made based on a bibliographic analysis in order to discuss the use of management tools and municipal evaluation systems from the perspective of sustainability, showing the management tools such as laws, agreements, documents and mainly, sustainability indicators. It was then, prepared the case study carried out in Piracicaba, São Paulo municipality. With the obtained results, it was possible to provide a model which shows strengths and weaknesses of public actions and policies for the environment, such as project suggestions that could be applied aiming greater sustainability and continuous improvement of municipal environmental performance
The exceptional advance of information technology and computer application to the mineral sector has allowed the automation of several processes of the mineral value chain. ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) provided the platform for the efficient integration of all support activities of the mineral value chain. Despite all advances gathered with the application of computers, it was not possible to date, to effectively integrate the primary activities of the mineral value chain. The main reason for that are the uncertainties present in the productive process, which are intrinsic to the business, and the difficulty to quantify and qualify the benefits obtained with this integration due to the lack of a clear definition of the key performance indicators (KPIs). This work presents an analysis of the ERP systems application in Brazilian mining, identifies the KPIs of some of the most important Brazilian mining companies, and discusses the importance of mapping and measuring these indicators for the effective. management of the mining business.
Este artigo tem como objetivo levantar e discutir as ações de gestão ambiental e sua interface com a questão habitacional junto à área administrada pela Subprefeitura de Paranapiacaba e Parque Andreense, Santo André-SP, no biênio 2007-2008. O foco do trabalho é a capacidade política e institucional do município criada para tratar de tais questões. Os métodos usados foram pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e de campo, com entrevista a gestores do município. A pesquisa identificou que o município conta com propostas com grande potencial de contribuição para a melhoria da qualidade ambiental e habitacional na área de mananciais, principalmente por seu caráter de integração entre planejamentos. O estabelecimento de conselhos com participação de várias pastas representa um potencial elemento de integração nas ações desses órgãos, permitindo o compartilhamento de temas pertinentes ao longo do desenvolvimento das agendas de forma contínua. Quanto à recuperação urbana e ambiental dos loteamentos irregulares, é possível afirmar que os parâmetros urbanísticos e a definição do uso e ocupação do solo estão intimamente relacionados à qualidade ambiental e precisam ser construídos em conjunto por profissionais da área de urbanismo e da área ambiental, e discutidos com a comunidade local. O formato de gestão na área de mananciais, foco deste estudo de caso no município de Santo André, representa um significativo passo na construção da integração entre os sistemas de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos e de planejamento urbano/metropolitano.
CONTEXTO: Mudanças conceituais e estruturais, Objetivos da Universidade, O SIBiUSP e sua missão. AÇÕES: Linhas de atuação - programas, Ações prioritárias, Avanços e resultados alcançados 2013. TEMAS EM FOCO: Decisões emergenciais, Novos espaços e responsabilidades, Equipes recém integradas SIBiUSP.
Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo de caso cujo objetivo é analisar se arranjos produtivos locais realizam a prática da gestão do conhecimento. A pesquisa foi realizada junto ao Pólo Brasileiro de Cosmético em Diadema, organização sem fins lucrativos, que articula as ações de micro, pequenas e médias empresas organizadas em fabricantes de cosméticos, produtores de bens e serviços, fornecedores de matéria-prima, prestadores de consultoria, comercializadores, clientes e parceiros. Para atender ao objetivo proposto recorreu-se a recursos quantitativo e qualitativo, com a utilização de formulários eletrônicos estruturados, disponibilizados na internet e técnicas da observação participante, envolvendo visitas previamente agendadas ao Pólo de Cosmético. O material de análise utilizou a pesquisa bibliográfica sobre arranjo produtivo local e gestão do conhecimento, caracterização da região do grande ABC e da cidade de Diadema, dados oficiais, políticas governamentais e entrevistas com o corpo diretivo do Pólo. Foi aplicado o instrumento de Terra (2005) que a partir de sete dimensões (estratégia e alta administração, sistemas de informação e comunicação, cultura organizacional, organização e processos de trabalho, políticas e práticas para a administração de recursos humanos e mensuração de resultados), avaliou se as organizações do arranjo produtivo realizam a prática da gestão do conhecimento. Os resultados obtidos apontaram a existência de práticas de gestão do conhecimento, com índices acima da média, convergindo para o entendimento de que se trata de um processo de gestão empresarial, além de confirmar, a partir de um sistema de intercâmbio social a origem do Pólo e seu desenvolvimento.(AU)