998 resultados para Sensitive techniques
Diplomityössä on haettu tietoa lasikuitupinnoitteiden ja vinyyliesterihartsien yhteensopivuudesta ja sen testaamisesta. Lujitemuovikomposiitissa hartsi sitoo materiaalit yhteen ja antaa rakenteelle kemiallisen kestävyyden, sitkeyden ja välittää kuormitukset kuitujen kannettaviksi. Vaadittavan lujuuden rakenteelle antaa lasikuitu. Se päällystetään valmistusvaiheessa pinnoiteaineella, sizingilla. Sillä on ratkaiseva merkitys hartsin ja lasikuidun väliin syntyvän rajapinnan muodostumisessa kovettumisprosessin aikana. Käytännössä rajapinnan toimivuutta ja materiaalien yhteensopivuutta tutkitaan makromekaanisilla lujuustesteillä. Menetelmät perustuvat rajapinnan leikkaus¬lujuuden määrittämiseen, mutta myös murtumamekanismeihin perustuvia testi¬menetelmiä käytetään. Mikrotason menetelmät, jotka perustuvat yksittäisen kuidun ja käytetyn hartsin välisen adheesion mittaamiseen ovat yleistyneet, mutta niistä saatujen tulosten ei ole vielä todettu riittävästi korreloivan makro¬mekaanisten lujuustestien kanssa. Työssä tutkittiin kahta eri makromekaanista testimenetelmää. Testeissä havaittiin eroja valittujen lasikuitupinnoitteiden ja vinyyliesterihartsien välillä. Hauras hartsi oli herkempi lasikuitupinnoitteen kemialle. Kun yhteensopivuus vinyyli-esterihartsin ja lasikuitupinnoitteen välillä oli huono, saatiin sekä poikittaisessa vetolujuustestissä että Mode I murtumissitkeystestissä heikko tulos. Pyyhkäisy¬elektronimikroskoopilla suoritettu mikrotason analyysi murtopinnasta vahvisti saatuja tuloksia ja se osoittautui toimivaksi menetelmäksi kuvantamaan ilmiöitä, jotka vaikuttavat yhteensopivuuteen vinyyliesterihartsin ja pinnoitetun lasikuidun välillä.
Visual data mining (VDM) tools employ information visualization techniques in order to represent large amounts of high-dimensional data graphically and to involve the user in exploring data at different levels of detail. The users are looking for outliers, patterns and models – in the form of clusters, classes, trends, and relationships – in different categories of data, i.e., financial, business information, etc. The focus of this thesis is the evaluation of multidimensional visualization techniques, especially from the business user’s perspective. We address three research problems. The first problem is the evaluation of projection-based visualizations with respect to their effectiveness in preserving the original distances between data points and the clustering structure of the data. In this respect, we propose the use of existing clustering validity measures. We illustrate their usefulness in evaluating five visualization techniques: Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Sammon’s Mapping, Self-Organizing Map (SOM), Radial Coordinate Visualization and Star Coordinates. The second problem is concerned with evaluating different visualization techniques as to their effectiveness in visual data mining of business data. For this purpose, we propose an inquiry evaluation technique and conduct the evaluation of nine visualization techniques. The visualizations under evaluation are Multiple Line Graphs, Permutation Matrix, Survey Plot, Scatter Plot Matrix, Parallel Coordinates, Treemap, PCA, Sammon’s Mapping and the SOM. The third problem is the evaluation of quality of use of VDM tools. We provide a conceptual framework for evaluating the quality of use of VDM tools and apply it to the evaluation of the SOM. In the evaluation, we use an inquiry technique for which we developed a questionnaire based on the proposed framework. The contributions of the thesis consist of three new evaluation techniques and the results obtained by applying these evaluation techniques. The thesis provides a systematic approach to evaluation of various visualization techniques. In this respect, first, we performed and described the evaluations in a systematic way, highlighting the evaluation activities, and their inputs and outputs. Secondly, we integrated the evaluation studies in the broad framework of usability evaluation. The results of the evaluations are intended to help developers and researchers of visualization systems to select appropriate visualization techniques in specific situations. The results of the evaluations also contribute to the understanding of the strengths and limitations of the visualization techniques evaluated and further to the improvement of these techniques.
The potential for enhancing the energy efficiency of industrial pumping processes is estimated to be in some cases up to 50 %. One way to define further this potential is to implement techniques in accordance to definition of best available techniques in pumping applications. These techniques are divided into three main categories: Design, control method & maintenance and distribution system. In the theory part of this thesis first the definition of best available techniques (BAT) and its applicability on pumping processes is issued. Next, the theory around pumping with different pump types is handled, the main stress being in centrifugal pumps. Other components needed in a pumping process are dealt by presenting different control methods, use of an electric motor, variable speed drive and the distribution system. Last part of the theory is about industrial pumping processes from water distribution, sewage water and power plant applications, some of which are used further on in the empirical part as example cases. For the empirical part of this study four case studies on typical pumping processes from older Master’s these were selected. Firstly the original results were analyzed by studying the distribution of energy consumption between different system components and using the definition of BAT in pumping, possible ways to improve energy efficiency were evaluated. The goal in this study was that by the achieved results it would be possible to identify the characteristic energy consumption of these and similar pumping processes. Through this data it would then be easier to focus energy efficiency actions where they might be the most applicable, both technically and economically.
This study evaluated establishment methods for a mixture of herbaceous forage legumes [Centrosema acutifolium, Clitoria ternatea, Pueraria phaseoloides, Stylosanthes Campo Grande (Stylosanthes capitata + S. macrocephala), Calopogonium mucunoides, Lablab purpureus, Arachis pintoi, and Aeschynomene villosa] under the shade of an Eucalyptus grandis plantation submitted to thinning (40%) 8 years after planting in Anhembi, São Paulo (22°40'S, 48°10'W, altitude of 455 m). The experiment started in December 2008 and consisted of the comparison of the following four types of seed incorporation by light disc harrowing: (1) broadcast sowing without seed incorporation; disc harrowing before (2) or after (3) planting, and (4) disc harrowing before and after planting. Ninety days after planting, the number of legume plants/m2 and the percentage of ground cover by the plants varied between the treatments tested; however, the treatments had no effect on the dry matter accumulation of forage legumes. Disc harrowing before planting yielded superior results compared to the treatments without disc harrowing and disc harrowing after planting. At the end of the experimental period, the plots contained Arachis, Centrosema, Stylosanthes, and Pueraria. The dry matter accumulated by Centrosema corresponded to 73% of total dry matter yield of the plots. The participation of Arachis, Centrosema and Stylosanthes in final dry matter composition of the plots varied according to establishment method. The advantages of the use of species mixtures rather than monocultures in the understory of forest plantations were discussed.
ABSTRACT Samples of Araucaria angustifolia were collected at Fazenda Rio Grande, Paraná, Brazil (25°39'S 49 18'O) in January 2011. The 32 samples from 8 trees were subjected to treatments following dendrochronological techniques. The cores were measured and dated using optical and computational methodology, and then standardized to obtain a growth-ring time series, which considers the 1907-2009 time range and represents Fazenda Rio Grande. Tree-ring indices were analyzed and correlated to temperature and precipitation averages from the 1961-2009 range. This procedure aimed to study and understand the influence of the local climate on the plant growth and if this influence can be quantified. A. angustifolia trees produce visible annual growth rings, and their earlywood and latewood are clearly defined. The present study shows that A. angustifolia is sensitive to climate variables (e.g., low temperatures in wintertime tend to stop the growth rate). The correlation between tree rings and monthly precipitation series showed a common trend, making it possible to estimate the seasonal rainfall behavior for the entire 1907-2009 range.
This book is dedicated to celebrate the 60th birthday of Professor Rainer Huopalahti. Professor Rainer “Repe” Huopalahti has had, and in fact is still enjoying a distinguished career in the analysis of food and food related flavor compounds. One will find it hard to make any progress in this particular field without a valid and innovative sample handling technique and this is a field in which Professor Huopalahti has made great contributions. The title and the front cover of this book honors Professor Huopahti’s early steps in science. His PhD thesis which was published on 1985 is entitled “Composition and content of aroma compounds in the dill herb, Anethum graveolens L., affected by different factors”. At that time, the thesis introduced new technology being applied to sample handling and analysis of flavoring compounds of dill. Sample handling is an essential task that in just about every analysis. If one is working with minor compounds in a sample or trying to detect trace levels of the analytes, one of the aims of sample handling may be to increase the sensitivity of the analytical method. On the other hand, if one is working with a challenging matrix such as the kind found in biological samples, one of the aims is to increase the selectivity. However, quite often the aim is to increase both the selectivity and the sensitivity. This book provides good and representative examples about the necessity of valid sample handling and the role of the sample handling in the analytical method. The contributors of the book are leading Finnish scientists on the field of organic instrumental analytical chemistry. Some of them are also Repe’ s personal friends and former students from the University of Turku, Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry. Importantly, the authors all know Repe in one way or another and are well aware of his achievements on the field of analytical chemistry. The editorial team had a great time during the planning phase and during the “hard work editorial phase” of the book. For example, we came up with many ideas on how to publish the book. After many long discussions, we decided to have a limited edition as an “old school hard cover book” – and to acknowledge more modern ways of disseminating knowledge by publishing an internet version of the book on the webpages of the University of Turku. Downloading the book from the webpage for personal use is free of charge. We believe and hope that the book will be read with great interest by scientists working in the fascinating field of organic instrumental analytical chemistry. We decided to publish our book in English for two main reasons. First, we believe that in the near future, more and more teaching in Finnish Universities will be delivered in English. To facilitate this process and encourage students to develop good language skills, it was decided to be published the book in English. Secondly, we believe that the book will also interest scientists outside Finland – particularly in the other member states of the European Union. The editorial team thanks all the authors for their willingness to contribute to this book – and to adhere to the very strict schedule. We also want to thank the various individuals and enterprises who financially supported the book project. Without that support, it would not have been possible to publish the hardcover book.
The aim of this study was to group temporal profiles of 10-day composites NDVI product by similarity, which was obtained by the SPOT Vegetation sensor, for municipalities with high soybean production in the state of Paraná, Brazil, in the 2005/2006 cropping season. Data mining is a valuable tool that allows extracting knowledge from a database, identifying valid, new, potentially useful and understandable patterns. Therefore, it was used the methods for clusters generation by means of the algorithms K-Means, MAXVER and DBSCAN, implemented in the WEKA software package. Clusters were created based on the average temporal profiles of NDVI of the 277 municipalities with high soybean production in the state and the best results were found with the K-Means algorithm, grouping the municipalities into six clusters, considering the period from the beginning of October until the end of March, which is equivalent to the crop vegetative cycle. Half of the generated clusters presented spectro-temporal pattern, a characteristic of soybeans and were mostly under the soybean belt in the state of Paraná, which shows good results that were obtained with the proposed methodology as for identification of homogeneous areas. These results will be useful for the creation of regional soybean "masks" to estimate the planted area for this crop.
The use of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has increased extensively in the modern radiotherapy (RT) treatments over the past two decades. Radiation dose distributions can be delivered with higher conformality with IMRT when compared to the conventional 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT). Higher conformality and target coverage increases the probability of tumour control and decreases the normal tissue complications. The primary goal of this work is to improve and evaluate the accuracy, efficiency and delivery techniques of RT treatments by using IMRT. This study evaluated the dosimetric limitations and possibilities of IMRT in small (treatments of head-and-neck, prostate and lung cancer) and large volumes (primitive neuroectodermal tumours). The dose coverage of target volumes and the sparing of critical organs were increased with IMRT when compared to 3D-CRT. The developed split field IMRT technique was found to be safe and accurate method in craniospinal irradiations. By using IMRT in simultaneous integrated boosting of biologically defined target volumes of localized prostate cancer high doses were achievable with only small increase in the treatment complexity. Biological plan optimization increased the probability of uncomplicated control on average by 28% when compared to standard IMRT delivery. Unfortunately IMRT carries also some drawbacks. In IMRT the beam modulation is realized by splitting a large radiation field to small apertures. The smaller the beam apertures are the larger the rebuild-up and rebuild-down effects are at the tissue interfaces. The limitations to use IMRT with small apertures in the treatments of small lung tumours were investigated with dosimetric film measurements. The results confirmed that the peripheral doses of the small lung tumours were decreased as the effective field size was decreased. The studied calculation algorithms were not able to model the dose deficiency of the tumours accurately. The use of small sliding window apertures of 2 mm and 4 mm decreased the tumour peripheral dose by 6% when compared to 3D-CRT treatment plan. A direct aperture based optimization (DABO) technique was examined as a solution to decrease the treatment complexity. The DABO IMRT technique was able to achieve treatment plans equivalent with the conventional IMRT fluence based optimization techniques in the concave head-and-neck target volumes. With DABO the effective field sizes were increased and the number of MUs was reduced with a factor of two. The optimality of a treatment plan and the therapeutic ratio can be further enhanced by using dose painting based on regional radiosensitivities imaged with functional imaging methods.
The bioavailability of metals and their potential for environmental pollution depends not simply on total concentrations, but is to a great extent determined by their chemical form. Consequently, knowledge of aqueous metal species is essential in investigating potential metal toxicity and mobility. The overall aim of this thesis is, thus, to determine the species of major and trace elements and the size distribution among the different forms (e.g. ions, molecules and mineral particles) in selected metal-enriched Boreal river and estuarine systems by utilising filtration techniques and geochemical modelling. On the basis of the spatial physicochemical patterns found, the fractionation and complexation processes of elements (mainly related to input of humic matter and pH-change) were examined. Dissolved (<1 kDa), colloidal (1 kDa-0.45 μm) and particulate (>0.45 μm) size fractions of sulfate, organic carbon (OC) and 44 metals/metalloids were investigated in the extremely acidic Vörå River system and its estuary in W Finland, and in four river systems in SW Finland (Sirppujoki, Laajoki, Mynäjoki and Paimionjoki), largely affected by soil erosion and acid sulfate (AS) soils. In addition, geochemical modelling was used to predict the formation of free ions and complexes in these investigated waters. One of the most important findings of this study is that the very large amounts of metals known to be released from AS soils (including Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Si, U and the lanthanoids) occur and can prevail mainly in toxic forms throughout acidic river systems; as free ions and/or sulfate-complexes. This has serious effects on the biota and especially dissolved Al is expected to have acute effects on fish and other organisms, but also other potentially toxic dissolved elements (e.g. Cd, Cu, Mn and Ni) can have fatal effects on the biota in these environments. In upstream areas that are generally relatively forested (higher pH and contents of OC) fewer bioavailable elements (including Al, Cu, Ni and U) may be found due to complexation with the more abundantly occurring colloidal OC. In the rivers in SW Finland total metal concentrations were relatively high, but most of the elements occurred largely in a colloidal or particulate form and even elements expected to be very soluble (Ca, K, Mg, Na and Sr) occurred to a large extent in colloidal form. According to geochemical modelling, these patterns may only to a limited extent be explained by in-stream metal complexation/adsorption. Instead there were strong indications that the high metal concentrations and dominant solid fractions were largely caused by erosion of metal bearing phyllosilicates. A strong influence of AS soils, known to exist in the catchment, could be clearly distinguished in the Sirppujoki River as it had very high concentrations of a metal sequence typical of AS soils in a dissolved form (Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Rb and Sr). In the Paimionjoki River, metal concentrations (including Ba, Cs, Fe, Hf, Pb, Rb, Si, Th, Ti, Tl and V; not typical of AS soils in the area) were high, but it was found that the main cause of this was erosion of metal bearing phyllosilicates and thus these metals occurred dominantly in less toxic colloidal and particulate fractions. In the two nearby rivers (Laajoki and Mynäjoki) there was influence of AS soils, but it was largely masked by eroded phyllosilicates. Consequently, rivers draining clay plains sensitive to erosion, like those in SW Finland, have generally high background metal concentrations due to erosion. Thus, relying on only semi-dissolved (<0.45 μm) concentrations obtained in routine monitoring, or geochemical modelling based on such data, can lead to a great overestimation of the water toxicity in this environment. The potentially toxic elements that are of concern in AS soil areas will ultimately be precipitated in the recipient estuary or sea, where the acidic metalrich river water will gradually be diluted/neutralised with brackish seawater. Along such a rising pH gradient Al, Cu and U will precipitate first together with organic matter closest to the river mouth. Manganese is relatively persistent in solution and, thus, precipitates further down the estuary as Mn oxides together with elements such as Ba, Cd, Co, Cu and Ni. Iron oxides, on the contrary, are not important scavengers of metals in the estuary, they are predicted to be associated only with As and PO4.
Formal software development processes and well-defined development methodologies are nowadays seen as the definite way to produce high-quality software within time-limits and budgets. The variety of such high-level methodologies is huge ranging from rigorous process frameworks like CMMI and RUP to more lightweight agile methodologies. The need for managing this variety and the fact that practically every software development organization has its own unique set of development processes and methods have created a profession of software process engineers. Different kinds of informal and formal software process modeling languages are essential tools for process engineers. These are used to define processes in a way which allows easy management of processes, for example process dissemination, process tailoring and process enactment. The process modeling languages are usually used as a tool for process engineering where the main focus is on the processes themselves. This dissertation has a different emphasis. The dissertation analyses modern software development process modeling from the software developers’ point of view. The goal of the dissertation is to investigate whether the software process modeling and the software process models aid software developers in their day-to-day work and what are the main mechanisms for this. The focus of the work is on the Software Process Engineering Metamodel (SPEM) framework which is currently one of the most influential process modeling notations in software engineering. The research theme is elaborated through six scientific articles which represent the dissertation research done with process modeling during an approximately five year period. The research follows the classical engineering research discipline where the current situation is analyzed, a potentially better solution is developed and finally its implications are analyzed. The research applies a variety of different research techniques ranging from literature surveys to qualitative studies done amongst software practitioners. The key finding of the dissertation is that software process modeling notations and techniques are usually developed in process engineering terms. As a consequence the connection between the process models and actual development work is loose. In addition, the modeling standards like SPEM are partially incomplete when it comes to pragmatic process modeling needs, like light-weight modeling and combining pre-defined process components. This leads to a situation, where the full potential of process modeling techniques for aiding the daily development activities can not be achieved. Despite these difficulties the dissertation shows that it is possible to use modeling standards like SPEM to aid software developers in their work. The dissertation presents a light-weight modeling technique, which software development teams can use to quickly analyze their work practices in a more objective manner. The dissertation also shows how process modeling can be used to more easily compare different software development situations and to analyze their differences in a systematic way. Models also help to share this knowledge with others. A qualitative study done amongst Finnish software practitioners verifies the conclusions of other studies in the dissertation. Although processes and development methodologies are seen as an essential part of software development, the process modeling techniques are rarely used during the daily development work. However, the potential of these techniques intrigues the practitioners. As a conclusion the dissertation shows that process modeling techniques, most commonly used as tools for process engineers, can also be used as tools for organizing the daily software development work. This work presents theoretical solutions for bringing the process modeling closer to the ground-level software development activities. These theories are proven feasible by presenting several case studies where the modeling techniques are used e.g. to find differences in the work methods of the members of a software team and to share the process knowledge to a wider audience.
For oral rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses, there are required procedures to create the bone volume needed for installation of the implants. Thus, bone grafts from intraoral or extraoral donor sites represent a very favorable opportunity. This study aimed to review the literature on the subject, seeking to discuss parameters for the indications, advantages and complications of techniques for autogenous bone grafts.
Planar, large area, position sensitive silicon detectors are widely utilized in high energy physics research and in medical, computed tomography (CT). This thesis describes author's research work relating to development of such detector components. The key motivation and objective for the research work has been the development of novel, position sensitive detectors improving the performance of the instruments they are intended for. Silicon strip detectors are the key components of barrel-shaped tracking instruments which are typically the innermost structures of high energy physics experimental stations. Particle colliders such as the former LEP collider or present LHC produce particle collisions and the silicon strip detector based trackers locate the trajectories of particles emanating from such collisions. Medical CT has become a regular part of everyday medical care in all developed countries. CT scanning enables x-ray imaging of all parts of the human body with an outstanding structural resolution and contrast. Brain, chest and abdomen slice images with a resolution of 0.5 mm are possible and latest CT machines are able to image whole human heart between heart beats. The two application areas are presented shortly and the radiation detection properties of planar silicon detectors are discussed. Fabrication methods and preamplifier electronics of the planar detectors are presented. Designs of the developed, large area silicon detectors are presented and measurement results of the key operating parameters are discussed. Static and dynamic performance of the developed silicon strip detectors are shown to be very satisfactory for experimental physics applications. Results relating to the developed, novel CT detector chips are found to be very promising for further development and all key performance goals are met.
Bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) is the causative agent of enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL). In Argentina, where a program to eradicate EBL has been introduced, sensitive and reliable diagnosis has attained high priority. Although the importance of the agar gel immunodiffusion test remains unchanged for routine work, an additional diagnostic technique is necessary to confirm cases of sera with equivocal results or of calves carrying maternal antibodies.Utilizing a nested shuttle polymerase chain reaction, the proviral DNA was detected from cows experimentally infected with as little as 5 ml of whole blood from BLV seropositive cows that were nonetheless normal in haematological terms. It proved to be a very sensitive technique, since it rapidly revealed the presence of the provirus, frequently at 2 weeks postinoculation and using a two-round procedure of nested PCR taking only 3 hours. Additionally, the primers used flanked a portion of the viral genome often employed to differentiate BLV type applying BamHI digestion. It is concluded that this method might offer a highly promising diagnostic tool for BLV infection.
Forty-one wild house mice (Mus musculus) were trapped in an urban area, near railways, in Santa Fe city, Argentina. Both kidneys from each mouse were removed for bacteriological and histological examination. One kidney was inoculated into Fletcher semi-solid medium and isolates were serologically typed. The other kidney was microscopically examined after hematoxylin-eosin, silver impregnation and immunohistochemical stains. Leptospires, all of them belonging to the Ballum serogroup, were isolated from 16 (39%) out of 41 samples. The presence of the agent was recorded in 18 (44%) and in 19 (46%) out of 41 silver impregnated and immunohistochemically stained samples respectively. Additionally, leptospires were detected in high number on the apical surface of epithelial cells and in the lumen of medullary tubules and they were less frequently seen on the apical surface of epithelial cells or in the lumen of the cortical tubules, which represents an unusual finding in carrier animals. Microscopic lesions consisting of focal mononuclear interstitial nephritis, glomerular shrinkage and desquamation of tubular epithelial cells were observed in 13 of 19 infected and in 10 of 22 non-infected mice; differences in presence of lesions between infected and non-infected animals were not statistically significant (P=0,14). The three techniques, culture, silver impregnation and immunohistochemistry, had a high agreement (k³0.85) and no significant differences between them were detected (P>0.05). In addition, an unusual location of leptospires in kidneys of carrier animals was reported, but a relationship between lesions and presence of leptospires could not be established.
In many industrial applications, such as the printing and coatings industry, wetting of porous materials by liquids includes not only imbibition and permeation into the bulk but also surface spreading and evaporation. By understanding these phenomena, valuable information can be obtained for improved process control, runnability and printability, in which liquid penetration and subsequent drying play important quality and economic roles. Knowledge of the position of the wetting front and the distribution/degree of pore filling within the structure is crucial in describing the transport phenomena involved. Although exemplifying paper as a porous medium in this work, the generalisation to dynamic liquid transfer onto a surface, including permeation and imbibition into porous media, is of importance to many industrial and naturally occurring environmental processes. This thesis explains the phenomena in the field of heatset web offset printing but the content and the analyses are applicable in many other printing methods and also other technologies where water/moisture monitoring is crucial in order to have a stable process and achieve high quality end products. The use of near-infrared technology to study the water and moisture response of porous pigmented structures is presented. The use of sensitive surface chemical and structural analysis, as well as the internal structure investigation of a porous structure, to inspect liquid wetting and distribution, complements the information obtained by spectroscopic techniques. Strong emphasis has been put on the scale of measurement, to filter irrelevant information and to understand the relationship between interactions involved. The near-infrared spectroscopic technique, presented here, samples directly the changes in signal absorbance and its variation in the process at multiple locations in a print production line. The in-line non-contact measurements are facilitated by using several diffuse reflectance probes, giving the absolute water/moisture content from a defined position in the dynamic process in real-time. The nearinfrared measurement data illustrate the changes in moisture content as the paper is passing through the printing nips and dryer, respectively, and the analysis of the mechanisms involved highlight the roles of the contacting surfaces and the relative liquid carrier properties of both non-image and printed image areas. The thesis includes laboratory studies on wetting of porous media in the form of coated paper and compressed pigment tablets by mono-, dual-, and multi-component liquids, and paper water/moisture content analysis in both offline and online conditions, thus also enabling direct sampling of temporal water/moisture profiles from multiple locations. One main focus in this thesis was to establish a measurement system which is able to monitor rapid changes in moisture content of paper. The study suggests that near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy can be used as a moisture sensitive system and to provide accurate online qualitative indicators, but, also, when accurately calibrated, can provide quantification of water/moisture levels, its distribution and dynamic liquid transfer. Due to the high sensitivity, samples can be measured with excellent reproducibility and good signal to noise ratio. Another focus of this thesis was on the evolution of the moisture content, i.e. changes in moisture content referred to (re)wetting, and liquid distribution during printing of coated paper. The study confirmed different wetting phases together with the factors affecting each phase both for a single droplet and a liquid film applied on a porous substrate. For a single droplet, initial capillary driven imbibition is followed by equilibrium pore filling and liquid retreat by evaporation. In the case of a liquid film applied on paper, the controlling factors defining the transportation were concluded to be the applied liquid volume in relation to surface roughness, capillarity and permeability of the coating giving the liquid uptake capacity. The printing trials confirmed moisture gradients in the printed sheet depending on process parameters such as speed, fountain solution dosage and drying conditions as well as the printed layout itself. Uneven moisture distribution in the printed sheet was identified to be one of the sources for waving appearance and the magnitude of waving was influenced by the drying conditions.