997 resultados para Sending, Ole Jacob


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Juvenile or adult fish can alter their behaviour and rely on an innate and adaptive immune system to avoid/counteract pathogens, while fish embryos have to depend on egg characteristics and may be partly protected by their developing immune system that is building up from a certain age on. We developed an infection protocol that allows testing the reaction of individual whitefish embryos (Coregonus palaea) to repeated exposures to Pseudomonas fluorescens, an opportunistic bacterial fish pathogen. We used a full-factorial in vitro breeding design to separately test the effects of paternal and maternal contributions to the embryos' susceptibility to different kinds of pathogen exposure. We found that a first non-lethal exposure had immunosuppressive effects: pre-exposed embryos were more susceptible to future challenges with the same pathogen. At intermediate and high levels of pathogen intensity, maternal effects turned out to be crucial for the embryos' tolerance to infection. Paternal (i.e. genetic) effects played a significant role at the strongest level of infection, i.e. the embryos' own genetics already explained some of the variation in embryo susceptibility. Our findings suggest that whitefish embryos are largely protected by maternally transmitted substances, but build up some own innate immunocompetence several days before hatching.


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The Cretaceous Mont Saint-Hilaire complex (Quebec, Canada) comprises three major rock units that were emplaced in the following sequence: (I) gabbros; (II) diorites; (III) diverse partly agpaitic foid syenites. The major element compositions of the rock-forming minerals, age-corrected Nd and oxygen isotope data for mineral separates and trace element data of Fe-Mg silicates from the various lithologies imply a common source for all units. The distribution of the rare earth elements in clinopyroxene from the gabbros indicates an ocean island basalt type composition for the parental magma. Gabbros record temperatures of 1200 to 800 degrees C, variable silica activities between 0 center dot 7 and 0 center dot 3, and f(O2) values between -0 center dot 5 and +0 center dot 7 (log delta FMQ, where FMQ is fayalite-magnetite-quartz). The diorites crystallized under uniform a(SiO2) (a(SiO2) = 0 center dot 4-0 center dot 5) and more reduced f(O2) conditions (log delta FMQ similar to-1) between similar to 1100 and similar to 800 degrees C. Phase equilibria in various foid syenites indicate that silica activities decrease from 0 center dot 6-0 center dot 3 at similar to 1000 degrees C to < 0 center dot 3 at similar to 550 degrees C. Release of an aqueous fluid during the transition to the hydrothermal stage caused a(SiO2) to drop to very low values, which results from reduced SiO(2) solubilities in aqueous fluids compared with silicate melts. During the hydrothermal stage, high water activities stabilized zeolite-group minerals. Fluid inclusions record a complex post-magmatic history, which includes trapping of an aqueous fluid that unmixed from the restitic foid syenitic magma. Cogenetic aqueous and carbonic fluid inclusions reflect heterogeneous trapping of coexisting immiscible external fluids in the latest evolutionary stage. The O and C isotope characteristics of fluid-inclusion hosted CO(2) and late-stage carbonates imply that the surrounding limestones were the source of the external fluids. The mineral-rich syenitic rocks at Mont Saint-Hilaire evolved as follows: first, alkalis, high field strength and large ion lithophile elements were pre-enriched in the (late) magmatic and subsequent hydrothermal stages; second, percolation of external fluids in equilibrium with the carbonate host-rocks and mixing processes with internal fluids as well as fluid-rock interaction governed dissolution of pre-existing minerals, element transport and precipitation of mineral assemblages determined by locally variable parameters. It is this hydrothermal interplay between internal and external fluids that is responsible for the mineral wealth found at Mont Saint-Hilaire.


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We study how to promote compliance with rules in everyday situations. Having access to unique data on the universe of users of all public libraries inBarcelona, we test the effect of sending email messages with dierent contents.We find that users return their items earlier if asked to do so in a simple email.Emails reminding users of the penalties associated with late returns are more effective than emails with only a generic reminder. We find differential treatmenteffects by user types. The characteristics we analyze are previous compliance,gender, age, and nationality.


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We describe an original case of disseminated infection with Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc) var. duboisii in an African patient with AIDS who migrated to Switzerland. The diagnosis of histoplasmosis was suggested using direct examination of tissues and confirmed in 24 h with a panfungal polymerase chain reaction assay. The variety duboisii of Hc was established using DNA sequencing of the polymorphic genomic region OLE. Molecular tools allow diagnosis of histoplasmosis in 24 h, which is drastically shorter than culture procedures.


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The two essential features of a decentralized economy taken intoaccount are, first, that individual agents need some informationabout other agents in order to meet potential trading partners,which requires some communication or interaction between theseagents, and second, that in general agents will face tradinguncertainty. We consider trade in a homogeneous commodity. Firmsdecide upon their effective supplies, and may create their ownmarkets by sending information signals communicating theirwillingness to sell. Meeting of potential trading partners isarranged in the form of shopping by consumers. The questions to beconsidered are: How do firms compete in such markets? And what arethe properties of an equilibrium? We establish existenceconditions for a symmetric Nash equilibrium in the firms'strategies, and analyze its characteristics. The developedframework appears to lend itself well to study many typicalphenomena of decentralized economies, such as the emergence ofcentral markets, the role of middlemen, and price-making.


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Liittynee johonkin seuraavista v. 1938/1939 käsitellyistä asioista: Isänmaallinen kansanliike, Lapuanliike, Mäntsälän kapina, Oikeudenkäynti, Painovapaus, Poliittiset tunnusmerkit, Tasavallan suojelulaki. - Puhe


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Protein content of leaf-cutting ant queens before the nuptial flight and during the post-claustral phase. This study evaluated the crude protein content of queens of Atta sexdens before the nuptial flight and after the claustral phase in laboratory and field colonies. The hypothesis was that protein is used for survival of the queen and for early colony growth during the claustral phase. Additionally, the nest morphology, live biomass and adult population of field colonies were evaluated. Crude protein was determined by digestion of the organic material with sulfuric acid at high temperatures. The mean crude protein content was 123.23 ± 11.20 mg for females before the nuptial flight and 70.44 ± 12.21 mg for laboratory-reared queens after the claustral phase. The post-claustral crude protein content of field-collected queen was 55.90 ± 9.18 mg. With respect to the loss of crude protein as a function of duration of the claustral phase, laboratory-reared queens lost 52.79 mg and field-collected queens lost 67.33 mg compared to females before the nuptial flight. A positive linear correlation was observed between the weight of field-collected queens (256.4 ± 36.3 mg) and colony biomass (13.02 ± 9.12 g), but there was no correlation between biomass and nest depth (13.11 ± 3.82 cm). As expected, the present results support the hypothesis that protein is used for survival of the queen and for early colony growth, as demonstrated by the reduction in crude protein content as a function of duration of the claustral phase. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide data of the dynamics of protein reserves in leaf-cutting ant queens during the claustral phase.


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Koska panhuilu on vasta "aloitteleva" musiikkioppilaitossoitin, sille ei vielä ole valmiita tasokurssiohjelmistotaulukoita. Panhuilunsoiton opetuksen aloittamisen edellytyksenä on kurssivaatimusten ja ohjelmistoluetteloiden laatiminen myös perusasteelle ja musiikkiopistoasteelle (I/D). Työn tarkoituksena oli siis laatia panhuilulle peruskurssien 1-3 ja I-tason kurssivaatimukset ja tutkinto-ohjelmistoluettelot. Työ sisältää myös tasosuoritusten arviointiohjeet ja osion opettajalle, jossa esitellään tasosuoritukseen sopivia esimerkkisävellyksiä soitinkoulujen, etydivihkojen ja kokoelmavihkojen sisällöistä. Näin opettaja tai itsenäisesti opiskeleva harrastaja pystyy sijoittamaan muitakin teoksia eri suoritustasoille. Aineisto koostuu panhuilulle sävelletyn materiaalin lisäksi oboe-, poikkihuilu-, nokkahuilu-, ja viulukirjallisuudesta, joita olen kerännyt Sibelius-Akatemian, Helsingin Konservatorion sekä Helsingin kaupunginkirjastoista. Nimittäin varsinaisesti panhuilulle sävellettyjä kappaleita on erittäin vähän ja ne ovat vaihtelevan tasoisia. Tasosuoritusten arviointiohjeita käyttäen keräsin kirjastoista tai ostin sopivat nuottimateriaalit ja mapitin kaikki kokoelmavihkot, soitinkoulut ja säestykselliset sävellykset. Tämän jälkeen lajittelin materiaalit omiin kansioihinsa tasokurssien mukaan. Ohjelmistotaulukot ovat eriteltyinä kunkin tasokurssin mukaan. Ne sisältävät seuraavia osa-alueita: soitinkoulut, etydit, kokoelmat, säestykselliset sävellykset, sarjat, konsertot, sonaatit ja kamarimusiikki. Näiden lisäksi jokaiselle tasokurssille on mukana asteikkovaatimukset. Opinnäytetyö on samalla pieni ohjekirja panhuiluopettajalle tai itsenäisesti opiskelevalle oppilaalle: hän saa tietoa panhuilun hengitystekniikasta ja ansatsista verrattuna poikkihuiluun ja oboeen sekä siitä, mitä liikkeitä hänen tulisi varoa soittaessaan panhuilua. Tämän tyyppinen tieto on tärkeää, sillä panhuilu on hyvin fyysinen soitin ja jos sitä "väärinkäyttää", se saattaa aiheuttaa nuorelle oppilaalle pysyviä niskavammoja tms. Osaa aineistosta olen päässyt kokeilemaan eritasoisilla ja -ikäisillä oppilailla Raahessa kesällä 2006 pidetyllä panhuiluleirillä.