997 resultados para Sediment Type
This report gives a comprehensive general description of the scientific activities of Cruise 2 of R. R. S. 'Discovery'. These were largely geological and geophysical and were part of the British contribution to the International Indian Ocean Expedition. In addition to the thirteen geophysicists and geologists on board, there were five scientists involved in ocean chemistry, temperature measurements and ornithology making continuous observations - their accounts are also included. The report of a geological expediton ashore in the Seychelles is given in section 6.
A large manganese nodule (manganese slab) was dredged from 2100 m on the Scott Plateau by R.V. Valdivia in 1977. It is an irregular ellipsoid, with a maximum dimension of 28 cm, parallel to the sea floor. Chemical analyses show that Mn and Fe proportions are comparable, and total Ni + Cu + Co content averages 0.7%. The nodule has a complex growth history which started with radial upward growth leading to coalescing into a continuous crust. The crust was coated with horizontal layers. After fracturing and infilling of cracks with calcareous sediment, further layers encased the nodule.
The analyses of the samples from the Balfour Shoal show that these deposits contain a very large quantity of carbonate of lime, ranging from 88.7 per cent, on the summit to 71.9 per cent, in the deeper water at the base of the cone. The decrease in the quantity of carbonate of lime with increase of depth is not quite regular; still, a general fall in the percentage of lime is clearly indicated from shallower to deeper water. As might be expected in such a circumscribed area, there is a great uniformity both in the chemical composition and relative abundance of the organic and inorganic constituents of the deposits. In all cases the carbonate of lime is almost wholly made up of the dead shells which have fallen from the surface waters - belonging to Plankton organisms such as Pteropods, Heteropods, pelagic Foraminifera and coccoliths. The calcareous shells were in very many cases discoloured brown or black by depositions of the peroxide of manganese. On the north-east steep side of the Balfour Shoal there were indications that depositions of manganese peroxide were more abundant than elsewhere. In 1645 fathoms, there was an angular fragment of a mottled yellowish jasper coated with manganese peroxide, and in 1570 fathoms there were three characteristic spherical black manganese nodules from one-half to three-fourths of an inch in diameter, quite similar to those procured by the Challenger in many areas of the Pacific and Atlantic. In one of these nodules the nucleus was a sub-angular fragment of a light-coloured augite-granophyre.
Lipid contents in the upper layer of bottom sediments in the Baltic Sea range from 0.37 to 2.66 mg/g (1.2-25.8% Corg). It is shown that the main factors determining composition of lipids in bottom precipitates are relative roles of different sources of lipids in sediments and conditions of sediment accumulation. Runoff of the Daugava River into the Gulf of Riga contributes simple low-polarity lipids. Sterols and certain bound fatty acids originate in living organic matter. Polar lipids are formed by inheritance of complex phospholipids and glycolipids from plankton and/or by formation of polycondensates.
Contents of free lipids in the upper layers of slightly siliceous diatomaceous oozes from the South Atlantic and of calcareous foraminiferal oozes, of coral sediments and of red clays from the western tropical Pacific amount varies from 0.014 to 0.057% of dry sediment. Their content is inversely proportional to total content of organic matter. Relative content of low-polar compounds in total amount of lipids and content of hydrocarbons, fatty acids, and sterols in the composition of these compounds can serve as an index of degree of transformation of organic matter in sediment because these compounds are resistant to various degree to microbial and hydrolytic decomposition and, consequently, are selectively preserved under conditions of biodegradation of organic compounds during oxydation-reduction processes.
DSDP 162 is located due north of DSDP 161 on the lower west flank of the East Pacific Rise about 3900 km west of the crest. It is in the Clarion-Clipperton block, about 80 km south of the Clarion Fracture Zone. The site lies at the extreme northern edge of the zone of thick sediments that parallels the equator in the Pacific and marks the region of high biological productivity.
The cores described were taken by the personnel of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) on the T3 Antarctic Ice Island in the Arctic Ocean from 1953 until 1969. The recovered cores are available at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for sampling and study.
The cores described were taken by the personnel of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) on the Drift Station Alpha in the Arctic Ocean from August 1957 until June 1958. A total of 16 cores were recovered and are available at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for sampling and study.
Manganese nodules from the Campbell Plateau and Macquarie Ridge have been chemically analysed and their compositions compared with other Pacific nodules. No significant differences in composition are apparent. Foraminifera from nodule nucleii are late Tertiary or Quaternary, indicating the late geological formation of manganese nodules in this region. Nodule formation may be related to late Tertiary or Quaternary submarine volcanism.
This Monograph on Deep-Sea Deposits forms the penultimate volume of the Official Reports on the Scientific Results of the Challenger Expedition. The work connected with the examination and study of the samples of Deep-Sea Deposits, and the preparation of this Report for the press have occupied a very large part of the author's time and attention for nearly twenty years, and his colleague, Professor A. F. Renard, has also given much of his time to the same studies during the past fourteen years. They hope that the completed work may be regarded as an interesting contribution to our knowledge of the ocean, and prove useful to a large number of scientific men, as it is the first attempt to deal systematically with Deep-Sea Deposits, and the Geology of the sea-bed throughout the whole extent of the ocean. There are three Appendices to the volume, the first containing an explanation of the Charts and Diagrams; the second a Report on the Analysis of Manganese Nodules, by John Gibson, Ph.D., of Edinburgh University; and the third Analyses of Deposits and materials from the Deposits by various analysts.
The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the ARIES Expedition from November 1970 until October 1971 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Thomas Washington. A total of 65 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.
The Atlantic Advisory Panel proposed that Site 8 should be drilled on the rise between the Hatteras and Sohm Abyssal Plains (lat 35° 2l'N., long 67° 3l'W.) This location was considered to offer the best opportunity for realizing two primary objectives. The first of these objectives was to sample and date the oldest available rock in a region adjacent to the North American continent and as far as possible from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The second objective relates to the potential paleobiological and paleoecological information that could be derived from the sedimentary column in this general area.
Site 12 of this report formerly was designated 14 by the Atlantic Advisory Panel. It was drilled in the Cape Verde Basin (latitude 19° 42'N, longitude 26° 01'W), which is underlain by 2000 to 2100 feet (0.9 to 1.1 seconds reflection time) of sediment. The bottom topography of the basin is fairly smooth but not to the degree of an abyssal plain. Site 12 was selected to provide material for paleontological investigations.
DSDP 159 is one of a series of sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific on the west flank of the East Pacific Rise. It was selected by the Pacific Site Selection Panel on the premise that if hydrothermal processes on the crest of the East Pacific Rise supply the transition metals, a broad zone of such deposits should be present immediately above basement over the entire flank of the Rise.