970 resultados para Santos inner continental shelf
La Energía eléctrica producida mediante tecnología eólica flotante es uno de los recursos más prometedores para reducir la dependencia de energía proveniente de combustibles fósiles. Esta tecnología es de especial interés en países como España, donde la plataforma continental es estrecha y existen pocas áreas para el desarrollo de estructuras fijas. Entre los diferentes conceptos flotantes, esta tesis se ha ocupado de la tipología semisumergible. Estas plataformas pueden experimentar movimientos resonantes en largada y arfada. En largada, dado que el periodo de resonancia es largo estos puede ser inducidos por efectos de segundo orden de deriva lenta que pueden tener una influencia muy significativa en las cargas en los fondeos. En arfada las fuerzas de primer orden pueden inducir grandes movimientos y por tanto la correcta determinación del amortiguamiento es esencial para la analizar la operatividad de la plataforma. Esta tesis ha investigado estos dos efectos, para ello se ha usado como caso base el diseño de una plataforma desarrollada en el proyecto Europeo Hiprwind. La plataforma se compone de 3 columnas cilíndricas unidas mediante montantes estructurales horizontales y diagonales, Los cilindros proporcionan flotabilidad y momentos adrizante. A la base de cada columna se le ha añadido un gran “Heave Plate” o placa de cierre. El diseño es similar a otros diseños previos (Windfloat). Se ha fabricado un modelo a escala de una de las columnas para el estudio detallado del amortiguamiento mediante oscilaciones forzadas. Las dimensiones del modelo (1m diámetro en la placa de cierre) lo hacen, de los conocidos por el candidato, el mayor para el que se han publicado datos. El diseño del cilindro se ha realizado de tal manera que permite la fijación de placas de cierre planas o con refuerzo, ambos modelos se han fabricado y analizado. El modelo con refuerzos es una reproducción exacta del diseño a escala real incluyendo detalles distintivos del mismo, siendo el más importante la placa vertical perimetral. Los ensayos de oscilaciones forzadas se han realizado para un rango de frecuencias, tanto para el disco plano como el reforzado. Se han medido las fuerzas durante los ensayos y se han calculado los coeficientes de amortiguamiento y de masa añadida. Estos coeficientes son necesarios para el cálculo del fondeo mediante simulaciones en el dominio del tiempo. Los coeficientes calculados se han comparado con la literatura existente, con cálculos potenciales y por ultimo con cálculos CFD. Para disponer de información relevante para el diseño estructural de la plataforma se han medido y analizado experimentalmente las presiones en la parte superior e inferior de cada placa de cierre. Para la correcta estimación numérica de las fuerzas de deriva lenta en la plataforma se ha realizado una campaña experimental que incluye ensayos con modelo cautivo de la plataforma completa en olas bicromaticas. Pese a que estos experimentos no reproducen un escenario de oleaje realista, los mismos permiten una verificación del modelo numérico mediante la comparación de fuerzas medidas en el modelo físico y el numérico. Como resultados de esta tesis podemos enumerar las siguientes conclusiones. 1. El amortiguamiento y la masa añadida muestran una pequeña dependencia con la frecuencia pero una gran dependencia con la amplitud del movimiento. siendo coherente con investigaciones existentes. 2. Las medidas con la placa de cierre reforzada con cierre vertical en el borde, muestra un amortiguamiento significativamente menor comparada con la placa plana. Esto implica que para ensayos de canal es necesario incluir estos detalles en el modelo. 3. La masa añadida no muestra grandes variaciones comparando placa plana y placa con refuerzos. 4. Un coeficiente de amortiguamiento del 6% del crítico se puede considerar conservador para el cálculo en el dominio de la frecuencia. Este amortiguamiento es equivalente a un coeficiente de “drag” de 4 en elementos de Morison cuadráticos en las placas de cierre usadas en simulaciones en el dominio del tiempo. 5. Se han encontrado discrepancias en algunos valores de masa añadida y amortiguamiento de la placa plana al comparar con datos publicados. Se han propuesto algunas explicaciones basadas en las diferencias en la relación de espesores, en la distancia a la superficie libre y también relacionadas con efectos de escala. 6. La presión en la placa con refuerzos son similares a las de la placa plana, excepto en la zona del borde donde la placa con refuerzo vertical induce una gran diferencias de presiones entre la cara superior e inferior. 7. La máxima diferencia de presión escala coherentemente con la fuerza equivalente a la aceleración de la masa añadida distribuida sobre la placa. 8. Las masas añadidas calculadas con el código potencial (WADAM) no son suficientemente precisas, Este software no contempla el modelado de placas de pequeño espesor con dipolos, la poca precisión de los resultados aumenta la importancia de este tipo de elementos al realizar simulaciones con códigos potenciales para este tipo de plataformas que incluyen elementos de poco espesor. 9. Respecto al código CFD (Ansys CFX) la precisión de los cálculos es razonable para la placa plana, esta precisión disminuye para la placa con refuerzo vertical en el borde, como era de esperar dado la mayor complejidad del flujo. 10. Respecto al segundo orden, los resultados, en general, muestran que, aunque la tendencia en las fuerzas de segundo orden se captura bien con los códigos numéricos, se observan algunas reducciones en comparación con los datos experimentales. Las diferencias entre simulaciones y datos experimentales son mayores al usar la aproximación de Newman, que usa únicamente resultados de primer orden para el cálculo de las fuerzas de deriva media. 11. Es importante remarcar que las tendencias observadas en los resultados con modelo fijo cambiarn cuando el modelo este libre, el impacto que los errores en las estimaciones de fuerzas segundo orden tienen en el sistema de fondeo dependen de las condiciones ambientales que imponen las cargas ultimas en dichas líneas. En cualquier caso los resultados que se han obtenido en esta investigación confirman que es necesaria y deseable una detallada investigación de los métodos usados en la estimación de las fuerzas no lineales en las turbinas flotantes para que pueda servir de guía en futuros diseños de estos sistemas. Finalmente, el candidato espera que esta investigación pueda beneficiar a la industria eólica offshore en mejorar el diseño hidrodinámico del concepto semisumergible. ABSTRACT Electrical power obtained from floating offshore wind turbines is one of the promising resources which can reduce the fossil fuel energy consumption and cover worldwide energy demands. The concept is the most competitive in countries, such as Spain, where the continental shelf is narrow and does not provide space for fixed structures. Among the different floating structures concepts, this thesis has dealt with the semisubmersible one. Platforms of this kind may experience resonant motions both in surge and heave directions. In surge, since the platform natural period is long, such resonance can be excited with second order slow drift forces and may have substantial influence on mooring loads. In heave, first order forces can induce significant motion, whose damping is a crucial factor for the platform downtime. These two topics have been investigated in this thesis. To this aim, a design developed during HiPRWind EU project, has been selected as reference case study. The platform is composed of three cylindrical legs, linked together by a set of structural braces. The cylinders provide buoyancy and restoring forces and moments. Large circular heave plates have been attached to their bases. The design is similar to other documented in literature (e.g. Windfloat), which implies outcomes could have a general value. A large scale model of one of the legs has been built in order to study heave damping through forced oscillations. The final dimensions of the specimen (one meter diameter discs) make it, to the candidate’s knowledge, the largest for which data has been published. The model design allows for the fitting of either a plain solid heave plate or a flapped reinforced one; both have been built. The latter is a model scale reproduction of the prototype heave plate and includes some distinctive features, the most important being the inclusion of a vertical flap on its perimeter. The forced oscillation tests have been conducted for a range of frequencies and amplitudes, with both the solid plain model and the vertical flap one. Forces have been measured, from which added mass and damping coefficients have been obtained. These are necessary to accurately compute time-domain simulations of mooring design. The coefficients have been compared with literature, and potential flow and CFD predictions. In order to provide information for the structural design of the platform, pressure measurements on the top and bottom side of the heave discs have been recorded and pressure differences analyzed. In addition, in order to conduct a detailed investigation on the numerical estimations of the slow-drift forces of the HiPRWind platform, an experimental campaign involving captive (fixed) model tests of a model of the whole platform in bichromatic waves has been carried out. Although not reproducing the more realistic scenario, these tests allowed a preliminary verification of the numerical model based directly on the forces measured on the structure. The following outcomes can be enumerated: 1. Damping and added mass coefficients show, on one hand, a small dependence with frequency and, on the other hand, a large dependence with the motion amplitude, which is coherent with previously published research. 2. Measurements with the prototype plate, equipped with the vertical flap, show that damping drops significantly when comparing this to the plain one. This implies that, for tank tests of the whole floater and turbine, the prototype plate, equipped with the flap, should be incorporated to the model. 3. Added mass values do not suffer large alterations when comparing the plain plate and the one equipped with a vertical flap. 4. A conservative damping coefficient equal to 6% of the critical damping can be considered adequate for the prototype heave plate for frequency domain analysis. A corresponding drag coefficient equal to 4.0 can be used in time domain simulations to define Morison elements. 5. When comparing to published data, some discrepancies in added mass and damping coefficients for the solid plain plate have been found. Explanations have been suggested, focusing mainly on differences in thickness ratio and distance to the free surface, and eventual scale effects. 6. Pressures on the plate equipped with the vertical flap are similar in magnitude to those of the plain plate, even though substantial differences are present close to the edge, where the flap induces a larger pressure difference in the reinforced case. 7. The maximum pressure difference scales coherently with the force equivalent to the acceleration of the added mass, distributed over the disc surface. 8. Added mass coefficient values predicted with the potential solver (WADAM) are not accurate enough. The used solver does not contemplate modeling thin plates with doublets. The relatively low accuracy of the results highlights the importance of these elements when performing potential flow simulations of offshore platforms which include thin plates. 9. For the full CFD solver (Ansys CFX), the accuracy of the computations is found reasonable for the plain plate. Such accuracy diminishes for the disc equipped with a vertical flap, an expected result considering the greater complexity of the flow. 10. In regards to second order effects, in general, the results showed that, although the main trend in the behavior of the second-order forces is well captured by the numerical predictions, some under prediction of the experimental values is visible. The gap between experimental and numerical results is more pronounced when Newman’s approximation is considered, making use exclusively of the mean drift forces calculated in the first-order solution. 11. It should be observed that the trends observed in the fixed model test may change when the body is free to float, and the impact that eventual errors in the estimation of the second-order forces may have on the mooring system depends on the characteristics of the sea conditions that will ultimately impose the maximum loads on the mooring lines. Nevertheless, the preliminary results obtained in this research do confirm that a more detailed investigation of the methods adopted for the estimation of the nonlinear wave forces on the FOWT would be welcome and may provide some further guidance for the design of such systems. As a final remark, the candidate hopes this research can benefit the offshore wind industry in improving the hydrodynamic design of the semi-submersible concept.
Marine diatoms require dissolved silicate to form an external shell, and their growth becomes Si-limited when the atomic ratio of silicate to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (Si:DIN) approaches 1:1, also known as the “Redfield ratio.” Fundamental changes in the diatom-to-zooplankton-to-higher trophic level food web should occur when this ratio falls below 1:1 and the proportion of diatoms in the phytoplankton community is reduced. We quantitatively substantiate these predictions by using a variety of data from the Mississippi River continental shelf, a system in which the Si:DIN loading ratio has declined from around 3:1 to 1:1 during this century because of land-use practices in the watershed. We suggest that, on this shelf, when the Si:DIN ratio in the river decreases to less than 1:1, then (i) copepod abundance changes from >75% to <30% of the total mesozooplankton, (ii) zooplankton fecal pellets become a minor component of the in situ primary production consumed, and (iii) bottom-water oxygen consumption rates become less dependent on relatively fast-sinking (diatom-rich) organic matter packaged mostly as zooplankton fecal pellets. This coastal ecosystem appears to be a pelagic food web dynamically poised to be either a food web composed of diatoms and copepods or one with potentially disruptive harmful algal blooms. The system is directed between these two ecosystem states by Mississippi River water quality, which is determined by land-use practices far inland.
Insight into the dependence of benthic communities on biological and physical processes in nearshore pelagic environments, long considered a “black box,” has eluded ecologists. In rocky intertidal communities at Oregon coastal sites 80 km apart, differences in abundance of sessile invertebrates, herbivores, carnivores, and macrophytes in the low zone were not readily explained by local scale differences in hydrodynamic or physical conditions (wave forces, surge flow, or air temperature during low tide). Field experiments employing predator and herbivore manipulations and prey transplants suggested top-down (predation, grazing) processes varied positively with bottom-up processes (growth of filter-feeders, prey recruitment), but the basis for these differences was unknown. Shore-based sampling revealed that between-site differences were associated with nearshore oceanographic conditions, including phytoplankton concentration and productivity, particulates, and water temperature during upwelling. Further, samples taken at 19 sites along 380 km of coastline suggested that the differences documented between two sites reflect broader scale gradients of phytoplankton concentration. Among several alternative explanations, a coastal hydrodynamics hypothesis, reflecting mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometers) variation in the interaction between offshore currents and winds and continental shelf bathymetry, was inferred to be the primary underlying cause. Satellite imagery and offshore chlorophyll-a samples are consistent with the postulated mechanism. Our results suggest that benthic community dynamics can be coupled to pelagic ecosystems by both trophic and transport linkages.
Humans transformed Western Atlantic coastal marine ecosystems before modern ecological investigations began. Paleoecological, archeological, and historical reconstructions demonstrate incredible losses of large vertebrates and oysters from the entire Atlantic coast. Untold millions of large fishes, sharks, sea turtles, and manatees were removed from the Caribbean in the 17th to 19th centuries. Recent collapses of reef corals and seagrasses are due ultimately to losses of these large consumers as much as to more recent changes in climate, eutrophication, or outbreaks of disease. Overfishing in the 19th century reduced vast beds of oysters in Chesapeake Bay and other estuaries to a few percent of pristine abundances and promoted eutrophication. Mechanized harvesting of bottom fishes like cod set off a series of trophic cascades that eliminated kelp forests and then brought them back again as fishers fished their way down food webs to small invertebrates. Lastly, but most pervasively, mechanized harvesting of the entire continental shelf decimated large, long-lived fishes and destroyed three-dimensional habitats built up by sessile corals, bryozoans, and sponges. The universal pattern of losses demonstrates that no coastal ecosystem is pristine and few wild fisheries are sustainable along the entire Western Atlantic coast. Reconstructions of ecosystems lost only a century or two ago demonstrate attainable goals of establishing large and effective marine reserves if society is willing to pay the costs. Historical reconstructions provide a new scientific framework for manipulative experiments at the ecosystem scale to explore the feasibility and benefits of protection of our living coastal resources.
En este trabajo se describe el cambio de la línea de costa en la parte sur de la provincia de Alicante para los últimos 15.000 años. Se ha obtenido integrando datos de diferentes fuentes y especialmente de perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución marinos de la plataforma continental anexa. Se han distinguido 10 periodos. Comienza con la transgresión marina tras la última glaciación, le sigue la formación del sinus ilicitanus entre los años 4000 y 3000 a. C., y finaliza con un lento proceso de desecación hasta la actualidad, reducido a las lagunas del Fondo y Salinas de Santa Pola.
En este trabajo se describe el cambio de la línea de costa en la parte sur de la provincia de Alicante para los últimos 15.000 años. Se ha obtenido integrando datos de diferentes fuentes y especialmente de perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución marinos de la plataforma continental anexa. Se han distinguido 10 periodos. Comienza con la transgresión marina tras la última glaciación, le sigue la formación del sinus ilicitanus entre los años 4.000 y 3.000 AC, y finaliza con un lento proceso de desecación hasta la actualidad, reducido a las lagunas del Fondo y Salinas de Santa Pola.
The Bajo Segura Basin (eastern Betic Cordillera) is a Mediterranean marginal basin where the Messinian Erosional Surface (MES), formed during the Messinian Salinity Crisis sea-level fall, is well developed. Overlying this major discontinuity the lower Pliocene transgressive sediments record the reflooding of the Mediterranean and the return to an open marine environment, the continental shelf being rebuilt after the Messinian erosion. The stratigraphic and biostratigraphic study of six sections allows two transgressive-regressive sequences filling the MES to be distinguished, correlated with the previously distinguished Mediterranean offshore seismic units. Ten calcareous nannofossil bioevents have been identified. The lower sequence can be dated according to nannofossil biozones NN12 to NN14 and the upper sequence by NN15 to NN16. The boundary between both lower Pliocene sedimentary sequences occur after the first common occurrence (FCO) of Discoaster asymmetricus found in the uppermost sediments of the lower sequence and before the first occurrence (FO) of Discoaster tamalis in the lowermost part of the upper sequence. Thus this sequence boundary can be estimated at between 4.1 and 4.0Ma ago.
The decision passed by the International Court of Justice in The Hague in February 2009, which finally determined the status of the Snake Island and the delimitation of the borders of Ukraine’s and Romania’s exclusive economic zones on the Black Sea’s continental shelf removed the major dispute from the agenda of relations between the two countries but it failed to reduce their mutual distrust. The sources of this distrust include the difficult history of Ukrainian-Romanian relations in the 20th century which is still adversely affecting political and economic co-operation between these two countries and preventing them from being free from resentments. Romania is the only EU member state and neighbour with which Ukraine has strained relations, which have been seriously deadlocked for years. There are a few political and economic reasons for this. Bucharest’s actions taken with regard to the Romanian and Moldovan national minorities in Ukraine are interpreted in Kyiv as a threat to Ukraine’s national security, and Romania’s political and economic activity in the Black Sea basin is perceived as contrary to Ukrainian interests in this region. In effect, although Romania supports Ukraine’s efforts to build closer relations with the Western structures in the international arena, it cannot be ruled out that Romania’s support will depend on the resolution of bilateral disputes in a way which is favourable to Romania.
Se describe la composición de especies, distribución, abundancia y frecuencia de paralarvas de cefalópodos en el mar peruano. Se determinó un total de 14 familias, 8 géneros, 4 especies en un total de 1109 muestras de zooplancton colectadas con red Hensen a 50 metros de profundidad desde la superficie, proveniente de 8 cruceros de investigación ejecutados durante los años 2013 y 2014; siendo las especies más dominantes Argonauta spp. (41.4%) y Abraliopsis sp. (6.4%); y las familias Ommastrephidae (13%), Octopodidae (9.1%), Gonatidae (3.9%) y Pyroteuthidae (3.7%). Las paralarvas mostraron una distribución espacial y una relación especie-específica con las masas de agua. Las especies de Argonauta spp. estuvieron relacionadas con ASS, ACF y AES/ATS, y el aumento de sus abundancias relacionadas con el aumento de temperatura; la familia Ommastrephidae relacionadas con ASS y ACF, con una distribución oceánica; la familia Octopodidae distribuida solo en el norte-centro dentro de la plataforma continental; la familia Gonatidae asociadas únicamente a ACF; mientras que las familias Onychoteuthidae y Pyroteuthidae no mostraron patrón de distribución ni preferencia por alguna masa de agua específica.
Thirty-five box cores were collected from the continental shelf in the Ross Sea during cruises in January and February, 1983. Pb-210 and Pu-239, 240 geochronologies coupled with biogenic-silica measurements were used to calculate accumulation rates of biogenic silica. Sediment in the southern Ross Sea accumulates at rates ranging from <=0.6 to 2.7 mm/y, with the highest values occurring in the southwestern Ross Sea. Biogenic-silica content in surface sediments ranges from 2% (by weight) in Sulzberger Bay and the eastern Ross Sea to 41% in the southwestern Ross Sea. Biogenic-silica accumulation in the southwestern Ross Sea averages 2.7 * 10**-2 g/cm**2/y and is comparable to accumulation rates in high-productivity, upwelling environments from low-latitude continental margins (e.g., Gulf of California, coast of Peru). The total rate of biogenic-silica accumulation in the southern Ross Sea is approximately 0.2 * 10**14 g/y, with most of the accumulation occurring in basins (500-1000 m water depth). If biogenic-silica accumulation in the southern Ross Sea continental shelf is typical of other basins on the Antarctic continental shelf, as much as 1.2 * 10**14 g/y of silica could be accumulating in these deposits. Biogenic-silica accumulation on the Antarctic continental shelf may account for as much as a fourth of the dissolved silica supplied to the world ocean by rivers and hydrothermal vents.