982 resultados para Salvinia minima
Changes in the intermediate water structure of the North Atlantic were reconstructed using benthic foraminiferal delta13C at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site 982 for the past 1.0 Myr. During most terminations of the late Pleistocene, melting of icebergs and low-salinity surface waters caused production of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water to cease, resulting in decreased ventilation of the middepth North Atlantic. Poor ventilation of intermediate water masses lasted well into some interglacial stages until upper North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) production resumed under full interglacial conditions. The magnitude of benthic delta13C minima and ice-rafted debris maxima at terminations at site 982 generally match the degree of glacial suppression of NADW inferred from site 607. These processes may be related and controlled by the spatial and seasonal extent of sea ice cover during glaciations in the Nordic Seas.
Measurements of Fe(II) and H2O2 were carried out in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during EisenEx, an iron enrichment experiment. Iron was added on three separate occasions, approximately every 8 days, as a ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) solution. Vertical profiles of Fe(II) showed maxima consistent with the plume of the iron infusion. While H2O2 profiles revealed a corresponding minima showing the effect of oxidation of Fe(II) by H2O2, observations showed detectable Fe(II) concentrations existed for up to 8 days after an iron infusion. H2O2 concentrations increased at the depth of the chlorophyll maximum when iron concentrations returned to pre-infusion concentrations (<80 pM) possibly due to biological production related to iron reductase activity. In this work, Fe(II) and dissolved iron were used as tracers themselves for subsequent iron infusions when no further SF6 was added. EisenEx was subject to periods of weak and strong mixing. Slow mixing after the second infusion allowed significant concentrations of Fe(II) and Fe to exist for several days. During this time, dissolved and total iron in the infusion plume behaved almost conservatively as it was trapped between a relict mixed layer and a new rain-induced mixed layer. Using dissolved iron, a value for the vertical diffusion coefficient Kz=6.7±0.7 cm**2/s was obtained for this 2-day period. During a subsequent surface survey of the iron-enriched patch, elevated levels of Fe(II) were found in surface waters presumably from Fe(II) dissolved in the rainwater that was falling at this time. Model results suggest that the reaction between uncomplexed Fe(III) and O2? was a significant source of Fe(II) during EisenEx and helped to maintain high levels of Fe(II) in the water column. This phenomenon may occur in iron enrichment experiments when two conditions are met: (i) When Fe is added to a system already saturated with regard to organic complexation and (ii) when mixing processes are slow, thereby reducing the dispersion of iron into under-saturated waters.
The observation that Greenland and Antarctic temperatures have followed a specific 'asymmetrical' pattern on millennial time-scales sets rigid constraints on any viable theory of abrupt climate change. The further observation that the very same asymmetry is also reflected in planktonic and benthic d18O measurements from the Northeast Atlantic has extended this constraint to include a specific response in the ocean. Here we present records of deep-water temperature, d18O and d13C variability from the Northeast Atlantic that help to shed light on the links between overturning circulation perturbations, sea-level variability and inter-hemispheric climate change on millennial time-scales. Results indicate that while deep-water temperatures in the Northeast Atlantic have tracked Greenland climate, the d18O signature of local deepwater (d18Odw) has varied in a manner more reminiscent of Antarctic temperature variability. The previously identified correspondence of Antarctic warm events with benthic d18O minima in the Northeast Atlantic is thus found to apply specifically to d18Odw minima, and to extend beyond Marine Isotope Stage 3 to the entirety of the last 50 ka. It is impossible to reconcile completely the Iberian Margin d18Odw record with existing reconstructions of millennial sea-level variability, leading to the conclusion that a significant portion of the d18Odw record must represent local hydrographic change. This is supported by benthic d13C measurements, which suggest the incursion during Greenland stadials of a colder, low-d18O and low-d13C water-mass, of presumed Antarctic origin. These observations confirm a one-to-one coupling of inter-hemispheric climate events with changes in the Atlantic overturning circulation, but fail to rule in or out a unique mechanism by which they were triggered.
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the carbon isotope composition of the epifaunal benthic foraminifera Epistominella exigua and Fontbotia wuellerstorfi have been investigated along core MD02-2589 located at the southern Agulhas Plateau (41°26.03'S, 25°15.30'E, 2660 m water depth). This study aims to evaluate changes in the benthic paleoenvironment and its influence on benthic d13C with a notable focus on E. exigua, a species associated with phytodetritus deposits and poorly studied in isotope paleoceanographic reconstructions. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages (>63 µm) show large fluctuations in species composition suggesting significant changes in the pattern of ocean surface productivity conceivably related to migrations of the Subtropical Convergence (STC) and Subantarctic Front (SAF). Low to moderate seasonality and relatively higher food supply to the seafloor are indicated during glacial marine isotope stages (MIS) 6, 4, and 2 and during MIS 3, probably associated with the northward migration of the SAF and confluence with the more stationary STC above the southern flank of the Agulhas Plateau. The lowest organic carbon supply to the seafloor is indicated from late MIS 5b to MIS 4 as a consequence of increased influence of the Agulhas Front (AF) and/or weakening of the influence of the STC over the region. Episodic delivery of fresh organic matter, similar to modern conditions at the core location, is indicated during MIS 5c-MIS 5e and at Termination I. Comparison of this paleoenvironmental information with the paired d13C records of E. exigua and F. wuellerstorfi suggests that organic carbon offsets d13C of E. exigua from ambient bottom water d13CDIC, while its d13C amplitude, on glacial-interglacial timescales, does not seem affected by changes of organic carbon supply to the seafloor. This suggests that this species calcifies preferentially during the short time span of the year when productivity peaks and phytodetritus is delivered to the seafloor. Therefore E. exigua, while offset from d13CDIC, potentially more faithfully records the amplitude of ambient bottom water d13CDIC changes than F. wuellerstorfi, notably in settings such as the Southern Ocean that experienced substantial changes through time in the organic carbon supply to the seafloor.
The presence of gas hydrates on the Blake Ridge diapir, northeastern Atlantic Ocean, offers an opportunity to study the impact of methane seepage on the ecology and geochemistry of benthic foraminifera in the late Holocene. Three push cores, covering a time span of ~ 1000 yrs, were retrieved from three distinct microhabitats at the top of the diapir at a water depth of ~ 2150 m: (i) sediments away from seepage (control core), (ii) sediments overlain by clusters of methanotrophic and thiotrophic bivalves, and (iii) chemoautotrophic microbial mats. The foraminiferal assemblages at the two seep sites are marked by a reduction in benthic foraminiferal species diversity, coupled with a near-absence of agglutinated species. However, an opportunistic population rise in CH4- or H2S-tolerant calcareous species (e.g., Globocassidulina subglobosa and Cassidulina laevigata) that utilize the abundant trophic resources at the seeps has led to an increase in the overall assemblage density there. The delta18O and delta13C values of three species of benthic foraminifera - Gyroidinoides laevigatus, Globocassidulina subglobosa, and Uvigerina peregrina - and the planktonic species Globorotalia menardii were acquired from all three cores. The benthic species from methane seeps yield delta13C values of 0.1 to - 4.2 (per mil VPDB), that are distinctly more 13C-depleted relative to the delta13C of 0.4 to - 1.0 (per mil VPDB) at the control (off seep) site. The species from a mussel-bed site exhibit more negative delta13C values than those from microbial mats, possibly reflecting different food sources and higher rate of anaerobic oxidation of methane. The positive delta13C values in the paired planktonic species suggest that authigenic carbonate precipitation did not overprint the observed 13C depletions. Hence the probable cause of negative delta13C of benthic foraminifera is primary calcification from Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) containing mixed carbon fractions from (a) highly 13C-depleted, microbially-oxidized methane and (b) a seawater source.
Late Pleistocene signals of calcium carbonate, organic carbon, and opaline silica concentration and accumulation are documented in a series of cores from a zonal/meridional/depth transect in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean to reconstruct the regional sedimentary history. Spectral analysis reveals that maxima and minima in biogenous sedimentation occur with glacial-interglacial cyclicity as a function of both (1) primary production at the sea surface modulated by orbitally forced variation in trade wind zonality and (2) destruction at the seafloor by variation in the chemical character of advected intermediate and deep water from high latitudes modulated by high-latitude ice volume. From these results a pattern emerges in which the relative proportion of signal variance from the productivity signal centered on the precessional (23 kyr) band decreases while that of the destruction signal centered on the obliquity (41 kyr) and eccentricity (100 kyr) periods increases below ~3600-m ocean depth.
Two hundred and seventy five mollusc species from the continental shelf off Southern Spanish Sahara (depth: 32-60 m) were identified. Their distribution pattern is strongly influenced by the nature of the bottom (firm substrate, shelter, stability of sediment) rather than other factors at that depth interval. This faunal assemblage shows great affinity to the Mediterranean and Lusitanian faunas, and comprises only few (22 %) exclusively Senegalese and species living south of Senegal.