952 resultados para SEXUAL BEHAVIOR
Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) have shown to be promising sustainable media for a wide range of applications. Nonetheless, very limited data is available on the properties of these solvents. A more comprehensive body of data on NADES is required for a deeper understanding of these solvents at molecular level, which will undoubtedly foster the development of new applications. NADES based on choline chloride, organic acids, amino acids and sugars were prepared, and their density, thermal behavior, conductivity and polarity were assessed, for different NADES compositions. The NADES studied can be stable up to 170 °C, depending on their composition. The thermal characterization revealed that all the NADES are glass formers and some, after water removal, exhibit crystallinity. The morphological characterization of the crystallizable materials was performed using polarized optical microscopy which also provided evidence of homogeneity/phase separation. The conductivity of the NADES was also assessed from 0 to 40 °C. The more polar, organic acid-based NADES presented the highest conductivities. The conductivity dependence on temperature was well described by the Vogelâ Fulcherâ Tammann equation for some of the NADES studied.
Aiming at biosignal acquisition for bioelectrodes application, Ti-Ag thin films were produced by GLAD, in order to tailor their electromechanical properties. The electrical behaviour of the sculptured Ti-Ag thin films was studied with increasing annealing temperatures. The results revealed a good correlation with the set of morphological features displayed. With the increase of the vapour flux angle, a more defined structure was obtained, as well as a more porous morphology, which increased the electrical resistivity of the coatings. An important point consists in the recrystallization of Ti-Ag intermetallic phases due to the temperature increase (between 558 K and 773 K), which resulted in a sharp decrease of the electrical resistivity values.
Due to communication and technology developments, residential consumers are enabled to participate in Demand Response Programs (DRPs), control their consumption and decrease their cost by using Household Energy Management (HEM) systems. On the other hand, capability of energy storage systems to improve the energy efficiency causes that employing Phase Change Materials (PCM) as thermal storage systems to be widely addressed in the building applications. In this paper, an operational model of HEM system considering the incorporation of more than one type of PCM in plastering mortars (hybrid PCM) is proposed not only to minimize the customerâ s cost in different DRPs but also to guaranty the habitantsâ  satisfaction. Moreover, the proposed model ensures the technical and economic limits of batteries and electrical appliances. Different case studies indicate that implementation of hybrid PCM in the buildings can meaningfully affect the operational pattern of HEM systems in different DRPs. The results reveal that the customerâ s electricity cost can be reduced up to 48% by utilizing the proposed model.
Nowadays, considering the high variety of construction products, adequate material selection, based on their properties and function, becomes increasingly important. In this research, a ranking procedure developed by Czarnecki and Lukowski is applied in mortars with incorporation of phase change materials (PCM). The ranking procedure transforms experimental results of properties into one numerical value. The products can be classified according to their individual properties or even an optimized combination of different properties. The main purpose of this study was the ranking of mortars with incorporation of different contents of PCM based in different binders. Aerial lime, hydraulic lime, gypsum and cement were the binders studied. For each binder, three different mortars were developed. Reference mortars, mortars with incorporation of 40% of PCM and mortars with incorporation of 40% of PCM and 1% of fibers, were tested. Results show that the incorporation of PCM in mortars changes their global performance.
OBJECTIVE: To characterize eating habits and possible risk factors associated with eating disorders among psychology students, a segment at risk for eating disorders. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study. The questionnaires Bulimic Investigatory Test Edinburgh (BITE), Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and a variety that considers related issues were applied. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 11.0 was utilized in analysis. The study population was composed of 175 female students, with a mean age of 21.2 (DP ± 3.6 years). RESULTS: A positive result was detected on the EAT-26 for 6.9% of the cases (CI95%: 3.6-11.7%). The prevalence of increased symptoms and intense gravity, according to the BITE questionnaire was 5% (CI95%: 2.4-9.5%) and 2.5% (CI95%: 0.7-6.3%), respectively. According to the findings, 26.29% of the students presented abnormal eating behavior. The population with moderate/severe BSQ scores presented dissatisfaction with corporal weight. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that attention must be given to eating behavior risks within this group. A differentiated gaze is justified with respect to these future professionals, whose practice is jeopardized in cases in which they are themselves the bearers of installed symptoms or precursory behavior.
We investigate the strain hardening behavior of various gelatin networks-namely physical gelatin gel, chemically cross-linked gelatin gel, and a hybrid gel made of a combination of the former two-under large shear deformations using the pre-stress, strain ramp, and large amplitude oscillations shear protocols. Further, the internal structures of physical gelatin gels and chemically cross-linked gelatin gels were characterized by small angle neutron scattering (SANS) to enable their internal structures to be correlated with their nonlinear rheology. The Kratky plots of SANS data demonstrate the presence of small cross-linked aggregates within the chemically cross-linked network whereas, in the physical gelatin gels, a relatively homogeneous structure is observed. Through model fitting to the scattering data, we were able to obtain structural parameters, such as the correlation length (ξ), the cross-sectional polymer chain radius (Rc) and the fractal dimension (df) of the gel networks. The fractal dimension df obtained from the SANS data of the physical and chemically cross-linked gels is 1.31 and 1.53, respectively. These values are in excellent agreement with the ones obtained from a generalized nonlinear elastic theory that has been used to fit the stress-strain curves. The chemical cross-linking that generates coils and aggregates hinders the free stretching of the triple helix bundles in the physical gels.
OBJETIVO:Verificar a associação da imagem corporal (IC) com a maturação sexual e com sintomas de transtornos alimentares (TA) em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 325 adolescentes do sexo feminino (11 a 14 anos) da cidade de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Utilizaram-se a escala de silhuetas corporais e o Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26). Foram coletadas informações sobre a menarca. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de insatisfação com a IC foi de 75,8%; 61,5% apresentaram o desejo de reduzir o peso corporal. A média de idade da menarca foi de 11,5 (desvio-padrão = 0,99) anos. Foi verificada associação significante entre IC e menarca (p < 0,001), faixa etária em que ocorreu a menarca (p < 0,001) e sintomas de TA (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A presença da menarca e sua ocorrência em idades mais precoces fazem com que as adolescentes apresentem desejo maior de perder peso. Além disso, as escolares que apresentaram o desejo de ter um corpo mais magro estão mais propensas a apresentar sintomas de TA.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of mental disorders in convicted sex offenders admitted to the Psychiatric Custody and Treatment Hospital (Forensic Psychiatric Facility). METHOD: 89 patient records of males admitted from March 2005 to August 2006 were analyzed. The analysis included evaluation of two study groups: Group I comprised subjects who had committed sex offenses (sexual offenders) while Group II contained subjects convicted for other crimes (non-sexual offenders). Variables studied were: age bracket, years of schooling, marital status, skin color, place of birth, previous psychiatric admissions and psychiatric diagnosis. RESULTS: Mental retardation and personality disorders were the mainly diagnoses in Group I (sexual offenders) (61,76% and 29,41% respectively). In the other hand, schizophrenic subjects predominated in Group II (non-sexual offenders) (82,93%). CONCLUSION: Different from international data, we have found low prevalence of personality disorders among Brazilian forensic population and we believe that it's due to a distinguishing characteristic of the Brazilian legal system, which does not consider personality disorder a mental disease, thus, not prompting these patients to civil commitment.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
OBJETIVO: Traduzir, adaptar e avaliar a aplicabilidade, além de obter dados acerca da consistência interna do Postpartum Thoughts and Behavior Checklist. Esse instrumento foi elaborado especificamente para uso durante o pós-parto e identifica a presença e o conteúdo dos pensamentos intrusivos em relação ao bebê, assim como as estratégias de neutralização utilizadas após esses pensamentos. MÉTODO: A tradução do instrumento para o português foi feita por dois profissionais de saúde mental bilíngues. Posteriormente, houve uma retrotradução realizada por dois professores de inglês. A versão retrotraduzida foi avaliada pelo autor da escala e aplicada em 91 puérperas usuárias de um serviço da rede pública de saúde. RESULTADOS: A versão traduzida do Postpartum Thoughts and Behavior Checklist foi considerada equivalente ao instrumento original em inglês. As participantes não apresentaram dificuldades na compreensão dos itens do checklist. Sua consistência interna, medida pelo alfa de Cronbach, foi de 0,822. CONCLUSÃO: A versão em português do Postpartum Thoughts and Behavior Checklist pode ser considerada adequada para o uso na população estudada para avaliar pensamentos obsessivos em relação ao bebê durante o puerpério e possíveis estratégias de neutralização desses pensamentos. O checklist pode ainda trazer contribuições significativas para a prática clínica.
Objective: The Nutrition-Behavior Inventory (NBI) is a self-administered instrument that allows eating habits to be correlated with psychopathological symptoms. The objective was to translate and adapt the NBI to Portuguese, and test the Portuguese NBIs reliability. The second aim was to verify its sensitivity for identification of risk factors in terms of behavior/eating habits in children and adolescents. Methods: The NBI was translated, adapted, and back-translated. The Portuguese version of the NBI was then applied (N = 96; 9-12 years). In order to verify the internal consistency, Cronbachs alpha was used. The psychopathological indicators of the participants were accessed using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). The mean CBCL scores were analyzed in relation to the NBI data (cutoff point: ≥ 30 with indicators, and < 30 without). Results: Internal consistency was high (Cronbachs alpha = 0.89) for the NBI. The CBCL scores correlated significantly with NBI (> 30) on the following: anxiety and depression (p = 0.041), social difficulties (p = 0.028), attention problems (p = 0.001), aggressive behavior (p = 0.015); ADHD (p < 0.001), and conduct problems (p = 0.032). Conclusion: The present results indicate that the NBI is a reliable instrument. The NBI can be useful for evaluating psychopathological symptoms related to the eating habits and behaviors of children and adolescents.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o consumo de substâncias psicoativas e o padrão de comportamento sexual em alunos do ensino médio, na cidade de Serafina Corrêa - RS, com uma população aproximada de 15 mil habitantes. MÉTODO: Em estudo transversal, a amostra foi composta por todos os alunos, de ambos os sexos, que estavam cursando o ensino médio nessa cidade. Foram aplicados: um questionário para verificação das variáveis sociodemográficas, um sobre comportamento sexual e outro sobre o consumo de drogas. RESULTADOS: A amostra constituiu-se de 453 alunos, sendo 261 (57,62%) do sexo feminino. A droga mais usada durante a vida foi o álcool (82,34%), seguida por tabaco (12,58%), maconha (6,62%) e cocaína (5,30%). Em relação ao comportamento sexual dos adolescentes, observou-se que 247 (54,5%) referiram já ter tido relação sexual. Foi encontrada uma associação entre o adolescente já ter utilizado drogas em geral (p < 0,001), álcool (p < 0,001) ou tabaco (p = 0,023) e já ter tido relação sexual. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo permitiu conhecer o uso de drogas e características do comportamento sexual dos adolescentes dessa cidade e poderá ser útil para a elaboração de um programa de intervenção para diminuir os fatores de risco para drogadição, incluindo a educação para a promoção da saúde.
INTRODUCTION: Neuroimaging studies suggest that obese people might show hyperactivity of brain areas regarding reward processing, and hypoactivity of brain areas concerning cognitive control, when exposed to food cues. Although the effects of bariatric surgery on the central nervous system and eating behavior are well known, few studies have used neuroimage techniques with the aim of investigating the central effects of bariatric surgery in humans. OBJECTIVES: This paper systematically and critically reviews studies using functional neuroimaging to investigate changes on the patterns of activation of central areas related to the regulation of eating behavior after bariatric surgery. METHOD: A search on the databases Medline, Web of Science, Lilacs and Science Direct on Line, was conducted in February 2013, using the keywords "Neuroimaging", "Positron-Emission Tomography", "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "Gastric Bypass", "Gastroplasty", "Jejunoileal Bypass", "Bariatric Surgery". RESULTS: Seven manuscripts were included; the great majority studied the central effects of Roux en Y gastric bypass, using positron emission tomography or functional magnetic resonance. CONCLUSIONS: Bariatric surgery might normalize the activity of central areas concerned with reward and incentive salience processing, as the nucleus accumbens and mesencephalic tegmental ventral area, as well as circuitries processing behavioral inhibition, as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.