1000 resultados para Rossi, Leena-Maija: Heterotehdas : televisiomainonta sukupuolituotantona
ABSTRACT Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) may improve the adaptation of eucalypts saplings to field conditions and allow more efficient fertilizer use. The effectiveness of EMF inoculum application in promoting fungal colonization, plant growth, nutrient uptake, and the quality of rooted cuttings was evaluated forEucalyptus urophylla under commercial nursery conditions. For inoculated treatments, fertilization of the sapling substrate was reduced by 50 %. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement, wherein the factors were inoculum application rates of 0 (control), 5, 10, and 15 gel beads of calcium alginate containing the vegetative mycelium of Amanita muscaria, Elaphomyces antracinus, Pisolithus microcarpus, andScleroderma areolatum, plus a non-inoculated treatment without fertilization reduction in the substrate (commercial). Ectomycorrhizal fungi increased plant growth and fungal colonization as well as N and K uptake evenly. The best plant growth and fungal colonization were observed for the highest application rate. The greatest growth and fungal colonization and contents of P, N, and K were observed at the 10-bead rate. Plant inoculation with Amanita muscaria, Elaphomyces anthracinus, and Scleroderma areolatum increased P concentrations and contents in a differential manner. The Dickson Quality Index was not affected by the type of fungi or by inoculum application rates. Eucalypt rooted cuttings inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi and under half the amount of commercial fertilization had P, N, and K concentrations and contents greater than or equal to those of commercial plants and have high enough quality to be transplanted after 90 days.
RESUMO A matéria orgânica do solo é uma importante fonte primária de nutrientes às plantas e influencia a infiltração, retenção de água, suscetibilidade à erosão e agregação do solo. No entanto, esse processo está condicionado à qualidade e quantidade da matéria orgânica aportada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do desastre ambiental causado pela chuva em áreas de produção de oleráceas na região Serrana do Rio de Janeiro. Foram selecionadas as seguintes áreas: A1: sem impacto (testemunha); A2: soterramento total e cultivo de aveia + ervilhaca; A3: transbordamento do rio e cultivo de milheto + girassol; A4: transbordamento do rio e grande deposição de areia com cultivo de aveia-preta; A5: transbordamento do rio com grande deposição de areia e sem cultivo; e A6: transbordamento do rio em pequena escala e sem cultivo. As propriedades edáficas analisadas foram: textura; densidade do solo (Ds); densidade de partículas (Dp); diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP) e diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG) de agregados estáveis em água; pH(H2O), Al3+, Ca2++Mg2+, Na+, H+Al, K, P e carbono orgânico total (COT); e frações granulométricas e químicas da matéria orgânica. Os maiores valores de DMP e DMG foram observados nas áreas A3 e A6, que seguem a mesma tendência dos maiores teores de argila. Os teores de COT e suas frações químicas e físicas apresentaram diferenças em relação à testemunha com os menores valores verificados nas áreas que foram submetidas ao impacto pelo transbordamento do rio e grande deposição de areia. As áreas que foram impactadas pelo soterramento com predomínio da fração argila apresentaram valores semelhantes ou superiores aos da testemunha. As variáveis foram selecionadas e avaliadas por meio da análise de componentes principais, que evidenciou distinção entre as áreas estudadas, com separação entre elas associada à textura do solo e densidade de partículas.
ABSTRACT An alternative for recovery of areas degraded by coal mining is revegetation with rapidly growing leguminous trees, which often do not establish in low fertility soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of native rhizobia isolated from coal mining areas in the nodulation and growth of leguminous trees. We isolated 19 strains of rhizobia from a degraded soil near Criciúma, SC, Brazil, and evaluated the nodulation and growth-promoting capacity of the inoculated isolates for bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella), maricá (M. bimucronata) and angico-vermelho (Parapiptadenia rigida). Isolates UFSC-B2, B6, B8, B9, B11 and B16 were able to nodulate bracatinga, providing average increases of 165 % in shoot dry matter, with a significant contribution to N accumulation. Isolates UFSC-B5, B12, and M8 favored nodulation and growth of maricá, especially isolate UFSC-B12, which promoted increases of 370 % in N accumulation compared to treatment with N fertilizer. All strains were inefficient in promoting growth and N uptake by angico-vermelho. In conclusion, isolation and use of selected rhizobia for bracatinga and maricá plant inoculation can contribute to the growth and accumulation of N, with prospects for use in programs for revegetation of degraded soils in coal mining areas.
Disorders of language, spatial perception, attention, memory, calculation and praxis are a frequent consequence of acquired brain damage [in particular, stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI)] and a major determinant of disability. The rehabilitation of aphasia and, more recently, of other cognitive disorders is an important area of neurological rehabilitation. We report here a review of the available evidence about effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation. Given the limited number and generally low quality of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) in this area of therapeutic intervention, the Task Force considered, besides the available Cochrane reviews, evidence of lower classes which was critically analysed until a consensus was reached. In particular, we considered evidence from small group or single cases studies including an appropriate statistical evaluation of effect sizes. The general conclusion is that there is evidence to award a grade A, B or C recommendation to some forms of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with neuropsychological deficits in the post-acute stage after a focal brain lesion (stroke, TBI). These include aphasia therapy, rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect (ULN), attentional training in the post-acute stage after TBI, the use of electronic memory aids in memory disorders, and the treatment of apraxia with compensatory strategies. There is clearly a need for adequately designed studies in this area, which should take into account specific problems such as patient heterogeneity and treatment standardization.
Summary: A nondisplaced fracture of the body of the scapula in a young mare - a case report
Summary: Radiographic appearence of sand accumulations in the large colon and their relationship with age, breed and clinical signs of the horse
Kuvia avajaisista ja katkelma opetusministeri Maija Raskin puheesta
Zusammenfassung: Das jüngste Gericht in der finnischen Kirchenkunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts