985 resultados para Repeat breeders


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A novel series of polyaromatic ionomers with similar equivalent weights but very different sulphonic acid distributions along the ionomer backbone has been designed and prepared. By synthetically organising the sequence-distribution so that it consists of fully defined ionic segments (containing singlets, doublets or quadruplets of sulphonic acid groups) alternating strictly with equally well-defined nonionic spacer segments, a new class of polymers which may be described as microblock ionomers has been developed. These materials exhibit very different properties and morphologies from analogous randomly substituted systems. Progressively extending the nonionic spacer length in the repeat unit (maintaining a constant equivalent weight by increasing the degree of sulphonation. of the ionic segment) leads to an increasing degree of nanophase separation between hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains in these materials. Membranes cast from ionomers with the more highly phase-separated morphologies show significantly higher onset temperatures for uncontrolled swelling in water. This new type of ionomer design has enabled the fabrication of swelling-resistant hydrocarbon membranes, suitable for fuel cell operation, with very much higher ion exchange capacities (>2 meq g(-1)) than those previously reported in the literature. When tested in a fuel cell at high temperature (120 degrees C) and low relative humidity (35% RH), the best microblock membrane matched the performance of Nafion 112. Moreover, comparative low load cycle testing of membrane -electrode assemblies suggests that the durability of the new membranes under conditions of high temperature and low relative humidity is superior to that of conventional perfluorinated materials.


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An ion-conducting polymer wherein at least 80% of the repeat units comprise an ion-conducting region and a spacer region is disclosed. The ion-conducting region has an aromatic backbone of one or more aromatic groups, wherein at least one ion-conducting functional group is attached to each aromatic group. The spacer region has an aromatic backbone of at least four aromatic groups, wherein no ion-conducting functional groups are attached to the aromatic backbone. The polymer is suitable for use as a fuel cell membrane, and can be incorporated into membrane electrode assemblies.


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The potential of clarification questions (CQs) to act as a form of corrective input for young children's grammatical errors was examined. Corrective responses were operationalized as those occasions when child speech shifted from erroneous to correct (E -> C) contingent on a clarification question. It was predicted that E -> C sequences would prevail over shifts in the opposite direction (C -> E), as can occur in the case of nonerror-contingent CQs. This prediction was tested via a standard intervention paradigm, whereby every 60s a sequence of two clarification requests (either specific or general) was introduced into conversation with a total of 45 2- and 4-year-old children. For 10 categories of grammatical structure, E -> C sequences predominated over their C -> E counterparts, with levels of E -> C shifts increasing after two clarification questions. Children were also more reluctant to repeat erroneous forms than their correct counterparts, following the intervention of CQs. The findings provide support for Saxton's prompt hypothesis, which predicts that error-contingent CQs bear the potential to cue recall of previously acquired grammatical forms.


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Visuospatial attentional bias was examined in Huntington's disease (HID) patients with mild disease, asymptomatic gene-positive patients and controls. No group differences were found on the grey scales task (which is a non-motor task of visuospatial attentional bias), although patients' trinucleotide (CAG) repeat length correlated with increasing leftward bias. On the line bisection task, symptomatic patients made significantly larger leftward bisection errors relative to controls, who showed the normal slight degree of leftward error (pseudo-neglect). The asymptomatic group showed a trend for greater leftward error than controls. A subset of participants went on to have structural MRI, which showed a correlation between increased leftward error on the line bisection task and reduced density in the angular gyrus area (BA39) bilaterally. This finding is consistent with recent literature suggesting a critical role for the angular gyrus in the lateralization of visuospatial attention.


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Repeat induced point mutation (RIP), a mechanism causing hypermutation of repetitive DNA sequences in fungi, has been described as a ‘genome defense’ which functions to inactivate mobile elements and inhibit their deleterious effects on genome stability. Here we address the interactions between RIP and transposable elements in the Microbotryum violaceum species complex. Ten strains of M. violaceum, most of which belong to different species of the fungus, were all found to contain intragenomic populations of copia-like retrotransposons. Intragenomic DNA sequence variation among the copia-like elements was analyzed for evidence of RIP. Among species with RIP, there was no significant correlation between the frequency of RIP-induced mutations and inferred transposition rate based on diversity. Two strains of M. violaceum, from two different plant species but belonging to the same fungal lineage, contained copia-like elements with very low diversity, as would result from a high transposition rate, and these were also unique in showing no evidence of the hypermutation patterns indicative of the RIP genome defense. In this species, evidence of RIP was also absent from a Class II helitron-like transposable element. However, unexpectedly the absolute repetitive element load was lower than in other strains.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) down-regulation has been shown to correlate with the growth of murine melanocytic cells in culture (Brooks, G., Wilson, R. E., Dooley, T. P., Goss, M. W., and Hart, I. R. (1991) Cancer Res. 51, 3281-3288). We now show that PKC alpha, delta, epsilon, and zeta isoforms are present at the protein level in quiescent, non-transformed Mel-ab melanocytes, maintained in the absence of phorbol ester. Proliferation of Mel-ab cells, achieved by incubation in the continual presence of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, was associated with a down-regulation of the PKC alpha, delta, and epsilon isozymes. Examination of two transformed syngeneic lines (the B16 murine melanoma and the long terminal repeat Ras.2 line), that grew in the absence of exogenous phorbol esters, showed that PKC alpha protein levels were either partially down-regulated or unaffected, the PKC delta and epsilon isoforms were down-regulated completely, and the levels of PKC zeta protein remained unaltered relative to quiescent Mel-ab cells. Basal levels of total diacylglycerol were elevated 5-fold in B16 melanoma cells compared with levels found in quiescent or proliferating Mel-ab melanocytes and appear to arise largely from the breakdown of phosphatidylinositol phospholipids accompanied by a significant rise in phospholipase C activity. Hourly treatments of quiescent Mel-ab melanocytes with the synthetic diacylglycerol analogue, 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol, for 24 h, resulted in an induction of DNA synthesis which was associated with a significant down-regulation of PKC levels mediated largely via post-translational rather than transcriptional mechanisms. These results show for the first time that specific isoforms of PKC are down-regulated at the protein level during proliferation of murine melanocytic cells and suggest that the constitutive down-regulation of PKC in transformed melanoma cells may arise as a consequence of elevated endogenous phosphatidylinositol-derived diacylglycerol levels.


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Knowledge about the functional status of the frontal cortex in infancy is limited. This study investigated the effects of polymorphisms in four dopamine system genes on performance in a task developed to assess such functioning, the Freeze-Frame task, at 9 months of age. Polymorphisms in the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) genes are likely to impact directly on the functioning of the frontal cortex, whereas polymorphisms in the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) and dopamine transporter (DAT1) genes might influence frontal cortex functioning indirectly via strong frontostriatal connections. A significant effect of the COMT valine158methionine (Val158Met) polymorphism was found. Infants with the Met/Met genotype were significantly less distractible than infants with the Val/Val genotype in Freeze-Frame trials presenting an engaging central stimulus. In addition, there was an interaction with the DAT1 3′ variable number of tandem repeats polymorphism; the COMT effect was present only in infants who did not have two copies of the DAT1 10-repeat allele. These findings indicate that dopaminergic polymorphisms affect selective aspects of attention as early as infancy and further validate the Freeze-Frame task as a frontal cortex task.


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Background: Recent studies have indicated that many children with autism spectrum disorders present with language difficulties that are similar to those of children with specific language impairments, leading some to argue for similar structural deficits in these two disorders. Aims: Repetition of sentences involving long-distance dependencies was used to investigate complex syntax in these groups. Methods & Procedures: Adolescents with specific language impairments (mean age = 15;3, n = 14) and autism spectrum disorders plus language impairment (autism plus language impairment; mean age = 14;8, n = 16) were recruited alongside typically developing adolescents (mean age = 14;4, n = 17). They were required to repeat sentences containing relative clauses that varied in syntactic complexity. Outcomes & Results: The adolescents with specific language impairments presented with greater syntactic difficulties than the adolescents with autism plus language impairment, as manifested by higher error rates on the more complex object relative clauses, and a greater tendency to make syntactic changes during repetition. Conclusions & Implications: Adolescents with specific language impairments may have more severe syntactic difficulties than adolescents with autism plus language impairment, possibly due to their short-term memory limitations.


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High-resolution satellite radar observations of erupting volcanoes can yield valuable information on rapidly changing deposits and geomorphology. Using the TerraSAR-X (TSX) radar with a spatial resolution of about 2 m and a repeat interval of 11-days, we show how a variety of techniques were used to record some of the eruptive history of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat between July 2008 and February 2010. After a 15-month pause in lava dome growth, a vulcanian explosion occurred on 28 July 2008 whose vent was hidden by dense cloud. We were able to show the civil authorities using TSX change difference images that this explosion had not disrupted the dome sufficient to warrant continued evacuation. Change difference images also proved to be valuable in mapping new pyroclastic flow deposits: the valley-occupying block-and-ash component tending to increase backscatter and the marginal surge deposits reducing it, with the pattern reversing after the event. By comparing east- and west-looking images acquired 12 hours apart, the deposition of some individual pyroclastic flows can be inferred from change differences. Some of the narrow upper sections of valleys draining the volcano received many tens of metres of rockfall and pyroclastic flow deposits over periods of a few weeks. By measuring the changing shadows cast by these valleys in TSX images the changing depth of infill by deposits could be estimated. In addition to using the amplitude data from the radar images we also used their phase information within the InSAR technique to calculate the topography during a period of no surface activity. This enabled areas of transient topography, crucial for directing future flows, to be captured.


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Genetic analysis of heat tolerance will help breeders produce rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties adapted to future climates. An F6 population of 181 recombinant inbred lines of Bala (tolerant) × Azucena (susceptible) was screened for heat tolerance at anthesis by measuring spikelet fertility at 30°C (control) and 38°C (high temperature) in experiments conducted in the Philippines and the United Kingdom. The parents varied significantly for absolute spikelet fertility under control (79–87%) and at high temperature (2.9–47.1%), and for relative spikelet fertility (high temperature/control) at high temperature (3.7–54.9%). There was no correlation between spikelet fertility in control and high-temperature conditions and no common quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified. Two QTLs for spikelet fertility under control conditions were identified on chromosomes 2 and 4. Eight QTLs for spikelet fertility under high-temperature conditions were identified on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, and 11. The most significant heat-responsive QTL, contributed by Bala and explaining up to 18% of the phenotypic variation, was identified on chromosome 1 (38.35 mega base pairs on the rice physical genome map). This QTL was also found to influence plant height, explaining 36.6% of the phenotypic variation. A comparison with other studies of abiotic (drought, cold, salinity) stresses showed QTLs at similar positions on chromosomes 1, 3, 8, and 10, suggesting common underlying stress-responsive regions of the genome.


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Relatively little is known about the timing of genetic and epigenetic forms of somaclonal variation arising from callus growth. We surveyed for both types of change in cocoa (Theobroma cacao) plants regenerated from calli of various ages, and also between tissues from the source trees. For genetic change, we used 15 single sequence repeat (SSR) markers from four source trees and from 233 regenerated plants. For epigenetic change, we used 386 methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) markers on leaf and explant (staminode) DNA from two source trees and on leaf DNA from 114 regenerants. Genetic variation within source trees was limited to one slippage mutation in one leaf. Regenerants were far more variable, with 35% exhibiting at least one mutation. Genetic variation initially accumulated with culture age but subsequently declined. MSAP (epigenetic) profiles diverged between leaf and staminode samples from source trees. Multivariate analysis revealed that leaves from regenerants occupied intermediate eigenspace between leaves and staminodes of source plants but became progressively more similar to source tree leaves with culture age. Statistical analysis confirmed this rather counterintuitive finding that leaves of ‘late regenerants’ exhibited significantly less genetic and epigenetic divergence from source leaves than those exposed to short periods of callus growth.


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This study describes the validation of short tandem repeat (STR) systems for the resolution of cases of disputed parentage where only a single parent is available for testing or where the claimed relationship of both parents is in doubt and also cases where sibship must be tested. Three separate multiplex systems the Second Generation Multiplex, Powerplex 1.2 and FFFL have been employed, giving a total of 16 STR loci. Both empirical and theoretical approaches to the validation have been adopted. Appropriate equations have been derived to calculate likelihood ratios for different relationships, incorporating a correction for subpopulation effects. An F(ST) point estimate of 1% has been applied throughout. Empirically, 101 cases of alleged father, alleged mother and child where analysed using six SLP systems and also using the three multiplex STR systems. Of the 202 relationships tested, 197 were independently resolved by both systems, providing either clear evidence of non-parentage or strong support for the relationship.


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This paper explores principal‐agent issues in the stock selection processes of institutional property investors. Drawing upon an interview survey of fund managers and acquisition professionals, it focuses on the relationships between principals and external agents as they engage in property transactions. The research investigated the extent to which the presence of outcome‐based remuneration structures could lead to biased advice, overbidding and/or poor asset selection. It is concluded that institutional property buyers are aware of incentives for opportunistic behaviour by external agents, often have sufficient expertise to robustly evaluate agents’ advice and that these incentives are counter‐balanced by a number of important controls on potential opportunistic behaviour. There are strong counter‐incentives in the need for the agents to establish personal relationships and trust between themselves and institutional buyers, to generate repeat and related business and to preserve or generate a good reputation in the market.


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Volatility, or the variability of the underlying asset, is one of the key fundamental components of property derivative pricing and in the application of real option models in development analysis. There has been relatively little work on volatility in real terms of its application to property derivatives and the real options analysis. Most research on volatility stems from investment performance (Nathakumaran & Newell (1995), Brown & Matysiak 2000, Booth & Matysiak 2001). Historic standard deviation is often used as a proxy for volatility and there has been a reliance on indices, which are subject to valuation smoothing effects. Transaction prices are considered to be more volatile than the traditional standard deviations of appraisal based indices. This could lead, arguably, to inefficiencies and mis-pricing, particularly if it is also accepted that changes evolve randomly over time and where future volatility and not an ex-post measure is the key (Sing 1998). If history does not repeat, or provides an unreliable measure, then estimating model based (implied) volatility is an alternative approach (Patel & Sing 2000). This paper is the first of two that employ alternative approaches to calculating and capturing volatility in UK real estate for the purposes of applying the measure to derivative pricing and real option models. It draws on a uniquely constructed IPD/Gerald Eve transactions database, containing over 21,000 properties over the period 1983-2005. In this first paper the magnitude of historic amplification associated with asset returns by sector and geographic spread is looked at. In the subsequent paper the focus will be upon model based (implied) volatility.


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Virulence for bean and soybean is determined by effector genes in a plasmid-borne pathogenicity island (PAI) in race 7 strain 1449B of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. One of the effector genes, avrPphF, confers either pathogenicity, virulence, or avirulence depending on the plant host and is absent from races 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 of this pathogen. Analysis of cosmid clones and comparison of DNA sequences showed that the absence of avrPphF from strain 1448A is due to deletion of a continuous 9.5-kb fragment. The remainder of the PAI is well conserved in strains 1448A and 1449B. The left junction of the deleted region consists of a chimeric transposable element generated from the fusion of homologs of IS1492 from Pseudomonas putida and IS1090 from Ralstonia eutropha. The borders of the deletion were conserved in 66 P. syringae pv. phaseolicola strains isolated in different countries and representing the five races lacking avrPphF. However, six strains isolated in Spain had a 10.5-kb deletion that extended 1 kb further from the right junction. The perfect conservation of the 28-nucleotide right repeat of the IS1090 homolog in the two deletion types and in the other 47 insertions of the IS1090 homolog in the 1448A genome strongly suggests that the avrPphF deletions were mediated by the activity of the chimeric mobile element. Our data strongly support a clonal origin for the races of P. syringae pv. phaseolicola lacking avrPphF.