976 resultados para Renilla reniformis luciferase vectors


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Inflammation and TNF-alpha signaling play a central role in most of the pathological conditions where cell transplantation could be applied. As shown by initial experiments, embryonic stem (ES) cells and ES-cell derived vascular cells express very low levels of TNF-alpha receptor I (TNFRp55) and thus do not induce cytokine expression in response to TNF-alpha stimulation. Transient transfection analysis of wild-type or deletion variants of the TNFRp55 gene promoter showed a strong activity for a 250-bp fragment in the upstream region of the gene. This activity was abolished by mutations targeting the Sp1/Sp3 or AP1 binding sites. Moreover, treatment with trichostatin A (TSA) led to a pronounced increase in TNFRp55 mRNA and promoter activity. Overexpression of Sp1 or c-fos further enhanced the TSA-induced luciferase activity, and this response was attenuated by Sp3 or c-jun coexpression. Additional experiments revealed that TSA did not affect the Sp1/Sp3 ratio but caused transcriptional activation of the c-fos gene. Thus, we provide the first evidence that ES and ES-cell-derived vascular cells lack cytokine expression in response to TNF-alpha stimulation due to low levels of c-fos and transcriptional activation of Sp1 that can be regulated by inhibition of histone deacetylase activity.


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When examining complex problems, such as the folding of proteins, coarse grained descriptions of the system drive our investigation and help us to rationalize the results. Oftentimes collective variables (CVs), derived through some chemical intuition about the process of interest, serve this purpose. Because finding these CVs is the most difficult part of any investigation, we recently developed a dimensionality reduction algorithm, sketch-map, that can be used to build a low-dimensional map of a phase space of high-dimensionality. In this paper we discuss how these machine-generated CVs can be used to accelerate the exploration of phase space and to reconstruct free-energy landscapes. To do so, we develop a formalism in which high-dimensional configurations are no longer represented by low-dimensional position vectors. Instead, for each configuration we calculate a probability distribution, which has a domain that encompasses the entirety of the low-dimensional space. To construct a biasing potential, we exploit an analogy with metadynamics and use the trajectory to adaptively construct a repulsive, history-dependent bias from the distributions that correspond to the previously visited configurations. This potential forces the system to explore more of phase space by making it desirable to adopt configurations whose distributions do not overlap with the bias. We apply this algorithm to a small model protein and succeed in reproducing the free-energy surface that we obtain from a parallel tempering calculation.


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A new scheme, sketch-map, for obtaining a low-dimensional representation of the region of phase space explored during an enhanced dynamics simulation is proposed. We show evidence, from an examination of the distribution of pairwise distances between frames, that some features of the free-energy surface are inherently high-dimensional. This makes dimensionality reduction problematic because the data does not satisfy the assumptions made in conventional manifold learning algorithms We therefore propose that when dimensionality reduction is performed on trajectory data one should think of the resultant embedding as a quickly sketched set of directions rather than a road map. In other words, the embedding tells one about the connectivity between states but does not provide the vectors that correspond to the slow degrees of freedom. This realization informs the development of sketch-map, which endeavors to reproduce the proximity information from the high-dimensionality description in a space of lower dimensionality even when a faithful embedding is not possible.


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Understanding migration of cells has many implications in human physiology; some examples include developmental biology, healing, immune responses and tissue remodeling. On the other hand, invasive migration by tumor cells is pathological and is a major cause of mortality amongst cancer sufferers. Cell migration assays have been widely used to quantify potentially metastatic genes. In recent years, the use of RNAi has significantly increased the tools available in cell migration research due to its specific gene targeting for knockdown. The inability to ensure 100% transfection/transduction efficiency reduces the sensitivity of cell migration assays because cells not successfully transfected/transduced with the RNAi are also included in the calculations. This study introduces a different experimental setup mathematically expressed in our named normalized relative infected cell count (N-RICC) that analyses cell migration assays by co-expressing retrovirally transduced shRNA with fluorescence tags from a single vector. Vectors transduced into cells are visible under fluorescence, thus alleviating the problems involved with transduction efficiency by individually identifying cells with targeted genes. Designed shRNAs were targeted against a list of potentially metastatic genes in a highly migratory breast cancer cell line model, MDA-MB-231. We have successfully applied N-RICC analysis to show greater sensitivity of integrin alpha5 (ITGA5) and Ras homologue A (RhoA) in cell metastasis over conventional methods in scratch-wound assays and migration chambers assays.


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Recently, two fast selective encryption methods for context-adaptive variable length coding and context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding in H.264/AVC were proposed by Shahid et al. In this paper, it was demonstrated that these two methods are not as efficient as only encrypting the sign bits of nonzero coefficients. Experimental results showed that without encrypting the sign bits of nonzero coefficients, these two methods can not provide a perceptual scrambling effect. If a much stronger scrambling effect is required, intra prediction modes, and the sign bits of motion vectors can be encrypted together with the sign bits of nonzero coefficients. For practical applications, the required encryption scheme should be customized according to a user's specified requirement on the perceptual scrambling effect and the computational cost. Thus, a tunable encryption scheme combining these three methods is proposed for H.264/AVC. To simplify its implementation and reduce the computational cost, a simple control mechanism is proposed to adjust the control factors. Experimental results show that this scheme can provide different scrambling levels by adjusting three control factors with no or very little impact on the compression performance. The proposed scheme can run in real-time and its computational cost is minimal. The security of the proposed scheme is also discussed. It is secure against the replacement attack when all three control factors are set to one.


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Bayesian probabilistic analysis offers a new approach to characterize semantic representations by inferring the most likely feature structure directly from the patterns of brain activity. In this study, infinite latent feature models [1] are used to recover the semantic features that give rise to the brain activation vectors when people think about properties associated with 60 concrete concepts. The semantic features recovered by ILFM are consistent with the human ratings of the shelter, manipulation, and eating factors that were recovered by a previous factor analysis. Furthermore, different areas of the brain encode different perceptual and conceptual features. This neurally-inspired semantic representation is consistent with some existing conjectures regarding the role of different brain areas in processing different semantic and perceptual properties. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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In most previous research on distributional semantics, Vector Space Models (VSMs) of words are built either from topical information (e.g., documents in which a word is present), or from syntactic/semantic types of words (e.g., dependency parse links of a word in sentences), but not both. In this paper, we explore the utility of combining these two representations to build VSM for the task of semantic composition of adjective-noun phrases. Through extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, we find that even though a type-based VSM is effective for semantic composition, it is often outperformed by a VSM built using a combination of topic- and type-based statistics. We also introduce a new evaluation task wherein we predict the composed vector representation of a phrase from the brain activity of a human subject reading that phrase. We exploit a large syntactically parsed corpus of 16 billion tokens to build our VSMs, with vectors for both phrases and words, and make them publicly available.


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Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) is thought to be the rate-limiting enzyme in the arachidonic acid/eicosanoid cascade. The ability of various agonists to increase steady-state cPLA2 mRNA levels has previously been reported. The current study delineates the contributions of transcriptional and post-transcriptional processes to the regulation of cPLA2 gene expression in response to a variety of agonists in cultured rat glomerular mesangial cells. Epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, serum and phorbol myristate acetate all increase the half-life of cPLA2 mRNA transcripts, indicating a role for post-transcriptional modulation of gene expression. The presence of three ATTTA motifs in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of the rat cPLA2 cDNA is ascertained. Heterologous expression of chimeric constructs with different 3'UTRs ligated into the 3' end of the luciferase coding region reveals that the presence of the cPLA2 3'UTR results in reduced luciferase activity compared with constructs without the cPLA2 3'UTR. Furthermore, the luciferase activity in the constructs with the cPLA2 3'UTR is increased in response to the same agonists which stabilize endogenous cPLA2 mRNA. A negligible effect of these agonists on transcriptional control of cPLA2 is evident using promoter-reporter constructs expressed in transient and stable transfectants. Taken together, these results indicate predominant post-transcriptional regulation of cPLA2 mRNA levels.


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Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) releases arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids and is believed to be the rate-limiting enzyme in the arachidonic acid pathway. We report herein the isolation of a 3 kb fragment of rodent genomic DNA containing part of the first intron, the first exon and 5'-flanking sequence. The start site of transcription was mapped by 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends and corroborated by ribonuclease protection assay. The gene has a TATAless promoter with no classical Sp1 binding sites or initiator element. A microsatellite series of CA repeats was noted in the 5'-flanking region of both the rodent and human promoters. Deletion constructs have been analysed for luciferase activity and confirmed promoter activity.


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Arachidonic acid release in cells highly over expressing cytosolic phospholipase A2 has been attributed to mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 on serine-505. To investigate the role of cytosolic phospholipase A2 in cellular physiology, we attempted to inhibit cytosolic phospholipase A2 in the intact cell employing an antisense RNA strategy. Swiss 3T3 cells were stably transfected with an antisense cytosolic phospholipase A2 expression vector. A clone of cells with reduced immunodetectable cytosolic phospholipase A2, compared to a vector transfected cell line, was identified by Western blotting and a corresponding decrease in phospholipase A2 activity was confirmed by enzymatic assay in cell free extracts. However, arachidonic acid release from intact cells in response to agonists was not different between antisense and control cell lines. Thus, arachidonic acid release in intact cells with decreased cytosolic phospholipase A2 activity is likely to be modulated by rate limiting factors that are extrinsic to cytosolic phospholipase A2.


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Finite element modeling of the formation of pre-loaded damage in cement mantles of orthopaedic joint replacements was presented. The existence of cracking suggested a high level of residual stress. The direction of maximum principal stress vectors corresponded well with the observed crack orientation. Results suggested that cracking depends upon a combination of residual stress, porosity and temperature rise during polymerization.


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Motivation: To date, Gene Set Analysis (GSA) approaches primarily focus on identifying differentially expressed gene sets (pathways). Methods for identifying differentially coexpressed pathways also exist but are mostly based on aggregated pairwise correlations, or other pairwise measures of coexpression. Instead, we propose Gene Sets Net Correlations Analysis (GSNCA), a multivariate differential coexpression test that accounts for the complete correlation structure between genes.

Results: In GSNCA, weight factors are assigned to genes in proportion to the genes' cross-correlations (intergene correlations). The problem of finding the weight vectors is formulated as an eigenvector problem with a unique solution. GSNCA tests the null hypothesis that for a gene set there is no difference in the weight vectors of the genes between two conditions. In simulation studies and the analyses of experimental data, we demonstrate that GSNCA, indeed, captures changes in the structure of genes' cross-correlations rather than differences in the averaged pairwise correlations. Thus, GSNCA infers differences in coexpression networks, however, bypassing method-dependent steps of network inference. As an additional result from GSNCA, we define hub genes as genes with the largest weights and show that these genes correspond frequently to major and specific pathway regulators, as well as to genes that are most affected by the biological difference between two conditions. In summary, GSNCA is a new approach for the analysis of differentially coexpressed pathways that also evaluates the importance of the genes in the pathways, thus providing unique information that may result in the generation of novel biological hypotheses.


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We use images of high spatial and temporal resolution, obtained using both ground- and space-based instrumentation, to investigate the role magnetic field inclination angles play in the propagation characteristics of running penumbral waves in the solar chromosphere. Analysis of a near-circular sunspot, close to the center of the solar disk, reveals a smooth rise in oscillatory period as a function of distance from the umbral barycenter. However, in one directional quadrant, corresponding to the north direction, a pronounced kink in the period-distance diagram is found. Utilizing a combination of the inversion of magnetic Stokes vectors and force-free field extrapolations, we attribute this behavior to the cut-off frequency imposed by the magnetic field geometry in this location. A rapid, localized inclination of the magnetic field lines in the north direction results in a faster increase in the dominant periodicity due to an accelerated reduction in the cut-off frequency. For the first time, we reveal how the spatial distribution of dominant wave periods, obtained with one of the highest resolution solar instruments currently available, directly reflects the magnetic geometry of the underlying sunspot, thus opening up a wealth of possibilities in future magnetohydrodynamic seismology studies. In addition, the intrinsic relationships we find between the underlying magnetic field geometries connecting the photosphere to the chromosphere, and the characteristics of running penumbral waves observed in the upper chromosphere, directly supports the interpretation that running penumbral wave phenomena are the chromospheric signature of upwardly propagating magneto-acoustic waves generated in the photosphere.


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Communication of antibiotic resistance among bacteria via small molecules is implicated in transient reduction of bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics, which could lead to therapeutic failures aggravating the problem of antibiotic resistance. Released putrescine from the extremely antibiotic resistant bacterium Burkholderia cenocepacia protects less resistant cells from different species against the antimicrobial peptide polymyxin B (PmB). Exposure of B. cenocepacia to sub-lethal concentrations of PmB and other bactericidal antibiotics induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and expression of the oxidative stress response regulator OxyR. We evaluated whether putrescine alleviates antibiotic-induced oxidative stress. The accumulation of intracellular ROS such as superoxide ion and hydrogen peroxide was assessed fluorometrically with dichlorofluorescein diacetate, while the expression of OxyR and putrescine synthesis enzymes was determined in luciferase assays using chromosomal promoter-lux reporter system fusions. We evaluated wild type and isogenic deletion mutant strains with defects in putrescine biosynthesis after exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of PmB and other bactericidal antibiotics. Exogenous putrescine protected against oxidative stress induced by PmB and other antibiotics, whereas reduced putrescine synthesis resulted in increased ROS generation, and a parallel increased sensitivity to PmB. Of the 3 B. cenocepacia putrescine synthesizing enzymes, PmB induced only BCAL2641, an ornithine decarboxylase. This study exposes BCAL2641 as a critical component of the putrescine-mediated communication of antibiotic resistance, and as a plausible target for designing inhibitors that would block the communication of such resistance among different bacteria, ultimately reducing the window of therapeutic failure in treating bacterial infections.


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Trajectory surface hopping (TSH) is one of the most widely used quantum-classical algorithms for nonadiabatic molecular dynamics. Despite its empirical effectiveness and popularity, a rigorous derivation of TSH as the classical limit of a combined quantum electron-nuclear dynamics is still missing. In this work, we aim to elucidate the theoretical basis for the widely used hopping rules. Naturally, we concentrate thereby on the formal aspects of the TSH. Using a Gaussian wave packet limit, we derive the transition rates governing the hopping process at a simple avoided level crossing. In this derivation, which gives insight into the physics underlying the hopping process, some essential features of the standard TSH algorithm are retrieved, namely (i) non-zero electronic transition rate ("hopping probability") at avoided crossings; (ii) rescaling of the nuclear velocities to conserve total energy; (iii) electronic transition rates linear in the nonadiabatic coupling vectors. The well-known Landau-Zener model is then used for illustration. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4770280]