993 resultados para Relation parents-enfants
BACKGROUND: Social roles influence alcohol use. Nevertheless, little is known about how specific aspects of a given role, here parenthood, may influence alcohol use. The research questions for this study were the following: (i) are family-related indicators (FRI) linked to the alcohol use of mothers and fathers? and (ii) does the level of employment, i.e. full-time, part-time employment or unemployment, moderate the relationship between FRI and parental alcohol use? METHODS: Survey data of 3217 parents aged 25-50 living in Switzerland. Mean comparisons and multiple regression models of annual frequency of drinking and risky single occasion drinking, quantity per day on FRI (age of the youngest child, number of children in the household, majority of child-care/household duties). RESULTS: Protective relationships between FRI and alcohol use were observed among mothers. In contrast, among fathers, detrimental associations between FRI and alcohol use were observed. Whereas maternal responsibilities in general had a protective effect on alcohol use, the number of children had a detrimental impact on the quantity of alcohol consumed per day when mothers were in paid employment. Among fathers, the correlations between age of the youngest child, number of children and frequency of drinking was moderated by the level of paid employment. CONCLUSION: The study showed that in Switzerland, a systematic negative relationship was more often found between FRI and women's drinking than men's. Evidence was found that maternal responsibilities per se may protect from alcohol use but can turn into a detrimental triangle if mothers are additionally in paid employment.
[Vente. Livres. 1872-01-08. Paris]
[Vente (Livres). 1854-12-18. Paris]
Cancer du sein et obésité, une liaison dangereuse [Breast cancer and obesity, a dangerous relation].
Obesity is associated with different cancers including breast cancer, whose incidence is increased in postmenopausal women. It has an adverse impact on the prognosis of the patients, regardless of their menopausal status. The fact of receiving a systemic adjuvant therapy does not neutralize the prognostic role of obesity. Moderate weight loss after cancer diagnosis could improve the outcome of the patients, while a weight gain during treatment seems without significant effect. Currently available data are still too incomplete to justify systematic programs to lose weight with an oncologic therapeutic aim. However, it is worth to encourage and support our patients to have an optimal diet, physical activity, and to lose weight as promotion of general health.
A toi la Vie sauvage, à moi Les limbes. Étude sur la simplification dans la littérature pour enfants
Comprend : Détail de la cérémonie qui a eu lieu le dimanche 22 mars 1812, à l'Hôtel de ville de Liege....
Le poids sec, le rapport corps gras/poids sec et le contenu énergétique ou dernier stade larvaire. de le nymphe et de l'adulte ont été mesurés chez les reines. Les mâles et les ouvrières de la fourmi d'Argentine, une espèce caractérisée par une fondation de type dépendant. Deux principaux résultats ont été obtenus. En ce qui concerne les reines, nous avons montré qu'il existe une accumulation du corps gras entre l'émergence et l'accouplement toutefois cette augmentation du contenu énergétique se révèle moins importante chez cette espèce que chez celles qui possèdent une fondation de type indépendant. L'intérêt adaptatif de cette différence est discuté. En ce qui concerne les ouvrières adultes, c'est au moment de l'émergence que nous avons rencontré le plus de corps gras. En vieillissant les ouvrières perdent de l'énergie. On peut penser que ces variations sont en relation avec les tâches accomplies par les ouvrières, à l'rintéheur et à l'extérieur du nid.