994 resultados para Reef Corals


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Explants of the hard coral Seriatopora hystrix were exposed to sublethal concentrations of the herbicide diuron DCMU (N'-(3,4-dichlorophenyl,-N,N-dimethylurea)) and the heavy metal copper. Pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to assess the effects on the photosynthetic efficiency of the algal symbionts in the tissue (in Symbio), and chlorophyll fluorescence and counts of symbiotic algae (normalised to surface area) were used to assess the extent of coral bleaching. At 30 mug DCMU l(-1), there was a reduction in both the maximum effective quantum yield (DeltaF/F-m') and maximum potential quantum yield (F-v/F-m) of the algal symbionts in symbio. Corals subsequently lost their algal symbionts and discoloured (bleached), especially on their upper sunlight-exposed surfaces. At the same DCMU concentration but under low light (5% of growth irradiance), there was a marked reduction in DeltaF/F-m' but only a slight reduction in F-v/F-m and slight loss of algae. Loss of algal symbionts was also noted after a 7 d exposure to concentrations as low as 10 mug DCMU l(-1) under normal growth irradiance, and after 14 d exposure to 10 mug DCMU l(-1) under reduced irradiance. Collectively the results indicate that DCMU-induced bleaching is caused by a light-dependent photoinactivation of algal symbionts, and that bleaching occurs when F-v/F-n, (measured 2 h after sunset) is reduced to a value of less than or equal to 0.6. Elevated copper concentrations (60 mug Cu l(-1) for 10 h) also induced a rapid bleaching in S. hystrix but without affecting the quantum yield of the algae in symbio. Tests with isolated algae indicated that substantially higher concentrations (300 mug Cu l(-1) for 8 h) were needed to significantly reduce the quantum yield. Thus, copper-induced bleaching occurs without affecting the algal photosynthesis and may be related to effects on the host (animal). It is argued that warm-water bleaching of corals resembles both types of chemically induced bleaching, suggesting the need for an integrated model of coral bleaching involving the effect of temperature on both host (coral) and algal symbionts.


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High-resolution Sr/Ca ratios of two Porites corals from Leizhou Peninsula were measured using inductively coupled plasma atomic spectrometry (ICP-AES). TIMS U-Th dating reveals that the life-spans of the two corals are 489500 AD and 539-530 BC, respectively. Monthly sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during these two periods can be reconstructed from their skeletal Sr/Ca ratios. The results reveal that SSTs during 539-530 BC were roughly the same as those during 1990-2000 AD in this area, indicating a relative warm climate period. However, the period of 489-500 AD was significantly cooler, with annual mean SST, the 10-a average of minimum monthly winter SSTs and the 10-a average of maximum monthly summer SSTs being about 2, 2.9 and 1degreesC lower than that in the 1990s, respectively. Such climate patterns agree well with the phenological results recorded in the historic documents in other areas of China.


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The growth dynamics of green sea turtles resident in four separate foraging grounds of the southern Great Barrier Reef genetic stock were assessed using a nonparametric regression modeling approach. Juveniles recruit to these grounds at the same size, but grow at foraging-ground-dependent rates that result in significant differences in expected size- or age-at-maturity. Mean age-at-maturity was estimated to vary from 25-50 years depending on the ground. This stock comprises mainly the same mtDNA haplotype, so geographic variability might be due to local environmental conditions rather than genetic factors, although the variability was not a function of latitudinal variation in environmental conditions or whether the food stock was seagrass or algae. Temporal variability in growth rates was evident in response to local environmental stochasticity, so geographic variability might be due to local food stock dynamics. Despite such variability, the expected size-specific growth rate function at all grounds displayed a similar nonmonotonic growth pattern with a juvenile growth spurt at 60-70 cm curved carapace length, (CCL) or 15-20 years of age. Sex-specific growth differences were also evident with females tending to grow faster than similar-sized males after the Juvenile growth spurt. It is clear that slow sex-specific growth displaying both spatial and temporal variability and a juvenile growth spurt are distinct growth behaviors of green turtles from this stock.


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Rare earth element and yttrium (REE+Y) concentrations were determined in 49 Late Devonian reefal carbonates from the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Shale-normalized (SN) REE+Y patterns of the Late Devonian samples display features consistent with the geochemistry of well-oxygenated, shallow seawater. A variety of different ancient limestone components, including microbialites, some skeletal carbonates (stromatoporoids), and cements, record seawater-like REE+Y signatures. Contamination associated with phosphate, Fe-oxides and shale was tested quantitatively, and can be discounted as the source of the REE+Y patterns. Co-occurring carbonate components that presumably precipitated from the same seawater have different relative REE concentrations, but consistent REE+Y patterns. Clean Devonian early marine cements (n = 3) display REE+Y signatures most like that of modern open ocean seawater and the highest Y/Ho ratios (e.g., 59) and greatest light REE (LREE) depletion (average Nd-SN/Yb-SN = 0.413, SD = 0.076). However, synsedimentary cements have the lowest REE concentrations (e.g., 405 ppb). Non-contaminated Devonian microbialite samples containing a mixture of the calcimicrobe Renalcis and micritic thrombolite aggregates in early marine cement (n = 11) have the highest relative REE concentrations of tested carbonates (average total REE = 11.3 ppm). Stromatoporoid skeletons, unlike modern corals, algae and molluscs, also contain well-developed, seawater-like REE patterns. Samples from an estuarine fringing reef have very different REE+Y patterns with LREE enrichment (Nd-SN/Yb-SN > 1), possibly reflecting inclusion of estuarine colloidal material that contained preferentially scavenged LREE from a nearby riverine input source. Hence, Devonian limestones provide a proxy for marine REE geochemistry and allow the differentiation of co-occurring water masses on the ancient Lennard Shelf. Although appropriate partition coefficients for quantification of Devonian seawater REE concentrations from out data are unknown, hypothetical Devonian Canning Basin seawater REE patterns were obtained with coefficients derived from modern natural proxies and experimental values. Resulting Devonian seawater patterns are slightly enriched in LREE compared to most modem seawaters and suggest higher overall REE concentrations, but are very similar to seawaters from regions with high terrigenous inputs. Our results suggest that most limestones should record important aspects of the REE geochemistry of the waters in which they precipitated, provided they are relatively free of terrigenous contamination and major diagenetic alteration from fluids with high, non-seawater-like REE contents. Hence, we expect that many other ancient limestones will serve as seawater REE proxies, and thereby provide information on paleoceanography, paleogeography and geochemical evolution of the oceans. Copyright (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd.


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During the austral summer of 2001/2002, a coral epizootic occurred almost simultaneously with a bleaching event on the fringing reefs of Magnetic Island (Great Barrier Reef region), Australia. This resulted in a 3- to 4-fold increase in the mean percentage of partial mortality rate in a population of the hard coral Montipora aequituberculata. The putative disease state, ‘atramentous necrosis’, was observed on both bleached and normally-pigmented M. aequituberculata, and presented blackened lesions that spread within days across the colony surface and throughout the population. Diseased portions of the corals were only visible for 3 to 4 wk, with diseased tissues becoming covered in sediment and algae, which rapidly obscured evidence of the outbreak. Diseased colonies were again observed in the summer of 2002/2003 after being absent over the 2002 winter. Analysis of when diseased and bleached corals were first observed, and when and where the mortality occurred on individual colonies, indicated virtually all the mortality over the summer could be attributed to the disease and not to the bleaching. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) techniques and cloning, and analysis of the 16S rRNA genes from diseased coral tissue, identified a mixed microbial assemblage in the diseased tissues particularly within the Alphaproteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. While it is not possible in this study to distinguish between a disease-causing microbial community versus secondary invaders, the bacterial 16S rDNA sequences identified within the blackened lesions demonstrated high similarity to sequences from black band disease and white plague infected corals, suggesting either common aetiological agents or development of a bacterial community that is specific to degrading coral tissues. Temperature-induced coral disease outbreaks, with the potential for elevated levels of mortality, may represent an added problem for corals during the warmer summer months and an added dimension to predicted increases in water temperature from climate change.


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Many coral reef fish possess ultraviolet (UV) colour patterns. The behavioural significance of these patterns is poorly understood and experiments on this issue have not been reported for free-living reef fish in their natural environment. The damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis has UV facial patterns, and spectroradiometric ocular media measurements show that it has the potential for UV vision. To test the potential behavioural significance of the UV patterns, I studied the response of males, in natural territories on the reef and in aquaria, to two conspecific intruders, one presented in a UV-transmitting (UV+) container and the other in a UV-absorbing (UV-) one. Territory owners attacked intruders viewed through UV+ filters significantly more often and for longer than intruders viewed through the UV- filter. In general, the results of the field experiment confirmed those of the laboratory experiment. The results support the hypothesis that P. amboinensis males are sensitive to UV light and that reflectance patterns, which appear in high contrast only in UV, modulate the level of aggressive behaviour. A recent survey showed that many predatory fish may not have UV vision and the use of UV colours in select species of reef fish may therefore serve as a 'private communication channel'. (C) 2004 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For the managers of a region as large as the Great Barrier Reef, it is a challenge to develop a cost effective monitoring program, with appropriate temporal and spatial resolution to detect changes in water quality. The current study compares water quality data (phytoplankton abundance and water clarity) from remote sensing with field sampling (continuous underway profiles of water quality and fixed site sampling) at different spatial scales in the Great Barrier Reef north of Mackay (20 degrees S). Five transects (20-30 km long) were conducted from clean oceanic water to the turbid waters adjacent to the mainland. The different data sources demonstrated high correlations when compared on a similar spatial scale (18 fixed sites). However, each data source also contributed unique information that could not be obtained by the other techniques. A combination of remote sensing, underway sampling and fixed stations will deliver the best spatial and temporal monitoring of water quality in the Great Barrier Reef. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We describe one new species of Telotrema Ozaki, 1933 from the intestine of an acanthurid fish of the Great Barrier Reef. Telotrema brevicaudatum n. sp. is described from 2 mature specimens from the yellowfin surgeonfish, Acanthurus xanthopterus Valenciennes, 1835 ( Acanthuridae), from waters off Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. This species is distinguished from the type-species, Telotrema caudatum Ozaki, 1933, by the smaller excretory papilla, the massive pars prostatica, the unipartite, globular seminal vesicle, and the intertesticular position of the ovary. The proposal of a new species of Telotrema necessitates re-examination of the generic diagnosis, and the genus is here redefined in light of the morphology of T. brevicaudatum. Telotrema is distinguished from Gyliauchen Nicoll, 1915 by the possession of a ventral sucker which is larger than the pharynx, a straight or sigmoid oesophagus, an extensive and dense vitellarium, and a distinct excretory papilla. We here recognise 3 species and distinguish them in a key. The biogeographical range for species of Telotrema now includes acanthurid and pomacentrid fishes of the western Pacific Ocean.


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Prosorhynchoides lamprelli n. sp. ( Digenea: Bucephalidae) is described from the intestine of the brassy trevally, Caranx papuensis (Carangidae) from off Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The new species is differentiated from other species of Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929 by the shape and distribution of its vitelline follicles, the shape and extent of its uterus and the configuration of its digestive system. This is the first bucephalid to be described from Caranx papuensis; we have not encountered this species from other carangids or from over 1,500 individuals of other teleosts species we have found to be infected with bucephalids from the Great Barrier Reef.


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Sex- and age-class-specific survival probabilities of a southern Great Barrier Reef green sea turtle population were estimated using a capture - mark - recapture (CMR) study and a Cormack - Jolly - Seber (CJS) modelling approach. The CMR history profiles for 954 individual turtles tagged over a 9-year period ( 1984 - 1992) were classified into three age classes ( adult, subadult, juvenile) based on somatic growth and reproductive traits. Reduced-parameter CJS models, accounting for constant survival and time-specific recapture, fitted best for all age classes. There were no significant sex-specific differences in either survival or recapture probabilities for any age class. Mean annual adult survival was estimated at 0.9482 (95% CI: 0.92 - 0.98) and was significantly higher than survival for either subadults or juveniles. Mean annual subadult survival was 0.8474 ( 95% CI: 0.79 - 0.91), which was not significantly different from mean annual juvenile survival estimated at 0.8804 ( 95% CI: 0.84 - 0.93). The time-specific adult recapture probabilities were a function of sampling effort but this was not the case for either juveniles or subadults. The sampling effort effect was accounted for explicitly in the estimation of adult survival and recapture probabilities. These are the first comprehensive sex- and age-class-specific survival and recapture probability estimates for a green sea turtle population derived from a long-term CMR program.


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A new species Gorgocephalus yaaji is described in the intestine of Kyphosus vaigiensis from the waters off Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. It differs from Gorgocephalus kyphosi by its broader body shape, the extension of the vitellarium into the forebody, a relatively longer forebody, cirrus-sac and post-caecal region, and a shorter distance between the ventral sucker and the ovary. It differs from Gorgocephalus manteri in its size, its tandem testes, and the ratios of width, ventral sucker to ovary distance and ovary to testes distance to body-length. Gorgocephalus kyphosi is reported in the pyloric caeca of K. vaigiensis from waters off Moorea, French Polynesia, and Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. Measurements and an illustration are given of the latter species.


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A new trematode genus, Grammatorcynicola n. g. (Bucephalidae: Dolichoenterinae), and two new species, G. brayi n. sp. and G. nolani n. sp. from the intestines of the scombrids, Grammatorcynus bicarinatus and Gr. bilineatus respectively, are reported from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Grammatorcynicola n. g. is placed in the Dolichoenterinae, as the pharynx is in the anterior quarter of the body, the caecum is tube-like and extends to the posterior quarter of the body, the cirrus-sac is small relative to the size of the worm when compared with other bucephalids and the pars prostatica is curved. Grammatorcynicola n. g. differs from other dolichoenterine genera in having a simple sucker-like rhynchus, the ovary anterior to the testes and by not having a particularly thick cirrus-sac wall.


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Digenean parasites of marine bivalves are relatively poorly known, particularly in Australia. We surveyed 2256 bivalve individuals ( 47 species, 17 families) from Queensland marine waters incorporating south-east Queensland, Heron Island ( southern Great Barrier Reef) and Lizard Island ( northern Great Barrier Reef). Infections of trematode species from three families, Bucephalidae, Gorgoderidae and Monorchiidae, were found. Overall prevalence of infection was 2.3%. The Bucephalidae was the most commonly found family; 11 species were found in Tellinidae, Ostreidae, Isognomonidae and Spondylidae - the latter two previously unknown as hosts for bucephalids. A single gorgoderid infection was found in a venerid, Lioconcha castrensis. Five species of monorchiids were found from Tellinidae and Lucinidae. All infections are new host/parasite records. No infections were found in 35 of the 47 bivalve species sampled. The generally low prevalence of infection by digeneans of bivalves suggests that it is unlikely that any of the species reported here are seriously damaging to bivalve populations in these waters. We deduce that, at best, we have some life-cycle information but no actual identifications for 10% of the species of trematodes that infect bivalves of Queensland marine waters.


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Waves breaking on the seaward rim of a coral reef generate a flow of water from the exposed side of the reef to the sheltered side and/or to either channels through the reef-rim or lower sections of the latter. This wave-generated flow is driven by the water surface gradient resulting from the wave set-up created by the breaking waves. This paper reviews previous approaches to modelling wave-generated flows across coral reefs and discusses the influence of reef morphology and roughness upon these flows. Laboratory measurements upon a two-dimensional horizontal reef platform with a steep reef face provide the basis for extending a previous theoretical analysis for wave set-up on a reef in the absence of a flow [Gourlay, M.R., 1996b. Wave set-up on coral reefs. 2. Set-up on reefs with various profiles. Coastal Engineering 28, 1755] to include the interaction between a unidirectional flow and the wave set-up. The laboratory model results are then used to demonstrate that there are two basic reef-top flow regimes-reef-top control and reef-rim control. Using open channel flow theory, analytical relationships are derived for the reef-top current velocity in terms of the offreef wave conditions, the reef-top water depth and the physical characteristics of the reef-top topography. The wave set-up and wave-generated flow relationships are found to predict experimental values with reasonable accuracy in most cases. The analytical relationships are used to investigate wave-generated flows into a boat harbour channel on Heron Reef in the southern Great Barrier Reef. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.