951 resultados para Receptor Expression


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Ovarian follicle development is regulated through endocrine and local mechanisms. Increasing evidence indicates roles for transforming growth factor beta superfamily members, including inhibins and activins. We recently identified divergent expression of mRNAs encoding activin receptors (ActR) and inhibin co-receptor betaglycan in chicken follicles at different stages of maturation. Here, we compare the actions of LH and FSH (0, 1, 10, 100 ng/ml) on levels of mRNA for ActRI, ActRIIA, ActRIIB and betaglycan in chicken granulosa and theca cells (GC and TC) from preovulatory (F1) and prehierarchical (6-8 mm) follicles. The expression of mRNAs for LH-R and FSH-R and production of inhibin A, oestradiol and progesterone were also quantified. FSH decreased ActRIIB and ActRI mRNA levels in 6-8 mm GC, whereas LH increased the mRNA levels. Both LH and FSH enhanced ActRIIA (5- and 8.5-fold) and betaglycan mRNA expression (2- and 3.5-fold) in 6-8 mm GC. In 6-8 mm TC, LH and FSH both increased the betaglycan mRNA level (7- and 3.5-fold respectively) but did not affect ActRI, ActRIIA and ActRIIB transcript levels. In F1 GC, both LH and FSH stimulated ActRI (2- and 2.4-fold), ActRIIB (3.2- and 2.7-fold) and betaglycan (7- and 4-fold) mRNA levels, while ActRIIA mRNA was unaffected. In F1 TC, LH and FSH reduced ActRIIA (35-50%) and increased (4.5- and 7.6-fold) betaglycan mRNA, but had no effect on ActRI and ActRIIB transcript levels. Results support the hypothesis that expression of ActR and betaglycan are differentially regulated by gonadotrophins during follicle maturation in the hen. This may represent an important mechanism for fine-tuning follicle responsiveness to local and systemic activins and inhibins.


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Since the alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) can be measured intact in the human breast and possess oestrogenic properties, it has been suggested that they could contribute to an aberrant burden of oestrogen signalling in the human breast and so play a role in the rising incidence of breast cancer. However, although parabens have been shown to regulate a few single genes (reporter genes, pS2, progesterone receptor) in a manner similar to that of 17 beta-oestradiol, the question remains as to the full extent of the similarity in the overall gene profile induced in response to parabens compared with 17 beta-oestradiol. The GE-Amersham CodeLink 20 K human expression microarray system was used to profile the expression of 19881 genes in MCF7 human breast cancer cells following a 7-day exposure to 5 x 10(-4) m methylparaben, 10(-5) m n-butylparaben and 10(-8) m 17 beta-oestradiol. At these concentrations, the parabens gave growth responses in MCF7 cells of similar magnitude to 17 beta-oestradiol. The study identified genes which are upregulated or downregulated to a similar extent by methylparaben, n-butylparaben and 17 beta-oestradiol. However, the majority of genes were not regulated in the same way by all three treatments. Some genes responded differently to parabens from 17 beta-oestradiol, and furthermore, differences in expression of some genes could be detected even between the two individual parabens. Therefore, although parabens possess oestrogenic properties, their mimicry in terms of global gene expression patterns is not perfect and differences in gene expression profiles could result in consequences to the cells that are not identical to those following exposure to 17 beta-oestradiol. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Cell culture models of antioestrogen resistance often involve applying selective pressures of oestrogen deprivation simultaneously with addition of tamoxifen or fulvestrant (Faslodex, ICI 182,780) which makes it difficult to distinguish events in development of antioestrogen resistance from those in loss of response to oestrogen or other components. We describe here time courses of loss of antioestrogen response using either oestrogen-maintained or oestrogen-deprived MCF7 cells in which the only alteration to the culture medium was addition of 10(-6) M tamoxifen or 10(-7) M fulvestrant. In both oestrogen-maintained and oestrogen-deprived models, loss of growth response to tamoxifen was not associated with loss of response to fulvestrant. However, loss of growth response to fulvestrant was associated in both models with concomitant loss of growth response to tamoxifen. Measurement of oestrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) and oestrogen receptor beta (ER beta) mRNA by real-time RT-PCR together with ER alpha and ER beta protein by Western immunoblotting revealed substantial changes to ER alpha levels but very little alteration to ER beta levels following development of antioestrogen resistance. In oestrogen-maintained cells, tamoxifen resistance was associated with raised levels of ERa mRNA/protein. However by contrast, in oestrogen-deprived MCF7 cells, where oestrogen deprivation alone had already resulted in increased levels of ERa mRNA/protein, long-term tamoxifen exposure now reduced ER alpha levels. Whilst long-term exposure to fulvestrant reduced ERa. mRNA/protein levels in the oestrogen-maintained cells to a level barely detectable by Western immunoblotting and non-functional in inducing gene expression (ERE-LUC reporter or pS2), in oestrogen-deprived cells the reduction was much less substantial and these cells retained an oestrogen-induction of both the ERE-LUC reporter gene and the endogenous pS2 gene which could still be inhibited by antioestrogen. This demonstrates that whilst ER alpha can be abrogated by fulvestrant and increased by tamoxifen in some circumstances, this does not always hold true and mechanisms other than alteration to ER must be involved in the development of antioestrogen resistant growth. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Differences in the expression of cell surface proteins between a normal prostate epithelial (1542-NP2TX) and a prostate cancer cell line (1542-CP3TX) derived from the same patient were investigated. A combination of affinity chromatographic purification of biotin-tagged surface proteins with mass spectrometry analysis identified 26 integral membrane proteins and 14 peripheral surface proteins. The findings confirm earlier reports of altered expression in prostate cancer for several cell surface proteins, including ALCAM/CD166, the Ephrin type A receptor, EGFR and the prostaglandin F2 receptor regulatory protein. In addition, several novel findings of differential expression were made, including the voltage-dependent anion selective channel proteins Porin 1 and 2, ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) and Scavenger receptor B1. Cell surface protein expression changed both qualitatively and quantitatively when the cells were grown in the presence of either or both interferon INFalpha and INFgamma. Costimulation with type I and II interferons had additive or synergistic effects on the membrane density of several, mainly peripherally attached surface proteins. Concerted upregulation of surface exposed antigens may be of benefit in immuno-adjuvant-based treatment of interferon-responsive prostate cancer. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that differences in the expression of membrane proteins between normal and prostate cancer cells are reproducibly detectable following vectorial labelling with biotin, and that detailed analysis of extracellular-induced surface changes can be achieved by combining surface-specific labelling with high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.


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Measurement of inhibins A and B in the serum of normal cyclic rodents has implicated FSH in the regulation of these peptides within the ovary. To extend these observations we have used a panel of mutant mice carrying mutations which affect either the production of, or the ability to respond to, FSH and LH. As a consequence, the females are infertile and show different degrees of follicular development. The aim of this study was to measure inhibin gene transcription in the ovaries of these mutant females together with inhibin protein levels in ovaries and serum and to relate these to follicular development within the ovary. Comparison was made with a pool of normal/heterozygous females. In hpg females where lack of GnRH production results in the absence of gonadotropin synthesis, in FSHbeta knockout (FSHbetaKO) females where disruption of the gene encoding FSHbeta results in the absence of FSH production, and in FSH receptor knockout (FSHRKO) females which are unable to respond to circulating FSH, follicular development remains at the pre-antral stage in these three mutants. Only in the hpg females were common inhibin alpha subunit mRNA levels significantly lower than normal. In these three mutants, however, mRNA levels for both the betaA and betaB subunits were extremely low compared with normal mice. At the protein level, neither inhibin A nor B was detected in the serum of these three mutants; however inhibin B, albeit at very low levels, was detectable within the ovaries. These observations confirm a major role for FSH in the control of transcription of the RA and betaB genes but suggest that the constitutive transcription of the alpha subunit is less dependent on FSH. In contrast, in LH receptor knockout (LuRKO) female mice inhibin betaA subunit mRNA levels were similar to those measured in normal/heterozygous females but levels of inhibin alpha and betaB subunit mRNAs were significantly higher than in the normal group. This was reflected in significantly higher inhibin B protein levels in ovaries and serum. An inability to respond to LH combined with high circulating levels of FSH leads to a high proportion of antral follicles in LuRKO females, with granulosa cells constituting the major cell type within the ovary. The high percentage of antral granulosa cells is likely to account for the significantly higher levels of inhibin B production in these ovaries.


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CD36 is an important scavenger receptor mediating uptake of oxidized low- density lipoproteins ( oxLDLs) and plays a key role in foam cell formation and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. We report the first evidence that the transcription factor Nrf2 is expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells, and demonstrate that oxLDLs cause nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 in murine macrophages, resulting in the activation of genes encoding CD36 and the stress proteins A170, heme oxygenase- 1 ( HO- 1), and peroxiredoxin I ( Prx I). 4- Hydroxy- 2- nonenal ( HNE), derived from lipid peroxidation, was one of the most effective activators of Nrf2. Using Nrf2- deficient macrophages, we established that Nrf2 partially regulates CD36 expression in response to oxLDLs, HNE, or the electrophilic agent diethylmaleate. In murine aortic smooth muscle cells, expressing negligible levels of CD36, both moderately and highly oxidized LDL caused only limited Nrf2 translocation and negligible increases in A170, HO- 1, and Prx I expression. However, treatment of smooth muscle cells with HNE significantly enhanced nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 and increased A170, HO- 1, and Prx I protein levels. Because PPAR-gamma can be activated by oxLDLs and controls expression of CD36 in macrophages, our results implicate Nrf2 as a second important transcription factor involved in the induction of the scavenger receptor CD36 and antioxidant stress genes in atherosclerosis.


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1 The human dopamine D-2long (D-2L) receptor was expressed with four different G proteins in Sf9 cells using the baculovirus expression system. When co-expressed with G(i)/G(o) G proteins (G(i1)alpha, G(i2)alpha, G(i3)alpha, or G(o)alpha, plus Gbeta(1) and Ggamma(2)) the receptor displayed a high-affinity binding site for the agonists (dopamine and NPA), which was sensitive to GTP (100 mum), demonstrating interaction between the receptor and the different G proteins. 2 The receptor to G protein ratio (R: G ratio) was evaluated using [H-3]-spiperone saturation binding (R) and [S-35]-GTPgammaS saturation binding (G). R: G ratios of 1: 12, 1: 3, 1: 14 and 1: 5 were found for G(i1), G(i2), G(i3), and Go preparations, respectively. However, when R:G ratios of 1:2 and 1: 12 were compared for G(i2) and G(o), no difference was found for the stimulation of [S-35]-GTPgammaS binding. 3 Several agonists were tested for their ability to stimulate [S-35]-GTPgammaS binding to membranes co-expressing the receptor and various G proteins. All the compounds tested showed agonist activity in preparations expressing G(i3) and G(o). However, for G(i2) and G(i1) preparations, compounds such as S-(-)-3-PPP and p-tyramine were unable to stimulate [S-35]-GTPyS binding. 4 Most of the compounds showed higher relative efficacies (compared to dopamine) and higher potencies in the preparation expressing G(o). Comparison of the effects of different agonists in the different preparations showed that each agonist differentially activates the four G proteins. 5 We conclude that the degree of selectivity of G protein activation by the D-2L receptor can depend on the conformation of the receptor stabilised by an agonist.


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Differences in the expression of cell surface proteins between a normal prostate epithelial (1542-NP2TX) and a prostate cancer cell line (1542-CP3TX) derived from the same patient were investigated. A combination of affinity chromatographic purification of biotin-tagged surface proteins with mass spectrometry analysis identified 26 integral membrane proteins and 14 peripheral surface proteins. The findings confirm earlier reports of altered expression in prostate cancer for several cell surface proteins, including ALCAM/CD166, the Ephrin type A receptor, EGFR and the prostaglandin F2 receptor regulatory protein. In addition, several novel findings of differential expression were made, including the voltage-dependent anion selective channel proteins Porin 1 and 2, ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) and Scavenger receptor B1. Cell surface protein expression changed both qualitatively and quantitatively when the cells were grown in the presence of either or both interferon INF alpha and INF gamma. Costimulation with type I and II interferons had additive or synergistic effects on the membrane density of several, mainly peripherally attached surface proteins. Concerted upregulation of surface exposed antigens may be of benefit in immuno-adjuvant-based treatment of interferon-responsive prostate cancer. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that differences in the expression of membrane proteins between normal and prostate cancer cells are reproducibly detectable following vectorial labelling with biotin, and that detailed analysis of extracellular-induced surface changes can be achieved by combining surface-specific labelling with high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.


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The deleterious impact of cigarette smoking on cardiovascular health may be in part attributable to a free radical mediated proinflammatory response in circulating monocytes. In the current investigation, the impact of vitamin C supplementation on monocyte gene expression was determined in apoE4 smokers versus non-smokers. A total of 10 smokers and 11 non-smokers consumed 60 mg/day of vitamin C for four weeks and a fasting blood sample was taken at baseline and post-intervention for the determination of plasma vitamin C and monocyte gene expression profiles using cDNA array and real time PCR. In apoE4 smokers, supplementation resulted in a 43% increase in plasma vitamin C concentrations. Furthermore, a number of genes were differentially expressed more than 2-fold in response to treatment, including a downregulation of the proinflammatory mediators tumor necrosis factor (TNF) beta, TNF receptor, neurotrophin-3 growth factor receptor, and monocyte chemoattractant protein I receptor. The study has identified a number of molecular mechanisms underlying the benefit of vitamin C supplementation in smokers. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The recent discovery that vitamin E (VE) regulates gene activity at the transcriptional level indicates that VE may exert part of its biological effects by mechanisms which may be independent of its well-recognised antioxidant function. The objective of this study was the identification of hepatic vitamin E-sensitive genes and examination of the effects of VE on their corresponding biological endpoints. Two groups of male rats were randomly assigned to either a VE-sufficient diet or to a control diet deficient in VE for 290 days. High-density oligonucleotide microarrays comprising over 7000 genes were used to assess the transcriptional response of the liver. Differential gene expression was monitored over a period of 9 months, at four different time-points, and rats were individually profiled. This experimental strategy identified several VE-sensitive genes, which were chronically altered by dietary VE. VE supplementation down-regulated scavenger receptor CD36, coagulation factor IX and 5-alpha-steroid reductase type 1 mRNA levels while hepatic gamma glutamyl-cysteinyl synthetase was significantly up-regulated. Measurement of the corresponding biological endpoints such as activated partial thromboplastin time, plasma dihydrotestosterone and hepatic glutathione substantiated the gene chip data which indicated that dietary VE plays an important role in a range of metabolic processes within the liver. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Several lines of evidence suggest that the dietary isoflavone genistein (Gen) has beneficial effects with regard to cardiovascular disease and in particular on aspects related to blood pressure and angiogenesis. The biological action of Gen may be, at Least in part, attributed to its ability to affect cell signalling and response. However, so far, most of the molecular mechanisms underlying the activity of Gen in the endothelium are unknown. Methods and results: To examine the transcriptional response to 2.5 mu M Gen on primary human endothelial cells (HUVEC), we applied cDNA array technology both under baseline condition and after treatment with the pro-atherogenic stimulus, copper-oxidized LDL. The alteration of the expression patterns of individual transcripts was substantiated using either RT-PCR or Northern blotting. Gen significantly affected the expression of genes encoding for proteins centrally involved in the vascular tone such as endothelin-converting enzyme-1, endothetin-2, estrogen related receptor a and atria[ natriuretic peptide receptor A precursor. Furthermore, Gen countered the effect of oxLDL on mRNA levels encoding for vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 165, types 1 and 2. Conclusions: Our data indicate that physiologically achievable levels of Gen change the expression of mRNA encoding for proteins involved in the control of blood pressure under baseline conditions and reduce the angiogenic response to oxLDL in the endothelium. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reduced synaptic inhibition due to dysfunction of ionotropic GABAA receptors has been proposed as one factor in cerebral ischaemia-induced excitotoxic cell death. However, the participation of the inhibitory metabotropic GABAB receptors in these pathological processes has not been extensively investigated. We used oxygen–glucose deprivation (OGD) and NMDA-induced excitotoxicity as models to investigate whether ischaemia-like challenges alter the protein levels of GABAB1 and GABAB2 receptor subunits in rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Twenty-four hours after the insult both OGD and NMDA produced a marked decrease in the total levels of GABAB2 (75%), while there was no significant change in the levels of GABAB1 after OGD, but an increase after NMDA treatment (100%). The GABAB receptor agonist baclofen (100 μM) was neuroprotective following OGD or NMDA treatment if added before or during the insult. GABAB receptors comprise heterodimers of GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunits and our results suggest that the separate subunits are independently regulated in response to extreme neuronal stress. However, because GABAB2 is required for functional surface expression, down-regulation of this subunit removes an important inhibitory feedback mechanism under pathological conditions.


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The related inflammatory cytokines, interleukin- (IL-) 1β and IL-33, are both implicated in the response of the heart to injury. They also activate mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in cardiac myocytes. The hypertrophic Gq protein-coupled receptor agonist endothelin-1 is a potentially cardioprotective peptide and may modulate the inflammatory response. Endothelin-1 also stimulates (MAPKs) in cardiac myocytes and promotes rapid changes in expression of mRNAs encoding intercellular and intracellular signalling components including receptors for IL-33 (ST2) and phosphoprotein phosphatases. Prior exposure to endothelin-1 may specifically modulate the response to IL-33 and, more globally, influence MAPK activation by different stimuli. Neonatal rat ventricular myocytes were exposed to IL-1β or IL-33 with or without pre-exposure to endothelin-1 (5 h) and MAPK activation assessed. IL-33 activated ERK1/2, JNKs and p38-MAPK, but to a lesser degree than IL-1β. Endothelin-1 increased expression of soluble IL-33 receptors (sST2 receptors) which may prevent binding of IL-33 to the cell-surface receptors. However, pretreatment with endothelin-1 only inhibited activation of p38-MAPK by IL-33 with no significant influence on ERK1/2 and a small increase in activation of JNKs. Inhibition of p38-MAPK signalling following pretreatment with endothelin-1 was also detected with IL-1β, H2O2 or tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) indicating an effect intrinsic to the signalling pathway. Endothelin-1 pretreatment suppressed the increase in expression of IL-6 mRNA induced by IL-1β and decreased the duration of expression of TNFα mRNA. Coupled with the general decrease in p38-MAPK signalling, we conclude that endothelin-1 attenuates the cardiac myocyte inflammatory response, potentially to confer cardioprotection.


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Prostate cancer is one of the most frequent cancer types in Western societies and predominately occurs in the elderly male. The strong age-related increase of prostate cancer is associated with a progressive accumulation of oxidative DNA damage which is presumably supported by a decline of the cellular antioxidative defence during ageing. Risk of developing prostate cancer is much lower in many Asian countries where soy food is an integral part of diet. Therefore, isoflavones from soy were suggested to have chemopreventive activities in prostate cells. Here, we have investigated the hypothesis that the soy-isoflavone genistein could protect DNA of LAPC-4 prostate cells from oxidative stress-related damage by enhancing the expression of antioxidative genes and proteins. A 24 h preincubation with genistein (1-30 microM) protected cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage, as determined by the comet assay. Analysis of two cDNA macroarrays, each containing 96 genes of biotransformation and stress response, revealed a modulated expression of 3 genes at 1 microM and of 19 genes at 10 microM genistein. Real-time PCR confirmed the induction of three genes encoding products with antioxidant activities, namely glutathione reductase (2.7-fold), microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 (1.9-fold) and metallothionein 1X (6.3-fold), at 1-30 microM genistein. 17Beta-estradiol, in contrast, decreased the expression of metallothionein 1X at 0.3 microM (2.0-fold), possibly pointing to an estrogen receptor-mediated regulation of this gene. Immunocytochemical staining revealed an induction of metallothionein proteins at 30 microM genistein, while their intracellular localization was unaffected. Metallothioneins were previously found to protect cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage. Hence, our findings indicate that genistein protects prostate cells from oxidative stress-related DNA damage presumably by inducing the expression of antioxidative products, such as metallothioneins. Genistein, therefore, might counteract the age-related decline of important antioxidative defence systems which in turn maintain DNA integrity.


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Type III secretion systems of enteric bacteria enable translocation of effector proteins into host cells. Secreted proteins of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 strains include components of a translocation apparatus, EspA, -B, and -D, as well as "effectors" such as the translocated intimin receptor (Tir) and the mitochondrion-associated protein (Map). This research has investigated the regulation of LEE4 translocon proteins, in particular EspA. EspA filaments could not be detected on the bacterial cell surface when E. coli O157:H7 was cultured in M9 minimal medium but were expressed from only a proportion of the bacterial population when cultured in minimal essential medium modified with 25 mM HEPES. The highest proportions of EspA-filamented bacteria were detected in late exponential phase, after which filaments were lost rapidly from the bacterial cell surface. Our previous research had shown that human and bovine E. coli O157:H7 strains exhibit marked differences in EspD secretion levels. Here it is demonstrated that the proportion of the bacterial population expressing EspA filaments was associated with the level of EspD secretion. The ability of individual bacteria to express EspA filaments was not controlled at the level of LEE1-4 operon transcription, as demonstrated by using both beta-galactosidase and green fluorescent protein (GFP) promoter fusions. All bacteria, whether expressing EspA filaments or not, showed equivalent levels of GFP expression when LEEI-4 translational fusions were used. Despite this, the LEE4-espADB mRNA was more abundant from populations with a high proportion of nonsecreting bacteria (low secretors) than from populations with a high proportion of secreting and therefore filamented bacteria (high secretors). This research demonstrates that while specific environmental conditions are required to induce LEEI-4 expression, a further checkpoint exists before EspA filaments are produced on the bacterial surface and secretion of effector proteins occurs. This checkpoint in E. coli O157:H7 translocon expression is controlled by a posttranscriptional mechanism acting on LEE4-espADB mRNA. The heterogeneity in EspA filamentation could arise from phase-variable expression of regulators that control this posttranscriptional mechanism.