953 resultados para Ranking paradigms


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The aim of this study was to understand the current and historic market situation for inland fish and it’s substitutes in order to identify which of the various production opportunities presented by the seasonal tank resource might have greatest relevance for marginal communities in the Dry-zone. Regional and sub-regional market networks for fish and meat products were investigated, ranking and scoring exercises used to characterise consumer demand in rain-fed areas of North West Province and secondary data sources were used to assess historic patterns of demand and supply [PDF contains 57 pages]


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Quantitative data on twaite shad are collected annually in spring and autumn since 1974 by the Demersal Young Fish Survey. Results for occurrence of these anadromous species show that twaite shad has been caught in the entire Wadden Sea area despite of the poorly suited 3-m shrimp beam trawl applied in the survey. Regional differences occur: Only sporadic catches are observed in the northern part of the German Wadden Sea, while more frequent ones occurred southwards and in the East Frisian Islands region. The obvious recent increase of abundance of Alosa fallax in spring allows for a lower ranking in the Red List of Endangered Species, while Allis shad (Alosa alosa) requires the same classification, as it was the never caught during the thirty years of surveys.


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Papillomaviruses (PVs) are widespread pathogens. However, the extent of PV infections in bats remains largely unknown. This work represents the first comprehensive study of PVs in Iberian bats. We identified four novel PVs in the mucosa of free-ranging Eptesicus serotinus (EserPV1, EserPV2, and EserPV3) and Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (RferPV1) individuals and analyzed their phylogenetic relationships within the viral family. We further assessed their prevalence in different populations of E. serotinus and its close relative E. isabellinus. Although it is frequent to read that PVs co-evolve with their host, that PVs are highly species-specific, and that PVs do not usually recombine, our results suggest otherwise. First, strict virus-host co-evolution is rejected by the existence of five, distantly related bat PV lineages and by the lack of congruence between bats and bat PVs phylogenies. Second, the ability of EserPV2 and EserPV3 to infect two different bat species (E. serotinus and E. isabellinus) argues against strict host specificity. Finally, the description of a second noncoding region in the RferPV1 genome reinforces the view of an increased susceptibility to recombination in the E2-L2 genomic region. These findings prompt the question of whether the prevailing paradigms regarding PVs evolution should be reconsidered.


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215 p.


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This paper explores the benefits of including age-structure in the control rule (HCR) when decision makers regard their (age-structured) models as approximations. We find that introducing age structure into the HCR reduces both the volatility of the spawning biomass and the yield. Although at a fairly imprecise level the benefits are lower, there are still major advantages for actual assessment precision of the case study. Moreover, we find that when age-structure is included in the HCR the relative ranking of different policies in terms of variance in biomass and yield does not differ. These results are shown both theoretically and numerically by applying the model to the Southern Hake fishery.


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One of the paradigms in the management of fish resources is that annual yield is a function of water quality. Consequently, the use of shorthand methods for predicting yields from morphological and /or edaphic factors of the water body are most appropriate for tropical multi-species fisheries. In this study, the morpho-edaphic index (MEI) was used to estimate the productivity of Ologe lagoon (Nigeria). The predicted yield was 73.8 kg ha super(-1) yr super(-1) and a comparison with yields in other African waters showed that Ologe lagoon is highly productive. However, its potential is not fully harnessed due to the traditional nature of the fishing


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The study examined the characterization of rural livelihood of the fishermen in the Nigeria portion of Lake Chad Basin are as part of European Commission (EC) founded project entitled "Sustainable development of continental fisheries; a regional study of policy options and policy formation mechanisms for the Lake Chad Basin" Wealth ranking exercise which was not based on real income but on production capacity of the fishermen was carried out in twenty (20) villages survey on the western part of the region using Rapid Rural Appraisal Technique with semi- structured interviews. The different activities carried out by the villagers for living were identified according to their socio-economic status. This was followed by an assessment of the socio-economic characterization within each wealth group. Series of comparative analysis of the ethnic composition, accessibility of fishing gear ownership by the population were done. The results show that the 3 wealth groups in the region include the rich (Group 1) the middle class (Group 2) and the poor (Group 3). It was identified that fishing is just one component of the socio-economic production system along side farming, livestock rearing and trading which are closely integrated. The diversified livelihood system being practiced in the Chad Basin region are not only less vulnerable but also more sustainable


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This thesis is comprised of three chapters, each of which is concerned with properties of allocational mechanisms which include voting procedures as part of their operation. The theme of interaction between economic and political forces recurs in the three chapters, as described below.

Chapter One demonstrates existence of a non-controlling interest shareholders' equilibrium for a stylized one-period stock market economy with fewer securities than states of the world. The economy has two decision mechanisms: Owners vote to change firms' production plans across states, fixing shareholdings; and individuals trade shares and the current production / consumption good, fixing production plans. A shareholders' equilibrium is a production plan profile, and a shares / current good allocation stable for both mechanisms. In equilibrium, no (Kramer direction-restricted) plan revision is supported by a share-weighted majority, and there exists no Pareto superior reallocation.

Chapter Two addresses efficient management of stationary-site, fixed-budget, partisan voter registration drives. Sufficient conditions obtain for unique optimal registrar deployment within contested districts. Each census tract is assigned an expected net plurality return to registration investment index, computed from estimates of registration, partisanship, and turnout. Optimum registration intensity is a logarithmic transformation of a tract's index. These conditions are tested using a merged data set including both census variables and Los Angeles County Registrar data from several 1984 Assembly registration drives. Marginal registration spending benefits, registrar compensation, and the general campaign problem are also discussed.

The last chapter considers social decision procedures at a higher level of abstraction. Chapter Three analyzes the structure of decisive coalition families, given a quasitransitive-valued social decision procedure satisfying the universal domain and ITA axioms. By identifying those alternatives X* ⊆ X on which the Pareto principle fails, imposition in the social ranking is characterized. Every coaliton is weakly decisive for X* over X~X*, and weakly antidecisive for X~X* over X*; therefore, alternatives in X~X* are never socially ranked above X*. Repeated filtering of alternatives causing Pareto failure shows states in X^n*~X^((n+1))* are never socially ranked above X^((n+1))*. Limiting results of iterated application of the *-operator are also discussed.


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EUSKARA LABURPENA: Irakurketa bizitza osoan zehar gizakiak jorratu beharko duen prozesu konplexua da. Irakurketarekiko lehen harremanak txikitatik eta familia giroan hasten direla kontuan izanik, hizkuntza idatziaren sustatze egitasmoan familiak duen ezinbesteko papera gailendu nahi izan dugu lan honetan. Horrenbestez, Lekeitioko 3-5 urte bitarteko haurren familiek etxetik irakurzaletasuna sustatzeko egiten duten ahalegina aztertzeko, galdetegi bidezko ikerketa bat egin dugu. Burututako ikerlanetik ondorio interesgarriak ateratzea lortu dugu; besteak beste, etxean gurasoek haurrekin irakurtzeko ohitura erakutsi arren, liburutegira edota ekimenetara joateko ez dutela esfortzu handiegirik egiten; edota familiek ez dutela oparien rankingeko gorengo mailan kokatzen liburua.


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Lan honen helburua , Howard Gardner - rek proposatutako Adimen Anitzen Teoriaren inguruan hausnarketa eta ike rketa egitea izan da , baita hezkuntza eremuan ezartzearen aukera aztertzea ere. Proposamen honek, adimena bakarra eta orokorra denaren paradigma tradizionala apurtu zuen, adimena anitza dela azpimarratuz. Hortaz, teoria honen ezarpena eskoletan, aldaketa s akona suposatzen du. Izan ere, ikasteko dauden modu desberdinak errespetatuz, pertsona guztiei erantzun egokia ematea lortuko litzateke, modu honetan, eskola zein gizarte inklusiboa lortzeko ateak zabalduz.


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The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is a pattern of intense rainfall and associated planetary-scale circulations in the tropical atmosphere, with a recurrence interval of 30-90 days. Although the MJO was first discovered 40 years ago, it is still a challenge to simulate the MJO in general circulation models (GCMs), and even with simple models it is difficult to agree on the basic mechanisms. This deficiency is mainly due to our poor understanding of moist convection—deep cumulus clouds and thunderstorms, which occur at scales that are smaller than the resolution elements of the GCMs. Moist convection is the most important mechanism for transporting energy from the ocean to the atmosphere. Success in simulating the MJO will improve our understanding of moist convection and thereby improve weather and climate forecasting.

We address this fundamental subject by analyzing observational datasets, constructing a hierarchy of numerical models, and developing theories. Parameters of the models are taken from observation, and the simulated MJO fits the data without further adjustments. The major findings include: 1) the MJO may be an ensemble of convection events linked together by small-scale high-frequency inertia-gravity waves; 2) the eastward propagation of the MJO is determined by the difference between the eastward and westward phase speeds of the waves; 3) the planetary scale of the MJO is the length over which temperature anomalies can be effectively smoothed by gravity waves; 4) the strength of the MJO increases with the typical strength of convection, which increases in a warming climate; 5) the horizontal scale of the MJO increases with the spatial frequency of convection; and 6) triggered convection, where potential energy accumulates until a threshold is reached, is important in simulating the MJO. Our findings challenge previous paradigms, which consider the MJO as a large-scale mode, and point to ways for improving the climate models.


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Protein structure prediction has remained a major challenge in structural biology for more than half a century. Accelerated and cost efficient sequencing technologies have allowed researchers to sequence new organisms and discover new protein sequences. Novel protein structure prediction technologies will allow researchers to study the structure of proteins and to determine their roles in the underlying biology processes and develop novel therapeutics.

Difficulty of the problem stems from two folds: (a) describing the energy landscape that corresponds to the protein structure, commonly referred to as force field problem; and (b) sampling of the energy landscape, trying to find the lowest energy configuration that is hypothesized to be the native state of the structure in solution. The two problems are interweaved and they have to be solved simultaneously. This thesis is composed of three major contributions. In the first chapter we describe a novel high-resolution protein structure refinement algorithm called GRID. In the second chapter we present REMCGRID, an algorithm for generation of low energy decoy sets. In the third chapter, we present a machine learning approach to ranking decoys by incorporating coarse-grain features of protein structures.


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A educação ambiental vem sendo disseminada por grande parte das escolas do país, conforme atestam pesquisas oficiais, mas uma lenta transformação a acompanha no que diz respeito à mudança dos princípios do modelo de desenvolvimento industrial, que enfatiza o consumismo como estratégia de reprodução. Ao mesmo tempo em que as pesquisas sugerem uma ampliação da consciência ambiental da sociedade como um todo, percebe-se um acirramento dos problemas socioambientais e soluções sendo alcançadas em escala inferior ao patamar considerado desejado. Onde estaria, então, o problema? Qual a razão desta possível defasagem educação ambiental x resultados? Foi com o intuito de responder a estas perguntas que essa tese foi realizada. Parte-se de uma percepção de que a Educação Ambiental praticada na escola reflete e acentua o paradigma moderno hegemônico, que se baseia em uma concepção dualista homem / natureza, em que uma está a serviço do outro, sem promover o questionamento sobre os desdobramentos da adoção dos valores da sociedade de consumo no desequilíbrio da vida no planeta. Essa dicotomia entre cultura e natureza, sociedade e ciência, sujeito e objeto se reflete na busca de soluções parciais, incompletas, visando-se apenas a uma parte do problema socioambiental, que não é visto como um sistema complexo. A educação ambiental realizada nessas bases dificulta a reunião das condições necessárias à mudança das estruturas da atual sociedade brasileira e à busca das soluções dos seus problemas socioambientais. Nessa perspectiva, esse trabalho objetiva criar subsídios para um caminho para a educação ambiental que possa contribuir para uma visão complexa da realidade e dos problemas socioambientais, na busca de soluções mais abrangentes. Para isto procura entender: a) como a teoria da complexidade poderia colaborar para esta mudança; b) em quais modelos práticos e teóricos a Educação Ambiental se dá no Brasil, ou seja, quais as diversas tendências da educação ambiental brasileira; e c) como esses modelos se expressam nas práticas dos professores analisando-se artigos publicados em anais de seminários, congressos e/ou encontros sobre o tema.


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A presente tese tem por objetivo tratar do conflito de interesses na sociedade de economia mista. Referida sociedade tem na sua base constitutiva o conflito como elemento inerente. Por possuir capital público e privado, não é fácil solucionar facilmente os problemas que se apresentam no decorrer de sua existência frente à possibilidade de que o detentor do poder de controle pode decidir em prol do interesse público. E é visando limitar a má utilização do interesse público como resposta à tomada de decisões por parte do acionista controlador que se propõe uma mudança de paradigma. Para tanto, propõe-se analisar o papel do Estado empresário na atual conjuntura de limitação de intervenção do Estado na economia. Também é abordada a forma com que o poder Executivo vem intervindo no mercado, de forma a limitar a livre iniciativa e, por vezes, até mesmo eivada de certa inconstitucionalidade. No entanto, para evitar que haja afronta à Constituição no que diz respeito à exploração de atividade econômica por parte do Estado sem que sejam observados os limites constitucionais impostos, apresenta-se o meta-interesse como meio de solução. Sendo o meta-interesse o interesse da própria companhia, e considerando que o interesse público que fundamenta a autorização para a criação da sociedade de economia mista se extingue com a criação da referida companhia, tem-se que as normas que devem reger as sociedades de economia mista são as normas de direito privado. Com o meta-interesse o Estado passa a intervir na seara privada em igualdade de condições com as demais companhias, não podendo mais se valer de sua posição de acionista majoritário para tomar decisões que conflitem com o interesse da companhia e que privilegiem o interesse público secundário ou até mesmo o interesse político do Estado em detrimento do interesse social e dos acionistas minoritários. Dessa forma, o meta-interesse tem por finalidade colocar fim aos conflitos em relação à aplicação das normas jurídicas e as indefinições da própria natureza da sociedade de economia mista.


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This article explores the diversity of scientific disciplines and paradigms, their relevance for policy development, how policy emerges throughout society,-and the mechanisms by which scientists can promote the value of science in policy formation. The author gives examples from various countries where freshwater science was used to inform policy.