958 resultados para Radial basis function network


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A key step in the activation of heterodimeric integrin adhesion receptors is the transmission of an agonist-induced cellular signal from the short α- and/or β-cytoplasmic tails to the extracellular domains of the receptor. The structural details of how the cytoplasmic tails mediate such an inside-out signaling process remain unclear. We report herein the NMR structures of a membrane-anchored cytoplasmic tail of the αIIb-subunit and of a mutant αIIb-cytoplasmic tail that renders platelet integrin αIIbβ3 constitutively active. The structure of the wild-type αIIb-cytoplasmic tail reveals a “closed” conformation where the highly conserved N-terminal membrane-proximal region forms an α-helix followed by a turn, and the acidic C-terminal loop interacts with the N-terminal helix. The structure of the active mutant is significantly different, having an “open” conformation where the interactions between the N-terminal helix and C-terminal region are abolished. Consistent with these structural differences, the two peptides differ in function: the wild-type peptide suppressed αIIbβ3 activation, whereas the mutant peptide did not. These results provide an atomic explanation for extensive biochemical/mutational data and support a conformation-based “on/off switch” model for integrin activation.


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To investigate the role of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) in photosynthesis, we constructed a mutant defective in the CDP-diacylglycerol synthase gene from a cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. The mutant, designated as SNC1, required PG supplementation for growth. Growth was repressed in PG-free medium concomitantly with the decrease in cellular content of PG. These results indicate that PG is essential, and that SNC1 is defective in PG synthesis. Decrease in PG content was accompanied by a reduction in the cellular content of chlorophyll, but with little effect on the contents of phycobilisome pigments, which showed that levels of chlorophyll–protein complexes decreased without alteration of those of phycobilisomes. Regardless of the decrease in the PG content, CO2-dependent photosynthesis by SNC1 was similar to that by the wild type on a chlorophyll basis, but consequently became lower on a cell basis. Simultaneously, the ratio of oxygen evolution of photosystem II (PSII) measured with p-benzoquinone to that of CO2-dependent photosynthesis, which ranged between 1.3 and 1.7 in the wild type. However, it was decreased in SNC1 from 1.3 to 0.4 during the early growth phase where chlorophyll content and CO2-dependent photosynthesis were little affected, and then finally to 0.1, suggesting that PSII first lost its ability to reduce p-benzoquinone and then decreased in its level and actual activity. These results indicate that PG contributes to the accumulation of chlorophyll–protein complexes in thylakoid membranes, and also to normal functioning of PSII.


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The circulatory half-life of the glycoprotein hormone lutropin (LH) is precisely regulated by the mannose (Man)/GalNAc-4-SO4 receptor expressed in hepatic endothelial cells. Rapid clearance from the circulation contributes to the episodic rise and fall of LH levels that is essential for maximal stimulation of the G protein-coupled LH receptor. We have defined two molecular forms of the Man/GalNAc-4-SO4 receptor that differ in ligand specificity, cell and tissue expression, and function. The form expressed by hepatic endothelial cells binds GalNAc-4-SO4-bearing ligands and regulates hormone circulatory half-life, whereas the form expressed by macrophages binds Man-bearing ligands and may play a role in innate immunity. We demonstrate that the GalNAc-4-SO4-specific form in hepatic endothelial cells is dimeric whereas the Man-specific form in lung macrophages is monomeric, accounting for the different ligand specificities of the receptor expressed in these tissues. Two cysteine-rich domains, each of which binds a single GalNAc-4-SO4, are required to form stable complexes with LH. The kinetics of LH binding by the GalNAc-4-SO4-specific form of the receptor in conjunction with its rate of internalization from the cell surface make it likely that only two of the four terminal GalNAc-4-SO4 moieties present on native LH are engaged before receptor internalization. As a result, the rate of hormone clearance will remain constant over a wide range of LH concentrations and will not be sensitive to variations in the number of terminal GalNAc-4-SO4 moieties as long as two or more are present on multiple oligosaccharides.


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Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of hepatic copper metabolism caused by mutations in a gene encoding a copper-transporting P-type ATPase. To elucidate the function of the Wilson protein, wild-type and mutant Wilson cDNAs were expressed in a Menkes copper transporter-deficient mottled fibroblast cell line defective in copper export. Expression of the wild-type cDNA demonstrated trans-Golgi network localization and copper-dependent trafficking of the Wilson protein identical to previous observations for the endogenously expressed protein in hepatocytes. Furthermore, expression of the Wilson cDNA rescued the mottled phenotype as evidenced by a reduction in copper accumulation and restoration of cell viability. In contrast, expression of an H1069Q mutant Wilson cDNA did not rescue the mottled phenotype, and immunofluorescence studies showed that this mutant Wilson protein was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Consistent with these findings, pulse–chase analysis demonstrated a 5-fold decrease in the half-life of the H1069Q mutant as compared with the wild-type protein. Maintenance of these transfected cell lines at 28°C resulted in localization of the H1069Q protein in the trans-Golgi network, suggesting that a temperature-sensitive defect in protein folding followed by degradation constitutes the molecular basis of Wilson disease in patients harboring the H1069Q mutation. Taken together, these studies describe a tractable expression system for elucidating the function and localization of the copper-transporting ATPases in mammalian cells and provide compelling evidence that the Wilson protein can functionally substitute for the Menkes protein, supporting the concept that these proteins use common biochemical mechanisms to effect cellular copper homeostasis.


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During the aging process, mammals lose up to a third of their skeletal muscle mass and strength. Although the mechanisms underlying this loss are not entirely understood, we attempted to moderate the loss by increasing the regenerative capacity of muscle. This involved the injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus directing overexpression of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in differentiated muscle fibers. We demonstrate that the IGF-I expression promotes an average increase of 15% in muscle mass and a 14% increase in strength in young adult mice, and remarkably, prevents aging-related muscle changes in old adult mice, resulting in a 27% increase in strength as compared with uninjected old muscles. Muscle mass and fiber type distributions were maintained at levels similar to those in young adults. We propose that these effects are primarily due to stimulation of muscle regeneration via the activation of satellite cells by IGF-I. This supports the hypothesis that the primary cause of aging-related impairment of muscle function is a cumulative failure to repair damage sustained during muscle utilization. Our results suggest that gene transfer of IGF-I into muscle could form the basis of a human gene therapy for preventing the loss of muscle function associated with aging and may be of benefit in diseases where the rate of damage to skeletal muscle is accelerated.


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The classic view for hypothalamic regulation of anterior pituitary (AP) hormone secretion holds that release of each AP hormone is controlled specifically by a corresponding hypothalamic-releasing hormone (HRH). In this scenario, binding of a given HRH (thyrotropin-, growth hormone-, corticotropin-, and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormones) to specific receptors in its target cell increases the concentration of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i), thereby selectively stimulating the release of the appropriate hormone. However, “paradoxical” responses of AP cells to the four well-established HRHs have been observed repeatedly with both in vivo and in vitro systems, raising the possibility of functional overlap between the different AP cell types. To explore this possibility, we evaluated the effects of HRHs on [Ca2+]i in single AP cells identified immunocytochemically by the hormone they stored. We found that each of the five major AP cell types contained discrete subpopulations that were able to respond to several HRHs. The relative abundance of these multi-responsive cells was 59% for lactotropes, 33% for thyrotropes, and in the range of 47–55% for gonadotropes, corticotropes, and somatotropes. Analysis of prolactin release from single living cells revealed that each of the four HRHs tested were able to induce hormone release from a discrete lactotrope subpopulation, the size of which corresponded closely to that in which [Ca2+]i changes were induced by the same secretagogues. When viewed as a whole, our diverse functional measurements of multi-responsiveness suggest that hypothalamic control of pituitary function is more complicated than previously envisioned. Moreover, they provide a cellular basis for the so-called “paradoxical” behavior of pituitary cells to hypothalamic hypophysiotropic agents.


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During retinogenesis, the Xenopus basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor Xath5 has been shown to promote a ganglion cell fate. In the developing mouse and chicken retinas, gene targeting and overexpression studies have demonstrated critical roles for the Brn3 POU domain transcription factor genes in the promotion of ganglion cell differentiation. However, the genetic relationship between Ath5 and Brn3 genes is unknown. To understand the genetic regulatory network(s) that controls retinal ganglion cell development, we analyzed the relationship between Ath5 and Brn3 genes by using a gain-of-function approach in the chicken embryo. We found that during retinogenesis, the chicken Ath5 gene (Cath5) is expressed in retinal progenitors and in differentiating ganglion cells but is absent in terminally differentiated ganglion cells. Forced expression of both Cath5 and the mouse Ath5 gene (Math5) in retinal progenitors activates the expression of cBrn3c following central-to-peripheral and temporal-to-nasal gradients. As a result, similar to the Xath5 protein, both Cath5 and Math5 proteins have the ability to promote the development of ganglion cells. Moreover, we found that forced expression of all three Brn3 genes also can stimulate the expression of cBrn3c. We further found that Ath5 and Brn3 proteins are capable of transactivating a Brn3b promoter. Thus, these data suggest that the expression of cBrn3c in the chicken and Brn3b in the mouse is initially activated by Ath5 factors in newly generated ganglion cells and later maintained by a feedback loop of Brn3 factors in the differentiated ganglion cells.


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The ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP) regulates insulin secretion in pancreatic β cells. Loss of functional KATP channels because of mutations in either the SUR1 or Kir6.2 channel subunit causes persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy (PHHI). We investigated the molecular mechanism by which a single phenylalanine deletion in SUR1 (ΔF1388) causes PHHI. Previous studies have shown that coexpression of ΔF1388 SUR1 with Kir6.2 results in no channel activity. We demonstrate here that the lack of functional expression is due to failure of the mutant channel to traffic to the cell surface. Trafficking of KATP channels requires that the endoplasmic reticulum-retention signal, RKR, present in both SUR1 and Kir6.2, be shielded during channel assembly. To ask whether ΔF1388 SUR1 forms functional channels with Kir6.2, we inactivated the RKR signal in ΔF1388 SUR1 by mutation to AAA (ΔF1388 SUR1AAA). Inactivation of similar endoplasmic reticulum-retention signals in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator has been shown to partially overcome the trafficking defect of a cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator mutation, ΔF508. We found that coexpression of ΔF1388 SUR1AAA with Kir6.2 led to partial surface expression of the mutant channel. Moreover, mutant channels were active. Compared with wild-type channels, the mutant channels have reduced ATP sensitivity and do not respond to stimulation by MgADP or diazoxide. The RKR → AAA mutation alone has no effect on channel properties. Our results establish defective trafficking of KATP channels as a molecular basis of PHHI and show that F1388 in SUR1 is critical for normal trafficking and function of KATP channels.


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Apert syndrome (AS) is characterized by craniosynostosis (premature fusion of cranial sutures) and severe syndactyly of the hands and feet. Two activating mutations, Ser-252 → Trp and Pro-253 → Arg, in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) account for nearly all known cases of AS. To elucidate the mechanism by which these substitutions cause AS, we determined the crystal structures of these two FGFR2 mutants in complex with fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) . These structures demonstrate that both mutations introduce additional interactions between FGFR2 and FGF2, thereby augmenting FGFR2–FGF2 affinity. Moreover, based on these structures and sequence alignment of the FGF family, we propose that the Pro-253 → Arg mutation will indiscriminately increase the affinity of FGFR2 toward any FGF. In contrast, the Ser-252 → Trp mutation will selectively enhance the affinity of FGFR2 toward a limited subset of FGFs. These predictions are consistent with previous biochemical data describing the effects of AS mutations on FGF binding. Alterations in FGFR2 ligand affinity and specificity may allow inappropriate autocrine or paracrine activation of FGFR2. Furthermore, the distinct gain-of-function interactions observed in each crystal structure provide a model to explain the phenotypic variability among AS patients.


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Gga proteins represent a newly recognized, evolutionarily conserved protein family with homology to the “ear” domain of the clathrin adaptor AP-1 γ subunit. Yeast cells contain two Gga proteins, Gga1p and Gga2p, that have been proposed to act in transport between the trans-Golgi network and endosomes. Here we provide genetic and physical evidence that yeast Gga proteins function in trans-Golgi network clathrin coats. Deletion of Gga2p (gga2Δ), the major Gga protein, accentuates growth and α-factor maturation defects in cells carrying a temperature-sensitive allele of the clathrin heavy chain gene. Cells carrying either gga2Δ or a deletion of the AP-1 β subunit gene (apl2Δ) alone are phenotypically normal, but cells carrying both gga2Δ and apl2Δ are defective in growth, α-factor maturation, and transport of carboxypeptidase S to the vacuole. Disruption of both GGA genes and APL2 results in cells so severely compromised in growth that they form only microcolonies. Gga proteins can bind clathrin in vitro and cofractionate with clathrin-coated vesicles. Our results indicate that yeast Gga proteins play an important role in cargo-selective clathrin-mediated protein traffic from the trans-Golgi network to endosomes.


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Neutral residue replacements were made of 21 acidic and basic residues within the N-terminal half of the Halobacterium salinarium signal transducer HtrI [the halobacterial transducer for sensory rhodopsin I (SRI)] by site-specific mutagenesis. The replacements are all within the region of HtrI that we previously concluded from deletion analysis to contain sites of interaction with the phototaxis receptor SRI. Immunoblotting shows plasmid expression of the htrI-sopI operon containing the mutations produces SRI and mutant HtrI in cells at near wild-type levels. Six of the HtrI mutations perturb photochemical kinetics of SRI and one reverses the phototaxis response. Substitution with neutral amino acids of Asp-86, Glu-87, and Glu-108 accelerate, and of Arg-70, Arg-84, and Arg-99 retard, the SRI photocycle. Opposite effects on photocycle rate cancel in double mutants containing one replaced acidic and one replaced basic residue. Laser flash spectroscopy shows the kinetic perturbations are due to alteration of the rate of reprotonation of the retinylidene Schiff base. All of these mutations permit normal attractant and repellent signaling. On the other hand, the substitution of Glu-56 with the isosteric glutamine converts the normally attractant effect of orange light to a repellent signal in vivo at neutral pH (inverted signaling). Low pH corrects the inversion due to Glu-56 -> Gln and the apparent pK of the inversion is increased when arginine is substituted at position 56. The results indicate that the cytoplasmic end of transmembrane helix-2 and the initial part of the cytoplasmic domain contain interaction sites with SRI. To explain these and previous results, we propose a model in which (i) the HtrI region identified here forms part of an electrostatic bonding network that extends through the SRI protein and includes its photoactive site; (ii) alteration of this network by photoisomerization-induced Schiff base deprotonation and reprotonation shifts HtrI between attractant and repellent conformations; and (iii) HtrI mutations and extracellular pH alter the equilibrium ratios of these conformations.


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A key event in Ras-mediated signal transduction and transformation involves Ras interaction with its downstream effector targets. Although substantial evidence has established that the Raf-1 serine/threonine kinase is a critical effector of Ras function, there is increasing evidence that Ras function is mediated through interaction with multiple effectors to trigger Raf-independent signaling pathways. In addition to the two Ras GTPase activating proteins (GAPs; p120- and NF1-GAP), other candidate effectors include activators of the Ras-related Ral proteins (RalGDS and RGL) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Interaction between Ras and its effectors requires an intact Ras effector domain and involves preferential recognition of active Ras-GTP. Surprisingly, these functionally diverse effectors lack significant sequence homology and no consensus Ras binding sequence has been described. We have now identified a consensus Ras binding sequence shared among a subset of Ras effectors. We have also shown that peptides containing this sequence from Raf-1 (RKTFLKLA) and NF1-GAP (RRFFLDIA) block NF1-GAP stimulation of Ras GTPase activity and Ras-mediated activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. In summary, the identification of a consensus Ras-GTP binding sequence establishes a structural basis for the ability of diverse effector proteins to interact with Ras-GTP. Furthermore, our demonstration that peptides that contain Ras-GTP binding sequences can block Ras function provides a step toward the development of anti-Ras agents.


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Microbial elicitors or attempted infection with an avirulent pathogen strain causes the rapid production of reactive oxygen intermediates. Recent findings indicate that H2O2 from this oxidative burst plays a central role in the orchestration of the hypersensitive response: (i) as the substrate driving the cross-linking of cell wall structural proteins to slow microbial ingress prior to the deployment of transcription-dependent defenses and to trap pathogens in cells destined to undergo hypersensitive cell death, (ii) as a local threshold trigger of this programmed death in challenged cells, and (iii) as a diffusible signal for the induction in adjacent cells of genes encoding cellular protectants such as glutathione S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase. These findings provide the basis for an integrated model for the orchestration of the localized hypersensitive resistance response to attack by an avirulent pathogen.


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Background: Acetylation and deacetylation at specific lysine (K) residues is mediated by histone acetylases (HATs) and deacetylases (HDACs), respectively. HATs and HDACs act on both histone and non-histone proteins, regulating various processes, including cardiac impulse propagation. Aim of the present work was to establish whether the function of the Ca2+ ATPase SERCA2, one of the major players in Ca2+ reuptake during excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes (CMs), could be modulated by direct K acetylation. Materials and methods: HL-1 atrial mouse cells (donated by Prof. Claycomb), zebrafish and Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat CMs were treated with the pan-inhibitor of class I and II HDACs suberanilohydroxamic acid (SAHA) for 1.5 hour. Evaluation of SERCA2 acetylation was analyzed by co-immunoprecipitation. SERCA2 activity was measured on microsomes by pyruvate/NADH coupled reaction assay. SERCA2 mutants were obtained after cloning wild-type and mutated sequences into the pCDNA3 vector and transfected into HEK cells. Ca2+ transients in CMs (loading with Fluo3-AM, field stimulation, 0.5 Hz) and in transfected HEK cells (loading with FLUO-4, caffeine pulse) were recorded. Results: Co-Immunoprecipitation experiments performed on HL-1 cells demonstrated a significant increase in the acetylation of SERCA2 after SAHA-treatment (2.5 µM, n=3). This was associated with an increase in SERCA2 activity in microsomes obtained from HL-1 cells, after SAHA exposure (n=5). Accordingly, SAHA-treatment significantly shortened the Ca2+ reuptake time of adult zebrafish CMs. Further, SAHA 2.5 nM restored to control values the recovery time of Ca2+ transients decay in diabetic rat CMs. HDAC inhibition also improved contraction parameters, such as fraction of shortening, and increased pump activity in microsomes isolated from diabetic CMs (n=4). Notably, the K464, identified by bioinformatic tools as the most probable acetylation site on human SERCA2a, was mutated into Glutamine (Q) or Arginine (R) mimicking acetylation and deacetylation respectively. Measurements of Ca2+ transients in HEK cells revealed that the substitution of K464 with R significantly delayed the transient recovery time, thus indicating that deacetylation has a negative impact on SERCA2 function. Conclusions: Our results indicate that SERCA2 function can be improved by pro-acetylation interventions and that this mechanism of regulation is conserved among species. Therefore, the present work provides the basis to open the search for novel pharmacological tools able to specifically improve SERCA2 activity in diseases where its expression and/or function is impaired, such as diabetic cardiomyopathy.


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We have studied the radial structure of the stellar mass surface density (μ∗) and stellar population age as a function of the total stellar mass and morphology for a sample of 107 galaxies from the CALIFA survey. We applied the fossil record method based on spectral synthesis techniques to recover the star formation history (SFH), resolved in space and time, in spheroidal and disk dominated galaxies with masses from 10^9 to 10^12 M_⊙. We derived the half-mass radius, and we found that galaxies are on average 15% more compact in mass than in light. The ratio of half-mass radius to half-light radius (HLR) shows a dual dependence with galaxy stellar mass; it decreases with increasing mass for disk galaxies, but is almost constant in spheroidal galaxies. In terms of integrated versus spatially resolved properties, we find that the galaxy-averaged stellar population age, stellar extinction, and μ_∗ are well represented by their values at 1 HLR. Negative radial gradients of the stellar population ages are present in most of the galaxies, supporting an inside-out formation. The larger inner (≤1 HLR) age gradients occur in the most massive (10^11 M_⊙) disk galaxies that have the most prominent bulges; shallower age gradients are obtained in spheroids of similar mass. Disk and spheroidal galaxies show negative μ∗ gradients that steepen with stellar mass. In spheroidal galaxies, μ∗ saturates at a critical value (~7 × 10^2 M_⊙/pc^2 at 1 HLR) that is independent of the galaxy mass. Thus, all the massive spheroidal galaxies have similar local μ_∗ at the same distance (in HLR units) from the nucleus. The SFH of the regions beyond 1 HLR are well correlated with their local μ_∗, and follow the same relation as the galaxy-averaged age and μ_∗; this suggests that local stellar mass surface density preserves the SFH of disks. The SFH of bulges are, however, more fundamentally related to the total stellar mass, since the radial structure of the stellar age changes with galaxy mass even though all the spheroid dominated galaxies have similar radial structure in μ_∗. Thus, galaxy mass is a more fundamental property in spheroidal systems, while the local stellar mass surface density is more important in disks.