954 resultados para Radial Signature
Historically, the dorsal arterial system of the hand received less attention than the palmar system. The studies concerning dorsal arterial anatomy present some controversies regarding the origin and presence of the dorsal metacarpal artery branches. Knowledge of the anatomy of dorsal metacarpal arteries is especially applied in the surgical planning for flaps taken from the dorsum of the hand. The purpose of this study is to analyze the arterial anatomy of the dorsum of the hand, compare our observations with those of previous studies from the literature, and therefore to define parameters for surgical planning for flaps supplied by the dorsal metacarpal arteries. METHOD: Twenty-six dissections were performed at the dorsum of the right hand of 26 cadavers by making a distal-based U-shaped incision. After catheterization of the radial artery at the wrist level, a plastic dye solution with low viscosity and quick solidification was injected to allow adequate exposure of even small vessels. The radial artery and its branches, the dorsal arterial arch, the dorsal metacarpal arteries, the distal and proximal communicating branches of the palmar system, and the distal cutaneous branches were carefully dissected and identified. RESULTS: The distal cutaneous branches originating from the dorsal metacarpal arteries were observed in all cases; these were located an average of 1.2 cm proximal from the metacarpophalangeal joint. The first dorsal metacarpal artery presented in 3 different patterns regarding its course: fascial, subfascial, and mixed. The branching pattern of the radial artery at the first intermetacarpal space was its division into 3 branches. We observed the presence of the dorsal arterial arch arising from the radial artery in 100% of the cases. The distance between the dorsal arterial arch and the branching point of the radial artery was an average of 2 cm. The first and second dorsal metacarpal arteries were visualized in all cases. The third and fourth dorsal metacarpal arteries were visualized in 96.2% and 92.3% of cases, respectively. There was proximal and distal communication between the dorsal arterial arch and the palmar system through the communicating branches contributing to the dorsal metacarpal artery formation. CONCLUSION: At the dorsum of the hand there is a rich arterial net that anastomoses with the palmar arterial system. This anatomical characteristic allows the utilization of the dorsal aspect of the hand as potential donor site for cutaneous flaps.
Neste trabalho, é feito o estudo dos caracteres anatômicos de 1 (uma) espécie do gênero Anlsophylleae de 2 (duas) espécies do gênero Polygonanthus(Rhizophoraceae) e para cada espécie são apresentadas: características gerais, descrição macro e microscópía, macro e microfotografias dos cortes transversal, tangencial e radial, histogramas da variação de freqüência de fibras e elementos vasculares, um quadro slinóptico com as principais características de cada espécie e uma ficha biométrlca dos elementos anatômicos, para cada espécie. As espécies estudadas foram: Anlisophylea manausensisPires & Rodrigues, Polygonanthus amazonicusDucke e P. punctulatusKuhlmann.
Árvores de Saccoglotis guianensis Benth e Andira parviflora Ducke com aproximadamente 26 metros de altura foram seccionadas em sete partes para estudo das dimensões de fibras e dos elementos de vasos. No sentido radial ambas espécies mostraram um aumento no comprimento de fibras com algumas irregularidades da medula para o câmbio bem como fibras mais curtas no topo do tronco. Neste existe um maior número de vasos por milímetro quadrado. É discutido a influência de reguladores de crescimento no número de elementos de vasos. Existe uma diminuição no comprimento das fibras e elementos de vasos em direção ao topo depois de terem alcançado valores máximos numa determinada altura, e um decrescimo irregular na largura desses elementos da base para o topo das árvores. No sentido radial ambas espécies mostraram um pequeno aumento na largura das fibras e elementos de vasos. Estes e as fibras são menores nos galhos, e onde o número de elementos de vasos é maior para as duas espécies. A razão W/C utilizada como uma estimativa da razão do volume da parede celular para o volume da celula diminui da medula em direção ao câmbio. São apresentados 10 gráficos e uma tabela é discutido os fatores que podem influenciar na variação dos elementos ao longo da árvore.
São descritos aspectos morfológicos e estruturais dos frutos e sementes, em desenvolvimento, de Platonia insignis(Clusiaceae), visando principalmente esclarecer a origem da camada comestível presente no fruto. Concluiu-se que a camada carnosa branco-amarelada, que envolve as sementes, é de origem endocárpica e começa a se diferenciar já nos estádios iniciais do desenvolvimento do fruto, através de um acentuado alongamento radial das camadas mais internas do endocarpo. Estas, juntamente com as células dos septos, que também se alongam à medida que o fruto se desenvolve, vão se aderindo à testa por meio de interdigitações. Posteriormente, no fruto maduro, o endocarpo destaca-se do restante do pericarpo, permanecendo firmemente ligado à semente.
Determinou-se a prevalência de anticorpos séricos anti-Vírus da Leucose dos Bovinos (anti-VLB) em 661 amostras de soro sangüíneo, colhidas em 16 rebanhos leiteiros criados em quatro municípios da Microrregião de Manaus, no Estado do Amazonas (Manaus, Iranduba, Autazes e Careiro da Várzea). Para detecção de anticorpos anti-VLB utilizou-se o teste de Imunodifusão Radial Dupla de Ouchterlony em gel de ágar, com uso do antígeno glicoprotéico (gp-51) da cápsula do vírus. Os resultados demonstraram a ocorrência da Leucose Enzoótica dos Bovinos nos rebanhos estudados, sendo a taxa de prevalência de anticorpos séricos anti-VLB na população examinada igual a 8,9% (59/661), com a exclusão dos animais com menos de seis meses de idade, nos quais a sororeação positiva poderia representar transferência passiva de anticorpos colostrais, verificou-se uma taxa de prevalência da infecção igual a 9,6% (58/604). Os animais avaliados, foram estratificados em grupos de acordo com a faixa etária e sexo. A análise dos resultados obtidos, pelo teste de duas proporções, permitiu concluir que a prevalência de bovinos portadores de anticorpos anti-VLB foi significativamente maior nos animais com mais de 12 meses de idade, não havendo diferenças significativas nos resultados obtidos entre machos e fêmeas.
Foram estudadas as características anatômicas da madeira de 7 espécies ocorrentes na floresta Amazônia com vistas a geração de energia ou produção de papel. Para qualificação de madeira para produção de papel consideraram-se, dentre outros parâmetros, o coeficiente de rigidez e de flexibilidade, densidade, índice de Runkel, percentual de fibras, vasos, parênquima axial e de raios. Para produção de energia determinaram-se a densidade, a fração parede (%) das células em relação a área ocupada por cada tipo de células, percentual de fibras, de vasos e de parênquima axial e radial. O estudo foi baseado em 3 áreas de seções transversais, orientadas do centro em direção ao alburno. Com base nas características anatômicas e na densidade, Bellucia grossularioides, Cecropia palmata, Duguetia cauliflora, Eschweilera matamata e Parkia multuijuga podem ser usadas para polpa destinada a produção de papel, e Myrocarpus frondosus, Sloaneagrandis podem ser usadas na produção de carvão.
A estrutura da madeira de sete espécies de Leguminosae comercializadas como "angelim", no estado do Pará, foi analisada quanto aos aspectos anatômicos através de cortes histológicos da madeira, nos sentidos transversal, tangencial e radial. Através deste estudo procurou-se determinar diferenças básicas entre as espécies comercializadas com a mesma denominação vernacular, a fim de auxiliar no processo de identificação anatômica das mesmas. Uma chave dicotômica foi elaborada para separar as espécies estudadas (Andira surinamensis, Dinizia excelsa, Hymenolobium excelsum, H. modestum, H. pulcherrimum, H. petraeum e Vatairea paraensis). Características de parênquima, raios e poros são muito úteis na separação das espécies estudadas em nível de gênero, porém em nível de espécie a separação é mais difícil. Para o agrupamento de espécies, é necessário que as características anatômicas das espécies sejam conhecidas para associadas a características morfológicas.
This work provides analytical and numerical solutions for the linear, quadratic and exponential Phan–Thien–Tanner (PTT) viscoelastic models, for axial and helical annular fully-developed flows under no slip and slip boundary conditions, the latter given by the linear and nonlinear Navier slip laws. The rheology of the three PTT model functions is discussed together with the influence of the slip velocity upon the flow velocity and stress fields. For the linear PTT model, full analytical solutions for the inverse problem (unknown velocity) are devised for the linear Navier slip law and two different slip exponents. For the linear PTT model with other values of the slip exponent and for the quadratic PTT model, the polynomial equation for the radial location (β) of the null shear stress must be solved numerically. For both models, the solution of the direct problem is given by an iterative procedure involving three nonlinear equations, one for β, other for the pressure gradient and another for the torque per unit length. For the exponential PTT model we devise a numerical procedure that can easily compute the numerical solution of the pure axial flow problem
Thermoplastic elastomers based on a triblock copolymer styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) with different butadiene/styrene ratios, block structure and carbon nanotube (CNT) content were submitted to accelerated weathering in a Xenontest set up, in order to evaluate their stability to UV ageing. It was concluded that ageing mainly depends on butadiene/styrene ratio and block structure, with radial block structures exhibiting a faster ageing than linear block structures. Moreover, the presence of carbon nanotubes in the SBS copolymer slows down the ageing of the copolymer. The evaluation of the influence of ageing on the mechanical and electrical properties demonstrates that the mechanical degradation is higher for the C401 sample, which is the SBS sample with the largest butadiene content and a radial block structure. On the other hand, a copolymer derivate from SBS, the styrene-ethylene/butadiene-styrene (SEBS) sample, retains a maximum deformation of ~1000% after 80 h of accelerated ageing. The hydrophobicity of the samples decreases with increasing ageing time, the effect being larger for the samples with higher butadiene content. It is also verified that cytotoxicity increases with increasing UV ageing with the exception of SEBS, which remains not cytotoxic up to 80 h of accelerated ageing time, demonstrating its potential for applications involving exposition to environmental conditions.
Stents are rigid and perforated tubular structures, which are inserted into blood vessels in order to prevent or inhibit the constriction of blood flow, restoring the normal blood flow, when blood vessels are clogged, being used in 70% of angioplasties. These medical devices assume great importance in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) which are the leading cause of death worldwide. In the European Union CVD account for 40% of deaths and assume an estimated annual cost of 196 billion euros[1]. Stents must possess certain requirements, in order to, adequately, perform its function, such as biocompatibility (so that its use does not c ause damage on the health of its user), mechanical strength, radiopacity (so that it is easy to view), longitudinal flexibility, ease of handling, corrosion resistance and having high strength and high radial expansion ability to recover. Stents can be made of different materials, but metals, particularly stainless steel, are the most common. However, metallic stents present several dRawbacks such as corrosion and restenosis, leading to health complications for the patient, or even death. In order to minimize these disadvantages, new materials, like fibrous materials, have been used [2]. Monofilaments present high potential for stents development because, in addition to its biocompatibility, these materials allow the application of various surface treatments, such as antibacterial coatings. Furthermore, monofilament exhibit excellent mechanical properties, like greater stiffness and good results when subjected to compression, tensile and bending forces, since these forces will be directly supported by the monofilament [3]. To minimize the reaction of the human body and Limit the adhesion of microorganisms to the stent surface, some coatings have been developed, including the use of novel metals with antimicrobial properties, like silver. The main objective of this study was the development of fibrous stents, incorporation of silver oxide nanocoating. For the development of the stent, polyester monofilaments with 0.27mm of diameter were used in braiding technology, with a mandrel diameter of 6mm and a braiding angle of 35⁰. The mechanical behaviour of the stent were evaluated by mechanical testing under longitudinal and radial compression, bending. The results of compressive strength tests are according with value from literature: 1.13 to 2.9 N for radial compression and 0. 16-5.28N to longitudinal compression. From literature is also possible to verify that stents must present 75% of unchanged diameter during the bending test and must possess a porosity between 70% and 80% [4]. The produced polyester stent presents values of 1.29N for radial compression, 0.23N for longitudinal compression, 80% of porosity and 85.5% of unchanged diameter, during bending tests. For the antibacterial functionalization, silver oxide nanocoatings were prepared, through reactive magnetron g, with an Ag target in an Ar +O2 atmosphere. In order to evaluate the nanostructure and morphology of the coatings, d ifferent technique s like X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and and X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS were used. From the analyses of XRD it is possible to verify that the peaks corresponds to planes of Ag2 O and MATERIAIS 2015 Porto, 21-23 June, 2015 characterize a cubic phase. The presence of Ag2 O is corroborated by XPS spectrum, where it is possible to observe silver, not only, in oxide state, but a lso in mettalic state, and it is possible to verify the presence of silver clusters, confirmed by SEM analysis. Films’ roughness and topography, parameters influencing the wettability of the surface and microorganism adhesion, were measured by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and it was observed that the roughness is very low (under 10 nm). Coatings’ hydrophobicity and surface tension parameters were determined by contact angle measurement, and it was verified the hydrophobic behavior of the coatings. For antibacterial tests were used Staphylococcus epidermidis strain (IE186) and Staphylococcus aureus(ATCC 6538), and halo inhibition zone tests were realized. Ag+release rates were studied by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP -MS). The obtained results suggest that silver oxide coatings do not modify significantly surface properties of the substrate, like hydrophobicity and roughness, and present antimicrobial properties for both bacteria used.
Objective. To evaluate the degree of axial elongation with soft radial refractive gradient (SRRG) contact lenses, orthokeratology (OK), and single vision (SV) spectacle lenses (control) during a period of 1 year before treatment and 2 years after treatment. Methods. This was a prospective, longitudinal, nonrandomized study. The study groups consisted of 30, 29, and 41 children, respectively. The axial length (AL) was measured during 2 years after recruitment and lens fitting. Results. The baseline refractive sphere was correlated significantly (r 2 = 0.542; P < 0.0001) with the amount of myopia progression before baseline. After 2 years, the mean myopia progression values for the SRRG, OK, and SV groups were −0.56 ± 0.51, −0.32 ± 0.53, and −0.98 ± 0.58 diopter, respectively. The results represent reductions in myopic progression of 43% and 67% for the SRRG and OK groups, respectively, compared to the SV group. The AL increased more in the SV group compared to the SRRG and OK groups, with 27% and 38% lower axial elongation, respectively, compared to the SV group at the 2-year visit (P < 0.05). SRRG and OK showed no differences (P = 0.430). Conclusion. The SRRG lens significantly decreased AL elongation compared to the SV control group. The SRRG lens was similarly effective to OK in preventing myopia progression in myopic children and adolescent.
In this paper, we investigate the reducibility property of semidirect products of the form V *D relatively to (pointlike) systems of equations of the form x1 =...= xn, where D denotes the pseudovariety of definite semigroups. We establish a connection between pointlike reducibility of V*D and the pointlike reducibility of the pseudovariety V. In particular, for the canonical signature consisting of the multiplication and the (omega-1)-power, we show that V*D is pointlike-reducible when V is pointlike-reducible.
The aim of the present study is to explore obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)-related abnormalities in white matter connectivity in OCD for a core region associated with inhibitory control [i.e. inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)]. Fifteen patients with OCD (11 men) and 15 healthy controls (nine men) underwent diffusion tensor imaging scanning to study four diffusivity indexes of white matter integrity [fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity and radial diffusivity (RD)]. The results showed that persons with OCD manifested significantly lower fractional anisotropy levels in the bilateral IFG as well as its parcellations in the pars opercularis, pars triangularis, and pars orbitalis. Significantly higher levels of MD, RD were evident for the OCD group in the IFG as a whole as well as in the bilateral subregions of the pars triangularis and pars opercularis (for MD and RD), the right side of the pars orbitalis (for RD), and the left side of the pars triangularis and right side pars opercularis (for axial diffusivity). Overall, the results suggest significant alterations in structural connectivity, probably associated with myelination and axonal abnormalities in the IFG of OCD patients.
The chemical composition of propolis is affected by environmental factors and harvest season, making it difficult to standardize its extracts for medicinal usage. By detecting a typical chemical profile associated with propolis from a specific production region or season, certain types of propolis may be used to obtain a specific pharmacological activity. In this study, propolis from three agroecological regions (plain, plateau, and highlands) from southern Brazil, collected over the four seasons of 2010, were investigated through a novel NMR-based metabolomics data analysis workflow. Chemometrics and machine learning algorithms (PLS-DA and RF), including methods to estimate variable importance in classification, were used in this study. The machine learning and feature selection methods permitted construction of models for propolis sample classification with high accuracy (>75%, reaching 90% in the best case), better discriminating samples regarding their collection seasons comparatively to the harvest regions. PLS-DA and RF allowed the identification of biomarkers for sample discrimination, expanding the set of discriminating features and adding relevant information for the identification of the class-determining metabolites. The NMR-based metabolomics analytical platform, coupled to bioinformatic tools, allowed characterization and classification of Brazilian propolis samples regarding the metabolite signature of important compounds, i.e., chemical fingerprint, harvest seasons, and production regions.
Urothelial bladder carcinoma (UBC) is an intricate malignancy with a variable natural history and clinical behavior. Despite developments in diagnosis/prognosis refinement and treatment modalities, the recurrence rate is high, and progression from non-muscle to muscle invasive UBC commonly leads to metastasis. Moreover, patients with muscle-invasive or extra-vesical disease often fail the standard chemotherapy treatment, and overall survival rates are poor. Thus, UBC remains a challenge in the oncology field, representing an ideal candidate for research on biomarkers that could identify patients at increased risk of recurrence, progression, and chemo-refractoriness. However, progress toward personalized medicine has been hampered by the unique genetic complexity of UBC. Recent genome-wide expression and sequencing studies have brought new insights into its molecular features, pathogenesis and clinical diversity, revealing a landscape where classical pathology is intersected by the novel and heterogeneous molecular groups. Hence, it seems plausible to postulate that only an integrated signature of prognostic/predictive biomarkers inherent in different cancer hallmarks will reach clinical validation. In this review, we have summarized ours and others' research into novel putative biomarkers of progression and chemoresistance that encompass several hallmarks of cancer: tumor neovascularization, invasion and metastasis, and energy metabolism reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment.