1000 resultados para Rademacher averages


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The objective of this retrospective study is to follow up on a previous Dynamic Smile Analysis and videographically analyze and develop averages for soft tissue norms with respect to the display of dentition during speech. These values would then be compared cross-sectionally across different age groups to see whether changes attributable to the aging process could be seen. A secondary objective was to compare averages for soft tissue norms in the display of dentition during speech to averages for soft tissue norms in the display of dentition during the smile. Materials and Method: Records from a previous study in which video equipment was used to capture video for 26 1 subjects were re-evaluated to find appropriate frames to analyze for speech. Two frames for each subject were selected; one frame representing the maximal display of maxillary incisors during speech and the second representing the widest transverse display of dentition during speech. After excluding 40 subjects the data for the remaining 221 subjects was analyzed. These averages were then compared to averages attained in the previous study to compare the display of the dentition during speech to the display of the dentition during smile. Results: On average, a difference in 1.29 mm was seen in the display of the maxillary incisors during speech at maximal display and during the smile. An average of 7.23 mm of maxillary incisors is readily visible during maximum display of maxillary incisors during speech, as compared to 8.52 mm during the smile. The constructed smile index was also smaller when measured during the speech when compared to the smile index by an average of 2.58 units. Conclusion: This study helps to establish age-related dynamic norms for the display of dentition during speech. The dynamic measures indicate that the display of dectition is greater, on average, during the smile than at speech.


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Objectives. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the underlying socioeconomic characteristics affecting dental insurance coverage, yearly dental visits, and factors related to visiting a dentist in Mexico among border region residents. Methods. Using data from the Border Epidemiological Study of Aging, dental utilization in the previous 12 months, dental visits to Mexico, and dental insurance (proxy) were calculated utilizing logistic regression. Three different models were utilized for the dependent variables adjusting for diverse socioeconomic characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, income, education, years of residence in the United States (for immigrants), English proficiency, general health status, employment and dental insurance. Results. After adjustment, diverse variables were significant for the three different models calculated. Conclusion. Although the Mexican health market constitutes a viable option for dental services for border residents, dental insurance and dental yearly visits were lower in this region when compared to national averages. ^


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The proportion of children and adolescents living with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is rising at an alarming rate. Studies have shown that poor dietary choices and sedentary behaviors account for progression of some of the most prevalent diseases in America, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Other studies have shown that genetics plays a role in the diabetic determination of an individual, although not very common. What are some of the differentiating factors between elevated and non-elevated fasting capillary glucose (FCG) levels in children of similar ages, knowing they spend a majority of their lives at home or at school? Why are some children acquiring diabetes while others are not? This study utilized an IRB-approved Family Demographic Survey to determine gender, family income, parent education levels, sedentary practices, and household size. Only those families who gave consent to take part in the study received a questionnaire. The statistical results were used to test the hypothesis that children living with elevated FCG levels are more likely to descend from families with lower incomes, and lower levels of education.^ With regard to household income and FCG status of non-hyperglycemic and hyperglycemic children (Table 4b), there are 10.4% more hyperglycemic children in the lower income bracket than non-hyperglycemic children in the same income bracket.^ With regard to maternal education and FCG status (Table 5b), there are 7.0% more hyperglycemic children in the high school or less maternal educational attainment level than non-hyperglycemic children in the same maternal educational level. The Pearson correlation of maternal education and FCG status showed a negative correlation value of -.035 (Table 5d). The higher the occurrence of hyperglycemia in a child, the lower the maternal educational status is. Household size ranges and averages are nearly identical in families of both hyperglycemic and non-hyperglycemic children. ^


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Objective: To investigate hemodynamic responses to lateral rotation. ^ Design: Time-series within a randomized controlled trial pilot study. ^ Setting: A medical intensive care unit (ICU) and a medical-surgical ICU in two tertiary care hospitals. ^ Patients: Adult patients receiving mechanical ventilation. ^ Interventions: Two-hourly manual or continuous automated lateral rotation. ^ Measurements and Main Results: Heart rate (HR) and arterial pressure were sampled every 6 seconds for > 24 hours, and pulse pressure (PP) was computed. Turn data were obtained from a turning flow sheet (manual turn) or with an angle sensor (automated turn). Within-subject ensemble averages were computed for HR, mean arterial pressure (MAP), and PP across turns. Sixteen patients were randomized to either the manual (n = 8) or automated (n = 8) turn. Three patients did not complete the study due to hemodynamic instability, bed malfunction or extubation, leaving 13 patients (n = 6 manual turn and n = 7 automated turn) for analysis. Seven patients (54%) had an arterial line. Changes in hemodynamic variables were statistically significant increases ( p < .05), but few changes were clinically important, defined as ≥ 10 bpm (HR) or ≥ 10 mmHg (MAP and PP), and were observed only in the manual-turn group. All manual-turn patients had prolonged recovery to baseline in HR, MAP and PP of up to 45 minutes (p ≤ .05). No significant turning-related periodicities were found for HR, MAP, or PP. Cross-correlations between variables showed variable lead-lag relations in both groups. A statistically, but not clinically, significant increase in HR of 3 bpm was found for the manual-turn group in the back compared with the right lateral position ( F = 14.37, df = 1, 11, p = .003). ^ Conclusions: Mechanically ventilated critically ill patients experience modest hemodynamic changes with manual lateral rotation. A clinically inconsequential increase in HR, MAP, and PP may persist for up to 45 minutes. Automated lateral rotation has negligible hemodynamic effects. ^


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A comparison of 50 basalts recovered at Sites 706, 707, 713, and 715 along the Reunion hotspot trace during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 in the Indian Ocean shows that seafloor alteration had little effect on noble metal concentrations (Au, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, and Ir), determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which generally tend to decrease with magma evolution. Their compatible-element behavior may be related to the precipitation of Ir-Os-based alloys, chromite, sulfides, and/or olivine and clinopyroxene in some combination. The simplest explanation indicates silicate control of concentrations during differentiation. Basalts from the different sites show varying degrees of alkalinity. Noble metal abundances tend to increase with decreasing basalt alkalinity (i.e., with increasing percentages of mantle melting), indicating that the metals behave as compatible elements during mantle melting. The retention of low-melting-point Au, Pd, and Rh in mantle sulfides, which mostly dissolve before significant proportions of Ir-Os-based alloys melt, explains increasing Pd/Ir ratios with decreasing alkalinity (increasing melting percentages) in oceanic basalts. High noble metal concentrations in Indian Ocean basalts (weighted averages of Au, Pd, Rh, Pt, Ru, and Ir in Leg 115 basalts are 3.2, 8.1, 0.31, 7.3, 0.22, and 0.11 ppb, respectively), compared with basalts from some other ocean basins, may reflect fundamental primary variations in upper- mantle noble metal abundances


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The Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) core can enhance our understanding of the relationship between parameters measured in the ice in central Greenland and variability in the ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere of the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent land masses. Seasonal (summer, winter) to annual responses of dD and deuterium excess isotopic signals in the GISP2 core to the seesaw in winter temperatures between West Greenland and northern Europe from A.D. 1840 to 1970 are investigated. This seesaw represents extreme modes of the North Atlantic Oscillation, which also influences sea surface temperatures (SSTs), atmospheric pressures, geostrophic wind strength, and sea ice extents beyond the winter season. Temperature excursions inferred from the dD record during seesaw/extreme NAO mode years move in the same direction as the West Greenland side of the seesaw. Symmetry with the West Greenland side of the seesaw suggests a possible mechanism for damping in the ice core record of the lowest decadal temperatures experienced in Europe from A.D. 1500 to 1700. Seasonal and annual deuterium excess excursions during seesaw years show negative correlation with dD. This suggests an isotopic response to a SST/ land temperature seesaw. The isotopic record from GISP2 may therefore give information on both ice sheet and sea surface temperature variability. Cross-plots of dD and d show a tendency for data to be grouped according to the prevailing mode of the seesaw, but do not provide unambiguous identification of individual seesaw years. A combination of ice core and tree ring data sets may allow more confident identification of GA and GB (extreme NAO mode) years prior to 1840.


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La incidencia en el crecimiento de malezas por la utilización de efluentes domésticos para riego es uno de los aspectos económicos negativos del aprovechamiento de este tipo de aguas. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar el crecimiento de malezas en cultivos regados con: a. efluentes domésticos tratados b. agua de perforación y agregado de fertilizante nitrogenado c. agua de perforación sin fertilizante La información se obtuvo de un ensayo de riego con cinco bloques al azar, realizado en Mendoza, Argentina, utilizando los efluentes de una planta depuradora con zanja de oxidación y se determinó el número y el peso de malezas (peso seco al aire). Se concluyó que el crecimiento de malezas (peso seco) es mayor cuando se utilizan efluentes que cuando se usa agua de perforación sin agregado de fertilizante: 1 200 % y también -pero en menor grado: 180 %- cuando se utiliza agua de perforación fertilizada En cuanto al número de malezas, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las medias de los tratamientos. Se interpretó que el aporte de nitrógeno y fósforo fue responsable del mayor crecimiento de malezas en parcelas regadas con efluentes.


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En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados de las investigaciones realizadas en el Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical (INIFAT), acerca de la acción del almacenamiento sobre la semilla de Nim y sus componentes. Se pudo determinar que durante el proceso de beneficio de los frutos de Nim cosechados sólo una cuarta parte del volumen de los frutos se convierte en semillas, definiéndose además que el peso de un fruto maduro es de 1.8 g y de una semilla seca 0.4 g. Por otra parte, se pudo conocer que en el proceso de almacenamiento de la semilla seca de Nim se produce una disminución notable del peso de la misma y sus componentes (almendra, aceite, torta y residuo), dada por la influencia del tiempo de almacenamiento y factores ambientales tales como humedad relativa y temperatura. Además, se observó de igual forma, que la mayor pérdida de peso de la semilla se produjo durante los dos primeros meses de almacenadas, que incluyen el período de envejecimiento fisiológico.


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Se evaluó la incidencia del agregado de cloruros (Cl-) adicionado como NaCl, y de nitrógeno (N) como KNO3, sobre la producción de materia verde (MV), materia seca (MS) y contenido de nitratos (NO3 -) y Cl- en la parte aérea cosechada de Amaranthus tricolor L. El ensayo se realizó en el invernáculo de la Facultad de Agronomía, UNLPam., Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina, en macetas que contenían 5 kg de suelo. Las dosis de fertilizante agregado en kg ha-1 fueron: 50 y 100 de N y 100, 200 y 300 de Cl-. Se realizaron todas las combinaciones posibles originando 12 tratamientos, incluido el testigo. Para el análisis estadístico se empleó ANOVA doble y los tests de Tukey y Tukey-Kramer. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para MS para ningún agregado. Tampoco se encontraron diferencias significativas en la producción de MV entre las dosis de N (N50 y N100) pero sí entre éstas y el testigo. No hubo diferencias entre las dosis de Cl- aplicadas para esta variable. Los NO3 - mostraron diferencias significativas frente a las distintas dosis de N, como así también entre las medias de los tratamientos con el agregado de Cl- y la no incorporación de éstos. Los valores promedio de NO3 - variaron entre 0,51 y 3,56% base seca (bs) y 445,4 y 2916,1 mg kg-1 fresco. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el % Cl- (bs) frente a las diferentes dosis de NaCl adicionado. Bajo las condiciones del ensayo, los valores promedio de NO3 - se encuentran dentro de los límites establecidos por la Comunidad Económica Europea.


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El objetivo fue lograr Índices de Corte ajustados a los suelos de las regiones en estudio y relacionar los mismos con determinaciones sencillas de laboratorio como volumen de sedimentación. Se observó en la región una gran disparidad de métodos para calcular el plano proyecto a obtener y la aplicación de valores de relación corte/relleno sin validación local. El trabajo se realizó en la provincia de Mendoza. Se relevaron 22 parcelas en las zonas irrigadas por los ríos Mendoza y Tunuyán. Los valores promedio de relación de expansión obtenidos, de acuerdo con el tipo de suelo, fueron: arenoso 1,04; franco 1,4; arcilloso 1,71; franco-arenoso 1,29; francoarcillo- limoso 1,71; franco-arcilloso 1,64 y franco-limoso 1,34, respectivamente.


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En parcelas con 7 años de siembra directa continua se realizó una labor de escarificado. A los 40 días se abrieron trincheras y sobre una grilla cuadriculada se determinó la penetrometría de pared y la humedad en los perfiles de suelo. Para procesar los histogramas obtenidos en la integración de los relevamientos de resistencia a la penetración en escarificado (E) y no escarificado (NE) se utilizó el módulo fuzzy (tratamiento de imágenes de un sistema de información geográfica). Se determinaron 7 clases de compactación en cada situación, diferenciadas por promedios y rangos. La trinchera con los valores promedios fuzzy de penetrometría en E presentó 25.71 % menos de las clases consideradas más compactadas, siendo significativo el efecto de la labor en el espesor 5-25 cm. No hubo diferencias en humedad entre ambas situaciones, a excepción del estrato 30-35 cm donde -en E- fue mayor. La labor de escarificado produjo modificaciones favorables en los distintos estados de compactación de suelo, principalmente en los espesores intermedios. A través del tratamiento de lógica difusa se determinaron diferentes clases de compactación y su distribución espacial.


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Se clasificaron 90 especies de árboles y arbustos de uso frecuente en Mendoza (Argentina) en base a su capacidad de filtrado del particulado atmosférico en suspensión. Se utilizó colectores de polvo atmosférico impregnados en vaselina líquida como superficie adherente. Se analizó por turbi-dimetría en un Hach 2100 P, con lectura en unidades nefelométricas de turbidez (NTU). Dichos colectores de polvo se colocaron en el interior y el exterior de la copa de cada ejemplar, con un mínimo de 15 repeticiones para cada posición. Por diferencia de promedios de lectura entre el exterior y el interior de la copa se obtuvo, en cada caso, un valor característico. Para lograr valores comparables entre ejemplares, con variaciones producidas por el follaje, debe referirse la mencionada diferencia del ancho de copa atravesado por el aire que transporta el contaminante y una lectura unitaria, mediante la relación: ILi =[(Loi -Lci) / (Efi * Loi)] * 100 m-1 donde: • ILi = índice de lectura interferométrica de la especie "i" • Loi= lectura interferométrica exterior (promedio de NTU externos) • Lci= lectura interferométrica interior de la copa (promedio de NTU internos) • Efi = espesor - expresado en m- de la copa en línea recta horizontal. El ILI, por caracterizar cada especie según su capacidad de captación de polvo atmosférico, permite el mejor uso de las mismas en proyectos de espacios verdes para protección ambiental.


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La aplicación de fungicidas ha tenido un incremento importante en los últimos períodos agrícolas, siendo los cúpricos los más utilizados en nuestro medio. Según el Instituto de Sanidad y Calidad Agropecuaria Mendoza (ISCAMEN), en el período 2004/2005 se han aplicado 2.500 toneladas de estos fungicidas: 44,80% sulfato de cobre; 54,24% oxicloruro de cobre y 0,96% de hidróxido de cobre, cantidades similares a las registradas en los últimos ciclos. Habiéndose detectado metales pesados en estos productos, se pretende determinar sus concentraciones en la mayoría de los cúpricos comercializados en Mendoza. Con tal objetivo se reunieron 53 muestras comerciales de fungicidas cúpricos (44 de sulfato y 9 de oxicloruro de cobre), que representan la mayoría de las marcas comercializadas. Sobre extractos ácidos se determinaron plomo y cadmio mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica de llama, contrastando con material de referencia altamente confiable. La legislación argentina sólo establece límites a los contenidos de plomo, el cual no puede superar el valor resultante de la fórmula: Límite de Pb mg.kg-1 = 5 x (% Cu del producto). Para el oxicloruro el valor límite es 275 mg.kg-1 y para el sulfato 125 mg.kg-1. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente con los siguientes resultados: para el oxicloruro la media fue de 207,17 mg.kg-1 y el 33,3% de las muestras superaron los valores permitidos para plomo. Para los sulfatos la media fue de 63,06 mg.kg-1 y ninguna de las muestras superó el límite máximo. La presencia de cadmio está representada por medias de 2,64 mg.kg-1 y 1,53 mg.kg-1 para oxicloruro y sulfato de cobre, respectivamente.


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Uranium, radium, thorium and ionium were determined directly on seven concretions from three stations in the Indian Ocean, and on two concretions and a manganese-rich crust from two stations in the Pacific Ocean. The uranium content averages 3 to 5 gamma/g and the thorium content varies only slightly, but the Th/U ratio in the concretions is typically 2 to 5 in the Indian Ocean and 5 to 15.5 in the Pacific. The ionium content ranges from 1.0 x 10-9 to 3.6 10**-9 g/g in concretions from both oceans. Radium is more abundant in specimens from the Pacific Ocean (Ra = 3 - 12.7 x 10**-11 g/g) than from the Indian Ocean (1.5 - 5.2 x 10**-11 g/g). Analyses for Ca, Mn, Fe, Si, Ni, P, and ignition loss are also given. Radioactive equilibria between uranium, ionium, and radium are strongly disturbed throughout the concretions, and the RA/U and lo/U ratios generally exceed equilibrium ratios. Migration of radium from interior layers was established, so that neither determination of the ages of the concretions nor of their rates of growth can be considered reliable. The age of the concretions cannot exceed 800,000 years, and all grew within relatively short periods of time; there may have been "dormant" periods during growth. Estimates of growth rates are calculated from the radium and ionium contents; they show marked discordance.


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The upper sections of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 576 (32°21.4'N, 164°16.5'E) and 578 (33°55.6'N, 151°37.7'E) both have stable detrital remanence that can be correlated with the standard reversal stratigraphy. Site 576 contains all reversals above the base of the Gilbert Epoch (5 m.y.) at about 25 m, whereas Site 578 contains a remarkable section of about 60 reversals extending to Anomaly 5B (15 m.y.) at about 150 m sub-bottom depth. In both cases, the paleomagnetic stratigraphy breaks down when accumulation rates drop below 2 m/m.y. At both sites, authigenic manganiferous clays deposited from 70 to 16 m.y. ago accumulated at about 0.4 m/m.y. Similarly, at both sites, the Pleistocene pulse of eolian debris increased accumulation rates by about 6 m/m.y.**2. From 16 to 2 m.y. ago, however, sediment accumulated at Site 578 about five times as rapidly as at Site 576, apparently because of augmented input to the western site by bottom currents.