949 resultados para REVERSAL
In situ measurements of Mg/Ca, Zn/Ca, Mn/Ca, and Ba/Ca in Globigerinoides bulloides and Globigerina ruber from southwest Pacific core top sites and plankton tow are reported and their potential as paleoproxies is explored. The modern samples cover 20° of latitude from 34°S to 54°S, 7-19°C water temperature, and variable influence of subantarctic (SAW) and subtropical (STW) surface waters. Trace element signatures recorded in core top and plankton tow planktic foraminifera are examined in the context of the chemistry and nutrient profiles of their modern water masses. Our observations suggest that Zn/Ca and Mn/Ca may have the potential to trace SAW and STW. Intraspecies and interspecies offsets identified by in situ measurements of Mg/Ca and Zn/Ca indicate that these ratios may also record changes in thermal and nutrient stratification in the upper ocean. We apply these potential proxies to fossilized foraminifera from the high-resolution core MD97 2121. At the Last Glacial Maximum, surface water Mg/Ca temperature estimates indicate that temperatures were approximately 6-7°C lower than those of the present, accompanied by low levels of Mn/Ca and Zn/Ca and minimal thermal and nutrient stratification. This is consistent with regional dominance of SAW and reduced STW inflow associated with a reduced South Pacific Gyre (SPG). Upper ocean thermal and nutrient stratification collapsed during the Antarctic Cold Reversal, before poleward migration of the zonal winds and ocean fronts invigorated the SPG and increased STW inflow in the early Holocene. Together with reduced winds, this favored a stratified upper ocean from circa 10 ka to the present.
After the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT), which occurred in the late 1980s, the abyssal water masses of the eastern Mediterranean were dominated by water masses of Aegean origin. Data from cruises carried out in recent years now indicate that the process of deep water formation has again been reversed, with Adriatic deep water being the main source for the deep water formation. The reversal of deep water production in the Ionian Sea is a long-term process and therefore it needs to be monitored over a period of years. The characteristics which are crucial for the deep water today, how it differs from the deep water before the EMT and in which state of the reversal it resides, these are the questions which have to be investigated continuously during the coming years. The cruises which have been accomplished (such as POS298, M71/3, MSM13/2) and the current one shall fulfill this purpose.
The equatorial Pacific is an important part of the global carbon cycle and has been affected by climate change through the Cenozoic (65 Ma to present). We present a Miocene (12-24 Ma) biogenic sediment record from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 574 and show that a CaCO3 minimum at 17 Ma was caused by elevated CaCO3 dissolution. When Pacific Plate motion carried Site 574 under the equator at about 16.2 Ma, there is a minor increase in biogenic deposition associated with passing under the equatorial upwelling zone. The burial rates of the primary productivity proxies biogenic silica (bio-SiO2) and biogenic barium (bio-Ba) increase, but biogenic CaCO3 decreases. The carbonate minimum is at ~17 Ma coincident with the beginning of the Miocene climate optimum; the transient lasts from 18 to 15 Ma. Bio-SiO2 and bio-Ba are positively correlated and increase as the equator was approached. Corg is poorly preserved, and is strongly affected by changing carbonate burial. Terrestrial 232Th deposition, a proxy for aeolian dust, increases only after the Site 574 equator crossing. Since surface production of bio-SiO2, bio-Ba, and CaCO3 correlate in the modern equatorial Pacific, the decreased CaCO3 burial rate during the Site 574 equator crossing is driven by elevated CaCO3 dissolution, representing elevated ocean carbon storage and elevated atmospheric CO2. The length of the 17 Ma CaCO3 dissolution transient requires interaction with a 'slow' part of the carbon cycle, perhaps elevated mantle degassing associated with the early stages of Columbia River Basalt emplacement.
Seven Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites recovered during ODP Leg 177 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were analyzed to study the Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil record. Calcareous nannofossil events previously described from intermediate and low latitudes were identified and calibrated with available geomagnetic and stable isotope stratigraphic data. In general, Pleistocene southern high latitude calcareous nannofossil events show synchronicity with those observed from warm and temperate latitudes. The first occurrence (FO) of Emiliania huxleyi and the last occurrence (LO) of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa are observed in marine isotope stages (MIS) 8 and 12, respectively. A reversal in abundance between Gephyrocapsa muellerae and E. huxleyi is observed at MIS 5. MIS 6 is characterized by an increase in G. muellerae and MIS 7 features a dramatic decrease in the proportion of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica. This latter species began to increase its proportions from MIS 14 to 13. The LO of Reticulofenestra asanoi is observed within subchron C1r.1r and the FO of R. asanoi occurs at the top of C1r.2r. A reentry of medium-sized Gephyrocapsa can be identified in some cores during subchron C1r.1n. The LO of large morphotypes of Gephyrocapsa is well correlated through the studied area, and occurs during the middle-low part of subchron C1r.2r,synchronous with other oceanic regions. The FO of Calcidiscus macintyrei and FO of medium-sized Gephyrocapsa occur in the studied area close to 1.6 Ma.
Air-fall volcanic ash and pumice were recovered from 22 intervals in upper Miocene-Pleistocene nannofossil oozes cored in Hole 810C on Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific. Shatsky Rise is near the eastern limit of ash falls produced by explosive volcanism in arc systems in northern Japan and the Kuriles, more than 1600 km away. Electron probe analyses establish that the ash beds and pumice pebbles are andesitic to rhyolitic in composition, and belong to both tholeiitic and high-alumina lineages similar to tephra from Japanese volcanoes. High-speed winds in the polar-front and subtropical jets are evidently what propelled the ash for such a distance. The pumice arrived by flotation, driven from the same directions by winds, waves, and currents. It is not ice-rafted debris from the north. One thick pumice bed probably was deposited when a large pumice mat passed over Shatsky Rise. Far more abundant ash occurs in sediments cored at DSDP Sites 578 through 580, about 500 km west of Shatsky Rise. Most of the ash and pumice at Shatsky Rise can be correlated with specific ash beds at 1, 2, or all 3 of these sites by interpolating to precisely determined magnetic reversal sequences in the cores. Most of the correlations are to thick ash layers (5.7 +/- 3.0 cm) at one or more sites. These must represent extremely large eruptions that spread ash over very wide areas. Whereas several of the thicker correlative ashes fell from elongate east-trending plumes directed from central Japan, the majority of them - dating from about 2 Ma - came from the North Honshu and Kurile arc systems to the northwest. This direction probably was in response to both long-term and seasonal fluctuations in the location and velocity of the polar-front jet, and to more vigorous winter storm fronts originating over glaciated Siberia.
Palaeoclimatic and paleoenvironmental high latitude records in the Southern Hemisphere are scarce compared to the northern counterpart. However, understanding global evolution of environmental systems during sudden climate changes is inseparable from an equivalent knowledge of both Hemispheres. In this context, a high-resolution study of lacustrine sediments from Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz province, Patagonia, Argentina, was conducted for the Lateglacial period using concurrent X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning electron microscope analyses. Peaks of Ca/Si and Mn, and occurrences of the green alga Phacotus lenticularis have been interpreted as variations in ventilation of the water column from 13.6 to 11.1 ka cal. BP. During this interval, mild climate conditions during the Younger Dryas are characterized by relatively weak westerlies favouring the formation of a stratified water body as indicated by preserved manganese and Ca/Si peaks and high Total Organic Carbon (TOC) values. In this environment, water in the epilimnion can reach sufficiently high temperature to allow P. lenticularis to grow. Colder conditions are marked by peaks in Ca without P. lenticularis and occur during the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR). In this Lateglacial interval, micropumices were also detected in large amount. Image analysis of thin sections allowed the counting and size measurement of detrital particles and micropumices separately. Micropumices significantly influence the iron and titanium content, hence preventing to use them as proxies of detrital input in this interval.
Component natural remanent magnetizations derived from u-channel and 1-qcm discrete samples from ODP Site 919 (Irminger Basin) indicate the existence of four intervals of negative inclinations in the upper Brunhes Chronozone. According to the age model based on planktic oxygen isotope data, these "excursional" intervals occur in sediments deposited during the following time intervals: 32-34 ka, 39-41 ka, 180-188 ka and 205-225 ka. These time intervals correspond to polarity excursions detected elsewhere, known as Mono Lake, Laschamp, Iceland Basin and Pringle Falls. The isotope-based age model is supported by the normalized remanence (paleointensity) record that can be correlated to other calibrated paleointensity records for the 0-500 ka interval, such as that from ODP Site 983. For the intervals associated with the Mono Lake and Laschamp excursions, virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) reach equatorial latitudes and mid-southerly latitudes, respectively. For intervals associated with the Iceland Basin and Pringle Falls excursions, repeated excursions of VGPs to high southerly latitudes indicate rapid directional swings rather than a single short-lived polarity reversal. The directional instability associated with polarity excursions is not often recorded, probably due to smoothing of the sedimentary record by the process of detrital remanence (DRM) acquisition.
Bulk sediment chemistry from three Chilean continental margin Ocean Drilling Program sites constrains regional continental erosion over the past 30,000 years. Sediments from thirteen rivers that drain the (mostly igneous) Andes and the (mostly metamorphic) Coast Range, along with existing rock chemistry datasets, define terrestrial provenance for the continental margin sediments. Andean river sediments have high Mg/Al relative to Coast-Range river sediments. Near 36°S, marine sediments have high-Mg/Al (i.e. more Andean) sources during the last glacial period, and lower-Mg/Al (less Andean) sources during the Holocene. Near 41°S a Ti-rich source, likely from coast-range igneous intrusions, is prevalent during Holocene time, whereas high-Mg/Al Andean sources are more prevalent during the last glacial period. We infer that there is a dominant ice-sheet control of sediment sources. At 36°S, Andean-sourced sediment decreased as Andean mountain glaciers retreated after ~17.6 ka, coincident with local oceanic warming and southward retreat of the Patagonian Forest and, by inference, westerly winds. At 41°S Andean sediment dominance peaks and then rapidly declines at ~19 ka, coincident with local oceanic warming and the earliest deglacial sea-level rise. We hypothesize that this decreased flux of Andean material in the south is related to rapid retreat of the marine-based portion of the Patagonian Ice Sheet in response to global sea-level rise, as the resulting flooding of the southern portion of the Central Valley created a sink for Andean sediments in this region. Reversal of the decreasing deglacial Mg/Al trend at 41°S from 14.5 to 13.0 ka is consistent with a brief re-advance of the Patagonian ice sheet coincident with the Antarctic Cold Reversal.
Organic matter in Miocene glacial sediments in Hole 739C on the Antarctic Shelf represents erosional recycled continental material. Various indications of maturity in bulk organic matter, kerogens, and extracts imply that an exposed section of mature organic carbon-rich material was present during the Miocene. Based on biomarker, n-alkane, and kerogen analysis, a massive diamictite of early Eocene/Oligocene age at Hole 739C contains immature organic matter. Visual and pyrolysis analyses of the kerogens suggest a predominance of terrestrial organic matter in all samples from Hole 739C. A reversal of thermal maturities, i.e., more-mature overlying less-mature sections, may be related to redeposition generated from glacial erosion. Siliciclastic fluviatile sediments of Lower Cretaceous age from Hole 741A were analyzed. The organic matter from this hole contains immature aliphatic and aromatic biomarkers as well as a suite of odd carbon number-dominated nalkanes. Visual examination and pyrolysis analysis of the kerogen suggests that predominantly immature terrestrial organic matter is present at Hole 741A. The similarities between Hole 739C Unit V and Hole 741A suggest that the source of the organic matter in the glacial sediments in Unit V at Hole 739C could be Cretaceous in age and similar to sediments sampled at Hole 741A in Prydz Bay.
Up to the end of the eighties the main source of deep water masses in the Ionian Basin was the southern Adriatic Sea. However, during the nineties a dramatic climatic change took place in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT). Since then, deep water has been formed by waters originating in the Aegean Sea. Expeditions carried out in this region in recent years indicate that the process of deep water formation might reverse again. To what extent this assumption applies and what characteristics the deep water in the Ionian Sea exhibit nowadays, should be determined on the cruise. The process of a re-reversal of abyssal water production in the Ionian Sea is a long-term process and must therfore be monitored for several years. Hence, this cruise is part of a series of cruises investigating this question (POS98, M71/3, MSM13/1-2, MSM15/4). The investigations were carried out by means of CTD/lADCP measurements.
A quantitative analysis was carried out of planktonic diatoms (biogenic opal) and calcareous nannofossils (biogenic calcite) in late Quaternary sediments (MIS 1-6) from four cores along a N-S transect east of New Zealand from 39°50'S to 50°04'S across the E-W-trending submarine ridge, the Chatham Rise. This was done to trace movements of oceanic fronts and to improve calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy for the last 130 000 yr in the SW Pacific. Sites ODP 1123 and Q 858 are below present day subtropical surface waters north of Chatham Rise. Site DSDP 594 is below present-day mixed temperate-subantarctic surface water south of the rise, and site ODP 1120 is below subantarctic surface water. The more diverse and opportunistic planktonic diatoms provided marker species for subtropical surface waters (Alveus marina, Fragilariopsis doliolus, Rhizosolenia bergonii and Azpeitia nodulifer) and others for subantarctic surface waters (Nitzschia kerguelensis, Thalassiosira lentiginosa). Application of these tracers permits the following conclusions: (1) subtropical conditions persisted north of Chatham Rise throughout the past 130 000 yr, in spite of the cooling of surface waters during colder periods; (2) during warm times (MIS 5 and MIS 3, and in MIS 1), the sporadic occurrence of subtropical species south of Chatham Rise indicates occasional admixture of subtropical surface waters that far south; (3) subantarctic waters extended to the southern slopes of the Chatham Rise during MIS 5b, late MIS 5a to early MIS 4, during the warmer time intervals in early MIS 3, and during latest MIS 3 to early MIS 2; (4) subantarctic frontal conditions existed over southern Chatham Rise during early MIS 4 and late MIS 3 to early MIS 2; and (5) it is probable that during cooler times, MIS 6, MIS 5b, and in MIS 2, intensified particle transport from the Bounty Trough to the northern flank of Chatham Rise occurred by intensified boundary currents. The larger abundance fluctuations in both microfossil groups at the sites south of Chatham Rise than north of Chatham Rise reflect northward shifts of the Circumpolar Subantarctic Water (CSW) and a contemporaneous disappearance of Australasian Subantarctic Water (ASW), implying an elevated temperature gradient between the surface water masses north and south of the Chatham Rise at the times of such northward shifts of CSW. Calcareous nannofossils are less diverse than diatoms, and are less specialised. Some calcareous nannofossil species show abundance shifts at the same time at different latitudes. Two of these abundance shifts can be used for correlation between subtropical and subantarctic sediments in the SW Pacific: (1) reversal in the relative abundance of Calcidiscus leptoporus and Coccolithus pelagicus associated with the MIS 2/1 boundary; and (2) drop in abundance of Gephyrocapsa muellerae or medium-sized Gephyrocapsa at the MIS 4/3 boundary. An additional abundance shift seems to be restricted to subtropical to mixed temperate-subtropical-subantarctic surface waters: (3) increase in abundance of G. muellerae or medium-sized Gephyrocapsa at the beginning of MIS 2 below the Okareka tephra.
Not all boninites are glassy lavas. Those of Hole 458 in the Mariana fore-arc region are submarine pillow lavas and more massive flows in which glass occurs only in quenched margins. Pillow and flow interiors have abundant Plagioclase spherulites, microlites, or even larger crystals but can be recognized as boninites by (1) occurrence of bronzite, (2) presence of augite-bronzite microphenocryst intergrowths, and (3) reversal of the usual basaltic groundmass crystallization sequence of plagioclase-augite to augite-plagioclase. The latter is accentuated by sharply contrasting augite and Plagioclase crystal morphologies near pillow margins, a consequence of rapid cooling rates. This crystallization sequence appears to be a consequence of boninites having higher SiO2 and Mg/Mg + Fe than basalts but lower CaO/Al2O3. Microprobe data are used to illustrate the effects of rapid cooling on the compositions of pyroxene and microphenocrysts in a glassy boninite sample and to estimate temperatures of crystallization of coexisting bronzite and augite. A range from 1320°C to 1200°C is calculated with an average of 1250°C. This is higher by 120°-230° than the known range for western Pacific arc tholeiites and by over 300° than for calc-alkalic andesites. Boninites of Hole 458 lack olivine and clinoenstatite but are otherwise chemically and petrographically similar to boninites that have these minerals. In order to distinguish the two types, the Hole 458 lavas are here termed boninites and the others are termed olivine boninites. Arc tholeiite pillow lavas from Holes 458 and 459B are briefly described and their textures compared to fractionated, moderately iron-enriched, abyssal tholeiites. Massive tholeiite flows contain striking quartz-alkali feldspar micrographic intergrowths with coarsely spherulitic textures resulting from in situ magmatic differentiation. Such intergrowths are rare in massive abyssal tholeiites cored by DSDP and probably occur here because arc tholeiites have higher normative quartz at comparable degrees of iron enrichment - a result of higher oxygen fugacities and earlier separation of titanomagnetite - than abyssal tholeiites.
At ODP Site 983, relative geomagnetic paleointensity and planktic and benthic delta18O records have been acquired for the last 350 kyr. The mean sedimentation rate in this interval is 11.3 cm/kyr. Magnetic properties and hysteresis ratios indicate that pseudo-single domain magnetite is the remanence carrier. Volume susceptibility (kappa), anhysteretic (ARM) and isothermal (IRM) remanence values vary by a factor of 3-4, well within the criteria usually cited for paleointensity studies. Natural remanent magnetization (NRM) is normalized by ARM and IRM to acquire the paleointensity proxy. Arithmetic means of NRM/ARM and NRM/IRM, calculated for five demagnetization steps in the 25-45 mT range, constitute the relative paleointensity estimates. Some paleointensity lows (particularly those at ~40, ~120 and ~188 ka) are associated with directional excursions of the field, especially the event at ~188 ka (referred to here as the Iceland Basin Event) that constitutes a short-lived polarity reversal. For the last 200 kyr, the records can be correlated with other high-resolution paleointensity records such as those from the Labrador Sea, Mediterranean/Somali Basin and Sulu Sea, implying that the millennial scale features are globally synchronous. A labeling system for paleointensity features is proposed that ties prominent highs and lows to oxygen isotope stages.