The philosophy of minimalism in robotics promotes gaining an understanding of sensing and computational requirements for solving a task. This minimalist approach lies in contrast to the common practice of first taking an existing sensory motor system, and only afterwards determining how to apply the robotic system to the task. While it may seem convenient to simply apply existing hardware systems to the task at hand, this design philosophy often proves to be wasteful in terms of energy consumption and cost, along with unnecessary complexity and decreased reliability. While impressive in terms of their versatility, complex robots such as the PR2 (which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars) are impractical for many common applications. Instead, if a specific task is required, sensing and computational requirements can be determined specific to that task, and a clever hardware implementation can be built to accomplish the task. Since this minimalist hardware would be designed around accomplishing the specified task, significant reductions in hardware complexity can be obtained. This can lead to huge advantages in battery life, cost, and reliability. Even if cost is of no concern, battery life is often a limiting factor in many applications. Thus, a minimalist hardware system is critical in achieving the system requirements. In this thesis, we will discuss an implementation of a counting, tracking, and actuation system as it relates to ergodic bodies to illustrate a minimalist design methodology.
A Comparative Study on the Homeroom Teachers’ Perception of the School guidance in Korea and Finland
This study has four major purposes. First, it compares school guidance of homeroom teachers in Korea and Finland, in order to understand the reality of education, based on the teachers’ perceptions. Secondly, it also considers the topic within its historical, social, and cultural backgrounds, from a critical standpoint. Thirdly, it investigates the direction of the improvement of school guidance, based on the analysis of similarities and differences between Korea and Finland, with regards to the meaning, practice, and environmental factors of the school guidance. Lastly, the influential factors surrounding the school guidance are noted by analysing empirical data from a microscopic approach, and extending the understanding of it into a social context. As for the methods, it employs thematic analysis approach through 10 homeroom teacher interviews in the lower secondary schools. As a result, firstly, the teachers in both countries assumed similarly, that the role of the teacher was not only to teach the subject, but also to care about every aspects of the students’ development in their school life. In addition, they accepted the fact that school guidance became more significant. However, the school guidance became the top priority for the Korean teachers, while teaching subject is the main task for the Finnish teachers. Secondly, the homeroom teachers in both countries hoped to have a better working environment, to perform school guidance concerning education budget for the resources of school guidance, tight curriculum, and increasing the teachers’ tasks. Thirdly, the school guidance in Korea seemed to be influenced by social expectation and government demand, whereas, the Finnish teachers considered school guidance in more aspects of adjustment and academic motivation, rather than resolving the social problems. Fourthly, the Korean teachers perceived that the trust and respect from the society and home became weakened, also expressing doubts about the educational policies and the attitude of the government with regards to school guidance. On the other hand, the Finnish teachers believed that they were trusted and respected by the society. However, blurred lines in the roles and accountability between the homeroom teachers, home, and the society were also controversial among the teachers in both countries. To sum up, Finland needs to ameliorate the system and conditions for school guidance of the homeroom teachers. The consensus on the role and tasks of Finnish homeroom teachers for school guidance seem to be also necessary. Meanwhile, Korea should improve the social system and social consciousness of the teacher, school guidance, and schooling, preceding the reform of the education system or conditions.
No abstract available.
Les macrolactones sont des squelettes structuraux importants dans de nombreuses sphères de l’industrie chimique, en particulier dans les marchés pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques. Toutefois, la stratégie traditionnelle pour la préparation de macrolactones demeure incommode en requérant notamment l’ajout (super)stœchiométrique d’agents activateurs. Conséquemment, des quantités stœchiométriques de sous-produits sont générées; ils sont souvent toxiques, dommageables pour l’environnement et nécessitent des méthodes de purification fastidieuses afin de les éliminer. La présente thèse décrit le développement d’une macrolactonisation efficace catalysée au hafnium directement à partir de précurseurs portant un acide carboxylique et un alcool primaire, ne générant que de l’eau comme sous-produit et ne nécessitant pas de techniques d’addition lente et/ou azéotropique. Le protocole a également été adapté à la synthèse directe de macrodiolides à partir de mélanges équimolaires de diols et de diacides carboxyliques et à la synthèse de dimères tête-à-queue de seco acides. Des muscs macrocycliques ainsi que des macrolactones pertinentes à la chimie médicinale ont pu être synthétisés avec l’approche développée. Un protocole pour l’estérification directe catalysée au hafnium entre des acides carboxyliques et des alcools primaires a aussi été développé. Différentes méthodes pour la macrolactonisation catalytique directe entre des alcools secondaires et des acides carboxyliques ont été étudiées. En outre, la stratégie de séparation de phase en macrocyclisation en débit continu a été appliquée lors de la synthèse totale formelle de la macrolactone ivorenolide A. Les étapes-clés de la synthèse incluent une macrocyclisation par le couplage d’alcynes de Glaser-Hay et une réaction de métathèse d’alcènes Z-sélective.
The work presented in this thesis has been part of a Cranfield University research project. This thesis aims to design a flight control law for large cargo aircraft by using predictive control, which can assure flight motion along the flight path exactly and on time. In particular this work involves the modelling of a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III 6DOF model (used as study case), by using DATCOM and Matlab Simulink software. Then a predictive control algorithm has been developed. The majority of the work is done in a Matlab/Simulink environment. Finally the predictive control algorithm has been applied on the aircraft model and its performances, in tracking given trajectory optimized through a 4DT Research Software, have been evaluated.
Fino a pochi anni fa, usare i trasporti pubblici poteva essere fonte di confusione e richiedere la comprensione del sistema dei trasporti locali. Più tardi, con la diffusione di dispositivi con localizzazione GPS, reti dati cellulare e Google Maps (inizialmente Google Transit), tutto è cambiato, rendendo possibile la pianificazione di un viaggio mentre si è fuori casa. Nonostante Google Maps disponga di indicazioni stradali più o meno in tutto il mondo e mostri molte informazioni, alcune funzionalità, come l’integrazione degli orari in tempo reale, non sono disponibili in tutte le città, ma sono basate su accordi con le agenzie dei trasporti locali. GoGoBus è un’applicazione Android per l’ausilio al trasporto nella città di Bologna. Combinando diversi servizi, GoGoBus si rivolge a svariati tipi di utilizzatori: offre la pianificazione per i meno pratici del sistema e coloro che usano i trasporti pubblici raramente, dispone di orari in tempo reale per chi usa i mezzi frequentemente, e in più traccia la posizione dell’autobus, ha un supporto vocale e un’interfaccia semplice per persone con disabilità. Progettata appositamente per ipovedenti, l’aspetto più innovativo dell’applicazione è il suo supporto durante il percorso sull’autobus, integrato alla pianificazione del tragitto e agli orari aggiornati in tempo reale. Il sistema traccia la posizione dell’autobus attraverso il GPS del dispositivo mobile, la cui posizione è usata sia per riconoscere quando una fermata viene superata, sia per mostrare informazioni utili come la distanza dalla prossima fermata, il numero di fermate e i minuti rimanenti prima di scendere, e soprattutto notificare l’utente quando deve scendere. L’idea dietro GoGoBus è incrementare la fruibilità dei trasporti pubblici per non vedenti, ma anche per persone che li usano di rado, aumentando ampiamente la loro indipendenza, allo stesso tempo migliorando la qualità del servizio per chi usa i mezzi quotidianamente.
Aim: To investigate the qualitative aspects in patient selection and the quantitative impact of disease burden in real world treatment of vitreomacular traction (VMT) and implementation of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance (TA297). Methods: A monocentric, retrospective review of consecutive patients undergoing optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging over a 3 month period. Patients with VMT in at least one eye were identified for further data collection on laterality, visual acuity, symptoms, presence of epiretinal membrane, macular hole and treatment selection. Results: A total of 3472 patients underwent OCT imaging with a total of 6878 eyes scanned. Out of 87 patients, 74 patients had unilateral VMT (38 right, 36 left) and 13 patients had bilateral VMT. Eighteen patients with unilateral VMT satisfied NICE criteria of severe sight problems in the affected eye. Eight were managed for a coexisting pathology, one refused treatment, one patient did not attend, two closed spontaneously, and one received ocriplasmin prior to the study start date. Only two patients with unilateral VMT received ocriplasmin and three underwent vitrectomy. Those failing to meet NICE criteria for unilateral VMT were predominantly asymptomatic (n=49) or had coexisting ERM (n=5) or both (n=2). Conclusion: Ocriplasmin provides an alternative treatment for patients with symptomatic VMT. Our data shows that the majority of patients with VMT do not meet NICE TA297 primarily due to lack of symptoms. Those meeting NICE criteria, but not treated, tended to have coexisting macular pathology. Variation in patient selection due to subjective factors not outlined in NICE guidance suggests that real world outcomes of ocriplasmin therapy should be interpreted with caution.
guidance drafting and redrafting the abstract while building your report contents
The production of olive oil generates several by-products that can be seen as an additional business opportunity. Among them are the olive pits, already used for heat and/or electricity generation in some mills. They contain compounds that are commercially very interesting and, if recovered, contribute to the sustainability of the olive mills. The work presented in this paper is a preliminary evaluation of the economic feasibility of implementing a system based on a batch prototype with 1 m3 for the extraction of high value-added bioactive molecules from olive pits that are separated during the production of virgin olive oil. For the analysis, a small representative olive mill in Portugal was considered and the traditional Discounted Cash Flow Method was applied. Based on the assumptions made, the simple payback for implementation a system for the extraction of value-added molecules from the olive pits is around 7 years.