991 resultados para RED-GREEN


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Abstract: The present paper reports blood gas analysis, hematologic and micro bacteriologic information on four female Red-billed curassows, rescued from illegal wild animal trading, that were undergoing habilitation for reintroduction into the wild through Projeto Centrofauna/Botucatu-SP. There is a lack of physiological data on this species, endemic to the region of Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica), now under threat of extinction. This lack of information makes the clinical evaluation of these birds very difficult and has a direct and adverse effect on any of these birds received for medical treatment in hospitals, veterinary clinics and centers for research and conservation, as well as in reintroduction centers.


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Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tutkitaan vihreän markkinoinnin strategista roolia ja sen tuomaa lisäarvoa yritykselle. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä vihreä markkinointi on, mistä syistä yritykset harjoittavat sitä ja tuoko se lisäarvoa yritykselle. Case-yrityksinä tutkielmassa ovat UPM-Raflatac ja Lappeenrannan Energia Oy.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of weeding frequency on cultivar Centralmex green corn yield. Two experiments were conducted in Mossoró-RN (Brazil), with the use of sprinkler irrigation. A random block design with four replicates was used. It was observed that the total number and weight (TW) of unhusked green ears, the number and weight of marketable unhusked ears and the number and weight of marketable husked ears were reduced under no weeding treatment. The number timing of weedings did not influence green corn yield, except for one weeding at 60 DAP, which was equivalent to the "no weeding" treatment, for TW. When maize is marketed considering the total number of green ears, higher net income is obtained when one weeding is carried out 45 days after planting.


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Red rice is a troublesome weed in irrigated rice production and is spread through contaminated commercial rice seed and machinery. Seed dormancy is a major trait for red rice. Studies were carried out at two locations to determine red rice seed longevity in the soil of several ecotypes from four US states. Five months after burial near Beaumont, Texas only three ecotypes had viable seed (<1%) when buried at 5 cm, but 9 ecotypes had viable seed after two years when buried at 25 cm. At the thirty-sixth month after burial, ecotypes Arkansas 2, Louisiana 2 and 4, Mississippi 4 and Texas 1 had viable seeds, but at less than 1%. Freshly harvested red rice seeds buried at 12 cm near College Station, TX, survived longer than seeds placed on the soil surface. The percentage of maximum viable seeds was 2% for blackhull type Texas 4, after 17 months. In both studies, commercial rice cultivar seeds were not viable after 5 months, regardless of their position in the soil. Under farming conditions with no fallow land preparations or deep tillage, most red rice seed germinated or was dead after 2 to 3 years, with only minor variation among ecotypes.


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Phytoremediation, the use of plants to decontaminate soils and water resources from organic pollutants such as herbicides, is economically and environmentally a promising technique applied in many areas, including agriculture. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of bean plants cultivated in the field, in soil with different levels of trifloxysulfuron-sodium contamination, following cultivation of two green manure species, as well as to evaluate the possibility of recontamination of the area by such herbicide with the straw permanence on the soil. The experiment was carried out in Coimbra, MG, Brazil, on a sandy clayey Red - Yellow Argisol from March to November 2003. Four levels of soil contamination with trifloxysulfuron-sodium (0.00; 3.75; 7.50; and 15.00 g ha-1) were used as well as the following five types of cultivation prior to bean sowing in the area after herbicide application: black velvet beans (Stizolobium aterrimum) followed by removal of straw; S. aterrimum, followed by permanence of straw; jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis), followed by removal of straw; C. ensiformis followed by permanence of straw; and without prior cultivation, weed-free (weeded control). The leguminous plants were kept in the area for 65 days, cut close to the soil, and with its aerial part left or not on the surface of the experimental plot, depending on the treatment. Fifteen days after the species were cut, bean was sown in the area. At 45 days after emergence (DAE) of the bean plants, plant height and dry mass of the aerial part were evaluated. Grain productivity was determined during harvest. Height, dry matter of the aerial part and grain productivity of the bean plants, cultivated in an area previously contaminated with trifloxysulfuron-sodium at any of the levels tested, were higher with prior cultivation of S. aterrimum or C. ensiformis. At the lowest level of herbicide contamination, prior cultivation of C. ensiformis was found to be more efficient than that of S. aterrimum in mitigating the harmful effects of trifloxysulfuron-sodium on bean grain production. The permanence of the straw of the green manure species during the bean cycle did not harm the development of the plants or caused culture productivity losses, indicating that straw permanence in the area does not promote recontamination of the area.


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Studies on plant growth are interesting because they provide explanations for the factors that influence yield in various crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate growth and yield in corn cultivar AG1051, when in competition with weeds. Cultivar AG 1051 was submitted to two groups of treatments: weed control, and sampling periods for dry biomass evaluation. The weed control treatments consisted of hoeing (two hoeings performed at 20 and 40 days after sowing) and no hoeing. Sampling periods consisted of collecting the above-ground part and roots of corn every fifteen days, until 105 days after sowing (DAS); the first sampling was performed 30 DAS. A completely randomized block design with ten replicates was used. For the characteristics evaluated in a single season, statistical analyses were carried out as a random block experiment. For the characteristics evaluated in several periods, statistical analyses were carried out as random blocks with split-plots (weed control assigned to plots). Fourteen weed species, unevenly distributed throughout the experimental area, were the most important. The growth observed for the above-ground part and root system of corn was 30% smaller in the non-hoed plots, compared to the hoed plots. Lack of weed control increased dry matter of the above-ground part of the weeds and reduced the number of unhusked and husked marketable green ears by 23% and 49%, respectively. Grain yield reduction caused by lack of weed control reached 38%.


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The reduction in herbicide use is one of the greatest interests for modern agriculture and several alternatives are being investigated with this objective, including the adoption of cultivars that suppress weeds. The objective of this study was to verify if maize cultivars develop differently, in competition with weeds, to produce green ears and grain. Randomized complete block design was used, with split-plots and five replications. Cultivars DKB 390, DKB 466, DKB 350, AG 7000, AG 7575 and Master, were evaluated in the plots, without weeding and two weedings (at 22 and 41 days after sowing) in sub plots. Twenty-one species were identified in the experimental area, the most frequent being Gramineae (Poaceae), Euphorbiaceae, Leguminosae (Fabaceae) and Convolvulaceae species. There was no difference in the dry biomass above-ground part of the weeds in the plots of the evaluated cultivars. The cultivars behaved similarly in treatments with or without hoeing, except for plant height and ear height evaluations. Without hoeing, plant height increased in cultivar DKB 390, while plant height and ear height decreased in cultivar AG 7575. In the other cultivars, these traits did not change under weed control. The presence of weeds decreased the values of all traits employed to assess green corn yield, with the exception of the total number of green ears and grain yield.


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The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of S-metolachlor applied in pre-emergence conditions for the control of Brachiaria decumbens, Digitaria horizontalis, and Panicum maximum in sugar cane mechanically harvested without previous burning of the crop (green harvest) with the crop residue either left or not on the soil surface. The experiments were established in the field according to a randomized complete block design with four repetitions in a 7 x 2 split-plot scheme. In the plots, five herbicide treatments were studied (S-metolachlor at 1.44, 1.92, and 2.40 kg ha-1, clomazone at 1.20 kg ha-1, and isoxaflutole at 0.188 kg ha-1), and two control treatments with no herbicide application. In the subplots, the presence or absence of sugar cane crop residue on the soil surface was evaluated. S-metolachlor efficacy was not hampered by either 14 or 20 t ha-1 of sugar cane crop residue on the soil surface. When sugar cane crop residue was covering the soil surface, S-metolachlor at a rate of 1.44 kg ha-1 resulted in weed control similar at their larger rates, where as without the presence of crop residue, S-metolachlor controlled B. decumbens, D. horizontalis, and P. maximum at the rates of 1.92, 1.44, and 1.92 kg ha-1, respectively. The herbicides clomazone and isoxaflutole were effective for the studied species, independently of the crop residue covering the soil surface. S-metolachlor caused no visible injury symptoms to the sugar cane plant. Clomazone and isoxaflutole caused visible injuries to the sugar cane plant. None of the herbicides negatively affected the number of viable culms m² or the culm height and diameter.


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Irrigated rice sowing season and red rice competition are among the main factors affecting grain yield. The objective of this work was to evaluate the sowing date of irrigated rice and moments of application of the herbicide imazapyr + imazapic to control red rice management and irrigated rice grain yield. Eight experiments were performed at the following dates (09/30, 10/19, 11/08 and 12/01) for the 2010/2011 harvest season and (09/27, 10/17, 11/08 and 12/05) for the 2011/2012 harvest season. The treatments were: application of the herbicide imazapyr + imazapic at doses of 105+35 g ha-1 in pre-emergence (PRE); 52.5+17.5 g ha‑1 in pre-emergence and 52.5+17.5 g ha-1 in post-emergence (PRE + POST); and 105+35 g ha-1 in post- emergence (POST), and a control without application and no weeding. The cultivar Puitá Inta CL was used and a randomized block design with four replicates. A joint analysis of the experiments was carried out. There was less emergence of red rice and higher grain yield of the irrigated rice at the early periods (09/30/10 and 09/27/11), with 10,578 and 8,653 kg ha-1, respectively. At the end of the season (12/01/10 and 12/05/11), there was greater reduction of the red rice seed bank. Sowing at the beginning of the recommended period provided more irrigated rice grain yield. The application of imazapyr + imazapic at a dose of 52.5+17.5 g ha-1 in PRE + 52.5+17.5 g ha-1 POST, and 105+35 g ha-1 only in PRE and POST was effective in the control of red rice.


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Roguing is a practice used to reduce the seed source of red rice escapes to control in Clearfield-rice areas. However, there is great difficulty in performing it in large and heavily infested rice fields. This objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the use of imazamox herbicide, applied in different rates and times, on plants of Clearfield-rice and red rice. Four experiments were conducted during the 2007/08 and 2008/09 growing seasons, in completely randomized block design and treatments arranged in factorial design, using three replications per treatment. The treatments had increasing rates of imazamox, application times and rice cultivars. The rice cultivars tested were IRGA 417, IRGA 422 CL, Avaxi CL and Puitá INTA CL. The variables evaluated were the number of panicles m-2, number of grains panicle-1, spikelet sterility in rice and red rice; and, rice grain yield and its components. The imazamox reduced the seed production of red rice escapes in a simulated situation of commercial Clearfield-rice area. The greater percentage reductions were obtained when this herbicide was applied at final formation of the panicle or panicle exertion of the red rice plant escapes to control. The Puitá INTA CL cultivar has high level of resistance to imazamox, independent of rate and application times tested, becoming the only alternative to the use of this practice.


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Green sugarcane harvesting may promote great changes in the dynamics of herbicides in the environment. Our goal was to evaluate the influence of straw decomposition degree on leaching and weed (Ipomoea grandifolia) control efficacy by (14C) tebuthiuron and hexazinone. The presence of straw on the soil surface affected leaching, mainly for hexazinone (leaching reduced from 37 to 5% of the applied amount in the presence of straw). Overall, tebuthiuron showed more efficient control of Ipomoea than hexazinone. The straw decomposition degree affected only hexazinone efficacy that was lowest for the least decomposed straw. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of sugarcane straw on herbicides dissipation, particularly on volatilization and photolysis, to better predict their efficacy and environmental fate.


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ABSTRACT Five experiments were conducted to evaluate the hypothesis that Solanum americanum density and time of coexistence affect the quality of processing tomato fruit. The tomato crop was established using either the direct drilling or the transplanting technique. The factors evaluated consisted of weed density (from 0 up to 6 plants m-2) and time of weed interference (early bloom stage, full flowering stage, fruit filling, and harvest time). The effects of competition on tomato fruit quality were analysed using a multiple model. Tomato variables evaluated included industrial fruit types (which depended on ripeness and disease infection) and soluble solids level(obrix). Tomato fruit quality is dependent on the factors tested. Under low densities (< 6 plants m-2) of S. americanum there was a small impact on the quality of the tomato fruits. The percentage of grade A (mature fruit with red color and without pathogen infection) tomato fruits is the variable most affect by the independent variables. The impact of these independent variables on the percentage of grade C (green and/or with more than 15% disease infection) tomato yield was of smaller magnitude and in an inverse trend as the observed for grade A. The level of soluble solids was influenced by the weed interference on only two experiments, but the impact was of small magnitude. The impact of the results on current and future crop management practices is discussed.


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(Monostromatic green algae (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) of São Paulo and Paraná states (Brazil): distribution, growth, and reproduction). Culture studies were used for taxa identification and to understand aspects of the biology and physiology of monostromatic green blades growing in various sites along the coast of São Paulo state (23º30'-25ºl2'S, 45º10'-48ºW) and one site in Paraná state (25º35'S, 48º21'W), southeast and south Brazil, respectively. Possible variations of the growth rate, age of reproduction and life history were tested under different conditions of temperature, salinity and day length. Two species were found: Ulvaria oxysperma (Kützing) Bliding and Monostroma sp. The first one has been previously reported for many temperate and tropical estuaries around the world. Green monostromatic blades with the same life-history and ontogeny as Monostroma sp. have been reported so far only for the tropical coast of Brazil. Species are distinct in their ontogeny of the thallus (constant under different conditions) and limiting temperatures of survival. U. oxysperma grows and reproduces from 10 to 25ºC and dies when maintained at 30ºC; Monostroma sp. does not reproduce at 15ºC and survives at 30ºC. The different salinities and day lengths that were tested had no significant effect on either species.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014