948 resultados para Psychiatric emergency services
Public Health England today launches 2 new resources for local authorities on preventing accidents to children and young people in the home and on the road. The reports show whilst the number of children and young people killed or seriously injured continues to fall in England there are still significant numbers of deaths and emergency admissions from preventable causes. On average each year between 2008 to 2012, 525 children and young people under 25 died and there were more than 53,700 admissions to hospital. The reports highlight actions local partners can take to reduce accidents including improving safety for children travelling to and from school and using existing services like health visitors and children’s centres. The Reducing unintentional injuries in and around the home among children under 5 Years and the Reducing unintentional injuries on the roads among children and young people under 25 reports include an analysis of data between 2008 to 2012. Key findings from the reports include: home injuries (under 5 years of age): an average of 62 children died each year between 2008 and 2012 these injuries result in an estimated 40,000 emergency hospital admissions among children of this age each year 5 injury types should be prioritised for the under-fives: choking; suffocation and strangulation; falls; poisoning; burns and scalds; and drowning hospital admission rate for unintentional injuries among the under-fives is 45% higher for children from the most deprived areas compared with children from the least deprived Road traffic injuries (under 25 years of age) there were 2,316 deaths recorded by the police among road users under the age of 25 years, an average of 463 under 25s each year there were 68,657 admissions to hospital as a result of road traffic injuries, an average of 13,731 each year in total there were 322,613 casualties of all severities recorded by the police, an average of 64,523 each year the rate of fatal and serious injuries for 10to 14 year olds was significantly greater for children from the 20% most deprived areas (37 per 100,000) compared with those from the most affluent areas (10 per 100,000)
Public Health England today launches 2 new resources for local authorities on preventing accidents to children and young people in the home and on the road. The reports show whilst the number of children and young people killed or seriously injured continues to fall in England there are still significant numbers of deaths and emergency admissions from preventable causes. On average each year between 2008 to 2012, 525 children and young people under 25 died and there were more than 53,700 admissions to hospital. The reports highlight actions local partners can take to reduce accidents including improving safety for children travelling to and from school and using existing services like health visitors and children’s centres. The Reducing unintentional injuries in and around the home among children under 5 Years and the Reducing unintentional injuries on the roads among children and young people under 25 reports include an analysis of data between 2008 to 2012. Key findings from the reports include: home injuries (under 5 years of age): an average of 62 children died each year between 2008 and 2012 these injuries result in an estimated 40,000 emergency hospital admissions among children of this age each year 5 injury types should be prioritised for the under-fives: choking; suffocation and strangulation; falls; poisoning; burns and scalds; and drowning hospital admission rate for unintentional injuries among the under-fives is 45% higher for children from the most deprived areas compared with children from the least deprived Road traffic injuries (under 25 years of age) there were 2,316 deaths recorded by the police among road users under the age of 25 years, an average of 463 under 25s each year there were 68,657 admissions to hospital as a result of road traffic injuries, an average of 13,731 each year in total there were 322,613 casualties of all severities recorded by the police, an average of 64,523 each year the rate of fatal and serious injuries for 10to 14 year olds was significantly greater for children from the 20% most deprived areas (37 per 100,000) compared with those from the most affluent areas (10 per 100,000)
These standards will apply to all organisations providing mental & emotional wellbeing and suicide prevention services which are funded by the PHA.
All laboratories play a key role in protecting public health by analysing the microbiological and chemical content of food so that it is safe to eat. On the island of Ireland there are many laboratories & institutions involved in food safety monitoring, surveillance, analysis and research. Some operate directly or are under the aegis of government departments, local and health authorities. Others are privately owned or within third level institutes of higher education and campus companies, and other laboratory establishments are funded or run by various national agencies. These laboratories produce high quality scientific information that benefits public health through routine testing and research encompassing a broad range of foods.
This book examines the role of technical standards in the regulation of services at the international level. It brings together scholarship in international political economy, French regulation theory, and economic sociology in order to discuss the following questions: Which services are most likely to be internationalised and what actors are the most concerned by the phenomenon? What is the relationship between the internationalisation of services and their institutional environment? What is more particularly the role of technical standards in delivering and using services? The introductory chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of cutting edge research on these questions. It argues that technical standards shape new forms of collective action and transnational authority. The chapter suggests some hypotheses for a new research agenda.
Evidence Review 4 - Adult learning services Briefing 4 - Adult learning services This pair of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, address the role of participation in learning as an adult in improving health. There is evidence that involvement in adult learning has both direct and indirect links with health, for example because it increases employability. There is some evidence that those who are lower down the social gradient benefit most, in health terms, from adult learning. However, there is a gradient both in participation in adult learning and skill level, whereby the more someone would benefit from adult learning, the less likely they are to participate, and the lower their literacy and numeracy skills are likely to be. This is due to a range of barriers, including prohibitively high costs, lack of personal confidence, or lack of availability and access. These papers also show that there are a number of actions local authorities can take to increase access to adult learning, improve quality of provision and increase the extent to which it is delivered and targeted proportionate to need. The full evidence review and a shorter summary briefing are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.
In March 2015, over 80 people, representing food banks, churches, advice services, community organisations, statutory agencies and universities attended the ‘Enough is Enough’ launch event in City Church, Belfast to examine the rising demand for emergency food across the city.The ‘Enough is Enough’ project aims to harness the expertise of health and social care professionals, city councillors, advice workers, food banks, community and faith based organisations and strategic bodies across Belfast to collectively address the issue of food poverty. This scoping study lays the foundation for developing an action plan to tackle food poverty in Belfast in collaboration with the community, voluntary and statutory sectors.The Belfast Food Network (BFN) commissioned the project with funding from the Public Health Agency. The research was carried out by Jenny McCurry, who also wrote the report, on behalf of Advice NI. The project was initiated and developed by Dr Elizabeth Mitchell, Institute of Public Health in Ireland, in her role as convener of the BFN Food Poverty Working Group (BFN/FPWG). Thanks are due to Kevin Higgins, Head of Policy, Advice NI, and Kerry Melville, Co-ordinator, BFN, for their involvement in the project.The BFN is a founding member of the pioneering Sustainable Food Cities Network (SFC). Therapidly growing BFN was established in March 2014 to work with partners to establish a successful Sustainable Food City in Belfast.ACCESS AUDIO AND VIDEO FROM THE EVENT
Craigavon & Banbridge Community HSS Trust's final report on Primary Care Mental Health Services Triage Pilot Scheme. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project.
To investigate the range and utilisation of community based drug prevention services using the Belfast Youth Development Study data, along with in depth interviews and documentary analysis. It is hoped the research will inform local policy.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The aim of this study was to investigate the range of opiates available within the Scottish NHS for patients with opiate dependancy and to assess the process underlying clinical decision-making. Clinicians, representitives of drug action teams and NHS personnel were apporached and semi-structured phone conversations were the primary means to elicit information. Whilst methadone is almost universally prescribed in Scotland, buprenorphine, dihydrocodeine (not currently licensed for opiate dependance management), lofexidine and naltrexone are also used. Alternative therapies are variably used.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This report, the first comprehensive review of mental health policy since 'Planning for the Future' was published in 1984, makes a series of recommendations for the mental health services, including the closure of all psychiatric hospitals and re-investment of the resources into a community-based mental health service.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Drug Misuse Research Division of the Health Research Board operates the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS). The system is used to provide epidemiological information on treated problem drug misuse in Ireland and informs policy makers, researchers and the general public. The NDTRS collates data from participating treatment centres in all Health Board areas, however a gap in information exists in that drug misusers in treatment units within prisons and those treated by General Practitioners are not included. This study aims to determine the feasibility of including these two groups to increase coverage of the NDTRS and outlines preliminary steps for their inclusion.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
An industrial dispute between prison doctors and the Irish Prison Service (IPS) took place in 2004. Part of the resolution of that dispute was that an independent review of prison medical and support services be carried out by a University Department of Primary Care. The review took place in 2008 and we report here on the principal findings of that review. Â This study utilised a mixed methods approach. An independent expert medical evaluator (one of the authors, DT) inspected the medical facilities, equipment and relevant custodial areas in eleven of the fourteen prisons within the IPS. Semistructured interviews took place with personnel who had operational responsibility for delivery of prison medical care. Prison doctors completed a questionnaire to elicit issues such as allocation of clinician's time, nurse and administrative support and resources available. Â There was wide variation in the standard of medical facilities and infrastructure provided across the IPS. The range of medical equipment available was generally below that of the equivalent general practice scheme in the community. There is inequality within the system with regard to the ratio of doctor-contracted time relative to the size of the prison population. There is limited administrative support, with the majority of prisons not having a medical secretary. There are few psychiatric or counselling sessions available. Â People in prison have a wide range of medical care needs and there is evidence to suggest that these needs are being met inconsistently in Irish prisons.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Group makes 12 recommendations for actions covering the two key themes of strategic and organisational responses, and service design and delivery. It calls for: * A joint strategic response at national level to be developed * A joint strategic response at a local level to be developed (responsibility sitting with Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) * Recognition of the importance of investing to save over the long term * A joint operational response at local level to be developed * More flexible approaches in rural and island areas * Service development and commissioning to be based on evidence of good practice * An individual’s priorities to be the starting point for the design and delivery of services and support * Ongoing evaluation of services in this field to be managed through the ADP planning and monitoring processes * Targeted service user participation and involvement to be supported * Training across homelessness, housing, alcohol and drug fields to be supported in statutory and commissioned services * The stigmatisation of these populations to be addressed at a local and national level.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
16,080 Irish children (1.55% of population under 18 yrs.) availing of Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services  7,849 new cases were seen by community CAMHS teams between October 2010 and September 2011,compared with 7,561 in the previous 12 months  45% of referrals are seen within 1 month of referral and 69% within 3 months  Numbers waiting for CAMHS services down by 20%  61 multi-disciplinary Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services teams in place .This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.