997 resultados para Precipitation (Chemistry)


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Todos os sistemas aquáticos estão potencialmente expostos a alterações nos parâmetros da água em consequência de fenómenos ambientais tais como deposição ácida, lixiviação de iões dos solos e alterações climáticas. Dado que os parâmetros químicos da água estão geralmente correlacionados, é pertinente estudar os seus efeitos combinados para o biota aquático. Assim, o principal objetivo desta tese é avaliar a importância ecológica da variação simultânea dos principais parâmetros fisico-químicos da água nos parâmetros de história de vida dos crustáceos tanto na ausência como na presença de metais. Foram estudados os seguintes parâmetros: dureza (0.5 - 3.5 mM), alcalinidade (0.3 - 2.3 mM), pH (5.7 - 9.0) e temperatura (13 - 30ºC). A Daphnia magna foi usada como espécie modelo representando os crustáceos aquáticos. A variação simultânea da dureza e alcalinidade afetou significativamente o crescimento, reprodução e crescimento populacional de Daphnia; no entanto, os efeitos da dureza excederam os efeitos da alcalinidade. Pareceu haver interação entre a dureza e alcalinidade na reprodução dos dafnídeos, o que sugere que os efeitos da variação da dureza para Daphnia e provavelmente outros crustáceos poderão depender do nível de alcalinidade. O pH e dureza da água exerceram efeitos combinados para Daphnia, sendo os efeitos do pH mais pronunciados do que os efeitos da dureza. A diminuição do pH reduziu a sobrevivência, crescimento, reprodução, taxa de ingestão e crescimento populacional dos dafnídeos. No entanto, os efeitos do pH baixo foram mais adversos a baixa dureza, o que sugere uma interação entre estes parâmetros. Assim, a diminuição do pH em lagos de água mole pode ser um estressor determinante para os crustáceos sensíveis à acidez, ameaçando a sua sobrevivência e, consequentemente, afetando a estrutura das cadeias alimentares aquáticas. A temperatura e a química da água (dureza e alcalinidade) interagiram entre si nos parâmetros de história de vida de Daphnia; no entanto, os efeitos da temperatura excederam os efeitos da química da água. De um modo geral, temperaturas extremas reduziram o crescimento, reprodução e, consequentemente, o crescimento populacional de Daphnia. Os efeitos do aumento da temperatura foram mais adversos a baixa dureza e alcalinidade, aumentando a preocupação com os efeitos ecológicos do aquecimento global em águas moles. A dureza e alcalinidade da água também desempenharam um papel importante na toxicidade aguda e subletal (inibição da ingestão) dos metais para Daphnia. A diminuição da dureza aumentou a toxicidade aguda do zinco. Por outro lado, a diminuição da alcalinidade aumentou a toxicidade aguda e subletal do cobre, mas reduziu a toxicidade subletal do zinco, tornando evidente o importante papel da alcalinidade na toxicidade subletal dos metais para Daphnia. Globalmente, os parâmetros fisico-químicos da água parecem interagir entre si, afetando os parâmetros de história de vida e o crescimento populacional de Daphnia e também afetam a toxicidade dos metais. Em particular, a baixa dureza agrava os efeitos adversos da diminuição do pH, aumento da temperatura e toxicidade dos metais, o que aumenta a preocupação com os efeitos ecológicos da sua variação simultânea sobre os crustáceos e, portanto, sobre as cadeias alimentares aquáticas.


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La structuration laser femtoseconde de verres d’oxydes est aujourd’hui un domaine de recherche en pleine expansion. L’interaction laser-matière est de plus en plus utilisée pour sa facilité de mise en œuvre et les nombreuses applications qui découlent de la fabrication des composants photoniques, déjà utilisés dans l’industrie des hautes technologies. En effet, un faisceau d’impulsions ultracourtes focalisé dans un matériau transparent atteint une intensité suffisante pour modifier la matière en trois dimensions sur des échelles micro et nanométriques. Cependant, l’interaction laser-matière à ces régimes d’intensité n’est pas encore complètement maîtrisée, et les matériaux employés ne sont pas entièrement adaptés aux nouvelles applications photoniques. Par ce travail de thèse, nous nous efforçons donc d’apporter des réponses à ces interrogations. Le mémoire est articulé autour de deux grands volets. Le premier aborde la question de l’interaction de surface de verres avec de telles impulsions lumineuses qui mènent à l’auto-organisation périodique de la matière structurée. L’influence du dopage en ions photosensibles et des paramètres d’irradiation est étudiée afin d’appuyer et de conforter le modèle d’incubation pour la formation de nanoréseaux de surface. À travers une approche innovante, nous avons réussi à apporter un contrôle de ces structures nanométriques périodiques pour de futures applications. Le second volet traite de cristallisation localisée en volume induite en grande partie par l’interaction laser-matière. Plusieurs matrices vitreuses, avec différents dopages en sel d’argent, ont été étudiées pour comprendre les mécanismes de précipitation de nanoparticules d’argent. Ce travail démontre le lien entre la physicochimie de la matrice vitreuse et le caractère hors équilibre thermodynamique de l’interaction qui influence les conditions de nucléation et de croissance de ces nano-objets. Tous ces résultats sont confrontés à des modélisations de la réponse optique du plasmon de surface des nanoparticules métalliques. Les nombreuses perspectives de ce travail ouvrent sur de nouvelles approches quant à la caractérisation, aux applications et à la compréhension de l’interaction laser femtoseconde pour l’inscription directe de briques photoniques dans des matrices vitreuses.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016


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Fabricating Ge and Si integrated structures with nanoscale accuracy is a challenging pursuit essential for novel advances in electronics and photonics. While several scanning probe-based techniques have been proposed, no current technique offers control of nanostructure size, shape, placement, and chemical composition. To this end, atomic force microscope direct write uses a high electric field (> 109 V m-1) to create nanoscale features as fast as 1 cm s-1 by reacting a liquid precursor with a biased AFM tip. In this work, I present the first results on fabricating inorganic nanostructures via AFM direct write. Using diphenylgermane (DPG) and diphenylsilane (DPS), carbon-free germanium and silicon nanostructures (SIMS, x-ray PEEM) are fabricated. For this chemistry, I propose a model that involves electron capture and precursor fragmentation under the high electric field. To verify this model, experimental data and simulations are presented. High field chemistry for DPG and DPS has also been demonstrated for both sequential deposition and the creation of nanoscale heterostuctures, in addition to microscale deposition using a flexible stamp approach. This high field chemistry approach to the deposition of organometallic precursors could offer a low-cost, high throughput alternative for future optical, electronic, and photovoltaic applications.


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Today more than 99% of plastics are petroleum-based because of availability and cost of the raw material. The durability of these disposed plastics contributes to the environmental problems as waste and their persistence in the environment causes deleterious effects on the ecosystem. Environmental pollution awareness and the demand for green technology have drawn considerable attention of both academia and industry into biodegradable polymers. In this regard green chemistry technology has the potential to provide solution to this problematic issue. Laccase bio-grafting has recently been the focus of green chemistry technologies due to the growing environmental concerns, legal restrictions and increasing availability of scientific knowledge. In the last several years, research covering various applications of laccases has been increased rapidly particularly in the field of grafting. In principle, laccase-assisted graft co-polymerization may impart a variety of new functionalities to a polymer. The modified polymers through grafting have a bright future and their development is practically boundless. In present work, novel biodegradable graft copolymers combining the advantages of bacterial cellulose backbone and PHB side chains will be prepared by introducing enzymatic grafting technique. The present research will be a first step in the biopolymer modification. To date no report has been found in literature explaining the enzymatic grafting of PHAs. The technique would also provide an efficient modulation approach to improve the biodegradability and biocompatibility of the graft copolymer. The newly grafted copolymers will exhibit unique functionalities with wider range of potential applications mainly in tissue engineering, biosensors, pharmaceutical industry (drug delivery systems) and bio-plastics.


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During the last decade Mongolia’s region was characterized by a rapid increase of both severity and frequency of drought events, leading to pasture reduction. Drought monitoring and assessment plays an important role in the region’s early warning systems as a way to mitigate the negative impacts in social, economic and environmental sectors. Nowadays it is possible to access information related to the hydrologic cycle through remote sensing, which provides a continuous monitoring of variables over very large areas where the weather stations are sparse. The present thesis aimed to explore the possibility of using NDVI as a potential drought indicator by studying anomaly patterns and correlations with other two climate variables, LST and precipitation. The study covered the growing season (March to September) of a fifteen year period, between 2000 and 2014, for Bayankhongor province in southwest Mongolia. The datasets used were MODIS NDVI, LST and TRMM Precipitation, which processing and analysis was supported by QGIS software and Python programming language. Monthly anomaly correlations between NDVI-LST and NDVI-Precipitation were generated as well as temporal correlations for the growing season for known drought years (2001, 2002 and 2009). The results show that the three variables follow a seasonal pattern expected for a northern hemisphere region, with occurrence of the rainy season in the summer months. The values of both NDVI and precipitation are remarkably low while LST values are high, which is explained by the region’s climate and ecosystems. The NDVI average, generally, reached higher values with high precipitation values and low LST values. The year of 2001 was the driest year of the time-series, while 2003 was the wet year with healthier vegetation. Monthly correlations registered weak results with low significance, with exception of NDVI-LST and NDVI-Precipitation correlations for June, July and August of 2002. The temporal correlations for the growing season also revealed weak results. The overall relationship between the variables anomalies showed weak correlation results with low significance, which suggests that an accurate answer for predicting drought using the relation between NDVI, LST and Precipitation cannot be given. Additional research should take place in order to achieve more conclusive results. However the NDVI anomaly images show that NDVI is a suitable drought index for Bayankhongor province.


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Environmental research in earth sciences is focused on the geosphere, i.e. (1) waters and sediments of rivers, lakes and oceans, and (2) soils and underlying shallow rock formations,both water-unsaturated and -saturated. The subsurface is studied down to greater depths at sites where waste repositories or tunnels are planned and mining activities exist. In recent years, earth scientists have become more and more involved in pollution problems related to their classical field of interest, e.g. groundwater, ore deposits, or petroleum and non-metal natural deposits (gravel, clay, cement precursors). Major pollutants include chemical substances, radioactive isotopes and microorganisms. Mechanisms which govern the transport of pollutants are of physical, chemical (dissolution, precipitation, adsorption), or microbiological (transformation) nature. Land-use planning must reflect a sustainable development and sound scientific criteria. Today's environmental pollution requires working teams with an interdisciplinary background in earth sciences, hydrology, chemistry, biology, physics as well as engineering. This symposium brought together for the first time in Switzerland earth and soil scientists, physicists and chemists, to present and discuss environmental issues concerning the geosphere.


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Identifying adaptive genetic variation is a challenging task, in particular in non-model species for which genomic information is still limited or absent. Here, we studied distribution patterns of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) in response to environmental variation, in 13 alpine plant species consistently sampled across the entire European Alps. Multiple linear regressions were performed between AFLP allele frequencies per site as dependent variables and two categories of independent variables, namely Moran's eigenvector map MEM variables (to account for spatial and unaccounted environmental variation, and historical demographic processes) and environmental variables. These associations allowed the identification of 153 loci of ecological relevance. Univariate regressions between allele frequency and each environmental factor further showed that loci of ecological relevance were mainly correlated with MEM variables. We found that precipitation and temperature were the best environmental predictors, whereas topographic factors were rarely involved in environmental associations. Climatic factors, subject to rapid variation as a result of the current global warming, are known to strongly influence the fate of alpine plants. Our study shows, for the first time for a large number of species, that the same environmental variables are drivers of plant adaptation at the scale of a whole biome, here the European Alps.


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Microwave digestions of mercury in Standards Reference Material (SRM) coal samples with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide in quartz vessels were compared with Teflon® vessel digestion by using flow injection cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Teflon® vessels gave poor reproducibiUty and tended to deliver high values, while the digestion results from quartz vessel show good agreement with certificate values and better standard deviations. Trace level elements (Ag, Ba, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Pb, Sn, Ti, V and Zn) in used oil and residual oil samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Different microwave digestion programs were developed for each sample and most of the results are in good agreement with certified values. The disagreement with values for Ag was due to the precipitation of Ag in sample; while Sn, V and Zn values had good recoveries from the spike test, which suggests that these certified values might need to be reconsidered. Gold, silver, copper, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and zinc were determined by continuous hydride generation inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. The performance of two sample introduction systems: MSIS™ and gas-liquid separator were compared. Under the respective optimum conditions, MSIS^"^ showed better sensitivity and lower detection limits for Ag, Cd, Cu, Co and similar values for Au, Ni and Zn to those for the gas-liquid separator.


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Although it is generally accepted that Rydberg orbitals are very large and diffuse, and that electron promotion to a Rydberg orbital is not too different from ionization of the molecule, analysis of the two types of transitions proves otherwise. The photoelectron spectrum of the 2B2 (n) ion has very little vibrational structure attached to the origin band; on the other hand, several of the Rydberg transitions which involve the promotion of the n(bZ) electron exhibit a great deal of vibrational activity. In particular, the members of the n=3 Rydberg\ series interact with and perturb each other through pseudo-Jahn-Teller vibronic coupling. The vacuum ultraviolet spectrum contains a number of features which are difficult to explain, and two unusually sharp bands can only be identified as representing some form of electron promotion in formaldehyde.


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The thermal decomposition of 2,3-di~ethy l - J-hydr operox y- 1 - butene , p r epared f rol") singl e t oxygen, has been studied i n three solvents over the tempe r a ture r ange from 1500e to l o00e and t!1e i 111 t ial ~oncentrfttl nn r Ange from O. 01 M to 0.2 M. Analys i s of the kine tic data ind ica te s i nduced homolysis as the n ost probRble mode of d e composition, g iving rise to a 3/2 f S order dependence upon hy d.roperoxide concent :r8.tl on . Experimental activation e nergies for the decomposition were f ound to be between 29.5 kcsl./raole and 30.0 k cal./mole .• \,iith log A factors between 11 . 3 and 12.3. Product studies were conducted in R variety of solvents a s well as in the pr esence of a variety of free r adical initiators . Investigation of the kinetic ch a in length indicated a chain length of about fifty. A degenerat i ve chain branching mechanism 1s proposed which predicts the multi t ude of products which Rre observed e xperimentally as well as giving activation energies and log A factors si~il a r to those found experimentally .


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A comprehensive elemental, isotopic and microstructural analyses was undertaken of brachiopod calcites from the Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian), Clinton Group (Middle Silurian) and Middle to Upper Ordovician strata of Ontario and New York State. The majority of specimens were microstructurally and chemically preserved in a pristine state, although a number of specimens show some degree of post-depositional alteration. Brachiopod calcites from the Hamilton and Clinton Groups were altered by marine derived waters whereas Trenton Group (Middle Ordovician) brachiopods altered in meteorically derived fluids. Analysis of the elemental and isotopic compositions of pristine Hamilton Group brachiopods indicates there are several chemical relationships inherent to brachiopod calcite. Taxonomic differentiation of Mg, Sr and Na contents was evident in three co-occuring species from the Hamilton Group. Mean Mg contents of pristine brachiopods were respectively Athyris spiriferoides (1309ppm), Mucrospirifer mucronatus (1035ppm) and Mediospirifer audacula (789ppm). Similarly, taxonomic differentiation of shell calcite compositions was observed in co-occuring brachiopods from the Clinton Group (Middle Silurian) and the Trenton Group (Middle Ordovician). The taxonomic control of elemental regulation into shell calcite is probably related to the slightly different physiological systems and secretory mechanisms. A relationship was observed in Hamilton Group species between the depth of respective brachiopod communities and their Mg, Sr and Na contents. These elements were depleted in the shell calcites of deeper brachiopods compared to their counterparts in shallower reaches. Apparently shell calcite elemental composition is related to environmental conditions of the depositional setting, which may have controlled the secretory regime, mineral morphology of shell calcite and precipitation rates of each species. Despite the change in Mg, Sr and Na contents between beds and formations in response to environmental conditions, the taxonomic differentiation of shell calcite composition is maintained. Thus, it may be possible to predict relative depth changes in paleoenvironmental reconstructions using brachiopod calcite. This relationship of brachiopod chemistry to depth was also tested within a transgressiveregressive (T-R) cycle in the Rochester Shale Formation (Middle Silurian). Decreasing Mg, Sr and Na contents were observed in the transition from the shallow carbonates of the Irondequoit Formation to the deeper shales of the lowest 2 m of Rochester Shale. However, no isotopic and elemental trends were observed within the entire T-R cycle which suggests that either the water conditions did not change significantly or that the cycle is illusory. A similar relationship was observed between the Fe and Mn chemistries of shell calcite and redox/paleo-oxygen conditions. Hamilton Group brachiopods analysed from deeper areas of the shelf are enriched in Mn and Fe relative to those from shallow zones. The presence of black shales and dysaerobic faunas, during deposition of the Hamilton Group, suggests that the waters of the northern Appalachian Basin were stratified. The deeper brachiopods were marginally positioned above an oxycline and their shell calcites reflect periodic incursions of oxygen depleted water. Furthermore, analysis of Dalmanella from the black shales of the Collingwood Shale (Upper Ordovician) in comparison to those from the carbonates of the Verulam Formation (Middle Ordovician) confirm the relationship of Fe and Mn contents to periodic but not permanent incursions of low oxygen waters. The isotopic compositions of brachiopod calcite found in Hamilton Group (813C; +2.5% 0 to +5.5% 0; 8180 -2.50/00 to -4.00/00) and Clinton Group (813C; +4.00/00 to +6.0; 8180; -1.8% 0 to -3.60/ 00) are heavier than previously reported. Uncorrected paleotemperatures (assuming normal salinity, 0% 0 SMOW and no fractionation effects) derived from these isotopic values suggest that the Clinton sea temperature (Middle Silurian) ranged from 18°C to 28°C and Hamilton seas (Middle Devonian) ranged between 24°C and 29°C. In addition, the isotopic variation of brachiopod shell calcite is significant and is related to environmental conditions. Within a single time-correlative shell bed (the Demissa Bed; Hamilton Group) a positive isotopic shift of 2-2.5% 0 in 013C compositions and a positive shift of 1.0-1.50/00 in 0180 composition of shell calcite is observed, corresponding with a deepening of brachiopod habitats toward the axis of the Appalachian Basin. Moroever, a faunal succession from deeper Ambocoelia dominated brachiopod association to a shallow Tropidoleptus dominated assocation is reflected by isotopic shifts of 1.0-1.50/00. Although, other studies have emphasized the significance of ±20/oo shifts in brachiopod isotopic compositions, the recognition of isotopic variability in brachiopod calcite within single beds and within depositional settings such as the Appalachian Basin has important implications for the interpretation of secular isotopic trends. A significant proportion of the variation observed isotopic distribution during the Paleozoic is related to environmental conditions within the depositional setting.